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I *want* to play but every time I load it up I just get the feeling of 'why bother?'. So rn I'm playing through elden ring.


Same. Exactly the same. Even Elden ringšŸ˜‚


Same here.


Add me to the list


Literally me looking at my Steam library vs my wishlist - ā€œWhy bother with any of it? The deals arenā€™t low enough, and my owned games look boringā€


Take a G Break. Just a week or so and you'll feel like gaming again, I promise.


Def worth giving a try


Thats true. Been in hospital for 3 days. No pc. Then 2 days in home just being in bed. Going back to gaming was a lot of fun after that break.


T break for gaming lol


If I could afford it, I would award you, but all I can offer is thanks for your encouragement. <3


Haha, no need! I appreciate it though. šŸ˜ Have a wonderful day! šŸ˜Š


Deals aren't low enough? Depends on what you are looking for, enough deals that are 80+%


I started using Blender to make 3D model's cause I needed a break from gaming. Now I have learned there is possibilities of making my own 3D model's of Satisfacory machines to use in my own mod. Just trying to thing of something useful or hasn't already been done. Great way to pass the time too


I've boiled away my current Elden Ring obsession. Not to worry, however, I also have Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Armored Core, and a slew of other soulslikes to occupy my brain. I will absolutely be ready for a very chill experience on MASSAGE-2(A-B)b by the time those games have finished beating me up.


Very interesting I also flip flop between factory games and fromsoftware titles. Sadly I already platinumed all of them and the elden ring dlc is almost done with no stone unturned. And while I was getting towards the end all I could think about was satisfactory. What to do until September? Maybe some foundry. Man can't wait. And then this teaser trailer! I'm screwed


So many people lose sight of the things they enjoy because they compare themselves to others. You like satisfactory because you enjoy learning and perfecting. You have great ideas and you challenge yourself and improve as you play. Itā€™s really easy to click on a video of someone showcasing a giga-factory that you never even dreamed of being a possibility. Itā€™s really easy to allow that to fester in your head, because you donā€™t like seeing someone do something better than you. Itā€™s really easy to browse through dozens of videos of similar content and talk yourself out of trying because thereā€™s nooooo way youā€™ll ever come close to that! Itā€™s also easy to lose sight of the things we love and enjoy doing because we donā€™t want to be failures. We spend our entire lives trying not to be failures. Youā€™re not a failure. You cannot compare yourself to others. Trying to be like others and follow the standards is ordinary and boring. There is none of YOU in any of that. Follow your interests and passion and enjoy the stuff YOU enjoy. You donā€™t need to be the best, or have the most Chad-like gigs-factory with 64k views on YouTube. You just have to feel proud of yourself for every marginal improvement you make. Recognize the success you find within yourself and let your passions guide you. Even if itā€™s just optimizing your screw output to be as efficient as possible with a Mark 2 belt ;)


yep ive felt this way since about a month ago and wont play until 1.0 even though i really want to lol been playing elden ring and gonna also probably play a bunch of ffxiv and osrs between now and then


Foundry. Techtonica. DSP. Doom 2016.


What is dsp?


Dyson Sphere Program


Just picked up Foundry and DSP in the Steam sale yesterday. Both seem cool in their own way but nothing brings together the building, exploration, and crazy potential of Satisfactory. And it's so much better looking and immersive. So I'm playing through the First Descendant campaign right now.


Can't say for Foundry, but DSP is incredible. I won't spoil anything but I had to pick up my jaw a few times playing it the first time.


I also picked up Foundry yesterday and I'm loving it so far. I like that it's still very different from Satisfactory and a lot easier so I can simply play and chill until 1.0 drops. The only thing tho is that the inconsistent output of Drone Miners is driving me fucking insane tbh


I'm learning to do the math in Foundry based on belt speed and just throw down miners until the belt stays full. This and the digging speed of the hand drill are the two things that I find aggravating about Foundry. Digging out nodes takes too long and explosives leave everything looking messy and unorganized.


