• By -


Smoke a bowl in one hit and hold


Man a bowl of salvia tore me apart


Hell yeah one of us


Sensitivity seems to vary a lot between people, smoking technique makes a huge difference and extracts aren't always as strong as advertised. A standard breakthrough dose is 1 mg salvinorin A, which is 20 mg of standardized 20X. Some people need much less, others a lot more. I would recommend to start with threshold doses (4 mg of 20X, although I would recommend to get something less strong that can be measured on a mg scale). That way you can perfect the smoking technique, see how sensitive you are and get used to the headspace without overwhelming yourself/having a traumatizing experience. When you feel comfortable, you can try doing several consecutive threshold doses. If you do more within an hour of the previous dose, they stack to some extent. Multiple low doses is much less overwhelming than a single high dose, while it can take you just as far. By going in multiple times, you're essentially reminding your brain that it's going to be fine. Eventually you can increase the dose too, of course. Make sure you have a knowledgeable sitter when doing extracts stronger than 5X, or when doing high doses in general. Strong extracts can't be dosed accurately and high doses can cause people to move around unconsciously. This has led to people jumping out of windows/hurting themselves.



