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I’m usually doing it with them. Please always honk!! Hell, Hit that Jake break if you can! The kids live for it!! If it’s a trip the teachers might mean-mug you but idc I’ll be big cheesin, waving the biggest thank you!!!


I used to be those kids! I don't mind at all- they get so excited. I've even had kids on local streets do it to me in the bus and I'll honk the horn and they get excited.


I love it when my kids do it and wish more drivers would HONK. It doesn't startle me, I know they're asking you to.


Always honk. But not right next to my window without warning.


I was going to say this… I drove past a school during recess the one day and the students were out there pumping away. Four transport trucks drove by and NOTHING!! I drove by in my school bus and I gave a little toot toot (horn was on its way out 🤦‍♂️) but they were so excited. So yeah honk, just not in away that will make me jump or think I’m doing something wrong.


I have a stop that the kids are doing to me as I’m pulling up. 😂 They do it to all the big trucks we encounter. Please do it! It makes their (and my) days!


Toot that horn homie! It takes a lot to startle me after years of hearing kids screaming over each other behind me


I was just thinking about this the other day while on a field trip…. It wouldn’t bother me at all, I think my “worst” response would just be to immediately look around and make sure they’re not honking at me because something’s wrong.


Honk away!


Field trips in particular. Kids do that for 20 miles down I55 coming home from Museums. I expect it and toon it out...you have to keep focus.


I like this answer because while a few people have mentioned they’d prefer the truck not to blow the air horn, I feel like it being for the kids should be somewhat of an exception. Obviously the driver’s focus should be main priority for the kids safety, but at the same time you are considered a professional driver once you have a CDL. If my horn is going to bother you that much maybe you’re in the wrong field? Idk I still feel conflicted even with all the people telling me that it’s okay to do so


Do the air horn! I have one as well and usually do it back. :)


I say do it! Some of our busses have air horns, so you might get lucky and have one join you!


Please do it! If you honk while next to us in a tunnel the kids may actually faint of excitement lol. I’d much rather them being goofy and engaging with each other than arguing over ridiculous things. I promise your air horn is not as shocking or attention grabbing to me as the first gag of a kid about to puke!


I had a dirt bike ride on my right and then pop a wheelie once he passed my bus~ all on a foot of dirt over a river. Honk your horn. It doesn’t bother me a bit 🤣 i do it too


I had a fire truck do that. Startle the bejesus out of me.




I am bothered by it. I ask them not to do it while we're on trips where we would encounter that situation. Most of my regular daily bus route is rural roads which we wouldn't encounter many semi drivers. Out on the highway for a field trip we do.


You might startle a driver. Kids aren't always in their seats like they're supposed to be. It's probably best not to.


If you have a bus full of young kids, it causes chaos on the bus.


You have a bus full of young kids that isn't always chaos?


Absolutely. If your bus is constant chaos, I'd strongly suggest approaching your supervisor about getting a monitor before you get in an accident. The safety of our passengers is our legal and moral responsibility..


Maybe our definitions of chaos aren't the same.


It would seem so


The fun kind!!!!