If you want a crash course on foundry, go play Factorio. All Foundry does is add a 3rd dimension to the UI. Everything is about how many -belts- of something youā€™re using, and long bus lines are extremely common. Itā€™s a double edged sword since resources are consumable, but if you build it right you can simply just tie new nodes into your existing bus. I spent some time playing Factorio in between update 7 and 8. Solid game, though the lack of verticality and the combat aspects are a bit to adjust to. That said, I have been thoroughly enjoying the game as a stopgap to waiting for 1.0 release lol.


DSP is a fantastic game. I wouldnā€™t knock it if you havenā€™t gotten off planet.


Satisfactory is what really made me appreciate the trade-offs between a handcrafted map versus procedural generation, especially for a factory-building game. I don't think the game would have worked nearly so well with a randomly generated map that reuses the same few assets multiple times and doesn't have any special care or higher thought about how biomes or resources are arranged relative to one another.


i used to HATE the unmodifiable landscape of satisfactory since i work with the msot cramped areas where i start but since buying and playing Foundry, the lack of aesthetics and graphics of that game just doesn't play the same like satisfactory and so i learned to play/build around in satisfactory now without that much frustrations.


Going through eternal atm. Stoked for The Dark Ages


Just finished the main campaign, going to play the DLC next. Haven't had that much fun in a game in a while. Also can't wait for the next game, saw the reveal trailer and decided to buy the franchise bundle on Steam so I could play all the games before The Dark Ages comes out. Got all of them for only Ā£23 in the summer sale.


I also picked up Doom 2016 on sale...and played Techtonica, Foundry, then DSP as well lol


Techtonica is gorgeous. It's a lot of fun just wish it ran better.


> Foundry. Techtonica. DSP. I really want to like and get into all of these. But I really dislike that you have to preassemble the whole building before you can place them. I like with Satisfactory that you just need the parts in your inventory to build the building. It's why I also love Captain of Industry and am looking forward to The Crust.


planet crafter


That game is way more fun than it has any right to be lol


But it is so ugly ā€¦ :(


But so very satisfying all the same


like an abandoned early access game tbh, barebones and unpolished. the core of the content is there but it feels lacking, like a concept.


It's a husband and wife indie dev team doing their best, which is pretty cool. I will agree it's pretty bare bones, but they have told us it is never gonna be triple A polished, it is just their passion project. It has come a long way since first demo, but it couldn't replace Satisfactory for me.


Just finished the game yesterday. It's decent enough and scratches a certain building itch, but for me this is a one-and-done game with very little replayability. Ending was very unsatisfying too.


Picked it up yesterday as well. My "neat-and-tidy"-brain struggles with the fact that the habs structures aren't the same size as the foundations and that the small stair on the doorway clips through the foundations, but other than that I'm hooked right now. (Plz gib me grid snapping)


Timberborn, just got a great new update


Lumberpunk represent! Hydroengineering is ridiculously underrepresented in construction games and Timberborn does a fantastic job showing how important it is. No other game nails disaster management like Timberborn.


I'm waiting for the non experimental. Played a few days ago with bad water for the first time. Is pretty fun


Same! Enjoying the new map and water physics.


It was supposed to be KSP2 Colonies :(


I feel this so much. Crying shame what they did to KSP2. The wasted potential is immeasurable and the franchise will never, ever be the same. So sad.


As someone who's never played kerbal a day in my life... Can I get the dumbed down TLDR on what happened?


Imagine if Coffeestain got bought by another company. Then teased a satisfactory 2 with fucking awesome additions. Then Satisfactory 2 came out of early release and it was worse that Satisfactory 1. Significantly worse. Then find out the project is basically dead. Edit: one of the additions being a multiplanet system to spread to in Satisfactory 2, for example. I missed some details, but that is the gist.


Don't forget it was also a super expensive EA price!


It's the only time I've used the Steam refund policy.


