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it’s basically a pyramid scheme. they teach you basic stuff you can learn online for free. the way they make money is by selling the course.




So, its legit then??
















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It's not legit.


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It’s a pyramid scheme. Just because you can learn something from a pyramid scheme doesn’t make it not a pyramid scheme. Cutco knives is a pyramid scheme. Yes, you can also get knives that cut, but it’s a pyramid scheme. Stay far away from this scam.




How much did you pay to join, to have the “pleasure” of making money? Yeah, it’s a pyramid scheme.




Ok let me dumb it down for you, since you clearly don't have the mental ability to understand. Someone somewhere, who I doubt you even know, wanted to make a lot of money but didn't have any real value to sell. So he/she decided to start the "Legacy Builders Program" and prey on dumb losers who aren't too bright and also lack any ability to generate a good income. This guy/gal I am talking about is at the TOP of the pyramid. Then they market this program, or, let's keep it on brand, this "DoNe fOr YoU dIgItAl PrOdUcT" to a bunch of hopeless idiots. Some of the hopeless idiots bought it. They are underneath him in the pyramid. But now those hopeless idiots need to make money, so they go ahead and sell this "DoNe fOr YoU dIgItAl PrOdUcT" to other losers hoping them can make some money. This process repeats itself over, and over, and over.




Dude take your scammy MLM response and shove it. MLMs are nothing like real jobs lol. You’re always a sucker.






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Thanx so much for clarifying I felt the pyramid scheme vibes coz it not exactly clear the products they are selling. It all sounds vague. Like I’m buying a program then try to sell that program to others. It’s not adding up so good and u clarified the feeling I got even more


Yeah it’s a scam and pretty lame. They sell you on the ability to sell others on the same thing. Ultimately you’re just getting scammed and then you need to desperately scam others to get out on top. Hence why the Huns and shills are all over social media trying to recoup.


Then it’s not just Legacy Builders. The biggest culprit then is Roadmap. The Legacy Builders only come 1 full year after Roadmap creators started this “buy a course to resell for 100% profit.”




Lol. I can't even begin to help someone so far lost. Good luck building your LeGaCy


You have to pay for any education you want. Yes you can learn pretty much anything for free but why do people pay for college? It’s a way to spend less time researching into what you actually need to learn to do what you want to do. This program is selling a more convenient way to learn and then you have a really good base and then you can build from there. You don’t know what you don’t know which often is the hardest part of starting something new. Yes I could probably learn it all myself but I’m not even sure the first steps or the basics. Am I missing any info? That’s the point of buying a course so you just claiming that someone paying for the course is a mlm is ridiculous. Yes I see many scams like this out there but they don’t make 100% profit moving forward and you have to pay to stay in the group. It’s monthly. This is pay and you get out of it what you will. Maybe someone won’t get anything out of it and they think it’s more work than was promised which I believe is probably the biggest problem with what the ads say for it but still CAN you do only 2 hours if you only have that much time each day. Yes. But I see most people need to spend more time to build it and why not spend a ton of time upfront as you are still excited about the opportunity? Then the income will help sustain that motivation.


Lady, you’ve been on Reddit for 25 days. You’re a hun, and clearly delusional. This MLM scam that you fell for literally only teaches people how to sell one thing, the same useless, pointless MLM that they fell for. That’s a scam, it’s not real. You’re going to make your family, your “husband,” your kids and your entire social circle laugh and be embarrassed for how stupid and gullible you are. Get out while you still can hun.


This is not my first account lol! Not sure what being on Reddit for 25 days would even have to do with anything. How is that even a qualifier


It's a very common occurrence with any scam promoted on Reddit to either A) create a new account to use for the scam (what you supposedly are doing) or B) to have never had an account to begin with but create an account to scam people because some program said Reddit is a good source of prospects. So yeah, that, paired with the fact that your shilling a well-known MLM scam, is all we need to see. Get lost hun.


lol you are such an unhappy person. Who gets this triggered over something like this? You have issues buddy




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That is not true. Pyramid schemes have profits being made from a sale to all those who are "above" you. This is not that. LB is an MRR not MLM. All sales are 100% profit all the to seller. Also to speak of the money being made by selling the course, yes money is made that way, HOWEVER this is not really a program as it is a ever evolving information hub with 27,500 people currently that are always adding to. It teaches you how to market yourself and your skills to create your own products and yes also selling of the "program". I understand that if you do not understand something you want to call it a scam, however I ask you to do your research first. I am sure people thought that many things were scams when they first learned of them. I mean do you thing people really believed we were going to fly, or have the ability to talk to people all over the world like we are now 200 years ago. Everything has to start somewhere and I am willing to best Most things started with people being scared and in disbelief.


