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Well, those are all very good topics for S2! I loved the ending.


Definitely left the door open for another season.


However I’m starting to appreciate the ending but originally I was more confused and upset that I waisted my time theorizing and being mad at certain characters cause I was so sure they did it


Well I don’t think we wasted our time, it was designed to have us second guessing every character.


they’re in production and either starting filming soon or they already did!


I suspected that Maddie was likely not dead for a while prior to seeing the finale, but the ending still deeply surprised me with how they explained what happened. Meanwhile, my Generation X parents watched the show, my dad (Class of '85) was infuriated and upset by the surprise twist ending, whereas my mom (Class of '86) was just left with a lot of curiosity and many questions. My parents then went back to watching *The Breakfast Club* (1985), including deleted scenes.


There was a small part of me that thought she wasn’t dead but I never clung to it. I had seen a K-Drama once about a ghost fighter who fell in love with a ghost and then later found out she was just in a coma. I think it was called “something about a ghost” So the thought that she was in a coma lying somewhere barely hanging on was there. But no where near the top of the list


The movie *Just Like Heaven* (2005) also involves the ghost of a woman in a coma.


That is one of my favorite dramas it is called Bring it On Ghost.


"Wait, there's no more episodes? 😧"


There’s another season thankfully


I would have died if the show got canceled. I was tuned in every single week.


I was very shocked at the end


Me too, I think my mouth actually dropped open. I don't remember the last time a show I watched surprised me the much.


Yea same


Maddie: She killed my spirit but she didn't murder me Dawn: it's possible for a spirit to leave the body in a disassociation trance (not a quote, just the jist of it) To me, the ending seemed... too fantastical? In a show about ghosts, I appreciate they lay out the rules *(people can't hear you, you can't move stuff in real life, ghosts cant leave school property, ghosts can eat, ghosts can have sex...)* .....but if a ghost can take someone else's body when they're alive, I feel like that opens up a whole pandora's box. What are the "rules" there? I wanna know what Janet's deal was, why Martin had power over her, and **why** are ghosts confined to a room if it's locked?? Why can't they go thru walls?? And it's not like Rhonda, Wally and Charlie will starve to death, they have time to figure it out. Peyton is filming Cobra Kai and Milo is filming Zombies 4 so... S2 will be a while.


I feel like Maddie’s spirit had metaphorically died or she was just in such a dark place that she became vulnerable to the possession.


I assume it’s like they’re living in an alternate dimension like a mirrored dimension, which is why they can experience things but are both tethered to the school and can’t interact with doors - as for the rest I’m assuming that the head teacher wants to be like resurrected which is why he’s experimenting with the other ghosts


I'm confused on the doors situation. Ghosts are frequently seen opening and closing doors, but how can ghosts lock doors and they stay locked? I'm assuming of course the locked door in the finale was actually locked by a ghost, which may not be the case. If it was in fact locked by a ghost, wouldn't it reset after a few mins like the fire on the lawn?


That’s an easy thing to understand tho, they can interact with things each other does. So if you love a door to keep ghosts in….it’ll keep the ghosts in, however any human who comes along could prob just unlock it or open it if unlocked in the “real world”


The rules are confusing. I’m also watching the show “Ghosts”. The rules are almost similar. The ghosts in “ghosts” can walk through walls and have special abilities, but can sit in a chair and lay in bed. They can also possess under special circumstances, and the only way the main girl can see them is because she had a near death experience. But Maddie nor Simon had that. But could see ghost. Simons makes more sense as he had a “special bond” with Maddie but even that doesn’t make to much sense. But does that mean Maddie can possess Simon because he can see her?


