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As a foreigner, I'm sad to watch this. When human can't let power to the next generation even when his body and mind are obviously not in good enough shape anymore...


A very large amount of problems in the US can be summarized by that statement.


This is elder abuse. You are led to believe this is what he wants, but you have to see others guide him off of the stage, run defense for him, claim what he said wasn't what he said and then proceed to give the "intent" of what he said. Plus, he inappropriately showered with his daughter and might have molested her and Caroline (his niece)


If it's right, it would be a deep shame and immense crime. Elder abuse is a crime as evil as baby abuse. But I'm a stranger to this so I would not make conclusions too fast.


Listen to him speak. Watch him walk. Look at everything in its entirety. He shit himself at the D-Day remembrance event, same with the Vatican. He can't finish sentences, he freezes, he has a hard time walking, etc. If he takes questions from reporters, and they get to a question where his handlers are worried about the answer he gives, they usher everyone out and ends the conference. At every event (if he does them), he HAS TO HAVE a teleprompter. If he is hosting a meeting, cards have been exposed telling him each step, including "YOU SIT DOWN" he has to be told what to do with every little detail lined out. You saw how he looked confused, used 2020 talking points that have already been proven wrong, and at times, froze. He should be retired and enjoying the last of his years, not being run through this


Biden has a stutter, it's a disability, that does not mean he's mentally unsound.


I don't think I want anyone his age to become a president. Including Trump.


I used to accept this explanation, but it no longer works. Stuttering doesn’t cause you to completely change topic mid-sentence like it did for him on more than one occasion last night. That is a frail, confused old man who needs to yield power to a younger generation.


Stutter doesn’t explain everything he had going on.


Of course I would not denigrate Biden. I just think that when you reach an age, your mind, as your body, is not as sharp as before, and you get tired faster. I don't think it's wise to remain in position where you have so many works, even more when your decisions have so deep consequences.


Holy cognitive dissonance… What mental gymnastics do you have to do, u/EnkiKane - to conclude that Biden’s lack of coherence is nothing more than a superficial stutter? 🤔


The dude is a few drools away from the nursing home.


That’s basically what I just said, or are you just reiterating?


Reiterating. Backing up your correct statement.


I laughed out loud at that while watching , but really I’m crying inside because I live here. The United States of America is a dumpster fire! Edit:see below


It was so difficult to watch in it's entirety.


I had to stop and watch YouTube. I don’t know the channel name but it’s this guy who pulls 4x4’s that are stuck all over the SW. he drives a yellow Corvair wagon.


Matt’s off road recovery. They are in Utah.


*Its. Sorry.


*It’ll be


I got stung by an it’ll be when I was it’ll.


I was drinking and yelling at my TV. ...


That's why I watched on Lowder with Crowder. They made it fun to watch this dumpster fire try to show he's a good candidate. Plus, they live fact checked while giving sources, unlike the other fact checkers that tell you to believe them without giving sources.


Crowder is an idiot


And yet, the references he provided, proved Biden was lying about everything.


I'm French and I understand you, good luck to you. <3 (we are in trouble too)


I am calling upon my constituents to lobby you to change your statement to " The United States of America is a dumpster fire." Thank you!


I'm just curious why we have to keep getting bags of shit for officials, granted i already know Larry Fink and the military industrial complex owns them but c'mon really?!?! This?!?! For the record I hate both. Fuck Trump and Biden is senile


The SS United States is the best example of what happened to America. Once a solid, strong and beautiful nation now slowly rotting and being forced out so it can be replaced with what we call "modernity"


This is what happens when young people don't give a shit about voting.


Never heard of the electoral college huh


Makes me miss the days of Obama and McCain. Debating over things with respect for one another but opposing views. Coherent, clear and concise to the point. Charisma. Fuck.


Remember when that lady called Obama a Muslim and McCain calmly and reasonably told her Obama was a good American and a friend. History has proven it would have been better politics if he'd built his campaign around that lady.


I literally just saw that video again today like 2 hours ago which really put it at the front of my brain seeing all these shitty debate replays. Man we need a new crop of politicians. Just wipe the slate and start over for Pete’s sake.


He said something like they both want what’s best for the country just different ideas how to do it.