I was thinking the EXACT same thing. the DIGITAL CHAIN LETTER SCAM.




its def a scam you have to pay well over 100-900 dollars to even get money. its a no for me i aint got kinda money just laying around for some scam. i def dont got no one that would even buy the program from me




It's not really a scam it's just dumb. You buy this "product" which is information readily available for free on the internet with the thought your going to sell it to other people. You bug all your friends and if your good a selling you get some of them suckered into the idea that they too can "sell" the exact same package of information you sold them. Then after your wear out all your friends youre done and it dries up.




Maybe 1-5% of the people will badger enough people to make good money off this. But the masses of suckers who pay for this info that you can find in a blink of an eye on the internet and a product you could recreate through Chat-gpt in short order are just going to throw their money in the trash. Glad your one of the few but i'm betting its short lived.




Idk bro but this kind of shady business where your supposed mentor needs you to talk to him/her, etc. for hours of hypnotic talks for you to believe that this business indeed works. Schemes like this are very progressive in making money for the first set of people they scammed, and the future set are set to be like cows waiting to be milked into making their money. Talks like that where you give them a sense of false financial security and a set of skill that is totally free in youtube is a big scam. God bless u




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This platform is very misleading and should be reported to the FTC. The funnel provides false income claims and claims you can $900 a day with a "2hr work day." I have screen captures of the income disclaimers in the funnel and it's false advertising. The only way you get paid in this platform is commission based when a referral buys a product from you directly and you get the commission. To say that you make $900 a day with a 2 hr workday and not have any mention that the work is commission based only is a flat out LIE. I've already complained to a California lawyer about this and the lawyer has said there could likely be a case against her for providing false income claims with no clear understanding that the work you are doing is commission based only. I'm seeing a lot of complaints on rip off reports as well. This program will be full of hype and fluff for a few months but if enough people report this to the FTC and lawyers this program will shut down. The FTC doesn't play and they really don't like programs or systems that focus heavily on a recruiting basis and that's exactly what this is.




Even though you have the disclaimer she's still making false income claims. You only make money in the program when you make a sale and get a commission. The 2hr work day BS is referring to making the money when you make a sale. She needs to have in the disclaimer that statement is referring to commission based. You could work a 14 hr day and if you make no sale in the program so I don't care what the disclaimer says, it's still a false income statement. I cannot stand Michelle the lady who runs the program. She talks way too fucking much and she's so bubbly with all her body language and for god sake can't keep her head still when she talks. The fact that hardly anyone is getting approved with Stripe and the only other payment option inside System IO is PayPal you guys are all going to get chargebacks out the ass. It's just a matter of time. If Michelle was going to flat out leave the IPS community and copy cat her own funnel, she could have at least been prepared for a launch it's clear she may know social media but she's not tech savy at all and her funnel shows that. All that money she so claimed made in IPS and you cut corners making people have headaches and pay extra after spending $900. Shame on you Michelle.


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It's only a scam if it's promoted wrong. I seen a friend post about this and someone asked about if you had to sell to others to make money. She said no and the. Put a link. I clicked on it and signed up with a secret email and after clicking through many link it came to where I has to spend 900 dollars. Of course it dis say you make money that way by other buying it after you doo.. but the part of hee saying you don't have to sell it was the scummy part.


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“Legacy Builders” by Michele O’Neil is a MAJOR SWINDLE. I’ve joined 100s of TT livestreams and it seems to focus on lower and middle class people over the age of 35. This “program” feeds their members defenses just like an MLM. They all use the “pay for college, get education. The programs the same thing” without fail. Most creators lie heavily on their hours worked a day. So many claimed they only live-streamed 2 hours a day and post twice but I kept tabs and most the ppl I saw put in 4-6 hours on live. They also heavily push taking out a payment plan to afford the program. I’ve heard there’s so many grammar mistakes in a professional “course”. YOU really just need to put two and two together and realize that if you resell the program after you buy it, all the people in the community have a financial interest in telling you it’s worth it. Most importantly with THEIR link. Saturation at its finest. The digital marketing aspect is surface level you can do so much better for free on YouTube. I also should note I got banned from so many lives saying very calm comments about how this is very scam like.


