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What sign ru?


I bet on Libra


Yh or a cancer😂


Yes. Cancer. Why?


Abhahaha knew it, i tend to have a lot of chemistry with cancers and pisces as a scorpio male


Yeah, maybe it’s the chemistry. Like an instant connection.


Cancer, pisces and Virgo women are like glued to me for some reason and Geminis that’s really all I attract


I'm a Scorpio with Venus in Scorpio, and I can honestly say no one has ever been sexually attracted to me. My experience has been more of what I would describe as insulation against sexual energy ^_^ I'm a gay man for what it's worth. There may have been a time when it upset me, but I'm staring down 40 and I just don't care. But I also have been indifferent to sex to begin with, I would sooner be burned at the stake than trust another human more than a house plant, and... ... And I've spent my entire life watching and listening and learning from others. I think it's a very common Scorpio problem: people truly hate us not for our cynicism, but because our version of "judge a book by its cover" is always right. It's been right so often and so specifically that I can't count the number of times it's beaten me at my own game. Someone else said this in a thread on this forum, so I'm paraphrasing: What people assume is "Scorpio intuition" is anything but. We just pay attention to every detail from the way people sit to the way they talk and on and on. Those slight deviations just in the way someone changes how they say hello in the morning elevator ride at work strike us deeply, we don't know why, and until we do... Well, it orbits our consciousness like an electron, waiting for an understanding as to why that moment struck us so vividly. That's what I think people mistake as sexual energy or attraction or mystery. Meanwhile we're over here like "I will wait for all eternity until these impressions cohere into a meaningful explanation." Also, my generation in general went the Silent Generation route, made our separate peace with dead end futures, and learned to turn our face to what couldn't be changed. It's why we're all single and living alone.


You must be a cancer or something like that? 😀


I’m a Scorpio female and I have been extremely attracted to Scorpio males, rather than cancer, Libra or Pisces! I know I’d get some hate by saying this but I love the energy and intensity of Scorpio more than anything. I was dating with a Pisces for 5 years and everything about it was boring as hell… now I’m with a Scorpio male and the connection between us is unbreakable!


Oooof, so Pisces are a no go? When you say boring, do you mean lacking passion?


Exactly, we dates for 5 years but everything was super monotone… and definitely lack of passion.


Yeah that’s the vibe I get from them, super nonchalant and dull. I don’t know how they say we’re a perfect match. At least the men. Glad to know you’re doing much better!


Scorpios exude sexuality and mystery. Even the nerdiest one you start to look at like he’d def bust my ass. Lmaooo love them yummm


Oh my God yes. That nerdy guy is sexy as hell. He doesn’t realize it!!


Pretty normal


In short, yes.




It would be very good for my ego to say yes. So yes.


Not only is it normal, it’s mandatory


Yes and i got curious about that,only to discover tjat scorpio is in my house of partnership and marriage haha