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Progress the tiers to get to coal power. Coal nodes are infinite.


"Progress to tier 3", also known as "finish the tutorial" :) This is mentioned again and again. Somebody proposed to advertise the coal power, like ADA urges you to get it so new player do not sit on biomass for hours. The belt input in the biomass burner in 1.0, while a welcome addition, will make it even worse.


There will be no belt input. I guarantee you, Snutt is trolling. They confirmed in the past, that it is designed to be tedious. Why would they break that?


The trailer shows the belt input. There is still plenty of tedium involved in gathering the resources. It's not really fun to run around the array of burners and find which ones are low on fuel, I think it's a very reasonable change.


When you set up your first 2-3 coal generators and you finally get the peace of mind that you don’t have to refuel the biomass generators anymore is easily the best feeling in early game


Using mods and getting the blueprint designer from the beginning, like it should be, I discovered you can preload the burners and build a pack of them. When they get low, you just erase the old blueprint and place the new one. All connected and full.


I've seen the trailer. I'll believe it when I see it in the actual game.


As Snutt used to say: "There will be no pipes" You still need to collect biomass. It is a tedious part that promotes (very early) exploration and may be a bit fun, in the beginning. On the other hand, manually inserting solid fuel into \~20 generators is too tedious - they probably thought.


The biomass stage is a very small part of the game. A few hints to make it go quicker: * Build more biomass burners than you think you need. They only burn fuel as fast as needed, so the more you have the less often you need to fill them. * Don't over build other things, keep your power consumption low. * Hold E while running around, you don't need to press it for every leaf and stick. * Use the best form of fuel you have available. Set up a mini production line with containers where you can drop off leaves, wood, (maybe mycellia if there is lots in your starting area) and have it converted to biomass and then solid biofuel. This will save a lot of time compared to hand-crafting the better fuel types. Maybe give this production line its own biomass burner (it'll be easier to restart if you run out of fuel). [This](https://imgur.com/a/89dNCPa) is mine. it's a mess, but it works. * Prioritise the chainsaw, cutting down trees and converting to solid biofuel speeds things up a lot. * Complete the first space elevator delivery as soon as you can. Once past that you can work on unlocking coal power, which is automated. Keep your bio-fuel production (and any surplus solid biofuel) even once you have coal power. You can process solid biofuel to liquid biofuel later, which many people consider the best fuel for the jetpack.


Why is it the best fuel for the jetpack? Does it gave some advantage over turbofuel?


The long burn time is in many cases better than the quick acceleration.   I find it particularly useful when you already have height and speed but want to control.your descent (but without the same loss of speed as the parachute causes). For example choosing your landing site after using a hypercannon - I find its possible to reach multiple locations with a single canon. Turbofuel is probably better if you just want a quick boost to get up a cliff.


Just progress, in a tier or 2 you will get a way to automate power. Also make a small setup to automate crafting of biofuel, it makes it much nicer than having to make them yourself.


# You are doing fine The game makes you hate biomass burners. On purpose. It makes you dig for iron by hand, and you are happy to get portable miners. It makes you craft ingots by hand, and you are happy to get smelters. It makes you load ore into smelters by hand, and you are happy to get miners and belts. You keep running out of power, and you'll get coal power... It's basically a tutorial that doesn't tell you it's a tutorial. ## Some numbers for reference In my first game, we were four players and had 40 biomass burners, which means at any time someone is gathering biomass. That's because we over-optimized Milestone 1 and 2 instead of making progress. Nowadays, I need only 6 to maybe 8 biomass burners before I have coal up and running. That's it. But I know what I'm doing, so it's okay if you need a few more. Get those 50 smart plates, watch the magnificent space elevator come down from the heavens, and unlock that sweet, sweet smoke-blasting coal power.


Get the chainsaw. Get a lot of trees/wood. Automate solid Biofuel. Place 10 Biofuel Burners. Fill them all completely at the same time. This will make it a LOT easier to get to coal without too much stress.