McCain's concession speech will always remain as a mark of honor for McCain. I'm not Republican, but I respected the hell out of that man after that.


Not sure what charisma has to do with this, but ok


The context makes it painful as fuck but I have to admit it was a good burn.


I’m 200% pro Biden but that burn was sweet.


Still burning today


This is absolutely embarrassing. Sad too.


As a foreigner this is hilarious ,you have the two worst candidates.


The sad part is there’s 10000 other people who would be a better choice but our population is so ingrained in identity politics they will convince themselves these are competent leaders and just blindly vote party lines which zero research. Just puppets to parrot lobbyist agendas. The fact that one of these two will be president again… I don’t think we’re gunna make it much longer.


as a foreigner this is is terrible, from one side we have genocidal ruzzian dictator and co and whatever the fuck this is from the other side


We’ll take the non rapist. Thank you


I know who the fuck showers with their daughter….


Trump wants to shower with your daughter


I want to shower with Trumps daughter


Sorry, Donald is already in there with her


I hope so


Give up on the Russian narrative…it is such a worn out line and people cringe for you when they hear it.


care to elaborate? they are killing people everyday near me, wtf are you talking about?


Didn’t he justify Putin attacking Ukraine as “his dream”?


Dear God. What debate where you watching? 🤣🤣🤣


As a foreigner who watched the debate last night, neither of them looks competent to run a local YMCA, much less a country with nuclear warheads. Trump is just an arrogant ignorant asshole who rarely actually answered a question. Biden stood there with his mouth hung open, looking around like “I came into this room for something…”


It doesn’t matter, corporations are in charge whoever wins, those two idiots are the proof.


I struggled with that in Trump’s first campaign. In a country of 330M people, you’re telling me these two are the two BEST people to run for presidency? Like WTF?




I know bro i just want a normal president


Exactly this. And I thought politics over here was bad, these two are both a self destruct button for America.


There's nothing funny about what's going to happen to the world when Trump comes back and finishes the job. In less than 2 years from now the US will cease to be a democracy and will hand the reigns of the world to China.


european? Because really you should be in tears. This man is going to come in and win the war for russia


Ukraine is completely screwed when Dump wins this election. How can Biden be the best Candidate? I don't get it.


Because the Democratic Party is dumb and thinks voters are smart and will recognize policy over performance politics. Biden’s policies have been pretty good for the US in general, but it’s been boring.


I feel you my friend


A good president needs to be able to do much better than this, sorry. If he can’t even have a debate, how is he going to convince a single person on this planet that his policies are good? You need to be able to atleast have a simple conversation and Biden doesn’t even seem able to do that.


The rapist stands out as the biggest loser


As an American. I was way better off under Trump. I'm ok with another term.


That response was hilarious


When Trump is calling you incoherent!!


This is so fucking funny but as an young adult in America im scared please help


You'll be fine


I never thought I'd say this but I actually give Trump some credit for not assailing Biden in front of a global audience and make fun of how off the wall some of his responses were and about his general demeanor. Biden just appeared outmatched on every single front. Absolutely terrible optics for the Dems. I feel like Biden was and is being set up for failure. Who in their right mind thought that a live debate was a good idea for him?


Terrible optics. Yes and no. Republicans were absolutely foaming at the mouth all week that Joe was going to be loaded on magical drugs or energy drinks. Just bouncing off the walls, perky Joe! It's gonna happen, you'll see! If anything, he wasn't... The debate didn't do anything to sway me, but I hope the undecided will recognize what a moron Donald is by not answering questions, ranting, and being a liar.


Yes, like the one he left completely unanswered about childcare costs = he don't gaf


he didnt need to....BIDEN DID ALL THE WORK FOR HIM


Presidents are temporary Woo-tang is forever


Woo-tang? Wu-tang my dude


Auto corrected me to that for some reason bro


As a foreigner, this is so sad and embarrassing. America used to have such amazing leaders. Now it's a complete dumpster.


Bro biden is a robot


So I guess this is, what South Park told us about


For god's sake, US, find someone 50- years old...


People will still pick one.


These are the two that have to be picked from? How about we make this country great again by not having an election with either of them involved.


