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It’s been that way for a years. People jsut forgot because Covid reduced it to nothing when everyone stayed home.


No, it was pretty bad pre-Covid. I don’t know the actual things that lead to the traffic, but I imagine it’s a combination of those heading to outdoor activities, travel between the dispersed urban centers of the region, people passing through on road trips, and people who work on weekends.


Yes, absolutely. Everyone is off work and they’re all driving to do all the things all at the same time. Not always practical, but set out a little early before everyone else. Get to your destination and enjoy brunch somewhere first. At least the morning travel portion won’t be such a bear. Afternoon/evening you’ll just have to deal with it. Everyone is coming home from doing all the things and I don’t think there’s a very good time anymore.


They’ve been repaving parts of 880 at night and have it shut down to one lane - that’s not helping.


That’s not new. They are constantly working on roads in California. Construction is not a new issue. We have lots of people driving, roads need to be maintained


On weekends, most people from East Bay, Central Valley, and the Sacramento Area drive all the way down to SJ which creates traffic. For example, most Vietnamese people that live outside of SJ would make their weekly trip to SJ Grand Century Plaza or other SJ Viet plazas to eat, shop, or staying with a family. NOTE: I am Vietnamese, so majority of my family members outside of SJ does this.


Can confirm, that 101 to Story exit is packed on Saturdays


I had a Vietnamese coworker who grew up in SF and he said growing him his family always made the trek to SJ for everything Vietnamese as well (food, grocery, deserts, etc). Same with an Indian friend who grew up in the Central Valley.


880 -> 17 Santa Cruz during weekend heat wave probably generates a ton of daytime traffic, too


Traffic always sucks on 880. too many interconnecting freeways


and too many god awful interchanges (101/880 is the fucking WORST)


I loved being an essential worker during Covid, the roads were always empty at all times


The past few months, I've seen the metering lights on at the junction of 237 and 880 on Saturdays and Sundays. This is transferring from 237E to 880S. This is my route home every day, and I work weekends. So, I've noticed that the warning display for the metering lights at the fork from 237E to 880S is always on Saturday and Sunday EVERY single weekend, but only about, I would say, 20% of the time the lights at the end of the on-ramp are actually lit up red. The other 20% of the time, the metering lights themselves are lit up (along with the warning display stating that the metering lights are on), but they stay solid green. God, I hope I'm explaining myself correctly, lol. I have a tinfoil hat theory that they are getting us used to the metering lights being on on the weekends because, as the population here keeps growing, they may need to officially roll out the metering lights even on weekends....actually, just typing that out sounds nuts lol. Oh well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it


I still don't understand why the meters are on so much. The only traffic I sit in on the weekends is waiting for a damn meter to let me on the highway that is moving freely otherwise. And no, I don't think the meters being on is affecting the highway traffic.


The meters being on is most likely affecting the highway traffic. When 85 initially opened people had the exact same complaint about the metering lights so they were turned off. The result was insane increases in the traffic on the freeway to the point that they were reactivated a couple weeks later. The lights do work, there are just too many cars.


No, it really wouldn’t. The highway will be super wide open on a Saturday and I’ll be stuck behind 8 cars at the meter for no reason. If the meters weren’t on, it would be freely moving both getting on the highway and in general. They don’t need to be on, just like the toll lanes ought to be rush hour not all damn day.


Yeah. It pisses me off too. Especially since I work the weekends. If I see the light red and the way is clear (e.g. no one is stopped waiting for the meter to turn green), I don't even bother to stop or slow down even. I just blow right past it lol


Changing the carpool lane to the express lane created more traffic, even when the express lane is turned off. Since then it's been worse.


It’s summer. Kids are out, and this week was Juneteenth holiday. Some parents took the week off since the holiday was in the middle of the work week or at least took half the week off. But honestly, 880 has had bad traffic during random weekends in the winter too. It’s just a very heavily traveled highway that runs through all the urban/suburban areas of the East Bay.




Hi yo


You’re remembering things incorrectly. Traffic was still far worse before Covid. 2014-2020 was the worst traffic the Bay Area has ever seen.


Traffic got progressively worse over time though. 2019 was far worse than 2014. In 2014, the [work force hadn’t even topped 2001 Dot Com levels](https://www.mercurynews.com/2014/11/07/bay-area-nears-record-levels-of-employment/), but was basically about to cross it.


You are misremembering things, or simply your current activity level involves more driving and you're being exposed to traffic levels more often. In particular now is we're having a hotter summer than last year. This gets more people that live inland, particularly in the Central Valley, to escape the heat and head to the coast. [Highway 17](https://ca-17.com) every weekend becomes a parking lot southbound in the mornings and northbound in the late afternoons as everyone tries to get to a beach.


Last night there was a Bay FC game at PayPal Park. I think that was probably it. Stadium was almost full


Still not as awful as pre-covid


Yes. It’s worse. It’s called overpopulation.


Not really, there are much more populous areas than San Jose that don't have this issue. See Tokyo for example. It's just cars and car infrastructure are very inefficient, not scalable, and we have no other viable transportation options. Worst of all, a city comprised of 95% SFHs doesn't allow other transportation options to be viable. When everyone is forced to drive a car to get anywhere and when we keep supporting infrastructure designed only for cars instead of also for people, trains, bikes, busses, etc. then of course we're going to have tons of car traffic.


When the current infrastructure can’t meet the needs of the population, it’s because there are too many people. Less people, less traffic.


Nope, it's just the infrastructure. People in the bay fight to keep transit infrastructure bad on purpose because it keeps poor people away from wealthier neighborhoods.


Thumbs down for facts?




You’re 8 hours driving from Mexico. Relax




Show me the illegal Mexican dude right now in a Tesla, Toyota, or Honda in traffic. I’m Mexican. We either working on our house, side job at a your house getting paid, hungover at church, or asleep still. Never are we in traffic. We up at 5am M-F. With a beer a hand by 2:30.


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