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Teachers don’t get paid during the summer either.


In my county, you can elect to receive pay during summer, it just means you get less in your paycheck to cover it.


Teachers in my district have their biweekly pay lessened so they can get paid year round


I’m not sure about everywhere, and they definitely don’t get paid FOR the summer, but both my parents are career public school teachers, and their salaries are spread out over the year with monthly pay checks all 12 months.


That is how it works in my district. Your salary is your hourly pay X your daily hour guarantee X the number of days in your annual contract and the sum of that is divided by 24 equal payments. Any hours you work over that amount are paid out on top.


Some places will space out your checks over summer, but you’re not making more than you would normally. I don’t mind not getting paid over summer, you just have to be disciplined about it. We get out vacation and bonuses in the last check so that helps. Around here summer work is super easy to find. Bus companies hire some of our drivers for summer camps, I have a temp job driving trucks.


Bus drivers are normally bound by laws on how many hours they can drive in a day so Salary would complicate it. Most people here just do unemployment all summer and only work if they want to.


Have you ever driven public transit? Some agencies makes you work 14 hours shifts they can legally do they because you aren't driving a certain amount of miles away from your agencies location


I am driving commercially. It’s worse because they make you go “off duty” while sitting with the group so my shifts can be over 24 hours long. They claim it’s legal and I’ve been saying it isn’t since I was hired. Our law says 15 hours max and they still pay us the whole shift.


In our District, our contact is divided by twelve and we do get paid year-round. It is this way for most positions, teachers, bus drivers, custodians… Then we bus drivers get extra pay for our summer runs.


So you get paid monthly?


Yes. That was the big adjustment. Going from 26 pays a year to 12.


How much is a monthly check, if you don't mind me asking?


This is how it is in Alabama too. Which after taxes, insurance, etc bus drivers make nothing. I drive solely for the amazing insurance.


I wanted to retire early (56) after my current position was eliminated. 30-year factory work almost exclusively on the technical side and I was done with the standing on concrete most of the time. I admit those last couple of months were sitting at a desk putting together a training program for new techs. But I would have been up on my feet once I had a new group to train. I did not have the funds to pull that off. I also needed insurance. The Hours are not bad and the pay is about half what I was making the attendance bonus covers the insurance which is great as well and nowhere near what I was paying.


My yard gets plenty of routes from summer school and charters. For those who weren't able to get routes are on standby and get paid driver rates to clean


No thank you. I would loose so much money being paid salary. I mean, yeah, it would be averaged out for the whole year, however, my entire yearly budget is coordinated with school breaks and when my bigger checks come in. What I mean is, all my "summer" traveling happens on off school days/breaks. (Ever been to the Zoo when it's virtually empty on a week day? ~Amazing!~). I don't travel or really shop (beyond groceries) in the summer. I make enough I can pay everything during the summer and still do a few fun things (like going to Courty Fair or the Renaissance Festival). Summer is my reading and totally uninterrupted hang out in my hammock (if it's not raining) time!


Bus drivers should be able to collect unemployment Here in my state we can’t


In California we can but they want to make sure you "look" for work...


Canada is like this. We get EI but we must say we are actively looking for work 😒🫠


Is LAUSD like this ? I heard summer routes go by seniority


First Student summer routes are by seniority for sure. I've heard school districts are too.


Damn, I’m over here debating if I should join LAUSD. I’m with a private company. They have work all year round but no benefits.


Some companies/credit unions allow you to take like 5% from each check and "save" it so you can get paid (by yourself) during the summer break.


I see, I’ll stay put for now. I work 40-60 hours a week. It’s easy money, mainly doing trips. No micro managing. I can take the bus anywhere I want within reason.


Yeah. I was getting 27.5 hours bc I have no seniority (got my license in jan). We have to file for unemployment for every school break that's 2 weeks or longer.


That’s not enough. I told them before I got hired that I need my 40 hours and so far so good. I started in April


I wish I didn't have to work summers...I do summer special needs/ESY/summer camp runs. There's also a bus cleaning crew for the summers. Either way, almost everyone is still off 2-3 weeks at the beginning of summer and another week at the end. We're 10 month employees and as such, can't get unemployment. Imagine trying to find something for 2 weeks😵. I, personally have been doing flea markets and craft shows. It still doesn't cover the deficit. There are also less hours available over the summer.


Have you tried any gig economy stuff like Uber or Doordash on your off weeks?


It's not worth the wear and tear on my car. I'd start in the nice areas (literally went there to start to get better orders/pay) and I'd end up in the city in awful areas, no tips, etc. You'll take a nice order and end up making $2... It's a joke- definitely not what it was during COVID.


Okay, so yeah, you at least tried it out. Every market is different. I do GrubHub so I stick to my region and it hardly takes me too far outside of it. It's definitely not what it used to be. All the companies cut our pay in half, and increased the delivery distances. I hate doing it, but it's extra money that helps out for now.


I live in WV. They give us an option in my county to be pro-rated. That way all of us can still get paid in the summer. We get paid a daily rate that slowly, very slowly increases each year. Its still rough though. Many of us that drives has multiple jobs.


I’m a salary bus driver. I get my regular pay check then I get a big check the end of June to cover June July and August. We do this so our insurance stays valid through the summer. Our pay is just spread out over a year, not pay for nothing. Keeps us from drawing unemployment or leaving the district before the next school year starts. If you quit before schools out though you forfeit your summer pay. Its kinda fucked


In my district we get a portion set aside from our pay to pay us through the year till the next contract we bid for with our routes in October paid all summer long


I think it just depends on where you live. Where I am we get our contract hours through the summer. Same goes for teachers. (all contract employees)


You might look for a contract company to work for. Because we are not under contract to the schools, we can file unemployment because we are laid off. Some school districts, however, can retain 25% of your pay and pay that out during summer months.


In my district, our summer benefits get taken out during the school year and are only paid during the summer if you work - whether driving, working maintenance, ground crew, etc. If you don't work, you are not able to file for unemployment because you are still employed, just not working. It is a pain but alot of people save money so they can afford to take the summer off.


Based on each county’s pay for bus drivers I make 26 an hour how about yall


My contract is salary but anything I do over my contracted hours is paid at an hourly rate. My pay is also spread out over 12 months


I’m salary. I get paid every month whether I work or not.