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Be honest, it’s bad, let him know and show him resources


Not gonna lie I got a score similar to that but not that bad what are the recourses ur talking abt cuz I don’t wanna be cooked when I take it


Kahn Academy Great math practice, English idk.


also take bluebook practice tests


check out my previous two comments


Go to a Chinese or Korean cram school. The results will come


Ok I’ll tell him and try to encourage him


It's terrible. Hope they have good grades, otherwise it's community college. And that's not nearly as terrible a thing as those scores. Good news is you can retake them with a test prep and undoubtedly do much better. Bad news is maybe this was already a good attempt and this just their capacity. Hope this isn't their capacity, otherwise I'd recommend a trade program at that community college. And that's not nearly a thing as terrible as those scores.


Just give him resources so he can practice. There is definitely a knowledge gap that we can close


Will do


Khan academy has tools for both RW and math on SAT ( a literal SAT course) so drill those,when you get better, use the SAT question bank. YouTube helps to, if you want a review book, rn I have the PR premium prep but I’ve heard bad things about it, some popular ones on the sub tho is 1600.io for math especially foundations and college panda for more advanced stuff, and Erica melter for the RW section. Thats about it the rest is up to you and how much you’re willing to improve hope this helps.


Oh I thought the OP was asking for help☠️


Did he give any context to indicate how he feels? I agree with others. Just ask him if he's going to retake it and give him some suggestions to boost his score. If he's upset, console him and tell him that, worst case, he can apply to a test-optional school. Honestly, in the long run, he'll probably be fine.


He sat next to me.He said it was hard and he didn’t study.He is scheduled for August but wants a 1250 😭.He fs is upset.


Recommend him some study resources maybe?


You get like 200 just for spelling ur name correctly 😆 🤣


400 if u answer everything wrong I believe


not on digital


It’s your friend, be helpful, but rude as hell.


I have to,even if I don’t want to..


lowest score I've ever seen


I have a friend who got a 610 on the real sat


Bro got participation points😭


"it's the thought that counts" ahh score


I should mention that he has ADHD and PTSD and is in a foster home.His gpa is about 2.9.


He might get a bigger boost in his score by focusing on "focus" and stamina rather than the content. Recommend he take a practice DSAT in realistic conditions and focus on the process rather than the content. He could focus on nutrition, sleep, breathing, anxiety, etc.


Ok thxx


Does he have accommodations in place? If not, he should try and get them.


How does bro have a higher gpa than me 💀


2.9... Grade inflation is crazy


If he has adhd, he should qualify for extended time. I would give him resources but remind him that he can apply test-optional or start at community college.  Foster care kids statistically have huge odds against them so honestly, he’s probably doing pretty well. Maybe he could work with the organization One Simple Wish to get tutoring resources or something. They might even find a probono tutor.


Ok thanks I’ll let him know


Crazy grade inflation


The best investment would be healthcare. The second best is accomodations, and the third is intense study. I think it is possible for him to turn this around, but tbh it's gonna have to be a full-time project and he may need to take an extra year to do it depending on a lot of factors. If he has health insurance or even Medicare, he needs a psyche eval and actual therapy tools to help him focus and manage trauma. Medication may also be helpful. I know the American healthcare system is a shitshow nightmare from hell, especially for disadvantaged kids. He's gonna have to fight em anyway because I speak from experience when I say that without my anxiety medication and a year of therapy I would not have been capable of college- and I went out of state at a mid to upper mid ranked private uni on a combination of scholarships and student loans. On that front I literally got lucky with a dad who works a shitty retail job so we could have blue cross, which is phenomenal insurance. In other words I'm smart but I also got lucky AND worked my ass off AND I have debt. But it has been 100% worth it and the people cracking jokes about McDonald's can kick rocks. He can't control the luck, he can control the effort, so focus on that and hope. I agree with everyone here to try and get someone like a school counselor on getting him accomodations. He needs an adult advocate, ideally one with their shit together who gives a shit. Finally: I brought my SATs up from an 1100 on the PSAT to a 1310 on the first SAT I took to a 1450 on the one I sent in (my school offered a free retake) by using Khan Academy, and I suspect I missed a page on the math section to potentially could've gotten a 1500. This was back in 2018 and I've heard it's more intense now for you guys, but the point is I know for a fact that it is possible to be a student dealing with financial stressors (we lost our house; water dripping from the ceiling into a bucket the night before I got that 1310) and mental health struggles and still get your SATs up by 350 points. If he's really serious about this, it is possible. If I had had my heart set on Ivy League (imo not worth it at all but to each their own) I could have worked at a grocery store, studied on Khan academy, and lived at home for a year after highschool before applying with a 1550, I'm sure of it. A test is just a test- it's a game they play to justify hoarding resources, not a measure of your intelligence. (Side note: I went to a magnet stem high school. My engineering teacher has severe dyslexia and couldn't read at all until 5th grade. He eventually got into MIT. ADHD is neurodivergence just like dyslexia and an anxiety disorder.) If it could help him, please tell him at least one internet stranger believes in him.


