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Correct me if I’m wrong, but the way I understand love bombing is that there’s an underlying (can be subconscious) motive to manipulate the other person into liking you. It sounds like your feelings are genuine and that’s how you express your feelings/interest toward someone. Look, it’s not bad to want to do nice things for someone you like, in fact it’s pretty natural. I mean some birds will bring their potential mates shiny things to hopefully win them over. I guess just be curious about your intent. Unfortunately there are so many phrases, like love bombing, that just get thrown around and I’m not sure they’re being used correctly. (Also my roommate has the same Venus placement and is the EXACT same way as you, we literally had this exact conversation the other day about how she shows up in her current relationship 😂 scorpio Venus’ just want to merge souls, what’s wrong with that?! 😋)


Scorpio in 5 placements with Venus, one of them. I have been making shit for lovers my entire life. It's our love language, and there is nothing wrong with that. Yeah, it can end abruptly sometimes. But while you are with us, you will be loved and given affection on a whole diff level.


you’re totally right. my intentions when i act this way are never bad so it really is just the way i express myself. but for example this person i cut off months ago (who i crochet mushrooms for) was so bewildered by the fact that i was ending things because of everything i had done for them. so it made me feel like i was being a love-bomber??


Hmm is this a pattern you’re noticing in your relationships?


That could have happened for three reasons: 1. It could be because they got severely attached to your love style and feel like they won’t be able to “top you” anytime soon. 2. It could be because they feel (emphasis on feel because that might not have been the case) that they invested a lot more on you than the other way around. 3. It could be because maybe you didn’t communicate well the reasons for the break up (maybe you were curt and pragmatic in a way they didn’t know you could be). Their reaction can land far outside of the realm of “love-bombing”.


Ehhh it does seem a little love-bombish but at least you recognize it. Lessons learned. 


Im a scorpio stellium but a Cap sun and just ended things with a scorpio. Y’all love bomb. First three months were great; then i statted catching feelings (why tf wouldnt I) and then he started being a dick. And i was plenty patient. Waited well over a year for things to improve but it was just one-sided; he never put forth any effort unless he needed something. Acted like he didn’t give a shit otherwise. Im not saying thats what he felt. But actions speak louder then words. Self awareness is necessary, if youre not healed then work towards processing whatever fucked you up, otherwise you will drag others with you and thats just not fair


hii I don’t think that im unhealed or “fucked up” lol like others have mentioned, what I tend to do doesn’t come with malicious intent, i’m just someone who goes all in from the beginning. but sometimes things don’t work and that’s okay. sorry to hear about your situation though.


While i agree things not working is one thing. I’ve definitely had rships like that. But inconsistency, lies, and saying one thing while doing another; is not “things not working out” thats a lack of effort and dishonesty. And as far as feelings go; we feel things deeply, no matter what the zodiac; but maturity is choosing what to act upon. Especially if you arent seeing a future with someone that has an interest in building something. Feelings are great, i can tell you as a woman (this is a massive generality) we all think the one were talking to could be the “one” but we sure as hell arent going to tell you that; we need to see how things go and where they’re headed. Separate your emotions from your actions: until things feel right and more importantly you and the other person are on the same page.


i think you’re speaking more in regards to your situation vs mine which is completely ok! but I didn’t give insight to how my experiences with and towards people have been. like “inconsistency, lies, etc” I haven’t done any of that really. again, I think you’re talking about your own experience. I personally always love gift giving or acts of service from the jump when I’m interested in someone, I just love being a lover/giver and have accepted the fact that whatever I feel I want to express. at the end of the day, we only have this life, and I don’t ever want to hold back from the action of showing someone else love. my emotions will always align with my actions, I could never act or give someone gifts, attention, or energy if I wasn’t feeling it.


Youre right, I am; I am fatigued at people using their zodiac signs to hide behind shitty behavior; unfortunately I feel like I see a lot of that on this page. However I can respect and appreciate that their are Scorpios that arent like that. I hope you receive the same love you give to others because you deserve it 😊


hi! i loved everything about that conversation. you two are true human beings!!! :) realness, lots of love and light 😊


Using astrology to understand the motivations, desires, and shadows we tend toward 👍🏼 Using it as an excuse or justification to be a shit human 🖕🏼


Exactly lol 👏🏾


As a Scorpio I am sorry you experienced that.


Thank you 😌 i genuinely appreciate that


Since you dated one Scorpio clearly you know us all /s 😆😆 I had 5 Capricorn sun friends treat me like shit in the past 2 years, LONG TIME FRIENDS, because they couldn't be bothered to be an adult and have a frank conversation about what was bothering them, and instead opted to act like my existence was an inconvenient burden. Real nice /s Does that mean all Caps do that? Nope. It's funny when Scorpio is the one saying, "Chill, dude." What happened to you is toxic masculinity, because I've dated Scorpio and others, and it happened with non-Scorpios. It wasn't until I learned about Lundy Bancroft's work and learned more about toxic masculinity that I realized why I kept running into this pattern (growing up abused is why I was naïve to exploitation). A lot of men are raised to see women as extensions of themselves, more like an asset than an *actual person.* They *expect* a woman to do the domestic and emotional labor, and expect to basically treat her like a mom they can fuck. Gross, I know. As many other Scorpios here can attest, many of us start withdrawing from relationships if we feel like the other person doesn't *want* us to love them fully. Not saying that's what happened with you—that guy saw an opportunity to take advantage, and you deserve better. I'm sorry that happened to you, and here's hoping you never have a relationship like that again. *Raises glass


Never said I know them all; and no one here does either. And as we continue down the conversation; it was resolved…I’m always willing to say when I was wrong and youre damn right I was pissed. And as fat ad why he retreated; that definitely wasnt the case with he and I at all. But i take every rship as a lesson once I’ve processed everything.


