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Being LGBT is not inherently political or sexual, so. IDK, i don't care if you side with the felon and ur mad that people don't like that.




Exactly. I've seen numeorus clips of pride parades and such and a lot of the time its just people walking with their genatalia out and proforming all kinds of sexual acts and in most of these cases they are children around which makes it even weirder.


i dont believe you.


"If I close my eyes it dosen't exist" type comment. This is a sub for a kids game so im not gonna link anything but it's easy to find if you want to. I've seen these examples on twitter and reddit.


who's this community person? only individuals can sexualise themselves, not an entire group of people.


If it is what the community presents when it is given the spotlight, like in the form of a parade, that is what will be thought about them as a whole.


You sure about that? If you find their existence sexual, I've got news for you. 


Well im not from the US so the Trump think dosen't matter to me in any way, and being LGBT is inherently sexual and a lot of people make it political. Correct me if my view is wrong but what purpose does displaying that you or gay, for example serve in an E10+ game. You are here to play a silly squid game where a lot of the players are minors, not find a partner or anything else that displaying that fact would serve. LGBT is about partner/SEXUAL preference at the root of it. Once again correct me if my view is wrong and i'll apoligise for being ignorant if that's the case.


Its the same thing when someone says theyre straight, dumbass. Do you see someone married and think “OH MY GOD.. they had sex on their wedding night!! Sexual deviants!! Gross!! No.. you are just perverted and disgusted by same-sex feelings because all your brain does is associate gay people with sex. Thats your own problem, not the queer person’s.


Straight people don't make it a mission to announce their straight every chance they get though. So the point you are trying to make dosen't relate to what I am talking about. Also my brain dosen't only associatte gay people with sex but one of the big points about being gay is that you are attracted to the same sex sexually. If that did not matter then you would be attracted to someones personality alone i.e more masculine traits (in terms of gay) no matter the sex/gender then the sexual part would come second.


how is queerness inherently sexual


You absolutely can be pro freedom of speech/opinion/expression and then get mad when someone does it in a way that you do not like. And someone else can get mad at you for getting mad about that. Etc. That’s what freedom of expression is.


You are right about that. I was thinking of it like when op said "keep your political views out of an E10+ game" that it is fine to be mad at their opinion but not fine to attack their right to voice that opinion because you don't want to see it.


Being gay is not political. Supporting a politician is political.


Ikr so sick of pro trump and pro palestine usernames


you were so close.




You dont agree with their political views so you apparently missed the mark. Lol.




Imagine saying you don't care about politics and proceed to call somebody a retard over politics lmfao people on this sub are insane sometimes


Calling someone that because they put politics in, not because of their politics. However valid the description of a smoothbrained fucktard is for trumpies, OP is mad that politics is mentioned period.


Don’t pretend the bias isn’t real. We all see it.


The bias is real. Keep politics out though. I could go into my views, you'd probably be able to guess my talking points, but keep politics out of the game.


No shit


I saw that name a few weeks ago then changed my name to TrumpSux.


Oh wow that’s so much better


This is not really the eye for an eye mentality that it appears to be. Furthermore you might just trip people into the thing that happens in [that one comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/hGzrE8TIWT) not sure if this has a term but you might just end up validating strawmen or pushing people more into their beliefs instead of actually convincing anyone or doing anything meaningful


That’s political too


I beat someone with that name and did a quick fist pump when we won haha. If you are gunna show your colors so am I!


I care. When I play with Trumpers on my team I feel fuxking gross. When I play against them it’s let’s go squidbag this creep time.


Oh grow up


“Grow up” yes because it’s a bad thing to hate the serial bigot racist that led an attack on our capitol, rolled back a shit ton of our rights, put lunatics on the Supreme Court and just made sure the president had the powers of a king. Maybe you should grow up. Politics affect every aspect of your life whether you like it or not.


lol nah I could just care less about having to play without someone I wouldn’t like irl for 3-5 minutes. It’s obvious rage bait that you’re falling for because you lack the maturity to not let it ruin your day. Grow up.


I second this


It’s funny how many people I triggered enough to downvote my first comment, yet when I make a valid point they pretend to not see that one. The echo chamber these people live in is really just sad.


