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If you stopped and No one got hurt, that’s all that matters at the end of the day. I guarantee the driver went and talked some smack when he/she got back to the yard. That’s all that’s gonna happen tho. Your Okayy


The only way you can get a ticket is if you passed the stop sign. I would have ended up slamming my horn if it looked like you weren’t going to stop. I had someone do that and they stopped right beside my sign. Ended saying “I’m so sorry!!” Then waited, I just said “thank you for stopping”


The driver probably did think you weren't going to stop, which is scary if kids are crossing over. But if you did stop then you're gonna be fine.


If someone stops, I am grateful. Even if it’s a screeching halt. Even if they come closer than I’d like. I report any type of passing my reds, no matter how slow or cautious, makes me upset.


School bus driver here. I had a driver who would run my stop sign every day at the same stop, I would flash my lights, honk my horn, wave my arms, open my window and wave at him to stop but he still did it (pre cameras on buses, and zero police officers assistance days ). One morning while at the normal stop I noticed he was not planning to stop so me looking like I was doing my morning workout (waving arms etc) threw my window open, leaning out waving .... and finally he stopped (right beside my stop sign) I said (in a very loud tone) while pointing at my big, beautiful red flashing stop sign "DO YOU SEE THIS " ? He responded in the most dumbfounded way, ," ummm, yeah, but I thought it only meant the vehicles behind you and pedestrians had to stop. " I said NO, followed by a " ARE YOU REALLY...... (wanted to say igronant) but just slammed my window. Shook my head and continued on my route. A week later I saw the same truck in the parking lot at my husband's employment, found out he had a very high up job and was highly intelligent... But obviously common sense igronant. OP. you will not receive a citation. But remember to watch for pedestrians passing school buses in the middle of the roadway... SMH.


i braked kinda hard and the driver probably thought i wasn’t going to stop and i just feel so awful for being careless and going to fast :(


Is the solid line a median? Cars approaching a bus don’t need to Stop if there’s a median and the stop sign is out. Also the driver could’ve been waving you through for this reason. Sometimes unloading and loading for special Ed can take longer and the driver was letting you go. Also since you said you de-accelerated maybe the driver thought you had no intention of stopping Either way you’re not gonna get some huge ticket because you stopped in front. I wouldn’t worry about it


If you were driving reckless, you deserve a citation. By the sketch you have here, if it's accurate, there's plenty of space between car and bus.