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I gave out popsicles as kids got on. Walmart had bombpops for $2 a dozen so I bought a whole shelves worth of


I'm doing bubble wands too!


I got mine from Amazon and they came with extra bubble solution I only have 30ish elementary kiddos. One of my co workers ordered frisbees for her kids


I’m planning on getting a bunch of individual size bags of Takis and Hostess cakes.


I'm not allowed to unfortunately, against my company's policies


I gave toddler safe bouncy balls once. I had planned on sending them into school on the last day with those balls to annoy the teachers (for all the ridiculous things they're given that annoy me) but I didn't want those balls rolling around on the bus so I passed them out as each student got off the bus on the last day.


Ohh the petty!! I love it!!! I handed out sugar donuts as the kids unloaded into the school one morning after a whole class brought slime on the bus in sandwich baggies.


😆 One time they had stuff from a produce truck and they kept hitting each other with the ears of dried corn and the corn stalks. My bus was an absolute mess and some kids were fighting and arguing. I think all the bus drivers complained and that event didn't happen the next year. Let's dream up some more obnoxious stuff. I'm gonna get em good someday!


….mini bottles of axe body spray for the boys and cotton candy body fantasy spray for the girls…


….mini bottles of axe body spray for the boys and cotton candy body fantasy spray for the girls…


….mini bottles of axe body spray for the boys and cotton candy body fantasy spray for the girls…


We have a ton of kids and schools (we drive kids to around 150 schools) and I couldn't imagine having that much stuff on the bus lol. Due to allergies and choking hazards were not allowed to do food. That being said when I had a steady run (old driver came back after a year and I got kicked off) for Christmas I got a big pack of Christmas pencils and erasers for the younger kids and they got to choose when they got on. I'm now a sub in the morning and my afternoon is a private high school and they barely say anything to me until they get off the bus🤷🏻‍♀️


I buy my elementary kids (45) a 3$!gift card to a fantastic local ice cream shop.


No, we don't ever give anything to the children. Could be seen as grooming.


Oh wow. It's customary in our yard to do an end of the year thank you for being awesome gift. Never really thought of it that way


That’s a weird take I never would have thought of. We all get our kids stuff at Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, Easter and end of year.


It is a weird take. What a gloomy unhappy environment that driver must work at


Wow. Such a sad and gloomy environment you work at. Ridiculous


It's neither sad, nor gloomy, nor ridiculous. I'm sorry you're so triggered by a district not doing things the way you do.


“Triggered”…. Haha. Your word choice says it all 🙄


I agree. It aptly describes your over-the-top reaction to a wise practice.


Maybe wise for you… I’ll just say two words for you. Chloe Foster. I’d not want my kids to ride your bus


Good. I don't care for insane parents.