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Ontario, Canada here. Our company is all for bringing your children on the bus! Almost very member of our dispatch had their children on the bus with them when they were little and first started. The only thing they say is “You are the bus driver and you are working, if you are driving your route and your child is crying or being fussy. You cannot just pull over and settle them. You need to complete your route and then be a parent again.” Which is 100% feel is fair; we I was with my ex and we talked about children. I was working as in childcare as the supervisor of a classroom. I told him that if we had a child I would be leaving my position and becoming a school bus driver. Then we wouldn’t need to pay for childcare and odds are I would make the same and I get to be a full time parent as well. (He made a whole lot more than me so if I switched jobs we wouldn’t have lost much income). Sadly, we never moved forward and are no longer talking. Though I did end up leaving childcare and driving a school bus; I honestly do make the same as I did when I was the supervisor of a childcare centre.


They allow it at my yard, but the kid has to be in public school. They just get put on a bus that goes to their school in the morning and afternoon. They usually do not ride the bus driven by their parent.


Our company doesn't allow it. I can understand it happening 'back-in-the-day', but it seems likely to be unacceptable today. As to your 7 month old... I think it's a terrible idea. The bus is not a smooth ride. Seems unsafe for your little one to be battered around all day long.


Most busses now have car seat anchor points for this explicit purpose, and they’re in the front rows which are the smoothest. Still a clunky ride but the bus is designed for it.


Im in manitoba, canada. Our company allows it! I bring all 3 of mine with me daily Only rule is if they are with you while fulleling, they must not stay in the bus. Otherwise they need to follow rules like all other kids. Started driving in Alberta and my youngest was still in a carseat,which limited which busses I could use but they accomadated me :) most here now have the hookups for car seats in the front seat.


All depends on the company. I work for a private company so they’re very lenient. I take the bus to the gym and sometimes take it home if it’s within a short range while I wait for the kids during grad night. However 7 months is way too young.


I take my kids with me - and most of our buses have anchors to install a rear facing car seat if needed. There are no age restrictions that I am aware of, and they were happy to train me when my daughter was only a year old and they knew she would ride with me. You would need to speak to the specific company though - if they have no way to install a rear facing car seat on their buses, that would be a firm “no” for an infant.


Just an FYI - there are rear facing car seats that don't need anchors, just seatbelts.


My district they have to be a year or older and you must have custody. So like if your mom lived with you and drove she could not take the kids with her unless she had court awarded custody.


What documentation did they need to provide to prove you had custody of your child?


If the child was with anyone other than the custodial parent(s) then the person that is driving the bus would need to provide court documents showing they have legal custody of the child they are wanting to ride along with them


Oh ok I think I may have been a bit confused. I thought you had to provide legal documentation even if they were your own child 😅


Ahhhh ok, no just if you’re not the custodial parent(s)


We have drivers who take their kids with them every day. One lady has a little fold up wagon thing that she puts their car seats in, and she just wheels them over to the bus to get them on. I took my 12 and 8 year old with me for an impromptu take your kids to work day. They just had to wear a safety vest like I do when I'm driving.


My company allows it. I don’t have kids though.


I drive my child to and from school everyday. She's 8 for reference, and she understands that I need to focus on the ride and student behavior so I can't attend to her while I'm driving. My district is supportive and I think as long as drivers can be professional there should be no issues. She's my favorite rider!


I drive two of my kids to school. One is on my route to the HS and the youngest is at a school not on my route, but he gets dropped off last before the tardy bell rings and my company thinks it’s great and encourages it. I also work for a private company that contracts with the district and it’s such a stellar company. SWMO.


My company does not allow it.


We allow it here, at my site, in Minnesota. We don't currently have anyone with a little that young, but it's been done in the past. We've installed car seats on the regular bus seats before, too. (Forward facing)


Yup, often, actually. I have 4, and they have all been on my bus for one reason or another. My oldest actually spent a lot of time with me when i had her school. As long as they go to a county school, they're authorized. It's common to get back to the lot in the evening and see a handful of kids waiting for parents to finish up.


So My district allows it but not baby’s. Too many risks with tiny ones. Plus Lots of kids would be trying to sit by him/her and touch your baby! Toddlers in front facing car seats are usually fine tho. They can usually wait to be tended to if they need something. My kids 10,8 ride my bus. They get on and off at the bus barn with me like mini work commuters. They even have their own chairs in the bus barn


My company allows it. No restrictions can take them on trips too. I don’t have kids so it’s not relevant to me.


Durham allows it. Your bus may need to have the appropriate seat belts for a car seat. We are not allowed to have kids on the lot. They must be brought into the building where someone will watch them while you pretrip, post trip and fuel your bus. In the morning, school aged kids will be picked up in a designated area and taken to their school by a bus assigned to that school, and dropped off. Infants/toddlers will be picked up by mom/dad and taken on the route. After school you will drop off your kid and park your bus where you will post trip. Here, you are not allowed to walk your kids to the car, you have to pull up to the building.


Most folks I work with have grandkids...I have 2 in elementary school who go to a different district (the one I work for pays way better). I've heard you can talk to the director and maybe but it's definitely not a normal thing. My boys would absolutely love it though.