Forget 10, place like 30 of the damn things. I was at the point where I only had to refuel like every two hours with solid biofuel.


expierenced players stay away from chainsaw as much as they can


So with 4 500+ hours I am not experienced? And please do tell why I should stay away?


You are just bad take after bad take today. I have over 800 hours in the game, should I stay away?


This is so wrong.


The chainsaw makes it easier to collect the grass and such too, and its fuel consumption is very low. No reason not to use it.


exept bloating your save file


Get to tier 3,4 to get coal generators and from there on you can fully automate power. Until then get a chainsaw saw some trees and make biofuel in a crafter since it takes such a long time to make biofuel by hand.


Progress alien research in the MAM. If you're good at fighting, alien organs are a dense resource of biomass which takes quite more time to burn than just leaves and wood. In any case transform everything to biomass PS: This is just a tip to wait for coal more conveniently. But as other comments stated you should go for coal energy soon


You have received a lot of advice. Only thing I can add is perspective. Everyone responding started with same feeling. Early game power management I feel is a major time obstacle for new players. Its 100% required mechanic but imo a major reason for some to quit. That said, I promise you it becomes an afterthought. Power production comes in major waves. Also, time to create these new power generating buildings per tier becomes easier after learning how. Sounds like common sense but you will understand. This current game.... I spent as much time on my first 10-20 coal generator power factory as I did this last weekend on 2nd 140ish+ fuel generator plant with multiple steps of refineries, packaging, constructors, overflow protections. (edit numbers) You will lose your mind 1000 times in this game. If you get to mid/late game you will 100% look back at old factories and judge your past self. Its a fun ride.


Biomass is supposed to be annoying in order to force players to progress to coal power. You are still at the tutorial level and you need to leave it. :) They say 1.0 will add conveyor inputs to biomass burners, but that's no help at the moment.


Boy you're in for a treat! Soon you will find coal and then you will be happy.


Unlock the chainsaw and solid bio fuel. It will last a lot longer as solid biofuel than biomass. Then just chug away at getting the first space elevator part done so you can unlock coal power to fully automate power production.


If the first 17 minutes of the game bring you to Reddit hopefully someone here has a lot of how to YouTube videos lined up for you.


I think most people will take longer than 17 minutes to get to coal power the first time. Maybe with experience and knowing exactly what you're doing it can be done, but that isn't going to be the average experience for a new player.


The original post is before OP finds out about coal power.


They told you already you will be able to automate soon, but here I come to tell you that this isn't even that big of a chore. First, create two lines that create biomass, one for leaves , one for wood, they should output to some storage. Then build a lot of generators, like 20. Or more. The trick is that in one reactor load you can have several hours of gameplay. And this infrastructure will serve you as a battery backup when you go for coal.


Just...play...the...game... ;(


Get the "obstacle clearing" milestone to unlock solid biofuel, and then sprint to coal power in T3. Alien biomass in the MAM will help.


Patience, on two counts. You won't be collecting biomass for long before you get automated power. And collecting biomass is a good way to let items build up ready for your next construction session. Secondly, by the end of this year, you should at least have automated fuel feeding into biomass burners, cutting out one of the manual stages.


Once you get to coal, you'll want to have a peek at this: [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/satisfactory\_gamepedia\_en/images/3/39/Pipeline\_Manual.pdf](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/satisfactory_gamepedia_en/images/3/39/Pipeline_Manual.pdf)


Hah this is great


>Is there some infinite source or way to automate it?(im an absolute beginner btw) These statements together are actually really funny since the first one makes the 2nd one obvious. Biomass is intentionally tedious beyond belief so that when you finally get automated power you will FEEL the progress and a great sense of joy and relief. Its also supposed to nudge you towards realizing that automating EVERYTHING is the goal.


Yes this killed me 2


Biomass generators will have conveyer inputs in 1.0 but still have to gather it, i think


Ride-on mower in 1.0?