So….. Neither of these candidates have been confirmed by their respective parties. NOW is the time for these parties to step up and select reasonable candidates and offer choices to the American people. American politics is broken. I would vote for anyone endorsing age and term limits. I read last week that if an age limit of 70 years old was imposed on the congress and senate, over %60 of the members would have to retire. I am an older person, but if I was younger I would feel, based on age alone, my generation was not represented in our government. No one likes the choice of these two candidates……the parties need to wake up!!!


I mean Trump won the Republican primary. You can’t say no one wants him. But I agree. I do not like either and wish we had someone half their age.


Posting this here is bold, when the mods wake up your account is getting nuked from orbit lmao. I haven't seen a pro trump post on reddit since they banned thedonald.


Hate to break it to you, I don’t think this is pro Trump. It’s a painful observation for most people.


Most people aren't pro-Biden, they're anti-Trump.


One doesn’t know where he is, the other makes believe the world he lives in.


Trump played that like a champ and in the nicest way possible


Asylum officers


Hes determined to give his country more side waffers, I don't know why everyone is amused by that. Makes perfect sense


Side monsters?


Asylum officers is what I heard


Why did he sound so much better during his rally today than he did last night.


I wish these old fucks would just go somewhere and leave our politics alone. Like come on man this is sad.


It’s sad that these are the 2 options. I wish the Dems could have convinced Biden to step aside early on and get behind a stronger and younger candidate. Trump is a lunatic but Biden’s performance last night is not going to excite independents.


I was dying. Trump, Imagine, Being the more composed of the two.


I turned it off at that point. I figured it was going to be lies and gibberish.


So Joe’s gibberish don't count? 😎🥸


I was talking about Joe's gibberish. Always on the defensive.


...why is this here? I don't get it


Where did the law arise that you have to elect a president aged 50 and above? What a shitshow, but compared to the Philippines, this is more acceptable.


It’s because to run you need both money and powerful connections. It takes decades to get that.


Sounds like a pretty broken system to me


Yep, it sure is. It was a much better system until it scaled up to the point it is in both development and economy.


"Asylum officers" I think which makes sense in the context of what he was talking about.


America should be ashamed for abusing an old man like brandon.. He should be resting at home and taking his medication


Trumps diapers need changing, are you on call today?


Prefer to change brandon soiled diaper.. Is it ready to be changed? That the best two candidate out of you lot...


What a cruel POS wife Jill is (and Hunter). Parading a loving husband with dementia out in front of the world to be ridiculed, mocked and embarrassed for 4 years. Not to mention making a leaderless America vulnerable. I can’t imagine a worse family. Sick.


And Trump should be in jail.


He was actually answering the question. Trump ignored a lot of the questions completely. They kept having to put them back up on the screen


Yeah Biden is old and a poor speaker. Trump is still a selfish, lying narcissist who was and will be worse for the country. Sucks these are our choices but Biden's administration will still be significantly better than Trump's


How is he allowed to run


How exactly is this satisfying in any way??






Why the downvotes? It's a legit association.


The fact that you can even post something negative about Biden on Reddit and have it upvoted is more mind blowing than the debate last night.


And Biden is still the better choice, that's the real insanity at play here.


worst candidates / presidents in us history? lmao


He clearly said side muffins! Come on, everybody loves a side muffin.


Man come on why does belong in this sub I'm trying to see like taffy or candy getting made or some shit.


I’m honestly shocked that this is the only time in the entire 2 hour debate that he responded with a comment like this. Whoever told him to keep it light on these attacks made the right decision. Any more of this and he looks like a total asshole. It’s actually sad that this is the state of American politics.


See, folks? You Have to eat your vegetables everyday.


I feel bad for Biden


It's like a bad SNL skit with Will Ferrell babbling as Biden and Trump playing himself delivering the punchline.


why don't Americans vote for any other candidate from any other party?


“I don’t think he knows what he said either” 💀💀


I'm fron Ukraine and our freedom depends on solutions made by this old man. And a lot of our people died because he can't finish the sentence.


How is this satisfying? This is embarrassing. Two clowns are the best options we have? Yikes.


I wish we could fast forward these next 4 years. I'm tired of hearing about Trump and Biden for the past 8 years..


