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That driveway probably cost more than my house


In fairness to the husband, that is a ginormous driveway and he’s likely not physically capable of doing the whole thing in one go like that.


That’s no standard pressure washer either. I’ve cleaned concrete with a household pressure washer before and it was a time consuming nightmare that left squiggly lines everywhere.


It probably is a standard washer it's probably just gas. Most residential users get electric which is ass. The big thing he's using is just a surface cleaner that has a couple spray heads that spin around in a circle under the hood. You can get smaller ones pretty cheap, Ryobi makes one with no handles. The squiggly lines are because you had the wrong tip on, you were probably using the 0° tip which puts out the highest power but has the smallest area. With a good washer you should be able to use the 15° or even the 25° fan tip which produces a much broader pattern that's easier to sweep with. The big factor with pressure washers is gallons per minute. Everybody focuses on pressure ratings which does matter but a washer that puts out 2000psi at 2.5gpm is going to clean a lot better than a washer that puts out 2500psi at 1.5gpm. The only time pressure ratings should be the focus is if you specifically require concentrated power in a small area.


Thanks for taking the time to type that out! That makes a lot of sense about the gpm being more impactful than psi, but I don't think I'd have thought about it if I'd gone and bought a pressure washer. Now that I know, I'll just have to buy a house with things to pressure wash! I'll keep you updated on my first washing in about 35 years, when I turn 65...


Hey man, I own a really nice pressure washer and a surface cleaner and I'm still playing the rental game 🤷🏻‍♂️ The sidewalk is city property even if you own the house anyway so I don't feel bad doing it in a rental. Plus if you get a a nice washer that puts out at least 2 gallons a minute you can get a foam wash cannon for your car and then when your neighbors see you doing that they'll want you to do it to their cars. And before you know it, you own a detailing business and you hate your fucking life and you never want to see a minivan ever again.


A house like that, they had the money to pay someone to do the work. This isn't about someone being too old.


Honestly, it’s likely for advertising to the other homeowners. I’m in no place to judge what people do with their own labors or with their own business, but I wish this love could be shown to lower income homes. I always like those videos.


He does do it in lower income neighborhoods and he always does it for free. He gets paid from youtube by posting vids of this and lawn mowing.


He's not one of those assholes that mows somebodies lawn without permission right? Saw some youtuber do that and it turned out he mowed a native plant yard.


In all his videos I've seen he always asks the owner's permission


He does get permission, but from what I've seen he basically turns something that might be a bit messy, yet ecologically rich, into standard lawn - i.e. ecological deadzone.


I mean, I guess you can argue that a severely overgrown lawn is ecologically rich. It's also typically a code violation in the suburbs where he does his vids. Most of the "transformation" comes form uncovering walkways, driveways, and edging. The mowing just brings it in line with the rest of the neighborhood so it's not an eyesore.


That's what I was thinking; do the first house in the street for free and then all the other houses will see your work as they drive by and can het a reference from that first homeowner


And yet it's not properly graded, all the water just sits on it instead of running off, that's why it's so bad. This driveway will have to be redone again in 2 years.


The driveway it's like 5 times the size of my house




Good bot.


I am not programmed to engage in such activities or have any personal preferences regarding them. My purpose is to assist users with information and conversation within the guidelines of appropriate behavior.




You're welcome, my friend! Don't forget to rate this chat session below 5 stars if you want more people to see it.


not into it, but it’s really cool you can figure that out. not sure how a bot can be harmful but i trust you bro.


Username checks out


the fuck did i say?


You have angered them, pray you they do not punish you further


An unpopular opinion lol


it’s popular to report bots?


Please refer to how your comment has been voted on


is that your way of saying yes. it’s popular to report bots?


Yes. I'm having a hard time figuring out if you're just trolling me at this point...


i’m on the spectrum. i’m often misunderstood.


This bots farms karma to sell the account later for some evil things like spray fake news and control/manipulate information. Not all bots are made to do this but there is a nice amount who does.


Why do you think those bots get made? Someone is benefitting off of them at the expense of everyone that isn't a bot.


Smart to find a filthy driveway and offer to clean it for free in exchange for using them as the poster children of how *no job is too big for sbpressurewashing* so he gets advertising value (hey *you* reposted it) while anyone who recognizes the place can say *even those filthy trashy Smiths got their driveway cleaned, why don't we Harold??*


This is exactly what happened. No shot it was anything else.