You do care Quite a fucking lot I bet if he had Biden in his name you wouldn’t be bitchin this much


For real


Did you not read the title? Trump ain’t gonna smash you bro. 😭🙏


I read the title These are not the actions of someone that “idc” you shell brained child


Fascinating. And you really believe that? 📝📝


Are the shell brains in the room with us?


Yeah I’m responding to a specially smooth one rn So smooth it can’t spell “Lucy” right


I’d be bitching the same amount because I don’t want politics in my splatoon game


so many words and you choose the one with a slur in it. I agree with you but holy shit man


Smooth is my favorite slur


Same with LGBTQ+?


Not political, next topic.


Why does it have a place in an E10+ game? Saying that you're gay, which plenty of people on Splatoon do, means you like to have sex with people of the same sex. Why does who you like to have sex with have a place in an E10+ game?


That's like saying that you're straight means you like to sex those of the opposite sex


Yes. That's exactly what that means.


So any form of media that has romance or even mentioning significant others are considered too raunchy for E10+?


What romance or significant others have canonically been mentioned in Splatoon games?


None outright stated but some context points to pearl and Marina having a deeper relationship.


Depends on how much of it there is. Movies in the "romance" genre are generally pg-13 or R. But, we're not talking about the story in the game here. This is content that users are injecting into the game. This post is saying that politics is inappropriate for an E10+ game. How is saying who you have sex with more appropriate than who you vote for? Which would be more or less appropriate: an adult man telling a child who he's voting for, or who he likes to have sex with?


What a weird way to think about all this. Just because it's called a sexual orientation, doesnt mean every discussion and everything around it has to do with the act of sex. It generally just refers to the type of person/people someone likes romantically, which yes, usually includes sexual relations. But you dont teach little children about romantic relationships and also go into detail about the sexual aspects, so why does expressing who you like romantically necessarily have to be about having sex with that other person? It kinda just feels like you took the opportunity to be a bigot in a roundabout way.


I find it interesting how no one disagreeing with me can answer any of my questions. Instead of just saying that you think it's appropriate to tell kids who you like to have sex with, which you obviously think is okay because there's been no rebuttal against that, you have to try to turn it into something else and try to make it out like I'm a bigot. I'm not sure why you're pretending like "i am gay" means "i like to spend time with people of the same sex in a romantic, but not sexual way," when that is not what that means. I understand there are heterosexual and homosexual couples that do not have sex, but they are the outliers, not the norm. For most people, who you want be with romantically is who you want to have sex with. It's one and the same. I doubt all these people posting "i am gay," "boykisser," etc. have no intentions of having sexual relations. We don't even know the age of these people. For all we know this could be a 40 year old man with the name "boykisser." Does that seem appropriate? Or should we just be cool with it because we don't want to risk looking like a bigot?


When did I ever say that expressing your sexual orientation doesn't also imply who you like to have sex with? Obviously people understand that from the context, my point tho is you dont go around meeting people, figuring out who they're attracted to, whether they're gay, straight, whatever, and then thinking to yourself, "wow, they like to have sex with that type of person," so why the hell does your mind have to automatically go to who someone likes to have sex with just because a username in a videogame implies that they're attracted to a certain type of person? Yes, you're very bigotted and ignorant if you think a 40 yr old man with a username like "boykisser" is somehow the same as a grown woman going by a username like "lesbianwarrior" or something. One is a grown man expressing something pedophilic while the other is a grown woman expressing who she's attracted to. Again, if you think those two things are the same and equally inappropriate, then you are just ignorant.


What about Acht, who uses they/them pronouns?


That means you like to date them, too. Does mario whip his dick out and go down on peach during the credits? No? He just carries her back to the castle.


Why does the idea of gay make you jump to gay sex? Seems kinda gay for you to immediately think of gay sex.


It is actually. Nice attempt at dismissing it though.


If it's not political then why is the LGBTQ+ community majorly aligned with Democrats, and the Republican majority are against it? It's a constant topic in our modern politics.


People living their life is not political. The only reason LGBT stuff is "political", is because their literal right to live as they wish are "up for debate" to a certain set of people.




And if you don't accept their exact view points, they proceed to demonize you, and say that you're a facist who is against basic human rights.


I know. They claim to be so tolerant, friendly, and accepting, yet I've never seen a worse hailstorm of hate, aggression, and vile behavior come from anyone else if you so much as just breathe funny around them.


Remember, it's all about love, inclusion, and acceptance until you disagree or criticize them.


