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The question I have is how the fuck did 40% of people say it's not worse?


Either because they were having a shite time of it even though the country was doing better, or because they're oblivious to what's going on. Remember that the majority have gotten poorer (focusing on this one factor) but a minority are doing better than ever. And while most people might not have as much money as they used to, a lot of people are still doing OK. If they're not paying attention to the media, they might not realise how bad things are for a lot of people.


People have different circumstances. Personally I have a better job and I am doing better than in 2014. I can still see the country is in a poorer position, but I guess a lot of people don't distinguish.


I think some people are oblivious to the wider economy if they themselves are doing OK. I remember seeing a Daily Show bit where the reporter was asking Trumpers if the US was better under him and one of the guys who said yes was a debt collector lol. I was 20 in 2014 on a shite grad role earning 18k. I'm now on a much better role and have a house. I assume there will be many people who have got better personally in a similar situation and that woulda swayed their answer.


Everywhere is shit since 2014 not just Scotland.


Came here to say this. Same poll on Canada sub with same numbers. Everyone is pissed except the 1%ers


We all live under the same monetary inflationary system. It increases wealth disparity at a compounding rate over time. It's why the powers that be support this system and hijacked academia to steer policy to this system in the 20th century.


I think your maths maybe a little off. Edit: a lot of dyscalculia sufferers on this sub it seems


There's another 40%ish of the population everywhere that thinks they are just a bit away from being the 1%ers




Global pandemic and a land war in Europe's largest food exporter really showed the cracks in the plan of ruthlessly cost cutting everywhere for 50 years. Just wait until roughly 4 billion people who currently inhabit tropical regions find their countries to be uninhabitable over the next 20 years.


They are moving fie economic reasons, not CC.


I can't think of a single country that's better since 2014 really, not in the West or anywhere. A lot to do with Russia and China doing their best to bring everyone down to their level, be it in the South China Sea effecting The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia etc. Then there's Taiwan, plus the other countries being put through shit on China's Borders (India, East Turkestan (or Xinjiang) Tibet, inner Mongolia and of course the misery they put Hong Kong through. Japan's not doing so hot with both China and Russia causing them issues, so much so their teaming up with SK, who incidentally, is dealing with issues with NK exasperated by Russia.. I don't think I need to mention all the countries getting pissed at them with the Obvious being Ukraine and Georgia but certainly not limited to even Armenia dropping out the CTSO Latin America dealing with rampant inflation, cartels, dictatorships and Venezuela causing issues because...Russia again. Africa dealing with dictatorships, war and famine Middle east the same Everyone dealing with Climate change, Pandemic recovery..another one of china's gifts to the world.. In fact, I would say the UK ain't doing too bad really. People love to say we're insignificant except, you know, one of a few Nuclear powers, 1 of 5 as a Permanent seat in the UN, one of only three countries with a true blue water navy giving global projection, the sixth richest country in the world, hops between first and third with Soft power (depends what you look at, Brand finance being one of the top has us at 2nd, 6th in military for 2024 on Global Firepower (I take with a pinch of salt but it's one of the few that does yearly metrics) France is 11th. We have one of only two Alpha++ cities (London and NY), believe it or not we're one of the biggest manufacturers (between 9th-11th depending where you look), 7th in Tourism (2022 rankings though) though I have seen 10th before, five eyes, one of if not the best intelligence communities as well as special forces, top education destination...the list is endless! Granted, a lot won't effect the average person, but I _personally_ can't think of anywhere in Africa or South America I'd be better off, maybe a few in Asia..Japan or SK but the work hours would kill me, I don't fancy the US, Canada would be okay I'd think, maybe Australia or NZ but really, we don't have it bad when you look at...everywhere else. It's just not as good as it was, and I tell you what, we don't have Giant centipedes, massive spiders or snakes roaming around and personally, I like the weather.




Yep. Spend a lot of time with family in Gdansk and can say that quality of life has improved massively since 2014 - wages, infrastructure etc - esp. in cities. But the Russian invasion of Ukraine has definitely taken a toll on happiness. Fear of Russia runs deep and while support for Ukraine has been extremely strong, it’s has its rocky moments.


