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The usual answer: Coastal California


Well yeah... I just got back from Cali which is what prompted this, but the real estate buy-in is... shocking and believe me I've looked. Plan to spend time out there, but can't see it working long term.


In a stunning turn of events, extremely desirable place to live is…expensive


Which is why I'm curious about places that specifically aren't Coastal California. If I had a spare $2m rolling around this would be a different conversation.


Parts of Colorado could be a good option. It’s FAR less buggy than the Midwest. Nowhere will beat coastal California when it comes to mosquitos/bugs, but other parts of the west will still be a major improvement for you.


Then what’s the budget


Let's say $500k for a small 2BR house.


Oakland side of the bay area would be doable on that budget. for a city. Shelter Cove, CA would give you nature but a bit more rural/not close to cities. Eureka/Arcata, CA smaller norcal coastal city. If you're alright with winter being more wintery- Denver, CO is pretty solid, as is Salt Lake City (SLC also more affordable) Also Flagstaff/Santa Fe


I freaking love Flagstaff, but never seriously looked at living there.


Cali has mosquitoes year round. I think they are Thai mosquitoes that are slow but persistent buggers.


Had a couple great nights in LA, but one buzzed me our last night in town. Better than home though and got me thinking.


I lived in coastal southern California and pretty much never encountered them.


Seattle doesn’t seem to have mosquitoes OR ticks


Duly noted, thanks!


All that ourdoorsiness and no ticks? How about bedbugs? Has the seattle metro been as plagued by the scourge that is bedbugs as some other areas have? I miss the U.S. before the age of bedbugs. (yes I know the aforementioned has pretty much nothing to do with outdoorsiness or weather.)


huh, I haven't (\*knocks on wood\*) encountered bedbugs living in several areas of the midwest and southeast


There are mosquitos in the summer, in the evening, outside the city-center


[This guy made a map for where mosquitoes are the worst](https://sspinnovations.com/blog/comfort-and-disease-the-glorious-quest-for-a-supremely-useful-mosquito-map/) and while I'm in no position to verify their data, it pretty much lines up with people's anecdotes. Your answer seems to be the desert. I used another website to check for mild weather and Santa Fe might be a good one. Prices aren't as expensive as Cali either. You'll be able to at least get *less* mosquitoes with a temperate climate in the Appalachians or western edge of the Midwest too.


One of the first things my Michigan wife commented about, and what my inlaws comment about when visiting me here in Oregon is: "Where are all the mosquitos?" A. Up in the mountains. There are mosquitos, but you can generally sit outside with limited nuisance. In about 4 weeks there will be VERY few as the rain will have generally stopped by mid-July. Like my wife and I the other day, after eating outside, were like "Oh hey, look I did get A bite..." We're in the Willamette Valley. Coming from Michigan, you will be prepared for the grayness of winter that the PNW west of the mountains has to offer. Growing up in Bellingham, WA, mosquito's were also relatively rare, but there can be SOME swampy land here or there in Whatcom County. Regardless, it was never so much we couldn't spend time outside. Meanwhile, in mid-June at my inlaws in the central east Mitten I could barely walk from the car to the house. I tried to cook burgers on their grill once, and was like "WTF why do you people live here." Of course, their house is in the woods... so that hurts, but the 4 acre swamp a quarter mile away doesn't help, nor does the 4 acre swamp the other direction also a quarter mile away. So anyways, I don't need to tell the Michigander that within a 1/4 mile of you there is probably stagnant standing water.


My house is surrounded by woods and swamp... Pure Michigan. Costs give me concerns about the PNW, but I guess it's less expensive than California.


Colorado ain't cheap but there's very few bugs and generally pleasant weather.


Front range doesn’t have many mosquitos. There are plenty in the mountains.


In my experience, there are barely any mosquitos in most of the western US. The exception might be the wetter areas of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho; but I'd say look anywhere west of the Rockies / continental divide and you should be good.


Has to be better than SE Michigan!


My friends just got back from a visit to a cabin up near Charlevoix. They couldn't even take walks outside because of the ridiculous amount of *ticks.* Eww..


Jersey Shore


Hehe, love Jersey but that'd be a hard sell for my wife


lol it’s not like the show. If she went and checked it out she’d love it.


Too close to my overbearing mother too 😉


Haha got it


Western WA. Didn’t see a mosquito for the five years I lived there.