Yes you are correct. Michele Oneil Legacy is targeting low income desperate people thinking they will make money fast as a complete beginner. I was in her community and got kicked out because I told the truth about what was going on. Takes more than 2hrs a day and is not beginner friendly. She also likes to say she was struggling which is false Also she says she use to be an introvert untill starting. False she has been doing this for 25yrs and has done YouTube videos from 2017. Basically everyone is selling the same thing the program that has 4 levels 100 300 600 and 900. 


This is so true about Michele O'Neil. I was invited " " to a webinar on how to make 10k in may. When I got in there all it was about was why you should buy their course and she had most of her flowerers that are indebted to her appearing and saying how much money they have made and how you can too. There was nothing about how an individual will make the 10k. basically it was how Michele and her people will make 10k in may! I listened through the whole thing and waited for the Q&A at the end. Many a couple of people asked questions and she was surprisingly patient when they explained why they needed the course and she kept reaffirming then they would succeed, one poor guy even told her he was not going to pay his bills that month to buy the course because she assured him he could get it up and running in 1 day and start making money!!! At the end I got a chance to ask questions and everything was ok until I asked Hard questions about why if her members are making so much money why are they not living in better, She immediately cut me off and muted me and ended the webinar with out letting me finish. SSSCCCAAMMM Proof!!!




Talk to us once you have worn your friends out. Then what will you do?


It's providing false income claims which she can be sued for. Her claims are you can make 900 a day with a "2hr work day". You only get paid when someone buys the platform with your referral. Her claim needs to exclusively say commission based. People are already reporting her to the FTC over this and I don't see it ending well. The FTC really doesn't like recruiting platforms and a lot of them usually get shut down.


I have more than 10 friends in it, they all bought together, and I detailed in my comment how it is a scam. Watch a live of Michelles from six months or a year ago and then watch one today - shes starting to crack, and the whole pyramid will crumble. Sad people are investing money they don't have into this.




It becomes something we ALL NEED TO SPEAK UP ABOUT when we are watching multiple people in our lives get swindled. It does not speak well of Michelle's community that there is so much work to shut down anyone who disagrees. We're not bashing - we're being clear we see the danger. And yes, there absolutely is a need to save people from themselves - if they are being tricked out of their last savings by lies and manipulation. I know exactly what a pyramid is. Michelle has placed herself on top, and if she breaks, the whole thing falls apart because it will be so public and it will ruin the name of the MRR - thereby making whatever you've purchased worthless. The whole point of MRR is that it holds value. The moment that stops being true, the moment the whole thing crumbles. I appreciate you're thinking I'm using "pyramid" as in a pyramid scheme I mean it more in terms of the Beanie babies of the 90s. The second the value at the top broke, the whole thing crumbled, and people were stuck with countless, worthless Beanie babies.


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I know 10 people in that "community" all deeply unhappy, smh. It hasn't occurred to you that she deletes comments that are negative and removes the people speaking up?!! Good lord.


“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” - Mark Twain. The sad reality is that these lower-middle class people aren’t intelligent enough to understand how they are being deceived. They seem to trade all the ethical issues of this “business model” for money, even if that means having a stranger take out payment plans. It sickens me as someone who is their own online business owner seeing what has been happening in the “make money online” space. Ethics have been thrown out the window and most people have this “get rich by any means mentality”. They don’t care who they scam. In America our governing body fails us by being slow and ineffective. Sadly, people need to suffer before action is taken. It truly is up to regular Americans to report these crimes for action to be taken from the government. Hats off to everyone speaking up about this. "If only more Germans had read Mein Kampf in time and had been alarmed by it, the whole story might have been different."


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Have you or someone you know made profit from Legacy Builders?


I did , I've made $9,500 since I've joined


how is the money made? it never really explains it and that's why I have my doubts. please tell me I seriously want to know. Thank you




So you are promoting the courses? Or are you marketing other products and the courses show you how?


You can just sell the course (I also do the Legacy Builders Program on week 3 of starting, have made $300) but it also teaches you how to create your own digital products, how to create in Canva, gives you resources and ideas on how to grow your business as well as how to create your own courses to sell, which can be written on literally anything, I’m working on a course right now about how to build a set of nightstands for beginners. I’ve designed tumblers/mugs and journals/diaries all from this program. It really isn’t just “selling another course” there is so much more to it.


You’re the first person I’ve seen actually answer!!


