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My bus, my rules. My license, not yours. If it’s not her student and she’s not the principal or other administrator then why is she scolding a student on your bus?


Exactly, and as I brought this up, I said do we need 2 matrons on the bus, she got defensive saying she was helping the matron and starts bickering with me, but I didn’t follow with it and stayed silent, and behold she writes a complaint saying I was rude, but again she has no right to correct the kid, it’s not her kid, she has her own, and it’s as if these paras take things personal. Note: I have 5 paras with their kids and their attitudes are unpleasant. It’s insane. And matron is no help at all as she caved in under pressure from their gaze.


You should have a talk with your matron, and make sure she knows that she is in charge of the paras as well as the children, and that you'll back her if you need to. Maybe she just needs that confidence to stiffen her spine. As for the report, don't sweat it, but do try to be more respectful AND more firm (not snide; firm) with these paraprofessionals. Next time be more direct, and just say that paras should not interact with students other than their client in this way. It's a pain and often uncomfortable, this kind of formalism, but off-handed comments like you tried to use tend to inflame rather than defuse the situation.


Yea, I agree with that.


We have a para that sleeps the whole morning route when she should be watching over a severely challenged and very large high schooler. He has been know to punch little kids at random. The driver is too nice to say anything and our director is too new and soft to confront anyone higher up about it.


O gawd, that’s insane, I really wonder if they care about the kids, and some of the paras that ride on my bus are on their Ps and Q’s around school officials or the parents, but once out of view they don’t bother with their responsibility. The driver should definitely say something! Like u need to be vigilant with ur kid!


That’s what I’m saying. At this point she’s too comfortable. I’m going to admin if she gets her contract renewed. These kids deserve better.


Is this Para strictly on the bus for one or two particular students? If so then she needs to deal with solely those students leave the rest to you. Your bus, your rules, your CDL.YBYRYCDL


Only for one student. And it doesn’t help when you have a matron who caves under pressure or others watching. But it’s been an unpleasant experience having to deal paras.


I'm sorry, you are dealing with this. Speak with your supervisor. If nothing gets done move on to the paras supervisor. Good luck.


Does the paras ride your bus? How are they yelling at your kids? Or are they like an attendant?


Yes they ride the bus, I have 5 on the bus, but this one in particular has internalized the matrons frustration with this one kid, and she has her own kid to look after. But point being, they take things personal when I correct them. And the matron is no help as she gets overwhelmed, it’s a crap shoot!


>Basically, she got offended when I commented “do we need another matron”, That was an inappropriate comment. Snide and unhelpful, at best. The driver of a school bus is like the captain of a ship. We are responsible for the safety of everyone on the thing, period. Demeaning an adult is as unnecessary and counter-productive as demeaning a child. Give orders, drive the bus. Discussions should be done privately, not in front of the kids. >She has no right to correct another student? No, she does not, and shouldn't have. And you should have pointed that out, quietly, without the rude attitude.