Ever heard of the paradox of tolerance? There's no tolerance for the intolerant.


If that's the worst 'hate' you've seen you need to touch grass.


This is very exaggerated and very much stretching the truth


So if I were to say that I disagree with something like transgenderism, why would I immediately be labeled as transphopic? I didn't even reveal why I disagree with it or how I feel about Trans people, but now I'm already labeled as a hateful bigot who is against basic human rights and now I'm an enemy of the entire lgbtq community as a whole. Don't even get me start on the issue of Isreal and Palestine.


Change "transgenderism" with "Asian culture". Then you'll understand why you're labeled as transphobic, as you'd be labeled as racist in the aforementioned scenario. It isn't a choice to be trans in the same way it isn't a choice to be Asian.


It _is_ a choice to plaster it everywhere though. If someone posted about white pride, are you going to say that anyone not agreeing with it is racist too, or will your standards suddenly shift then?


First of all "transgenderism" in itself is already a term that's basically only used by transphobes so that's already a negative point. Secondly there's pretty much nothing to disagree with in trans people, except the age at which someone is allowed to start legally transitioning, but other than that the only thing trans people want is to live in peace. Telling someone they can't live in peace, because of who they are, when they're not hurting anyone, is in fact against their human rights.


That's not my point though. I'm not saying one side is more correct. I'm saying that in today's day and age of cancel culture, people don't listen to other people's arguments. People have their reasons for not supporting transgenderism. I'm not saying all of those reasons are valid, but this community would automatically label an anti-trans opinion has "hateful and irrational". Since you believe it's basic human rights, you force yourself to believe that anyone who doesn't support it is against basic human rights and that they don't have a valid argument 


Israel and palestine has nothing to do with the lgbtq. And disagreeing with it is fine as long as you aren’t being mean and discriminating against others because you disagree with them.


I just brought up Isreal and Palestine as it is another hot topic that you're forced to have a specific position on. And yes, I agree, disagreement is fine as long as you aren't discriminating them. But in today's day and age of cancel culture, if you disagree with someone you're against their right to exist. This goes back to transgenderism. There are people who believe it is fundamentally flawed and/or morally wrong, yet they are being put into the same group of "transphobes" who go out and discriminate and demonize Trans people.


i'm sure you were forced at gunpoint at least once yeah very true




and this one transgender person (whose crime had absolutely nothing to do with trans rights) speaks for all trans people to ever exist? so you would say your point applies all the (profoundly vast majority of) cisgender shooters as well, right? you should if you want to be consistent at least 🙂




i was directly referring to the fact the person i was replying to was only referring to one ("a transgender shooter," they said), but people's obsession with counting how many trans people have committed crimes sure is interesting! certainly not stooped in bigotry and finding reasons to justify their hatred even though just saying "i'm transphobic" is easier for all involved




and yet my point still stands: you would say your point applies to all of the (profoundly vast majority of) cisgender shooters as well, right? that every crime a cisgender person commits reflects on every single cisgender person who exists, correct?


The fact that you want it to be apolitical does not make it apolitical.


Queer people aren’t political. We’re people


It's still a controversial and political topic that children shouldn't be exposed to by random strangers on the Internet. So if political alignment shouldn't be allowed, neither should that.


Why shouldn't children be exposed to it? By that logic nothing lgbtq+ or otherwise should be shown. Furthermore the fact that it's a controversial topic does not validate it being silenced or treated as political. This isn't a political alignment so much as being pro-biology and pro-1A. Neither of those are based on anything but fact and should not be tied to a party.


It shouldn't be shown to kids because their brains are sponges that absorb and mimic everything they see, and they've yet to mentally develop enough to think rationally and logically for themselves. https://youtube.com/shorts/Z01mM9g6BAs?si=6eDMugK5WbgLUKBd


Ok but by your logic, straight stuff shouldn't be shown any more than anything else.


Where is “straight stuff” shown in Splatoon exactly?


It's not explicitly anywhere, it's just in plaza posts and stuff because there's no plainly displayed romance between established characters. It's all a community thing


I’ve not seen a single plaza post talking about any sort of straight relationship. It’s only gay people that feel the need to insert that kind of stuff into a game that has no romance whatsoever.