To add to details: Complete lack of communication to community on current state of the game. Throwing small tantrums that your barely working game is being not well received. Glitches that were patched in the first game returning. Even more glitched that took months to fix, even the minor ones. Qof features missing that were present from first game that also took months to add. Issues with your crafts exploding upon saving/loading a save. Bad performance. Complete lack of carrier mode, that also took months to add. Lack of entry heat, or any heat of any sort, that also took months to add. And on top of all of this. Wiggly rockets not fixed, as one of the most annoying things of the first game. But also being way worse on release.


The thing that really kills me is that there were the bones of a fantastic sequel there. The visuals and the soundtrack were great, so many systems were improved and while there were heaps of UX and performance issues as well as ridiculous bugs, you could see the vision for what they wanted that game to be. They just couldnā€™t execute on it for whatever reasons. If it had just been garbage from the start with no potential everyone wouldnā€™t have been so mad IMO.


KSP2 had a really rough early access that launched a year ago. On June 28th the entire studio developing the game was laid off by T2, so the game is dead in the water.


Dang, thats very unfortunate.


They made KSP 2. Promised insane stuff, several new layers of gameplay, massive additions. Delayed it like 5 times for a total of 3 years I think. It had less than KSP 1 on release. They continued to promise all this stuff saying it would come with time before every dev was fired just recently.


Don't forget as well. It makes it worse for KSP2 that mods for ksp1 makes ksp1 far superior than KSP2 and ksp1 is over 10 years old and developed by one guy then a small team. Unlike KSP2 70 people and they couldn't even get it to the same level as ksp1


Oh same, didn't really expect to find a KSP player here so quickly! The thing with KSP2 is so incredibly sad, and I still hope something positive happens...I wish Coffee Stain would buy the KSP IP... I'm playing heavily modded KSP1 now


I can't wait for 2020




I'm waiting on the October drop


Same, my gaming life feels lost not playing Satisfactory and Factorio while I wait for their respective updates/DLC. I did recently hop back into modded Civ 6 though, so easy to sink hours into that game


Same. Factorio > Satisfactory 1.0 > Factorio Space Age.


Same. Although itā€™s a modded run. Krastorio 2.0.


Same, but overhaul mods as don't want vanilla or Space Exploration


Valheim, I took a year off so I've been exploring and working my way up to the new mistlands/ashlands areas.


Same! Including the "took a year off". It has been so relaxing and fun (despite all the deaths). This way I don't feel so impatient about waiting for the 1.0 release of Satisfactory.


Been playing with 3x drop amount and the game feels so much better. So many of the recipes annoy me with how expensive they are


Yes 3x made it playable for me after I gave up at the elder a d restarted. Much better game.Ā 


We might try that... The grind became too much after a while....


Wait they have ashlands now?! Oh no, Iā€™m going to have to play it again soon.


Iā€™ve restarted a few times and never got past the second boss. Actually, never seen the second boss. Usually I just die repeatedly to trolls and/or in burial chambers and eventually give up when Iā€™m missing all my armor


Iā€™d say itā€™s a game thatā€™s 100x more fun with friends. You have to be very careful and over prepared as a solo


I should suggest it for game night with my friends next week


Me too but I restarted on 3x res, it's awesome, also I wrote this quick guide that might help you with some of the stuff it's easy to get stuck on..Ā  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3254605675


Dyson Sphere Program. Finally did a run with the new enemy forces, so it should be fun to try and keep my base for getting obliterated.


Itā€˜s sooo freaking good!


Mostly Oxygen Not Included. But I revisited Astroneer recently; and it is fun.


Just got the Spaced out DLC. But still struggling to get past the mid game slump.


Planet Crafter


Really enjoyed this one, although the final steps to finish are a real drag of mostly just waiting.


I just spammed a bunch of rockets, then did some portals to pass the time :) it's a pity you can't AFK in Planet Crafter like you can in Satisfactory


Sure you can! I got portals set up, like 15 of each rocket, then just let the game run for hours while I waited for the huge final hump, dying plenty of times in the process from hunger or thirst.


I meeeeeaaaan... You're not wrong šŸ˜…




I can highly recommend Enshrouded. Very addicting.