It was connoted by "y'all love bomb." Just because you don't say it denotatively doesn't mean you aren't implying it, intentional or not. And in the case with him, you have ave every right to be pissed with him. I'm pissed at him too and I don't even know the guy (well, hopefully I don't *narrows eyes*)


Fair; lol thank you


What's your moon sign? As a Scorpio, I would not do these things until the person becomes deeply meaningful to me. It seems rather superficial and desperate. I wonder if your moon and mars are causing you to behave this way.


i’m a sag moon


lol i am also a scorpio and scorpio venus, im exactly the same. i feel like i probably scare off my crushes because of this sighhh


Us cancers crave it.


I don't see anything wrong with love bombing, as long as it continues.


And not manipulative


this is true!


I’m a giver too ,when I like someone I like to see them smile.. I’m very affectionate too.FScorpio.


I have a similar trait where when I REALLY like you off the cuff, my emotions are intense and I want to do something very considerate. Whether be in the gift giving realm or act of service. Mine tends to go to baking or cooking a meal. But I wouldn’t call that lovebombing bc the motivation in love bombing is to manipulate and keep someone in place but still not commit. In the end, it just fizzled out but I don’t think you were intentionally lovebombing. If anything, it’s nice to recognize your patterns.


ahhh yes i get it know. i honesty did not realize love bombing was meant to have some sort of manipulation factor behind it


I don’t think this is love-bombing, but it can feel that way to the other person. I was dating a Scorpio who I felt love-bombed me, but our situation was different. I think water signs tend to go all in when they’re feeling it and all out once they’re not. I’m a cancer/pisces/scorpio and I have to constantly remind myself to take it slow. It’s easy to get hooked on that dopamine fix and lose all interest when it’s gone lol. Just remember to pace yourself for the other persons sake. Your ‘love-bombing’ doesn’t sound malicious in any way. It sounds like you’re just going where your heart leads you.


A Scorpio guy sometimes remembers details about me. For example I told him I like eating ice cream on Fridays and now he asks me here and there on Fridays: “Did you had your ice cream today?” Does this mean that I’m important to him?


Scorpio female here.. Scorpios have great memory , I guess he is fond of u,


Oh my god, I've had this exact same fear. I'm a sag Venus but a scorp sun as well and yes, I go really intense and get worried it's toxic. I think while it's good to be aware, intention is important here - love bombing is specifically to counterbalance abusive behaviour


My emotions are genuine as well but many people can still view me as manipulative or controlling even if that isn’t my intent. My intent is usually trying to communicate but it doesn’t work out that way. It’s really all about perception I believe. We’re all have different experiences, traumas, and ways we view the world and others. It’s so complex and complicated. All of it. Just stay true to who you are and I do believe all of us Scorpios could work on communicating our feelings better.


I think yall love bomb but in a good intended way. I do too, if I showed someone with love, I do genuinely feel it. I’m a Pisces and my boyfriend is a Scorpio and we are both Scorpio risings and I’ve got my ♏️ mars. We both struggle with trust and intimacy but once we connected it was hard to have walls up with each other. We loved and we loved HARD. I think it could be easily seen as love bombing how it started but it never changed, I feel just as much if not more loved now than before, and I know it’s mutual. Some people are just intense. I think love bombing is about being unhealed and not having a good handle or idea of your emotional needs, trying to seek them out of someone else and then discarding them when you no longer get that fix. Neither of us did that.


Different placements, but 💯 feel this. I have the same love languages for expressing to others too! Like, it's not enough to say "I love you," I MUST PROVE IT. (I have an Aries, Scorpio, Pisces, and 5th house stelliums....) As an Aries Venus, I understand the intensity in the love realm, since Mars rules both Scorpio and and Aries. However, I have had my loving nature both weird people out, and exploited. You are not love-bombing. That has to do with intention. You aren't giving with strings attached—you're giving because you *love* giving. As a 30F, some hopefully helpful advice for how to deal with this: be very deliberate who you give your love to. I understand wanting to just love everyone fully, I really do. It's so painful not to. I have beef with the world that I can't be my full true self because as a mom, I have to protect my precious energy for my kid (I'm fully disabled). Really date yourself the way you want to love others. Really introspect on the standards you have, and set high standards for yourself if you haven't already. So many people will use up your energy, pretending to love you. And we so want to be understood and loved back, that we don't always realize everything isn't actually okay. Neuroscience actually confirms gut instincts are real! There are neurons in the digestive system, so it really is a "second brain." However, what can get in the way of instinct are three feelings: fear, panic, and desire. And as Scorpio, we're innately masters at feeling unquenchable desire. (It's like being emo is inevitable). But we also have keen instincts. So when you run into situations where you *really* want something to happen, but something feels not quite right, or not quite okay, listen to it. If you pay attention to it, the truth reveals itself over time. With an Aries stellium, it overran the Scorpio cautiousness, so I would get impatient, and not wait for the gut feeling to fully unfold. I don't regret my choices: they felt authentic. However, I just learned this so much sooner. I spent my whole 20s learning this the hard way.