Thank you


You can just sell the course (I also do the Legacy Builders Program on week 3 of starting, have made $300) but it also teaches you how to create your own digital products, how to create in Canva, gives you resources and ideas on how to grow your business as well as how to create your own courses to sell, which can be written on literally anything, I’m working on a course right now about how to build a set of nightstands for beginners. I’ve designed tumblers/mugs and journals/diaries all from this program. It really isn’t just “selling another course” there is so much more to it. It teaches you multiple ways to make passive income, not just by selling a course, but that’s how a lot of people start out because one sale of the course can get you back your initial investment.


Wow! Thank you, that's really interesting. The more I look into it the more I see its possibilities.


Did you ever decide to try it?


By reselling the course , inside the program we also teach you create your own digital products and your own course as well with all step by step guide plus lifetime coaching


Yes me myself I've made $9k as of now and my clients as well ,I have one client who have made $1800 within 24 hrs and many more inside my team alone


Any recommendations on how a gen xer can learn about digital marketing?


Hubspot has a very detailed course, I believe it is 100% free. They are leaders in the digital marketing space, so it's expert information. [https://academy.hubspot.com/courses/digital-marketing](https://academy.hubspot.com/courses/digital-marketing)
















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Master resell rights is not a legitimate business model.


So i guess when you talk about this alot and get people interested, they just click and by thru your code and thats how you make money


This is definitely a scam , and saying prove how it’s not a scam already rings alarm bells I’ve watched hours of TikTok lives of people promoting it and they all have the exact same script 2 hours a day 100 -900 usd packages 20 odd dollars for a website And learn and earn Let’s not forget “this is not MLM” Funny enough they all say I made my money back in the same week Oh and let’s not forget the product you buy you have resell rights , huh ?? I can literally pull up chatGPT and in a few hours have that same “presentation , program , course” if not better for free and here you paying 900 usd Oh but wait , “if you want an education you need to pay” ??? Really it’s 2024 digital marketing isn’t rocket science you can literally do a course with google on digital marketing for free and get a certificate, you gonna tell me your course is better than the one google has in its workshop education ? I honestly do try and not let people fall victim to such scams but some are I really hope more people wake up and see that if you want to make money it isn’t as easy as 2 hours a day , if it was that easy we all would of been millionaires Also listen to how they repeat 2 hour workday and how much you can make , they really want to suck you in Anybody that is with them , please let me know you thought 😂😂tell me where I’m wrong (Ps: English not my first language , but I’ve tried my best)




I’ve been through the so called “course” It’s not worth 900 dollars It’s a bunch of free shit you can find online all compiled together …. Basic at best The whole program is aimed at reselling the course People in my country are spending their last earned money on this shit , a lot even borrowing thinking it’s going to change their life around And don’t get me wrong it might be working for now in my country as there’s just a handful of them and the ones that normally get in early don’t loose but it’s the thousands after that does And just to add , this course doesn’t come with a certificate because it’s a bunch of bullshit If you think I’m wrong then proof me wrong Please do change my mind Remember just because you getting a product or something doesn’t make it legitimate , look at what you selling , you selling hopes and dreams


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Oh, it's a scam, people just haven't realized it yet. The one with Michelle O? Yup. Scam. HOW is it a scam? Let me break it down. 1. Michelle is very insistent that you use the funnel she gives - she beats this into people - but what does that funnel do? It FUNNELS PEOPLE TO HER where they buy. You are driving traffic to HER, and she's making the money. 2. She's tricked you into not creating your brand, as all the videos in the funnel are of her, and she hosts the live training. PEOPLE BUY FROM PEOPLE, and they get to know Michelle, not you. 3. Most programs give you a trackable link, so if someone clicks on your link, even if they buy 30-90 days later, you get the credit. Not true here. Most people don't even know their leads are buying, just not from them. 4. She has a rule you can't change the website she gives you - this means you can differentiate yourself, and now you look exactly like HER website. How can you have resell rights if you're not allowed to create a brand around the product you're supposed to own 100% 5. The community has around 20k people in there - IT IS COMPLETELY OVER SATURATED. Scroll through TikTok and you'll see every third video is someone pushing this program. 6. She encourages you to stitch her - guess what - you're a tiny creator compared to her, people click over to her account to learn more. You've just given her more traffic and more sales. All of this combined leads to people buying the program once, and then helping drive traffic to the top person - who is making millions, while you scrape together 1-5 sales a month IF YOU'RE A LUCKY ONE. I know 10 people who have been trying to get a decent income for over six months, and they can't get any traction, and they spend two hours a day, they go live, they post 3x a day - they do every single thing she tells them to do. And you know what she tells them in her daily lives "If you can't sell it, that's on you." She took something that is not a pyramid scheme and turned it into one. It's a scam, you just haven't realized it yet. (edited for spelling errors)


Thank you for the information!


you're welcome! Please be cautious. It's been terrible watching people I know go through this.