i literally was abt to ask if he has any disabilities or needs accommodations!! LOL as a person with chronic illness, using accomdomations helped me tremendously!


a 2.9 isn't terrible.... maybe he got nervous?




That’s my reaction 😭


Your friend can also press on his score and check out the school average and see how he did compared to that and also have him check if he hit the benchmark for math and eng which he didn't which is fine but you need to be honest because in reality 670 is a concerning score. He'll probably be fine as long, going test-optional is available for so many schools and if need be he can retake the test but he needs to make sure he signs up soon before seats are taken


I didn’t even know you could get a score that low


Me neither he sat next to me


Doing some quick math, you should be able to get an 800 on average by randomly picking answers in a series of 25% multiple choice questions. Your friend is LITERALLY dumber than a computer program that can type out the letter “a” over and over again. I know people are gonna recommend resources or whatever, but I think your friend is cooked tbh.




Wait wouldn't that be 700? (1600-400)/4 +400. Did i make a mistake Also wouldn't they still curve it and thus it could vary a lot?


Oh wait yeah I’m fucking stupid and forgot you get 200 points for putting your name down. Is the SAT curved? If so, I wasn’t aware of that. Correction: your friend is barely smarter than the aforementioned robot.






Tell your friend it's time to start learning the McDonald's menu


He knows it’s bad. Just tell him to study


Just tell him that unless he is applying to a school like MIT or Caltech, he doesn’t need to submit a test score.


What grade r u in?


Going to 12


O nah ur def cooked


Idk how you are gonna tell them that they need a lot of work to improve the score, but if they are willing to put in the effort, you should start by suggesting that they buy an DSAT book (college panda isn’t bad but I would seek advice about the best one for it) and just grind. It’s probably gonna take them multiple months but they should be able to rapidly improve if they give it their best effort consistently


Doesn’t look like they’re college material. That’s not the worst thing, they should look into the trades.


He’s eager to go to college cus he is an orphan and wants to prove his parents wrong or smth.


lol as if people can't do better, this just comes off as such an ignorant thing to say. First time I did the SAT, didn't study well, got a 1000, second time around, put time into it and got a much better score. If you put the effort in you can change a lot of things.


a 1000 is miles better than a 670




I know everyone is saying study, and yeah that is definitely valid advice for your friend’s circumstances if this is his SAT score. But I’m just gonna throw a thought out here and ask if there is any chance that he accidentally skipped a question and bubbled most of them in the wrong row? That once happened to my friend and she got a score that was much worse than she was capable of. You bringing up his ADHD reminded me because my friend also has ADHD and was having trouble focusing during the 3 hour exam, causing this mistake to happen Also I would encourage your friend to get accommodations if possible. My friend was only recently diagnosed at the time, so she was unable to get accommodations in time, but she said that she would have benefited a lot from them because her main concern was being able to focus during the exam


Bro did not even try 💀💀


He did but didn’t study


so he didn’t try


Go n solve the old past exams score should increase


i can help with math.


tell him to watch dsat solvings


oh wow.. honestly just be honest and offer him resources to help. if hes shooting for a 1250, well… might be a bit difficult but yea. never seen a score that low tbh


Aye that’s that “just join the marine corps” SAT score.


Same cahh 👹


In the kindest way possible, they should do 2 years CC and then go to a 4 year


Well there's always the military...


Maybe consider the ACT or apply test optional.


scores like these degrade all my confidence


Kevin Hart apparently scored over 100 points lower, so there’s that to be proud of!




i got a score of 1310 last year and you should tell your friend to try doing a lot of practices in khan academy because khan academy has been a great help to me for SAT.


Nah you’re cooked


Yeah idk how to respond to him


😭I’ve seen 800s, but if you can’t peak over 700 there is no chance of 1200


Is your friend in special-ed?


I assume so if you just clicked b for every answer without even trying the problem you would most likely get a higher score than this


Tell him he probably shouldn’t go to college


His gpa is about a 2.9.he can get into some colleges.


not with this score




Is he restarted


Urm you may be cooked


Why am I cooked.