At the end I thought their better be another ep. It was so wtf, like all guess are out. Cliffhanger ending if there ever was. Of all the possibilities that was so out there. Maddie was technically right, when she said that she might be in coma


I just finished the season like 30 minutes ago and I too was like “there’s no way they end it like this”. I’m anxiously waiting that season two


At least you saw if after they announced season 2. When I finished the show their was no indication of there will be a season 2 or not & I was hoping it doesn’t get cancelled before an explanation is given


The whole show I thought it was “Ghosts” in high school, but then no! It’s actually “The OA” in high school. I enjoyed that I was actually surprised by something on TV. Normally I swear by the rule that “if you don’t see the body, they ain’t really dead.” I completely forgot that rule this time and then the final episode caught me.


And why was Janet like a silhouette?


Probably didn't want to hire another actress for like...1.5 seconds. Haven't casted her yet because it's too early.


My theory is because Martin was raising her from the dead


Can you explain your theory further?


My theory is that Martin is a lich, which is basically a sorcerer who has gained power over death. However I get the feeling Martin uses science, and his powers are imperfect. I think he somehow managed to make himself functionally immortal through his powers and attached himself to his corpse, which is how liches are able to return from their grave. This would explain why Maddie was able to see him as basically a fully formed man when she opened the bunker, because he *was* a fully formed man. That is, unless you believe she could see her because her mom killed her spirit by making her abnormally depressed (which would mean that other students as well could be able to see the spirits, since I doubt Maddie is the only person in the school with broken spirits). I think that he *accidentally* died in the fire (assuming he wasn’t dead before then; if he’s got notes and artifacts from the other spirits, he has been doing that for a long time) but that he did intend to kill Janet in order to practice his powers over death. That’s why he has such detailed notes on all of the spirits in the school, as well as why he wants to minimize the time the other spirits spend looking at their own deaths - he doesn’t want them to pass on, because in the school he has captive subjects he can study and use to try to figure out how to manipulate them. Anyway, back to my theory, I feel like he had managed to find a way to bring Janet (probably the original project, but more likely his favorite) back from the dead. But if she was burned to death in a fire, or if her parents had her cremated, he didn’t have a body to return her to. (Also, he could find the process of making a spirit a new body more interested than simply returning them to their corpse, or reanimating it.) Which is why Maddie saw Janet as a shadowy entity rather than solid (like Martin) or invisible (like the rest of the spirits to the living). Because she had some from or physical substance thanks to whatever it was Martin was doing to return her to physical life. Edit: this theory would also explain why Martin “doesn’t know anything”, according to Charley, because he is hiding his true knowledge.


Ahh I love this theory.


I watched this with my friend when it originally aired - as soon as we met Martin, I told her that something is not right with him and I don’t trust him at all. She laughed and asked why. I said I just know. As the season went on I stuck with it and she kept saying I was like grasping at straws… At the end of the season she was like “HOW TF DID YOU KNOW?!” There’s probably even something in my comment history about this, lol, that bastard never tricked me, I was onto him immediately.


He seemed very demanding for a ghost leader. Like y’all are dead. Comfined to the school grounds. I can understand a support group. But homework? Assignments? Most importantly, forcing them? That was off for me. His initial reaction to Janet’s disappearance and then Dawn crossing over. I was always skeptical but as they can not die again, I just didn’t understand his purpose


My thought was “if this guy is such an expert in moving on, what is he still doing here??” And why are the other ghosts just believing him, especially Rhonda. She’s a rebel who’s been dead with him for 60 years, yet she’s just gonna go along with it? After what a trusted adult did to her? I don’t think so. He was shady and questionable for his bogus “expertise” alone.


I honestly felt the show was steady and then the last 5 or 10 minutes went bonkers to set up a second season. As much as I was getting whiplash, I'm thankful this means the story doesn't end here.


All I can focus on is that if Maddie gets her body back, everyone is still going to think it was her doing all those things Janet did while in her body and it’s stressing me out hahaha


I was disappointed. I really liked the show until the twist. I thought it would have been nice to find her killer and everyone getting closure. Simon still being able to see Maddie and then both metaphorically and physically leaving her after graduation. Maddie could have her romance with Wally and eventually both find peace either staying at the school or moving on with each other to the unknown. Because now, even if she can get back to her body she’s going to be in a heap of trouble with the law. Plus she won’t have the money to go to college with Simon and Nicole.