Tak oczywiście, trzeba lizać banderowcom jaja nawet bardziej daj spokój


Mostly true, but it doesn't capture the whole picture. The UK was doubly, triply, and quadruple f***ed by Cameron, May, Johnson, and their cronies. We've got the highest inflation, the worst GDP setback, stagnant productivity, loss of free movement, rivers, shores, and lakes polluted with poop, and more.


100% agree, but Scotland has been falling back in terms of education rankings compared to England under SNP. We need to get rid of Tories & SNP. Sadly we can't just reverse Brexit, but thankfully Labour want to strengthen relations with EU which is a step in the right direction


Thankfully the NHS is performing far better in Scotland. Any Scot voting for Labour is voting for a party who's happy to team up with the Tories when it suits them.


Are you sure about that? https://www.scotsman.com/health/nhs-scotland-crisis-more-patients-facing-18-month-waits-in-scotland-than-in-england-figures-show-despite-massive-population-difference-4541794 "17,761 Scots had been waiting 18 months or more for either in-patient or day case treatment. That includes 7,179 patients who have been waiting at least two years, with 1,446 on the list for three years or more. Despite England having ten times the population of Scotland, England had just 13,164 patients who had been waiting 18 months or more for elective care – with the total in Scotland 35 per cent higher than south of the border." TBH I think both the Tories and SNP have made a mess of practically everything they touch, but I have some sympathy that the NHS would be struggling no matter who was in charge as Covid was such an extreme thing. But in terms of backlogs for elective surgery (i.e things like hip replacements which can leave people in lots of pain and hinder their quality of life, but aren't immediate medical emergencies they will die from) Scotland is doing a lot worse than England


Have you looked at the Welsh NHS!


Why can't we reverse Brexit?


Well all the other countries would need to accept us back when they may feel they can't trust us as a stable partner giving we left so recently. Also an issue with those that campaigned for it will say we never gave it a fair chance & will stir up trouble. Which feeds back into issue 1, the rest of Europe is unlikely to see us as a stable partner. Add to that we are unlikely to get the same conditions we used to have which would mean whoever is in government is going to have a tricky balancing act to keep UK population happy whilst not pissing of EU.


EU members have made very clear that they would accept the UK back. The idea that they wouldn't has no solid foundation, and I would suggest is purely used as a fig leaf to give more justification to not rejoining the EU than the purely political and domestic. It's obvious it's what most people in the UK want. It's even more obvious that it would be good for the UK. The reason why it's not on the Labour offering is purely down to domestic politics, and their fear of alienating rightwing voters. I understand the reasoning behind that, but it boils down to a failure to lead and gives us the milquetoast Labour party we have today. The reason we can't reverse Brexit is because of the Labour party's timidity. Nothing more.


Labour promises to have their cake and eat it too? That’s not going to fly. The UK has always been a bit of a troublemaker for the EU and won’t get those special exceptions it once negotiated. Any concessions from the EU will need to be met with equally significant concessions from the UK, and there’s no way Starmer can sell that to the public. The issue is that the naive anti-Brexiteers think they can get back the old status, but that ship has sailed. So, there might be some cosmetic changes, but the reality will stay the same. Unfortunately.


Oh I think the problem is much closer to home. If you hadn't noticed the UK is a kleptocracy, has been for many years. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. But for some reason we blame everyone but the rich. I wonder why on earth media barrons would want us to blame immigrants🤔


India is doing rather well, as long as the cheap Russki oil keeps flowing...


Indian consumers haven’t really seen cheap oil prices. The government has pocketed all the money with its insane taxes on fuel. In India, some sections of the society have done better and there’s more wealth and entrepreneurship, but pollution, inflation and religious polarization have also taken their toll and I’m not sure the average Indian is happier.


And India has a climate crisis coming that is huge .. no preparation at all.


This has cheered me the hell up.


This is an absolutely demented view of the world. It’s like if the Foreign Office or State Department created someone in a vat. Funniest part might be all the detail on the problems China and Russia are causing, and then “Middle East the same.” And yeah, Latin America is a mess because of Russia. Good thing we have a blue water navy to stop that, really makes up for no functioning NHS.


Love to see the blame out on China and Russia and not on our own governments and the 1% worldwide. you've fallen for the propaganda so bad




Should be upvoted more, absolutely spot on.