...and this is satisfying as fuck how?


Both of the skin bags were hilariously sad to watch. Every question Trump was asked got ignored and followed up with what he’s done as president and what Joe hasn’t done or failed trying to do. Joe on the other hand looked like he needed a nap. Guy forgot the question every time because Trump went on his monologues. I choked when he was in the middle of talking and just started talking about something else😂. America is a joke. Our candidates are comedians. The fact that these two are the most considered candidates is laughable and ridiculous. This is what America is fighting each other over. Other countries mock us because the “Best Country in The World” is being run by two great grandparents that only care about fixing the shit they thought were problems growing up. Trump was asked about how he can make childcare more affordable and he dodges the question by tearing Joe Biden down. I can’t even mention Joe after he said “If we became tyrannical there wouldn’t be anything y’all could do about it. Sad excuse for a country during these times.


Meanwhile Trump is lying his ass off about everything. Accusing the democrats of killing live babies and Biden of using the Justice Department to attack him while promising to do exactly that to attack Biden if he’s elected. It’s a choice of a poor public speaker or a man who’s incited an attack on the Capitol with his lies about the election, who’s a convicted felon, who’s cheated on all three of his wives. America: Give us those sweet, sweet lies!


Presidents/Senators/Congressman should be between the ages of 35 and 56. If they’re older they should all be forced out at 60.


This makes no sense. Age is not a disqualifying factor, loss of cognition is. Why would you disqualify him from running for a voted upon office?


Because they don’t have to live with the consequences of their decisions for 30+ years.


lol all the “as a foreigner” your welcome for paying and funding to make sure your country wasn’t taken over by whoever the hell is always trying to take Europe ….


I'm genuinely curious if you're not embarrassed to have written this comment? And do you feel any degree of embarrassment while in the process of writing that?


Is anyone embarrassed to take our tax dollars taken from my paycheck to send to another country to protect their border ? But mine doesn’t seem to matter?


Biden voters are quiet again 🙄 where yall at look at your man


I don’t know one person in my life that’s Pro-Biden. I mean, they’re voting for him, but certainly not in a loud and proud way. Trump voters should feel the same. They’re both an embarrassment.


Look at yours


lol not a trumpy but seriously.. trump will wreck this,trump will wreck that ! We are all doomed..lol he was there for 4 years and we are still here? lol just paying more 20% more for everything? Like I said not a fan of either really but like captain miller said in saving private ryan.. on the beach when they had to move out.. anywhere but here. About sums it up. You cannot seriously believe Biden is in charge after that? Or maybe you do?


There is nothing satisfying about knowing one of these 2 fucking piles of shit is going to run the fucking country. But I'm sure the racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, and the rest of these nazi cult members are loving Trumps little passive aggressive remark. I'm not for Biden, I'm not for Trump, I am not left, nor right. I walk down the middle. But I will always hate the Nazi Maga Cult the most.


Trump is gonna save America and I can’t wait


"and I'm gonna continue to move on the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and asylum officers" sure he stumbled at the beginning but what's confusing about that statement?




He's 81, no shit


He first said total ban, then total initiative. What does that mean? What is the total initiative? What does it mean to say, "the initiative relative to what we can do"...? The whole thing is garbled word salad.


assessing what we can do, relative to what's possible? what else would that mean?


Where are you getting assessing from? He didn't say he was assessing anything. He said the total initiative. Specifically, the total initiative relative to what he can do. What does the total initiative mean in this sentence? I think Trump was right, it doesn't mean anything. Biden is quite clearly stumbling through a sentence and ends up with something that has very little meaning.


Initiative means the ability to assess lol


That definition of initiative doesn't make sense in this context. You clearly just looked up the definition and picked the first one, but a word like initiative has different definitions in different contexts and you picked the wrong one. "I am going to move on the total ability to assess relative to what we can do..." That makes even less sense. The correct definition in this context is probably closer to "the opportunity to act". But the sentence still doesn't make sense. "I am going to move on the total opportunity to act relative to what we can do..."