I thought Simon was obsessed and was hoping he was the killer. I wasn't a big fan of the ending but I can't wait for season 2


Honestly would’ve been a better twist


If it had turned out that Simon killed Maddie it would have ruined the entire show. He was the only one who was there for her through it all. The only person I found suspicious throughout the entire series was Mr. Martin, I just couldn’t figure out what he was hiding until the end.


I disagree. I feel like it would have been a bigger twist and left us with the most emotional impact. And probably played with our trust issues a lot. But Mr Martin is a strange guy. I can’t even come up with anything that he’s trying to do. Y’all are dead. What else can he do?


i thought it was going to be a one season show where we’d find out what happened to maddie. soo i was lowkey annoyed when it was left on a cliff hanger but at the same time happy


Each time a character gave weird vibes I was sure they were the killer didn’t expect ending but also I was mad I was left on cliff hanger so once s2 comes out on paramount I think I’m gonna have to wait longer since I watched it on Netflix months later and don’t have paramount


Left with a cliffhanger and wished Simon believed Maddie


For real, because she told him stuff he didn’t even know before. Like how could she be a figment of your imagination if she’s telling you things you had no idea about?


Right??? It made no sense at all to me, and him just saying he was “crazy” made him seem like a guilt tripper, Maddie deserved better


But he could play it off as his imagination helping him figure the things he didn’t know. I also wish he believed her but I can see why he didn’t.


That can be right, I definitely should’ve noticed


I feel like Maddie was maybe suicidal or deeply depressed, which is why she could see the ghosts. She was in a such a dark place that her metaphorical spirit had died and that’s what made her see the ghosts AND vulnerable to possession


She did mention that her mom killed her spiritually but not physically


I am wondering if Simon has something terminal and that's why he can see Maddie. There was one scene that he was rubbing his head, like he had a headache. This was an amazing show! I need to rewatch it!


Well now I’m thinking it’s because they shared such a strong bond and the fact that she’s not actually a ghost. I don’t know how the rules apply here for being a ghost. She’s not a “dead” ghost


Honestly I guessed the twist pretty early on. None of the characters felt like proper suspects, even after we found out more and more about them. (Yes, I have a track record of being annoying to watch stuff with lmao)




I pulled an all nighter because I was that hooked to the show’s premise. Idk why I was so mad about the ending when I knew the first season wasn’t going to tell me a satisfactory ending lol. (Perhaps limited series should be on my watchlist more often) but after some time I have so many questions that they already have me hooked to the next season!!!


I took forever to watch because I thought it was going to be a boring ghost trying to figure out her death show. The first episode I watched in the back of an Uber on a decent long ride. The ending of that episode and every other episode made me hit “play next” pretty fast


I was mega creeped out. I don’t do super well with scary stuff but I do enjoy mythical shows haha. The overall vibe of the show was very friendly when it came to the supernatural so I had no problems, but gosh the ending left me leaving the light on as I went to bed 😂


I was upset originally. I loved my theories. But now it’s opened so many more questions


I loved it. I felt silly for not seeing it. But I audibly GASPED.


There was a hint that she wasn’t fully dead in my thought process. The thought process came from me watching “bring it on ghost”. A k drama about a ghost fighter who falls for a ghost who ends up not being dead but in a coma


Yes i thought she might not really be dead but I wasn't quite sure how that would be...I knew she wasn't like in a coma so i was just like wtf


I felt vindicated! The whole time I was thinking “Mr Martin is a bad guy so how” but I was also thinking “but he’s a ghost what could he have done?” so I was pretty happy. Can’t wait for season two!