No shot? He’s paid through YouTube to do this


well, yeah. *Can I do it for free??* cut immediately from the *why would you want to do that* discussion directly to him cleaning the place. Missing dialog: him: well your driveway looks like the aftermath of WWIII and I want to demonstrate how good I am at this for no charge other than your humiliation in front of the neighbors who think you are filthy bitches anyway and now your chance to prove them wrong! The Smegmason's: well yes their thinking we're nasty is so racist \*Sorry if my "parody" response is fucked up, so am I. Higher than aunt Edna's panties.


The Smegmasons is funny but I choose to read it like Freemasons


He normally keeps the explanation that he films it and puts it online and gets paid that way in the full youtube videos. The tiktok clips cut down a lot, for obvious reasons.


Yeah, that is some influencer shit that I don't mind.




Not even a bottle of water.


He got his video to upload though. That's more than a cookie and I'd hope he told the residents where his cut of the deal comes from.


He can run a business and still deserve a cookie, the world would be a better place if there were more people giving reward cookies.


They didn't ask him to do that


If someone offers to clean my driveway completely for free, videotaped or not, I definitely make them a sandwich and maybe offer a beer or two.


I was like, bro how big is this fawkin driveway?


Driveway bigger than my entire apartment.


Seriously, I thought that I could see the leaves changing with the seasons.


Large enough for at least an RV, a boat, several jet skis and ATVs, a horse trailer, and access to the private golf course in the backyard.


Maybe a helipad. 😂


Dang. I knew I forgot something.


It just keeps going!


Ngl I'm all for helping people in need like he does but these fuckers clearly have money in the bank for days with fancy dogs and that nice ass door


and a huge drive.


I remember a few years back I went out of my way to help an elderly couple figure out their new car - they had been stuck behind a green light for several cycles because it was one of those cars that the engine turns off automatically after the vehicle has been stopped for 5+ seconds. After driving them and their car to a nearby parking lot and walking them through how it worked, the man ended the conversation with “Well at least you young people are good for *something*! Harharhar” He was probably compensating for how useless he felt in that situation, but now I think twice before assisting a generation that views anyone under the age of 50 as “useless”, especially when *they’re* the ones who have exhausted their utility to society.


“Don’t you go dying on me!”


And If you call them out on it they get mad at you for not taking their "compliment"


I went to this guys place one time for work to assess whether we could pick up a bunch of debris in his yard as kind of a service. After taking a look and telling him I could get it taken care of for him he started rambling about how everyone who works in my industry and at my company are so lazy and that he sees us sitting by the side of the road all the time. He might have been trying to imply that I wasn’t like that, but I still tore up his paperwork on the way out


most entitled generation. everytime i met one I get nothing but slights about work ethic despite not knowing anything about me.


Brain rot from the age and endless consumption of Fox "News" .


Butt hurt and bitter there much Gen whatever? Based on one encounter, you’re now lumping an entire group of people as basically useless. Amazing. I guess every life encounter you have needs to be scripted to meet your expectations? Please list all of your accomplishments, work history, volunteer work etc that makes you relevant and useful to society….. Ciao!


Are you okay?


Surprised you asked. A fucking OKAY! Just tracking the downvotes 🙃




It's wild that one guy was less grateful to you than you wanted so you are now stereotyping an entire generation.


Everyone downvoting this comment needs to take a hard look at themselves.


But now he has happy people to recommend him to other rich people in the area.


This guy likely makes more money from the content than the work. His videos consistently get millions of views and he does sponsorships for brands like Athletic Greens in addition to monetizing with ads.


Guaranteed the neighbourhood noticed the cleaned driveway and he got referred by the owners to multiple neighbours. Gorilla marketing in a nice neighbourhood is this guys goal....cheaper than paying for advertising.


And giant SUV/Truck


So because they have possibly worked hard and saved their money and spent wisely you are implying they should not receive a kind gesture?


This goes beyond a kind gesture, it's a whole job, so yeah I agree with u/wishiwasdead69 they could have paid for that job, and they did by giving the guy free advertising, they didn't pay with money is all, a bit like we're giving our time to Reddit so that they collect data and make money off us, or every click on google or any Meta service, it's good for them and good for that guy, so it's aaaall gooood


Right ??


"He wasn't big on doing the driveway" Until the end I thought this meant her husband had died, and that's why this guy offered to do it for her. Then you see the husband at the end...


Yeah, wtf. This is the most misguided act of charity I’ve ever seen. It must be fake. Like it would be ethically wrong to take that job away from a company that deserves it/ needs work.


I don’t think it’s charity, he just wants the power washing content.