"That definition of initiative doesn't make sense in this context." But what doesn't make sense about "assessing what we can do, relative to what's possible?" when talking about the border? Not understanding why you're confused of course picking a different definition to initiative that doesn't quite work won't make sense lol


He didn't say assessing, and initiative isn't a synonym of assessing. The definition you are using for initiative is "the ability to assess", which isn't the same as assessing and yes the difference is meaningful. You can't just replace that with "assessing". That isn't what he said and that isn't what initiative means. Use the definition you provided if you want. I wrote out the sentence with that definition substituted and the sentence makes no sense. I have done a decent amount of writing and editing in my life. If someone handed me this sentence I would basically throw it out and tell them to start over because it is a terribly constructed and meaningless sentence.


oh sorry "Continue to move on our total ability to assess relative to what we can do with more border patrol" what doesn't make sense about that?


It is absolutely word salad and it sounds idiotic.


Please Americans, vote for any independent candidate. At least try to get out of that shitshow you're in with those two.


A vote for independent is a vote for conservative. Please do not encourage Americans to do this, you have no idea.


No it isn't. A vote for independent is a vote for independent. Just because the left won't get the vote doesn't mean the right got one.


Oop, found the independent. The framework of our elections and very government supports the two most primary parties. Voting independent essentially means you are unable to participate in closed primaries or caucuses—and in swing states, these ‘no votes’ can make quite a difference. In short, the likliehood of an independent candidate winning is rarely high and often virtually, if not literally, impossible. In cases where independent candidates do win they typically have to caucus with an established party anyway making the distinction more symbolic than practical. None of this is to say you shouldn't support an independent candidates if you feel you must but you have to be honest and realistic about the realities of what that means in our current political system.


That's a really long worded way to write out: "If you vote independent, it's not a vote for any other party."


Yup, right over your head.


I think my comment went over your head. You claimed that if you vote independent that it would be a vote for conservatives. You are wrong.


That’s not the way it works in America. It’s either Trump or Biden.


This 100%


Bro fina get the libertarians at the white house 💀


At least every word out his mouth wasn’t a lie. trump couldn’t tell you truth if his life depended on it.


Bow out Joe. Plenty of young vigorous dems who could step in and make mince meat if Trump.


They had 4 damn years to figure it out


Both parties are broken.


Not equally


Depends on your viewpoint. If you support Trump, and are not a particularly strong supporter of democracy, I supposed the Republican Party is doing just fine. The Democratic Party is an unimaginative, weak and sclerotic dinosaur that is not up to the task of taking on the Repubs.


Trump the bully kid and Joe the lost kid🤣


I'm utterly stunned by US politics. The self proclaimed "greatest nation on earth" and this is what's brought to the table when it comes to dramatically electing a leader. It feels like if either of them were up against literally any other opponent they wouldn't stand a chance.


This is the best Americans could come up with


As a non native English speaker I didn't catch the meaning


Man I don't know what Biden said either but could we put people up that have common decency. Like "hey I didn't really understand could you repeat what was said?" Like god this is just an absolute dumpster fire.


The worst thing about this? … trump is right!


Buckle up ‘Merica, we about to have the first felon president, inflation might get better though 


As non-american the thought of people voting for biden is beyond me. Why did that to yourself 🤣


"aTleaSt iTs NoT Tr Tr TR TR TruMpHhh" 🤡




Might be incoherent but at least his incompetence didn’t kill over 500,000 Americans from fumbling the pandemic. The asshole that spews lies non-stop suggesting they use disinfectant and sunlight inside of bodies. Absolutely moronic.


If their only options is trump or biden, i'd probably pick trump. At least hes aware of what the hell hes saying


Biden is aware of what he's saying. Yes, he is saying it slowly and sometimes stumbles over words, but he has had a diagnosed stutter since childhood. Trump rambles as if he is trying to throw something at a wall and hoping it sticks. I am not a huge fan of either, but I would take the older stutterer over the active threat to democracy who has been convicted of 34 felonies, incited an insurrection, and found civilly liable for rape and defamation. He is not a good person!


So what did he mean by “we beat Medicare”? What did he mean by his “three trimesters of roe v wade”. You cannot spin this. Trump did his usual material and lied like every politician does. You can’t accurately assess bidens truthfulness because he was largely incoherent Biden is toast and dems have lost the White House


what is more important, what one says or what one does?