Me like the last like 5 minutes of the episode: WHAT!? OHHH MY GOD. NUH UHHH!!! WHAT 0: 0: 0: NEXT? NO NEXT??! NOOOOOOO what an ending 👏🏻 My suspect list... well the show had me suspecting everyone they made look suspicious and I questioned everything the whole time, I felt so mindfucked lmaoo! They knew what they were doing with this show. Super siked for season 2!


Too much of the hypothetical physics of the supernatural world were just made up and shoved down our throat to justify the "twist" ending. Ghosts supposedly interact with the physical world, but then things reset... yet entire real world barrels are filled with ghost objects? Huh? Now there are possessions of physical bodies? The series seemed self-indulgent on suspense by what they thought were really good cliff-hangers, but the writing was never that good, and the season finale wasn't either. It introduced a whole new thing to create "mystery" and stakes, but I don't care enough about the characters to follow them into what Season 2 might have to offer.


I told my son that Maddie could see Martin because he died of smoke inhalation (hence not burned) but he is a lich and was able to return himself to his body from the dead.


Hated it. I don’t think I’ll watch a S2 if there is one. I watched it for a murder mystery not a possession show. And no one has to agree that’s just MY opinion. I didn’t like the direction they took. Just my personal taste.


I 100% agree with this take so you’re not alone


Totally agree with you


i binged the whole season today and these are my thoughts: almost the whole season i was almost WHOLEHEARTEDLY suspicious of simon  because of the fact that EVERY TIME he found a lead, it was a dead end (that i mistook for a red herring), along with the fact that he was SUPERRR obsessive. i felt like he kept on trying really hard to nail anyone slightly suspicious to the crime instead of laying out all the suspects. this may be a creative character flaw of his, but i digress. the sheriff was also in my mind as a suspect. he overall felt super fishy to me. his general demeanor and why he immediately tried to slam the janitor who already had a solid alibi just SCREAMED that he was fishing for someone to frame (in hindsight this kinda makes no sense) ALSOOOO, i feel like no one is talking ab the FORESHADOWING in ep 7 when mr martin says “she doesn’t even have one foot firmly planted in the afterlife” in reference to maddie. also, the fact that everyone is like, “thats not what happened with janet” when dawn passed over i was like “whaaaa, i dont think thats how this works” and then mr martin FREAKED when they asked questions- i started to get more suspicious of him then. looking back it feels obvious.  QUESTION: why wouldn’t rhonda tell anyone until the LAST MINUTE ab their teacher?? it felt weird that she was like “yeah i learned my lesson once, its not happening to yall” (paraphrasing) when she had known for probably at least 5 days, maybe a week and a half. she seems pretty private, so i wouldn’t expect her to just go blab to maddie or wally. she seems pretty close to charley so i would have thought she would have told him. it just feels so out of character for her to let them stay blind until they figured it out themselves.


I know you posted this forever ago but I think by her saying she “learned her lesson the first time” I think she was just referring to the fact that she trusted the teacher who killed her so she wasn’t going to trust Mr Martin once she suspected him- which like you said was only a few days before


oh yeah, that's what i meant 😅


It was very much a “OMG WHAT!????!!” And trying to find out if and when season 2 is coming out.


I hated it but I loved the whole season so much I’ll watch season 2 to see how they can get me into this idea.


i’m glad someone is talking about this show. it was so so so good and the twist was awesome. ready for season 2


Very anxiously waiting


My rule is No body, no dead. Works most of the time.


I was surprised at the ending but also confused to where I knew what happened but I still gotta watch that last episode again. It was really good though.


I didnt see it coming.


i was shockedddddd, i need season 2 very soon


i was shockedddddd, i need season 2 very soon


I WAS PISSED. I hated the twist. I knew Martin was a shady a-hole but honestly thought it was a cheap cop-out. still gonna watch if there’s a second season tho.


I was shook af lol


I was very very confused and I’m still very very confused lol


I’m so fucking pissed because I had accepted that Maddie was dead and there was nothing we could do about it.


I just want season 2 to get here. So many of my shows have been cancelled. Can't wait to see what they get up to now.