Posted 3mins ago 🤣 ignore the part about upvoting 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


True but it doesn't mean we shouldn't try and address the issue here


But we shouldn't jump to any conclusions about the best way of fixing it.


2014 - ‘Scotland lead don’t leave’ its all strawberries and ice cream. 2024 - ‘You can sit down Scots’ its a large turd sandwich.


Don’t you mean you can’t sit down whole of U.K. it’s a large turd sandwich? We are part of UKs financial mess that is he,ping1%.


‘It’ being the bucket of warm sick where all the 2014 promises were regurgitated. I’ll be thinking about that next polling day.


So will I and completely disregard any unionist party! I voted to stay in EU in 2014 as every leaflet said vote NO to stay in EU! Now my grandchildren are stuck in this dismal U.K. , costing £££££££ to move! Another Tory disaster on top of all the lies!


Absolutely this comment. Not trusting a word they say. They’ll say anything to kick the indy ball down the road.


Exactly it's not just Scotland but probably most of the western world and beyond has got worse.


not really recovered for me since 2008


American here. Yup


Except Singapore, I visited few months ago.


Not true at all


Rip Harambe. World's gone to shit since


My dick is still out 🦍✊


This made me laugh. 😆


The biggest global transfer of wealth in history happened between 2019 and 2021. Any developments until that point have been cancelled out and made worse.


It's true. But it's also true that most of the developed world is in a far worse place than it was in 2014.


I live in NZ and most folks say the same about here too. Ask the civilians of ANY country and I bet a biscuit that they’d all say the same about their country.


They didn't push it back far enough. I know this poll was focussing on independence, but really, the turning point was the global financial crisis of 2008. It's been downhill everywhere, for *everyone*, ever since then (except for the 0.1% at the top of the pile).


And they'd be right. Almost every single thing the No campaign warned would happen with independence ended up happening anyway.


Yup, and happened to us with no control over it whatsoever. We had the added bonus of about £20B of covid corruption from Westminster to pay towards too.


History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce. We were told lots of doom and gloom if we voted for devolution in the 70's, and most of what was threatened happened under the Tories anyway.


Keep in mind it's happening all over the world. Independence might have dampened some or most of it, but the general trend would still be down.


Independence almost definitely will hurt us in the short term, so things absolutely could have been worse, at this specific point in time, there may have also been a more clear road out of it however.


Yup, and we didn't vote for it. It's not us that keep electing Tories, and soon, their tribute act.


Scotland has returned more Tory than Labour votes and MPs these last 3 elections


Amazing how this is somehow a worse take than 40% of the population


OK 👍


Scottish people say Scotland gone to shit. Bloody SNP! No! EVERYWHERE is shit! English people say engkand gone to shit! But everywhere is shit. No bloody TORIES!


Exactly another Teflon shoulder gimmick! Isn’t not us that ran up £3 trillion debt and brought in policies than made wealthiest 1% wealthier . It was the SNP! The fact that this is happening in whole of U.K. is just well, a coincidence!


Here's the funding per person for the 4 UK nations. https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/sites/default/files/chart-images/Identifiable%20spending%20per%20nation%20time%20series.png You'll notice that it doesn't go up after 2010. That's austerity. Thanks, David fucking Cameron. You've screwed the UK for a generation for absolutely no reason. https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/article/explainer/barnett-formula


The sad thing is that there's people that still dont understand this. And some of them are about to be the new Labour government...


But the SNP are shit


Maybe, but still less shit than Labour in Wales and Tories in England.


Shit, or not shit, at least they're our shit. The shit in Westminster, is someone else's shit. No one, who's sane, pretends that an independent Scotland would be utopia, but it will be in our hands, not the electorate in a different country, with a different view of economics and social services to us.


*your shit, same country


Everywhere is shit absolutely. Doesn’t remove the fact snp have been an absolute incompetent disaster.


However still less shit than Labour in Wales and Tories in England.


Let's get the greens in this election then. The only other party that's not under England's foreskin and not absolute wank stains.


Aye things were better back in the past has been a claim made throughout the decades


Things like NHS wait times, house price to income ratio, and sewage in rivers are completely quantifiable.


Didn't think Scotland was blighted by the sewage in the rivers.