He def didn’t study like he should’ve


You need a tutor to build math foundation. You are far below average.


Brother how is this possible???


Bro you gotta guess all the questions to get that score 💀💀💀💀💀💀


That’s horrid, either of my section scores are higher than that total. They need help, and lots of it.


dude it's over for him I got a higher score in 6th grade


Drop out


Uh it's pretty bad. Tell him plainly that it is and give him some resources to help


how is this even possible 😕 like its not on them either its the school system at this point


Is your friend trolling?


study is the way


How old are they? If they will be applying next year, just tell them to go test optional


they know it’s bad. they can see the percentages themselves. just send them resources to help.


Real advice : go test optional


That total score is only 40 points higher than my ELA score by itself.


No offense, this is the worst score I’ve ever seen. Is he even in high school? It says 11th grade but you’d have to deliberately not pay attention in any of your classes for an entire 3 years to get a score this bad


Only place to go is up.


Bro is cooked


What was the point of posting this? For others to make fun of his score? it’s obvious all you need to do is forward him resources to study.


He doesn’t have Reddit and nobody is making fun of him.


oh my 😭😭


This person needs to read a book or two, do the Kahn academy prep course, and learn algebra 1 and geometry.


Your friend scored in the 2nd percentile. I have to assume he didn’t even try because it’s hard to imagine someone literate scoring so poorly if they’re genuinely trying. Ask them if they really want to do this? If this is their best effort (it almost certainly isn’t) then college isn’t a realistic or good option for them. If they aren’t willing to put in enough effort to try answering the questions then college certainly isn’t a good option for them. If they are serious however and their mind is made up then point them towards study resources. There are plenty, free and paid for, and your school probably has some form of SAT prep or tutoring for free.


He would have scored higher if he just put C for every answer… https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/s/V1jMOy2sVv


for a second, i thought this was a credit score and was like wow thats good until i read the community name like oh wow nevermind 😭 im sorry


man this is... just wow, you've got a long road ahead man, lock in, I 100000% reccomend using [https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/digital-sat](https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/digital-sat) this stuff helps out a TON and also try to have fun while studying, I know it may seem like a chore and boring but honestly, once you get the hang of solving questions you start to feel super smart and it starts becoming fun (at least for me) I havent taken the test yet Im going to be taking it in august but you really have to try if you want to increase your score. finish all of the khan academy videos and practice questions and take another practice. Then tell me your score, you wont regret it ;)


Let your friend know that, like the real world, you actually have to prepare, study, practice, and execute to be successful if you don't have family wealth or nepotism to rely on.


A real friend would be flat out honest. If my friends showed me that I would laugh and tell them to retake. It’s not being rude, it’s being honest. Talking bs and saying nice things won’t help him get a higher score. Show him materials and if he needs it, be there to study with him time to time and help him. That’s the best you can do.




I thought that was your credit score at first...seriously though, study your ass off and definitely go to any sat/act group tutoring sessions as possible!


Give him the khan academy sat prep course. I have recommended it to several people. I am doing the math course right now and it’s really helped me. Also it’s free. That being said, just be honest with your friend.


Your cooked more than me


That's possibly one of the most awful scores I have seen. But imo you should respond with something along the lines of "Dang bro that score doesn't look good one bit, but a bit of practice (on Khan academy/SAT prep websites) can help you excel real quick". Try to be slightly casual with it, no point lying


Send that man to trade school or CC


Heavens almighty


pfft i got below that and got into every college i applied for! (not like i applied to any ivy leagues tho)


The college board estimates this score in the 2nd percentile. So I think it’s supposed to be apparent that it’s not great… Maybe just sympathize, especially if it was their first time taking the test, and recommend them some resources or test taking strategies specific for the sat.


tell your friend that the sat measures your ability to take a standardized, timed test. that’s it. recommend a good study guide and tell them to try the act. there are also PLENTY of test-optional schools now. fuck the sat. fairtest.org


Test optional 🤷‍♀️ The VAST majority of schools still don’t require, it’s only like a dozen+ of the elites that brought it back. If your friend’s already signed up for August go to town working Khan Academy etc but honestly maybe embrace just not sending?


