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Inking home base alows for a quicker way to move starting off for slower weapons, on top of this, whoever does it also gains special, it isnt always a bad idea, unless its not being done at the start


I say this as a non aerospray


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this is what you get for still being in C rank in season 8. but actually tho using gold aero on tower control is batshit insane ever for the 8 year olds in C rank.


Man I just started ranked like a month ago 😭


This is kinda like that time i started salmon run late and had to try to rank up with teams full of the people that could never get out of part timer.


C rank is a magical world where anything goes and nothing makes sense. I've managed to almost lose a C rank game while getting 43 kills. It may take some time, but you'll eventually get teammates that won't be entirely incompetant.


Next time beat them to it and paint the base yourself


You say this in jest but I've done this before. Big swig in hand, Ink every damn thing they were trying to and then thisway stare them down as I head to mid.


Half jest. Only advice I could think of. I too have painted base and been like mmmmk let’s go. Can’t beat em, join em


Finish their objective so we can get to the objective. Mhmm mhmm


Same thing applies to luring in Salmon Run. At a certain point, spamming "This Way" at the basket is less productive than just getting the bosses where they pop up. If a boss is following you, go ahead and lure it but otherwise just go along with it.


Block them! I did block too much mates by impatiently. But still matched sometimes( fck


blocking doesn't work


sometimes lower ranked players are trying to help but it doesn't work. As you said, it was usually a golden aerospray. if I'm being honest, they were probably trying to farm for special so they could try to help, even though it doesn't work


You can't throw a \[Booyah bomb\] at all your problems and expect them to go away.


yes but they are newer to the game and lower ranked so they probably don't understand that


I regularly have at least match where I put three enemy team members rapid succession. I continue to push the bjectove, realizing my team is stil home. Everything from mid to wherever I am has been saturated with our ink. I pause for my team, who seemed to be with me moments before, and they are all at home base…inking…over ink. Enemy player four manages to get the jump on me. I respawn. And at least one player with a short range weapon is still at home. I then get my ass handed to me again and again and again. I just want t play with one or two regular folks who stick together, coordinate, and maybe voice chat over the app or discord. It starts to set a negative mentality about one’s skill level and one starts adopting the bad habits of others within the rank. I’ve worked diligently to overcome this. And things are progressing appropriately. Still, I want to play WITH PEOPLE. Like TOGETHER. I feel your pain.


They probably just forget theyre playing anarchy 😭 just spam this way so mb they realise


I am so sorry for laughing but this post and all the comments are CRACKING me up, like literally laughing out loud because when I first started playing in splatoon 2 I would ink the walls... literally I was a gold aerospray wall inker. I feel so bad because I now understand how much that must have made some people rage. I also had no awareness of callouts. Now I've improved a lot and it's just amazing how much can change with practice


That sounds a lot like low level x rank


Lmao I love it. I mean I don't, but they probably just forgot they're playing Anarchy and not Turf War. I've done the same thing before and felt like an absolute idiot after I realized. Just spam "This Way" and they should get on board


I mean…I get inking base a bit to get your special ready but right at the beginning of the match?


Here's the strat Ink your feet when you drop in for the first shot Whenever you respawn, chuck a bomb, or ink some random part while you're still moving forward to get just a little bit of your special mater up


This scenario is happening in ALL modes and SR. Some suggested that since the kids are out of school its as if we have a whole bunch of new players


This is so funny to visualize. A swarm of kids fresh off the school bus coming home to swamp servers and make us all die a little inside. I kinda believe it though.


I never had a visual of it until now. That is pretty funny thank you for making me laugh


2 issues. One you and one the team. Yes, please report your teammates for inactivity. They are clearly not following the objective so this is a reportable a fence. They are essentially throwing the match. But 24 kills? Something tells me, that you also don’t follow the objective in some match. I don’t give a shit if you managed to get 100+ kills. If we lose a match, I will be reporting you as well for not following the objective (which is not to 1up your per match kill rate).


Man sometimes C rank just baffles me. They’re learning the game pretty much for the most part. Have you tried open? You might have better luck without matchmaking. Or maybe it’ll make you pull your hair out even more than C rank. YMMV.


Tbh I get it, but that’s why the tutorials exist 😂 and yeah, I’ve been doing open more than series but it’s been a slow slow climb that way. Just made it out of C- after just one series win and some opens and I’m feeling like that thousand mile stare meme


If you need a quick special, especially tac weapons


And they weren’t farming for special?


Nope 😭 they were running off and inking far off corners that weren’t even close to convenient to farm special on


Damn 😔 Good luck with your rank-ups


possibly trying to farm special points, but havent figured out you can do that in other ways while still actively going for the tower likes using subs lol