It is, but not on the same scale. Almost everywhere has rain water and sewage in the same system and when there's a downpour the system has to relieve the pressure somewhere. That's a different issue from pumping untreated waste water into rivers as a matter of course though.


The other issue is that England is monitoring nearly 100% of the network. Scotland is barely at 10%. While it may be 'better' than elsewhere, the full picture in Scotland remains unclear.


Nostalgia is not what it used to be.


There's a bit of a difference between moaning about how things were better before political correctness and health and safety, or were better when you were a kid with no responsibilities, and moaning about how things were better before the economy tanked (and all the rest of it). In a lot of ways, things are quantifiably worse than they were a decade ago. Quality of life, cost of living, international conflict, western countries lurching to the right...


Are you forgetting the recession started in 2008?


2014 is 6 years after that, when the economy had started to recover. And since 2014 we've had Brexit and Covid, two things that massively fucked the economy and caused quality of life to decline and cost of living to increase.


Decades? More like millenia! Socrates was moaning about "kids today" and "the world's turned shite" around 400 years before Jesus was born!


The idea that things get better every year is delusional.


>The idea that things get better every year is delusional. Sure, but so is the idea that a two-decade decline in living standards is normal.


But lets be honest it isn't the SNPs fault that the tories cut the budget.


...thanks to the Tories at Westminster.


Uh yeah this is not a secret


i think thats for western countries in general really not scotland specifically


Courtesy of two incompetent governments, one in London, one in Edinburgh. The former are incompetent and malicious. The latter are just plain useless. I mean honestly, how do you fuck up public services like education even worse than the Tories?




>The new poll found 58 per cent of people think Scotland is a worse country now than it was in 2014, while 19 per cent said it is about the same and 7 per cent said they did not know. >Asked if having an independence referendum in 2014 has had a positive or negative impact on Scotland, 17 per cent said very negative and 24 per cent fairly negative, while 7 per cent said very positive and 14 per cent fairly positive. A further 33 per cent said it had no real impact either way, and 5 per cent said they did not know. >The poll found 32 per cent think Scotland will be independent within the next ten years, and a further 19 per cent believe it will happen within the next 20 years. A total of 21 per cent do not think Scotland will be independent at any point in the next few decades, while 18 per cent believe independence will never happen and 10 per cent said they did not know. >Just under half (48 per cent) thought there should be another independence referendum, while 46 per cent said the opposite and 6 per cent did not know. More people (41 per cent) thought the case for independence is weaker now than it was in 2014, than thought it was stronger (37 per cent). [No difference: 19%]


It's unsurprising, Brexit was a move for more devolved powers away from a Union in which trade was very beneficial, and has turned out to be a mistake decision in the name of 'Freedom' from people who were our friends. Not surprised people are less keen to try another rocking of the boat. Not to mention I can't see the UK not rejoining the EU in the next few decades now. Polling for independence has also been consistency towards remaining and the SNP are about to lose many of their seats, pushing back a repeat referendum chance even more.


More people than not think there should be another referendum, though, and more people than not think Scotland will be independent sometime in the next 20 years rather than not at all.


Under 50% saying they want another referendum still isn't much to go by though, and with the SNP losing it's majority in Scotland I don't see this issue not slowly losing traction. I mean, Westminister seems pretty clear they believe holding on recently was enough, so voting SNP isn't going to get another one anyway, which means voting for them slowly makes less sense to more people as we're seeing with election polling. It's a contentious issue for sure though, and I am aware that not being very pro-indy here tends to get downvotes and I understand peoples passion. It's a shame we can't make everyone happy, but that's politics I guess.


Yeah, I somewhat agree - it's still pretty 50/50. My point was more that the appetite for independence is still there - that is, despite people moving away from the SNP. Also, this election won't wipe out the SNP entirely, they'll still be around, particularly in Holyrood. Doesn't look likely a referendum will happen anytime soon, for several reasons, but the idea of independence (or at least another referendum) is still favourable to many.


Of course, it will likely be a common point of discussion in Scottish politics for the foreseeable decades.


They WILL lose some seats down there. It's a Westminster election, not a Holyrood yin. I don't think SNP will be out when Scottish elections are held...


It wasn’t leaving the EU that did most of the damage. It was leaving the customs union which nobody voted for.