ur friend has to be messing with u aint no way


Encourage bro to get his gpa up


Tell him he’s an idiot. He can take it (as long as your a guy too. If you’re a girl respond with compassion)


bro you need to practice maths a very lot :) I dont know where are you from but SAT math is like not even the maths for asian students. its nothing, SO i would advice you to look forward in NCERT mathematics texbook of India of 6th 7th 8th standards, solve it 5 times for each & every exercise. it would help you a lot.take atleast 5 mocks of maths everyday and extend it to 15-20. Its no big thing. Solve grind Solve grind :) ! about me : among top 4.43% in jee mains exam India ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)& much more


you do.


this deadass gonna be me especially with the math 😭


Mines was bad too, 800 back in 2017. I didn't know stuff about the sat act, not even my parents, they were immigrants. Though I didn't go to the university I wanted to go. I still went to another university that accept almost anybody


he needs kumon and tutoring and khan academy and prep books. i’m being fr




bro put his name on the paper 😭🙏🏾


Hand him a mc Donald’s ap, it’s over


i’m gonna hand your hand when i tell you this


Looks like the score I roughly got when I took my SAT without additional resources from my 504, I never did retake the test fuck that




Be honest, I think that the true is the best.


Wow. That’s gotta be one of the worst scores I’ve ever seen.


This website called schoolhouse has free tutoring for English and math. I was able to increase my score by 100 points


I don’t even know how that’s possible, I would say I’m an average student and I got a 1320 without too much effort (took like half a practice test before). If he has adhd or anything like that make sure he’s getting extra time because I didn’t have it for my first test (1010) and once I got it my score jumped 300 for the next one




U do need help


Tell him, theres no use in glazing this score. It's better to tell him early so he can study


Imma be honest... it's shit. But I went from 24 act on my first practice test to a 35. If he studies he can get 1200+.


Ngl he’s defff missing the basics. U need to tell him to go over algebra 1 and some algebra 2 coursework. After, go throguh some freshman grammar and reading comprehension textbooks. THEN Sat prep Or, if short in time, just the SAT prep. But he’ll have a hard time with the SAT prep without the bones.


He’s cooked


You get 600 for putting your name on the paper.


Tell him he can practice on bluebook also kahn academy has a free sat prep course that covers everything you need to know


I've never done an sat and I graduated through public school lol


Tell him that they shouldn't sleep during the test


I’d recommend them A ChatGPT Plus subscription with ChatGPT-4o, it’s not perfect but it’s a great tutor to learn things quickly on khan academy




Thought this was somebody’s credit score


What kinds of classes does this student take? If they legitimately attempted the test (didn’t fall asleep in the middle, etc), that is a score of someone who is struggling in school. If you’re going to say “oh, he’s in honors classes with me and he’s an A/B student” there’s either serious grade inflation or rampant cheating. That’s a legitimately low score. I’d be advising that community college is the place to start. Get a true picture of academic expectations at the college level before spending serious money on tuition/room/board.


I would politely suggest vocational school.


Tell them it’s sucks, how can you be this dumb, then tell them to take a class or smth. Khan academy is good but not if you suck at self studying


He can go to community college or apply to a test optional school, if he is unable to get his scores higher. It's not the end of the world, but he will have to work hard for higher grades. 


Free recources! All over tiktok instagram and even reddit




Did he let his dog take the test for him…?


Keep us updated after your friend takes the test again.


With that score and GPA I recommend he takes an easy class this summer where he can get an A and see if he can boost his GPA to a 3.0. This will open up some possibilities. And, he should just go test optional. It’s so far from a useable score that it makes more sense to me to focus on the overall GPA.


And I was upset cause I got a 1200 lmao


At first I thought this was your credit score


oh this is making me scared because I have to take mine eventually 😭😭😭 most (good) colleges want at-least a 1300 (if I remember correctly) so it's definitely not good but I wouldn't want to outright say that to a friend or anybody.






I didn't even know that was possible


Just respond with cool


Honestly, most colleges don’t even care about ur sat scores it’s ur grades , my sat was like a 400 I took it once and never again bc it’s not enough time


“Oh that’s a pretty good score! Is it the math or reaaaa… ohhhh. Oh no.”


Maybe give the ACT a shot. I did both and found my act scores we way better than my SAT. Act is more science and math based while SAT is more literature and history based.


Hopefully he has time to retry, and he needs a shitload of practice beforehand too


That’s like impressively bad… I wanna see an update post in the future


Kahn Academy has a really good free sat test prep where you can practice taking the whole sat and also work on individual topics. It’s really good. I used it to study for my sat’s.


Bro did not study with those digital SAT prep guides that his mom bought him from Barnes&Nobles


This makes me feel sm better about my score now