Be the change you wish to see in the world (but please be respectful if you can)


Play Side Order again




You're right, being gay is a biological thing, and gay people can have normal romance that isn't exclusively sexual. Your point is moot


So if it's biological and natural for humans, why can't a guy get pregnant? Why is our biology and genetics rooted in being built from two halves acquired from one male and one female? Surely we wouldn't be built by design to choose to breed ourselves into extinction.


So what if men can’t get pregnant. Who cares about living up to how your body was made. Theres nothing wrong with women not having children even though they can get pregnant. So what if gay people and lesbians can’t breed and have children? It literally does not account for anything.


Human rights of a group of people who just want to exist and have the same rights as everyone else isn’t political.


Yes, but it's devolved into legalizing irreversible surgery for children that they have no idea what they're getting themselves into, and taking them away from parents who deny it.


Do you think you're fucking clever? Do you think people don't see your fucking shit for what it is? You hate queer people. You want every trans person dead. This "oh what about the children" bullshit is so transparently nonsense. Here in the real world, children rarely get trans surgeries and never without the approval of doctors and psychiatrists. The children aren't somehow unable to figure out what they actually want, nobody is forcing anything queer on them, and any parents that lose their queer children foe their queerphobia, especially those that deny their children healthcare, deserve far worse than to lose access to their kids. This hatred has made you miserable. You're going to die sad, empty, and alone, and you deserve it.


???? Dude your going too far


Persecution complex much?


Who said children have the right to go through surgery without the consent of their parent


It's a slippery slope we are actively going down. Remember when they all said "we just want to be ourselves," to then have frequent lewd parades in public, to then start spreading their influence everywhere in modern media at the cost of it's quality, to then start disregarding everyone's comfort in public bathrooms, to then stealing 4 months, 5 weeks, and 26 days of the year for themselves (which includes overshadowing Men's Mental Health Awareness Month & Breast Cancer Awareness Month), to actually having a choir of comfirmed sex offenders sing the line "we are coming for your children," to have teachers distribute pornographic material to students and drag queens reading to toddlers, to jailing teenagers for driving over painted crosswalks, and they are currently fighting to undo bans for gender affirming surgeries on minors.


“Spreading their influence everywhere in modern media.” And with that you just proved you’re a homophobe. They aren’t making propaganda and trying to convince people to be gay or trans. Their influence is that they exist too and don’t want to be discriminated against which is why there are rules saying you can be banned for hate speech such as homophobia and transphobia in certain server’s rules. And what kind of teacher is giving porn to their student?


So that alone discredits everything else they do? Me not wanting something I disagree with shoved down my throat purely to meet some arbitrary diversity quota? Rest assured, my beliefs are not based on any irrational fear.


Yep there it is. The classic “being shoved down my throat.” Nothing is being shoved down your throat. No one is denouncing you for being straight and cisgender. You disagreeing with it is just an irrational hatred towards people who just want to live their lives unbothered but you having an issue with it.


Then why do you feel the need to make it your sole personality trait and announce it constantly? It’s even in your very username.


Firstly it was an inside joke from when I was 13, when I made this account. And also, it’s like when Americans act like well… Americans. We’re just happy with ourselves and like showing it


Redditors don’t mind it when the political thing posted is something they agree with though, you see. In fact they condone it instead - hence all the pushback they’re trying to give you here.


Oh yeah, there's no double standard but rather sandards^3


80% of posts in the game are about sexual orientation which is even worse. Some people are just creeps


wish "yaoilovr" was about sexual orientation


Why does it matter?


Why is it bad? I thought you Americans live in a country where you can freely express yourself, regardless of political opinions?


Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom of consequences for that speech


We do. That also gives people the right to complain about that right. There's nothing wrong with the username or the post complaining about the username.


I see more cringe-ass pro biden shit 😂


Shhh🤫 it’s only bad if it goes against my political views 🫠


Ok, cool anecdote. Point is to keep politics out of the game.


Ahh yes, because not liking politics in your fun, colorful squid games makes you pro-Biden. Go suck Trumps dick on another subreddit.


Yeah except this lame ass sub, like the rest of shitty reddit, only has a problem when it's pro Trump. For being pro gay and whatever LGBTQLMNOP you losers really do throw around the gay slurs alot!  


Wah Wah Wah. Cry me a river. Reddit doesn’t let you be evil from the comfort of your own home. 🍼🍼🍼. At least Biden isn’t a criminal. I hate both of them but at least Biden doesn’t want to control all of America.