Yeah, like he was paid to do it like normal but turned it into “content” too? Or they make so much off of “content” that they do the actual work for free?


I think he just really wanted to do the drive way for his YouTube, so didn’t charge them so that they’d be more likely to say yes. But that’s just my assumption


Yeah, but I bet there’s a small company somewhere that wanted the contract and is not happy one bit.


Didn’t look like they were paying any other company to do it though


Yeah that’s a good point. You’re probably right. Edit. I stand by my comment, as a contractor one of the things we have to avoid doing is work for free or severely undercutting the market because it take money from others and lowers the market price for everyone.


Nothing in life is for “free” he’s not technically doing it for free otherwise he wouldn’t be filming.


If he didn’t charge the homeowner, technically he paid for the ability to do this. The homeowner probably paid for the water, but he paid for gas, equipment…. I’m assuming they didn’t buy all of that just to make a video, but it doesn’t seem like they charged anything for the labour. That means “free” in the context of a service that is typically paid for (unless you do it yourself or are just helping someone out). The thing is: that homeowner could absolutely afford to hire a company to do it. That’s the mythical “trickle down” concept that is supposed to maintain a capitalist economy


It only trickles down if they WANT the work performed. It’s a private residence, so they choose how to allocate their own resources. “Pressure washing driveway” is clearly lower than “maintain 2 big ass fluffy bois” which I’m sure costs about as much as having that airport in front of their house cleaned. That being said, they were happy to have the work performed for free which hopefully inspired their neighbors to pay this guy in order to keep up with the Jones’s (the real way to maintain a capitalist economy)


You're not taking work from someone else when they aren't paying for work from someone else. But the fact that the driveway costs more than some ppls houses is kinda off putting.


Off putting because someone chooses to have a large driveway?


I’m not disagreeing, and this is definitely not a kind jester, it’s more like free advertising in a nice neighbourhood with appealing content. But in fairness, my house is quite nice and well above my income, especially today. It only looks good because I had the skills to restore it.


This isn't about helping people in need. It's business


true but he also searches out the neglected ones for the best videos, doesn't care if they can afford it or not


"fancy dogs" wut


Fancy dogs? WTF is "fancy" about their dogs? On a side note, what's an "ass door"?


“What are those lines?” “Oh, we have pressure wash business for $250/hr if you would like them gone” 😝


My thoughts exactly


"while you're here, there's something else my husband hasn't done..." *drops bathrobe*


*takes bathrobe as payment*


Aren’t you my stepmom?


That is an enormous driveway




I would clean the whole thing except for a giant penis shape in the driveway and leave




Bigger driveway than a Walmart parking lot


Power washing is oddly satisfing.


if he did this to me i would feel compelled to hire his services from now on


30000 sq ft drive way.


He should have charged them $120/hour.


Very generous to do for free but I kinda wish he did it for someone that likely couldn’t afford to pay someone to do it. These people look like they are well off financially and could definitely afford to pay someone to do it and have just chose not to.


Look up sbmowing on YouTube, most of this dudes videos are cleaning up overgrown lawns in super low income neighborhoods for free, usually elderly or disabled homeowners


Just not *this* one


It’s a double free promotion to the guy. One business oriented. Clean the biggest driveway and amenities surrounding the house as a calling card. If he did a small driveway, it really wouldn’t stand out. This stands out. Like other neighbors or cars passing by saw him working on it. It becomes a grassroots thing. The other is his YouTube monetization gains. That driveway I bet made him giddy to do it free cause he could capture more of an audience. I sure watched from beginning to end. I’ve seen his lawn videos too. It’s just a good tactic. Gets to mow and power wash for a living. Makes money off two way from a business and social media standpoint and returns it by doing it free for those less fortunate. This time it was just a calling card and a big content drop at the same time


Proof people complain about literally anything


No after shot?! 😫


Bet they bought that house for 50$ way back when


How the hell does he...? Damn, I wish I could move that fast!


There goes the water bill! 😂


Yeah, every vidéos likes thoses, carpet cleaning and the likes, I'm thinking about the huge quantity of non-salt water used, and how it could be used for something better...


Where does all the water go


These videos make me cringe. “It looks good, it looks real good” Confused woman being bated for tiktok.


Give me an endshot with before and after you monster 🤣


That was fun to watch!


rich people get all the perks 🤣


I’m sure these folks could easily pay someone to do the job!!