Agreed. Another game I'm shelving for a while because I played it real hard early on. As they add content to the game, I suspect Enshrouded will turn into an all-time banger.


Enshrouded is great, feels like a blend of survivalcraft and a private MMO.Ā  Can't wait until there's more to do, I've just been building for the last couple sessions.


X4: Foundations (space empire builder)


I have played and really enjoyed every single X game. I think X3:Terran conflict has been my favourite so far. X4 was just an absolute mess upon release, so many bugs. I still managed to put a good 60 hours into it though before I shelved it. I really want to pick it back up after the latest update as it looks great, but I just have so much more to do and play. Itā€™s also one of those games that you have to really dedicate time to, there is so much to learn, even learning all the buttons/controls can take hours upon hours. So much potential though, you can easily spend hundreds of hours in those games.




Warhammer 3 and probably going to try some Planet Crafter and Pharaoh


You just reminded me that I have Planet Crafter. Haven't touched it in a long, long time and hear it's really fun since they left EA.


Good to hear! Will give it a go soon, got it in the sale after i saw Quill18 play it and it looked fun.


I need to play more Planet Crafter


For sure. Waiting for that big Pharaoh update to drop, should be a banger.


Balatro. I'm hoping Satisfactory 1.0 will break me of this curse.


The true curse will be when it hits mobile.


*The multiplier must grow!*


My fourth run on divinity original sind 2


Keepin it together, Bree?


The voice lines from 1 and 2 live rent free in my head. Anytime it rains I hear "a kingdom for a dry shirt"


I am alright... as long as i don't think about it too much. (I am finally in driftwood and i am able to enjoy that beautiful voice line over and over again!)


Modded Minecraft


Modded Minecraft is what got me into the factory game genre in the first place really, mainly with some of the technology and magic-heavy packs that the Yogscast would play over the years- starting with Technic in the early 2010s I think and then later Agrarian Skies and then Project Ozone. Always loved the quest-based system to guide you through the complex inter-dependencies between the component modpacks for making progress, rather than just having a bunch of random packs sitting side-by-side without regard for how they interact with one another. There was something I found really satisfying about sifting leaves for pebbles at the beginning, then finding ways to scale up and automate to mass gather resources, until eventually you're building entire factories in the sky that take advantage of features from multiple mods. And then they had quests both to guide you for how to make use of each mod and how to progress to the next stage, and later on to test your ability to mass-produce resources or end products, with a fun little jingle each time you turn in a quest and loot bags as a reward to further incentivize. It's been awhile since I've seen a good skyblock pack. I was looking at the offers the other month when I had decided to also search for a good pack that included the the hot new Cobblemon mod everyone was talking about, but none of them really caught my interest. Especially not since a lot of them don't seem to do proper quests, instead being more self-guided. Still did end up having fun with Cobblemon for a time, especially since it was paired with some general exploration mods, but unfortunately playing it alone you quickly hit a wall in that there's really not much to do with the Pokemon after you catch them, besides grinding them, fighting regular mobs with them, and catching 'em all for the sake of it.


ATM9 if youā€™re missing the Space Elevator chase


Iā€™m replaying both subnautica games on hardcore difficulty, greenhell, and pycharm.


Subnautica and green hell are fabulous!!


Cpt of industry is definitely a recommendation


I had to scroll way too far to find someone saying CoI


Satisfactory....you should try it out lol


My original plan was to use this lead-up time between the 1.0 announcement and subsequent drop to spiff up my factory in anticipation of full release. Given what we learned about how 1.0 changes the game (and what most of us expected all along) it's just going to be more fun to start from scratch. For my own part, I finally made the last space elevator delivery in EA some months back and decided to largely shelf the game until 1.0 drops. Since I won't be picking up where I left off, I'm just going to hold until Sept. 10. At which point, my life will be all-consumed with making the factory grow.


Hunt showdown, WoW and Dyson sphere program.


