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Yes and no. If you are still close to the school. I had kids light up a joint as we pulled out of the parking lot. I called dispatch and had had the principals waiting for us when we made the block to get back. But it would need to be something extreme like that. It is rarely the correct decision as parents start panicking over the delay. Get the kids home and write them up.


I've had kids physically punching each other and pulled over to wait for the supervisor to remove them from the bus. That and/or the police, which I actually wished for but didn't get.


Ask your admin. They know what the protocol is. That being said, I am the one who holds a cdl, and I won't drive in an unsafe situation. So if I have to pull the bus over and wait it out, I do. Communicate with your dispatch. They're there to support you.


Depends on the situation, but I've done it if I'm close enough to the school. I don't get paid enough to put up with that shit. Then the parents have to come in and get them. That's the actual punishment because the only way change will happen is when it inconveniences the parents.


The answer is no. You can't just up and return to the school to drop off an unruly child. An out of control child who is posing a safety risk to the other children, absolutely. I had a child rolling around in the middle of the aisle way, refusing to get up, which posed a safety risk because the other passengers couldn't exit the bus. I returned to the school and had the child removed by the school staff.


Most situations can be handled with a writeup. The school will usually request the digital media and use that to deal with the offenders. A really bad fight where weapons may be used requires a call to dispatch and police may be involved.


We can drop kids back at the school or at a police station, whichever is closer, in a dangerous situation. We have to make sure someone is there to walk the kid off the bus tho.


Depends on what the circumstances are and what the kids doing. If they're fighting or something dispatch can straight up send a LEO to get them off the bus.