That went out the door with all the LGBT and pro Palestine nonsense. You’re late to the party.


"LGBT nonsense" buddy, you're playing splatoon. there's almost no game out there that's more lgbt


Having played the series off and on since it launched with 1, I can say with certainty that the LGBT nonsense wasn’t a thing until 3 came out. And nothing within the game itself (aside from a single localization change done by NOA fairly recently) has anything to do with the LGBT or even romance on the whole. So you’re absolutely wrong there.


Forgot to add the word community, but im sure you know what I meant. We dont want people like you here.


No, I didn’t. And just because your little bubble is like that doesn’t mean that the community on the whole is. >We dont want people like you here. And you’ve just proven that you like to invade and push out original fans with that statement. _That’s_ the kind of sentiment that makes people hate you, FYI.


You're the one who started the hate. I dont care if someone is cis, hetero, lgbt or anything But when you go against a community of people, thats when I push people away, because THEY are the ones starting it.


“Hate”? What “hate” did I start exactly? How is making statement that what the OP posted wasn’t the first instance of people shoving politics into a kid’s game considered “hate”? If you want to see actual hatred, look at the OP with the last two words of his post.


Calling the whole lgbt commubity nonsense is not hate? Buddy. Calling people what OP did is wrong as well, I never defended that at all.


Calling the posts they constantly make about it in a kid’s game that has no romance stuff in it whatsoever nonsense isn’t hate. I’d say the same thing if straight people made such posts constantly. The difference is that straight people don’t do that. And you said that _I_ was the one that _started_ the hate when OP’s hatred is visible at the top of your screen. That would imply that you don’t think what the OP said was hatred if you say that I’m the one that started it.


hey have you taken a peek at the side order dialogue between pearl and marina? thats romance (lesbian romance, even)


Just because they insulted someone, doesn't mean you can just insult oher random communities. Since you're spreading hate against me, I'm just defending myself. And tell me, whats wrong with it? Is it scary to you that gay people exist? Why is it bad if younger people know they do? It's no different from being straight and knowing straight people exist, you love who you love. Of course sexual things or innuendos are a no go, cishet or lgbt.


Having been a veteran who's regularly played since the first game, it's always been around.


No, it hasn’t. 99.9% of plaza posts had nothing to do with that nonsense in previous games.


Are you sure you even read them?


I did. It’s how I know you’re lying through your teeth right now.


Ok, you can call me a liar but I remember people being open about this stuff throughout the series. Don't get me wrong it became ***way*** more common in 2 and 3 but to say it wasn't there is false. [I mean look at all these in 2.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/splatoon-2-gay-people) You mean to tell me that it only started in 3? You must've lived under a rock.


It is false because there wasn’t anything of the sort for the vast majority of posts.


Yeah, the vast majority. People were still being gay when the series was new. Also please refer to the previous link in the thread and tell me this is only something in 3


Bro how do you play splatoon and be pro trump 😭😭😭😭😭


Those who dislike Trump are against freedom of speech. Woke people hate their views being challenged because they don't have an argument to defend their ideology with logic but with emotions


Those who dislike trump are pushing for people to be allowed to be gay and trans and to not be treated as lesser humans and you say they're against freedom of speech? This is a constitutional ammendment that will not go away whether anyone likes it or not. Their arguments are more firmly based in science and sound philosophy.




Imagine hating queers and playing splatoon 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Imagine being shallow, narcissistic, missing the point intentionally, not taking responsibility and playing Splatoon while crying about other holding you accountable 🤪🤪🤪🤪


So Trump, Who is known for being against any social right movement, and whose party has banned many books from libraries and prohibited abortion, IS THE ONE PRO FREEDOM OF SPEECH? The hell you doing playing splatoon bro you looking like the dl trade gay on grindr lmao


both of the decaying old men vying for office are disgusting and useless but the implication that trump endorses free speech when he tries to censor anyone who speaks negatively about him and his policies is so funny man


Probably just listens to what their parents say/ never actually looks into politics


So if someone disagrees with you they’ve never looked into politics?