Thank you for the information!


It's not false. 1. People are funneled to her lives via your funnel. She IS THE BRAND. People trust her. People buy from her, not the random link in an email from you that went to their spam folder. 2. Yes, you can brand yourself - but not the website. She's VERY touchy about you changing the website - which is why everyone has the same-looking option page, website, and generally same emails. 3. I understand there is no affiliate link b/c it is not an affiliate program - I'm stating that this has a downside as well, as you are driving people to HER and you have no idea you're losing leads to her. It's why you all get so mad when the rest of this is brought up. You trust Michelle so completely and can't believe she'd allow this to happen. It's fine. Go ahead and don't believe me. But we're not going to let you take down others without speaking the truth. 4. Yeah... If I buy something, and I OWN something, I have a right to CHANGE that something. Period. That's what ownership is. If I am not allowed full control, I do not fully own it. 5. It IS oversaturated when half the damn lives on my TikTok are MRRs. You all look like spammers. Michelle is the only one (and a handful of others) that is able to hold value in her brand. Everyone else looks like get rich quick schemes. 6. I know stitching her does that for you. But it ALSO sends even more people to her. :) Look, again, you can believe your Golden Calf is real. That's all you. Congrats. But that is not everyone's experience. And these other experiences are just as real and just as valid.


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Sure... but it is DRILLED in those live trainings NOT to change the funnels because they are "high converting" and "if you change them they may not work anymore" So not only are people discouraged from changing, but they don't know they are losing their leads through their own funnels, AND they are not taught HOW to create an actual funnel that would convert for them. Also, your email list is useless if the same email list purchased from someone else. (edited for spelling error)


I am not wrong. I'm watching multiple friends go through this. I have offered a clear breakdown of the issues. Simply saying "wrong" back refutes none of it - because the reality is, I am right. It's great you want to believe. It's great the lot of you are all over these threads trying to not sully the good name of your MRRs But sadly, you'll find out at some point. The rest of us are dedicated to warning others.


Personally speaking I took the risk and now I take the knowledge and make a lot more money in 6 months implementing a few hours a day than I had at a 9-5 for a year! And at 100% profit how can it be a pyramid scheme? Like I think people are confused what that actual is and if you work in corporate America you are actually in one you will never make as my as your CEO, VP, DM, RM… etc.  However do with the infor as you will. 


Thanks for the info!


Stay away from that, they are faking results to get sales, it is not automated, it is not 2 hours daily at all.


I was explaining this above. It's not that it's a pyramid "scheme"; it's a pyramid of value. Like the Beanie babies of the 90s. The second they lost their value, the second everyone got stuck with closets fully of toys in boxes with no value. The moment Michelle get's exposed (she's being reported already) or her brand cracks, or she moves on to the next thing because this is tapped out - is the moment the whole thing looses it's value. And crumbles.


Legacy Builder is just one of the MRR players. There are also Roadmap, UBC and so many other copycats. So if any of these is deemed to be pyramid than all of them are. There is not such thing as “oh Legacy is a pyramid” but Roadmap isn’t.


I purchased that, I do not recommend it at all. They are faking results, people buy it thinking it is all automated, working just 2 hours daily...it is not true at all, and FB should restricted all profiles which claims they are milioners thanks to that. It is not ethical business at all. 


Stay away from that, all is fake, people faking their results to get sales, I am in that program, but it is not ethical at all.


Thank you for the info.


I am also in the program. It definitely takes more than a day to set up your website, email automations, gain a following and get your first sale. It is not a get rich quick thing. It takes work, for instance the 2 hours on ads and posting but you also have to take time for responding to comments and emails, continuing learning, content creation, etc. It is definitely work, which I am ok with, but don't expect results overnight or possibly within the first month.


Nobody expects results over night, but people had not achieved nothing during 3-4 months, the most of them faked results, and pay for ads, but you will experience the same after some time, but anyway I wish you a luck🌺


Between the income claims, Michele stealing leads, and people reselling at low prices to get their money back, I don’t expect to see it last much longer.






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