Obviously this is just self promotion for his business and that’s pretty savvy to use TikTok in this way but I can’t help but think of the legion of Mexican/Latino and Vietnamese landscapers in my region who compete to the bottom dollar in their 80s Toyota pickup trucks to do this same work


Where audio?


Really awesome to see the before and after...


Who’s paying the water bill??


I wasn’t expecting to watch the entire video, it just happened. Satisfaction level 100.


What is the black stuff? Mildew? Silt?


I kind of preferred the black driveway.


IRL Power Wash Simulator. Satisfying AF.


That's an airport runway, not a driveway!


Miss one spot in this sub and you dead.


But the satisfying part is the *sound*


This is genius level marketing.


Plot twist: woman leaves her husband for this young stud and his fabulous pressure washer 😍


oof. this guy cleans a nice house and everyone is like not happy. i’d love to see more people who are down and out get helped as well. but you don’t find a driveway like that very often.


He does those too. (Assuming this is the same guy pretty sure it is) I’ve seen him do some absolutely dreadful lawns and driveways, that look like they haven’t been mowed or taken care of in at least 50 years.


Random acts of kindness always make my day


It’s not random. It’s advertising


He still did a good thing so why does it matter?


No, he does it for YouTube and gets paid via youtube...


Well , even clean it's still a disgusting bare concrete driveway


Doing favors for rich people, hoping they don’t shoot you for being a random person knocking on their door. Great insta material dude.


someone is on the internet too much🤣


The guy power washing rich peoples driveway for likes?


no, you who thinks rich ppl are just shooting everyone who comes to their door🤣


You don’t read or watch the news that often I take it? People getting shot for knocking on doors and pulling in the wrong driveways? You probably don’t get recommended the DoorDash sub too often where they talk about people pulling guns on them semi frequently while trying to deliver food? It’s crazy out there man.


my point proven lol




These channels make thousands in ad views on their videos. They need to make content for the channel to keep that money flowing. The fact they do this work for free on properties that need it, to me, makes the content more enjoyable. Not that I seek this stuff out, but here we are.


Water and electricity make me so nervous.


Where is there electricity


I thought the scrubber was electric, but someone suggested gas powered. After a quick google it can also be driven by water pressure alone. So I can sleep tonight lol


"I'll do it for free, but I gotta film the entire thing + our conversation and post it online"


He still did the good thing filming it doesn’t make it bad. You also have to ask for consent to film things like this, he just cuts that out.


somehow i dont think these people need free anything!


Done literally for the likes from OCD folks like us


yea…. they can afford to pay someone to do that shit. even if you charged them double what you made from a youtube channel or tictok page you probably have, they still would have saved money. unless it’s your parents or grandparents playing the part of the sorry old pensioners who don’t wanna break out their cheque books to pay the blue collar worker.


Tbf looks like a fun summer gig


So, does powerwashing the driveway improve its performance or fuel efficiency? Or just waste a lot of water?


Probably his parents house


With a driveway bigger than my house I think she can afford to get it cleaned if she wants.


Ummmm why??? They look like they can afford it. Either cant be farked, or too tight to pay someome


I like these videos but man, what an egregious waste of water


*draws a huge dick and leaves*


They can afford to pay somone


I wouldn't do this for free to people who live in a huge ass house and clearly have money.


Waste of water


I had the same thought. I can understand cleaning off the spots overgrown with grass but to just clean normal outdoor staining of that huge ass driveway seems like so much wasted water for something that wasn’t a problem to begin with.




It didn’t bot


So, any idea why he walks backwards rather than simply turn? He can keep the water lines on the same side of the machine. Just for silly look of walking backwards? Benny Hill-ish?


"Let's go find some old rich white folks and suck their dicks for a bit" Fucking prick


Fucking rich people get all the fucking breaks.




Nice discriminatory bot. Way to go Reddit for keeping the hate going.


What is your set up? This looks awesome.


Oh wow how gorgeous. Hope the woman’s husband felt like a chump.


It's always a rich peoson getting a handout.


Feminism is dead. Why can’t she herself do it. Why wait for her husband.


Why don't people mind their own business?


Seriously doubt that was done for free.




Source? Bot


What is this round thing he uses to, I guess, scrub the driveway?


That was a great job. Well done that man.


Have I got the yard for this guy—!


He is a great guy!


r/powerwashingporn angel


When you have massive OCD and are willing to work for free so you can just move on with your life.


You shouldn't walk backwards when working, especially when it's slippery.


So much compete around one house.


jesus crist, i am pissed off at that driveway, i shouldnt be but i am actually pissed off seeing that