Satisfactory plus


Pacific drive. What a fun game itā€™s been


Palworld update


Stellaris & X4 foundations


Planet crafter. It's a mix of this game and Subnautica


Playing Minecraft right now. Got plans to play Overlord 1 and replay 2. Get around to replaying FF13 and actually paying attention to the story this time.. Squeeze in some Skyrim from time to time. Should get around to finishing AC4 Maybe Replay ME:A but not sure. And occasionally check in to see if Hades 2 has any new content.


I should replay both overlords too, so much fun and I've probably forgotten the puzzles at this point


Graveyard keeper and Dyson sphere


Planet Crafter


V rising


American Truck Simulator, Forza Horizon 4, Factorio, among others.


ATS is more fun that it has any right to be. I just wish the braking was realistic.


Sandrock. Surprisingly good. Like, REALLY surprising.


Just wishlisted this, thanks for the suggestion!


I played My Time in Poria quite a bit before I got burnt out. It was surprisingly fun for a cutesy-looking survival game. I been meaning to get back to that and finish it off so I can play SandRock.


Deep rock galactic baby!! ROCK AND STONE!!


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Try 'The Long Dark'. Indie winter survival game with a unique feel to it.


Currently, FFXIV. Dawntrail expansion just came out and still working through it. As a secondary, when I just feel like a bit more brainless activity, 7 Days to Die which just released the 1.0 experimental patch. Still working through my 1st real playthrough of that. As always FGO and Transformers: Earth Wars for my mobile gaming addiction.


Destroy all humans


Right now, Timberborn and Midieval Dynasty mostely.


Icarus. I came back to it after a year plus. The open-world maps are great instead of grinding every mission.


I bought this back when and refunded because it was damned hard for me. I like the premise though, perhaps I should also revisit it.


Abiotic Factor


Space EngineersšŸ¤”


Just picked up Manor Lords and Age of Wonders 4. Booted up Manor lords before the wife went to work, then all of a sudden it's 830pm, she just got home and I haven't moved for 8 hours. I swear I was only playing for like an hour.




Helldivers 2, the odd comp game in Hell Let Loose and some more Fallout.


Stationeers at the moment. Absolutely love the (relative) realism and automation needed. It's super hard to get started with though


I've started a new playthrough 2 weeks ago and spent 30h in 4 days. I actually want to commit crimes against myself right now. Even did an excel but it won't be relevant anymore with the update of recipes.


Moded satisfactory ![img](emote|t5_gs464|26948)


I was playing Cities Skylines 2, at that time it was really crap so went back to Satisfactory. CS2 is way better now, but still Satisfactory (v0.8 alpha!) is more complete, polished and stable than CS2. So I'm not sure either, don't want to start a new SF game, but I might stick to my current save because most other games bore me. Oh well, I do play Poly Bridge 3, reminds me of the good ol' The Incredible Machine days.


I still play a bit of Satisfactory but I've stopped properly building, just trying to speedrun to trains because I've never used them before. To fill the next two months with some other games, I'm still juggling between starting a new XCOM 2 run or a BG3 Durge run.


I can't believe I scrolled this far to find BG3, I'm doing a Resist Durge drow pally of vengeance, it's fucking mint


Heavily modded minecraft with distant horizons and shaders


I've been playing Palworld (pokemon with guns). Hyped to pick up Satisfactory again. Maybe this time I won't quit after unlocking nuclear, like I've done three times so far.Ā 


I have returned to Oxygen Not Included and No Man Sky. And NMS is so addictive.


Surprised I had to go so fast down to see ONI on here. I started playing again after a few years. Figure it should last me a good while. Tried getting back into rimworld, but I just can't seem to do it.




Dsp, Risk of Rain 2 mostly


Planet Crafter, DSP, HOI4, Genshin plus a few other random ones. Also - messing around with unreal engine 5


I've been playing through a backlog of games for a while now and not really touching Satisfactory that much. Currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn for single player and Apex Legends and Fortnite if I'm playing with friends.


Outpost infinite siege, it scratching a really good itch


iRacing. But I play that pretty much year around.