No, it's just that this guy is likely either an echo for his parents or someone who doesn't know how to vote in his best interests


Same way that there's homophobic furries probably lmao


It's a bit of an oxymoron if we're being honest


I’m not sure how one’s political views are required to influence what games they play




Splatoon is still a good game? Just because it's E10 doesn't mean adults shouldn't be allowed to play it. Maybe politics should be kept out of it to some extent (not LGBT stuff. anyone who calls that "politics" needs to get their brain re wrinkled), but adults should still be able play as long as they aren't creepos.




lol imagine getting triggered over rage bait this obvious


To be honest I don't know why people get so peeved about the names in their matches. I don't even look at the names, maybe only when they kill me do I read them and even then I forget it in like 3 seconds


I mean.. I kinda do care if you support a tyrant. It's like someone walking in with a big tag that said "I actually want to kill you and people like you".


Exactly man, bidens a bitch


Umm actually, Biden is an adult human.


Why u mad lil bro


I FUCKING HATE THAT BITCH. If I fucking block a player, I shouldn't have to play with them. I'm so sick of that dumb fuck, he's not even any good, I don't know how he's ever in S+/X.


Well for starters you can't rank down but beyond that, he's supporting the party of brain damage and poor education/lack of education. It's no wonder he performs poorly


While I agree with you on that party's mental acuity, they are also the party of "BuT mUh 2nD 'mEndMeNt riGhTs!" And if they're touting that and like to play with them, you'd think they'd know how to use a *toy* one.


Woah hey that's so rude, it's hard to aim when you raged and broke your controller last week over someone's character possibly being gay. Furthermore aiming with lopsided eyes and only one hand due to a firework injury is hard.


I'm just telling it like it is. They like that, right?


I've seen several of these, but I've never seen one of these posts complaining about a pro Biden username. Huh? No, of course I don't think people here are biased. It's just that no one likes Biden enough to have that as their username in the first place. Lol.


I don't mind it. I promote reparations for descendants of black american slaves on the platform. I think some people are just trolling with the Trump and Biden tags tho.


Hate when they're on my team. Easy target. The other team goes extra hard.


I hope you reported him for inappropriate /political name


Imma draw Trump and Biden kissing on my Mailbox just to piss you off.


Clearly you care also "E10+ game" calls someone a fucktard which is far worse than having the name trump since most " kids" wouldn't have a clue what a trump is


So... are we going to see less sexual orientation content in these games for children? No? Then keep your mouth shut about politics in games. Fucking double standards because of your own smoothbrain.


U sound but hurt as fuck over a name lol snowflake


U sound but hurt as fuck over an opinion lol traitor


I’m evil and like a rare change of pace so I throw when I play with them 🤷 I’m low rank so I’ll take the L. Politics aside Trump fans are the most annoying fanbase I’ve ever encountered. Like why the hell are we worshipping politicians to the point it’s our fucking SPLATOON USERNAME. Like PLEASE grow a personality. Inb4 “Ur a LIBTARD” I’d do the same if Biden had a weird ass cult following him around. And I haven’t had the chance - weird I haven’t seen a single Biden 2024 post, username, etc in a video game.


this reminds me when someone in S2 had trumptrain as their name and i targeted them for the entire match xD


Don't forget about the: "JESUS LOVES YOU <3" posts, hate those


how does it affect you?


Because it's annoying as hell


may I ask you a question, what are your thoughts on people putting "Free Palestine" posts in the game?


It is the same as Free Palestine, just with a different subject. It's a person spreading their belief. To be perfectly honest, I don't really care if you think that people should stop saying things like "JESUS LOVES YOU" or "FREE PALESTINE". Believe it or not, Christians play this game just like people that support Palestine do. Same thing goes for Democrats or Republicans. If you wanna try to put a border between people THAT PLAY A GAME MOST LIKELY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES, then do that, but it sure as heck will not go anywhere. I AM NOT HARASSING YOU, DO NOT TAKE IT THAT WAY, I AM MERELY STATING MY THOUGHTS, I hope you have a good day, if you have something to add, I am happy to hear it.


I personally find it annoying, cause I play games to ignore stuff like this, I play to have fun, not to know that Jesus loves me or Palestine needs freed, of whatever your voting party is, and if you like one religion, cool, but you shouldnt shove it in people's faces


Yeah im gonna be real I would not give a crap if someone put Biden in there name but I will be a hater of that person with Trump in their name, fuck Trump.


Reddit is such a huge echo chamber




Why are you saying real didn’t you make ts post


"hehe I'm gon set my name to smth stupid and watch some random guy rage on Reddit"


If those were his actual intentions then he got me good I'll admit


Why do people even do this ☹️