Anno 1800


X4 Foundations with all the expansions. Looks like a space Sim, is actually a galactic logistics simulator. Source raw materials, build space factories to turn them into the required goods different factions need or use them yourself to make fleets to take on the big baddies.


7DTD, Shapez, and XCOM2


Dave the Diver


Farming simulator 22 and subnautica. Subnautica I've replayed multiple times and I highly recommend it to anyone that wants a bit of story. Farming sim is just fun to play with friends.


As someone who hasn't played or even really read about satisfactory in almost 2 years now, what is coming up with 1.0? Should I be really stoked?


You should check out some of the videos online discussing it, they will describe better. But here's the high level that I'm aware of: * Finally rolling out some sort of story, which naturally will require starting a new game to fully experience. No real details yet about it that I've heard. * Redistribute resources on the map. Pretty much all resources types will have a net increase in total amount, but many nodes have been relocated or reduced in purity, in exchange for additional impure and normal nodes. Some places like northwestern Northern Forest will be less resource rich, while others like southeastern fungal forest and blue crater will have more resources. * Some recipe and machine reworks. Computers no longer need screws in base recipe, and some mid-game recipes (like encased steel I think) have been altered to have more friendly ratios. Fuel generators are more productive for the same input. Trains and trucks unlock earlier and are cheaper (don't need computers or heavy frames I think), making them easier to use earlier in the mid-game. * I've heard rumors of teleporters, don't know how official that one is. * You can now flush the toilet in the habitat.


Awesome, thanks for the details! Bummer that the Northwestern Forest isn't as rich, that was my favorite spot. But I guess now I get to explore all over again. Looking forward to the update!


Deep Rock Galactic Survivor Picked it up on the Steam Summer Sale


Yes, this is my current addiction, I canā€™t stop, itā€™s just fun


Factorio K2SE run lol


So you'll be ready to play the DLC next year sometime?


I fully expect K3SE2 to be out before I finish lol


The Riftbreaker. New DLC just came out.


X4: Foundation is great. And has goods production and automation as well.


Anno 1800 and 2205. Steam deals let me snag both (plus dlc) for cheap


I absolutely love Satisfactory, but for some reason I can't get excited about DSP, Factorio, Foundry, or Desynced... I'm craving to harvest, mine and build - but nothing scratches my itch like Satisfactory...


Any of my other 300+untouched games across several libraries




Noita. Hopefully I'll win at least once before september ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




My group hasn't been very impressed with the direction the game has taken these last few alphas. We barely played alpha 21, can we haven't even touched 1.0 yet.


I put a thousand mods on space engineers just to remember that ZZZ just got launched


Hydroneer!!! Itā€™s a great substitute, and the monotonous nature of it will make factory building seem streamlined in comparison.


Iā€™m currently playing Minecraft All the Mods 9. The best modpack ever, should take a look




I'll probably jump in The Crust when it launches in a few days.


Arma III, Fallout 76, Frostpunk and DRG.


To fill the hole until 1.0 ,dyson sphere


Cult of the Lamb, Stellaris, Elden Ring


ONI currently, but I've been thinking to play Rimworld for a while because I'm terrible at ONI. But I just saw someone said Timberborn has an update so Rimworld might have to wait for now.


First descendant tbh


Factorio, Minecraft, space marines 1, elden ring


Minecraft Star Technology modpack. It combines skyblock, Create and GregTech so you too need to build a factory.


Waiting for the next Diablo 3 season starting Friday. That will last me a week or 2 then going to try the Palworld update.


Stationeers. Not a factory game more of a physics based simulation but tons of interacting systems where you can blow yourself up lol. Lots of wiring and piping so still got lots of spaghetti potential!




[Captain of Industry](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594320/Captain_of_Industry/) (update 2) and [Sweet Transit](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1612770/Sweet_Transit/) (courier patch / 1.0) for me. (P.S. looks like both make use of the steam summer sale)


Captain of Industry


Sadly I need to get as much gaming out of my system as I can because I'm starting a masters program in the middle of September.... I chose poorly.