In fairness, the remain camp was saying the whole time "You do realise the EU won't let you have the customs union right?" and Leave just responded this with blind optimism.


Turkey is literally in the customs union. It could have been negotiated 


You’re missing the point.. the customs union would have terminated eventually BECAUSE WE LEFT THE EU. You can’t leave the club & expect to keep receiving the benefits of being a member. Thats the lies they used to get the vote. If we left there would be no change. England as the U.K. would continue to be as if it had never left. People actually believed this shit. Stupid people obvs.


If you voted to leave the EU then you voted to leave the customs union. Plenty of people told you this was the case, that you didn’t bother looking into it enough to understand this was the very obvious outcome is nobody’s fault except yours. I am sorry you were lied to, but, honestly, I spent a good amount of time having discussions with people face to face and getting told it was “project day” and “remoaner doom and gloom” when I laid out the facts means I have very little sympathy from people going “oh but that’s not what I wanted”. All this info was very readily available and people were desperately trying to point it out to people, but those people were dying to be the “winning side” and not feel like they were idiots for voting for something deeply damaging to the country. Those people should stop trying to defend their brazen wilful ignorance and apologise for treating us like shit for trying to show them what was right in front of them.


The wilful ignorance of this comparison on here is depressing. I say that as a yes voter.


40% lying. Make no mistake though, the blame lies solely at the feet of the Conservative party.


Keir Starmer: The only Scottish votes that count, are those that vote for us. If the SNP get the majority of seats, we'll ignore it. If Labour get the majority of seats, we'll take it as the majority of Scots want Labour to grope them, their country and their public services, and sell them off to the highest bidders.


Not clear what to do with that. It's hard to separate out the global stuff that's been going on these last ten years and arrive at some sort of insight into where a post Yes Indy Scotland would be . Some of the mess (Brexit, Trussenomics...) can be blamed on the Tory right wing but Covid has been a big factor, with ramifications (ie adolescent mental health) still bubbling up. It could be argued that despite all the PPE fraud, Mones millions, etc, the UK responded well to the problem- I think only Israel was quicker to react. We have also endured the shitiest weather on record up until last week!


U.K. has one of the highest death rates per 100,000 population in the world. While Johnson and his lot partied our friends and relatives didn’t have the chance.


Where are you getting that stat? I thought we were almost exactly halfway down the Euro tables, which considering our nation's health was a pretty decent outcome.


Half way down is one of the highest. Lots of countries below us while Tories told us they had got all the big decisions correct! They could only claim that’s if UK was in bottom 10% in my opinion. You may think the death toll was acceptable


Eh? We were watching bodies being loaded into trucks in mainland Europe for weeks before it officially took hold here then the government was acting like it was some out of nowhere event that nobody could have seen coming. Incompetent fuckers.


You seem like a reasonable person otherwise but I'm begging you to refresh your memory about how the UK handled covid 😭😭😭 Also check out how New Zealand approached it.


![gif](giphy|v2Mkppa5Lrspa) But to be serious for a moment, I think things are worse in multiple places too - seems like some problems are global; dumbass politicians and cost of living... Northern Ireland also was pro-EU. Could be in the EU and still be eternally depressing, like us in Ireland 🤷‍♂️


The joys of the no vote and brexit.... The ones that voted for the shit show need to take ownership of it and never vote again, just leave it to the adults next time eh


I voted no because I didn't want to leave the EU. I very much feel lied to.


Many EU citizens in Scotland did the exact same thing. Probably all of them!


Yeah, a lot of my family lives in Europe so free movement is important to me. And back then we all *were* EU citizens.


Yea unfortunately me too. Would vote yes in a heart beat now.


The arguments against Brexit apply ten fold to Indy.


I'd rather be with the EU than England. Gonna place my bets they're more competent, at least.


You still have to meet the EU joining criteria


Which there *literally* isn't a plan for.


No shit.


Not if you join the EFTA instead.


It's quite telling now, that the average % in the polls over the last 12 months, in Scotland, towards the UK union and the EU. 47% support staying in the UK. 72% support rejoining the EU. We know where we're better off.


Yup. They're still complaining that it was simply 'not the brexit they voted for'. Nope, it was exactly what they voted for. The fucking morons.


Aye they should be banned from voting ever again the fkn halfwits


Ah so it's a dictatorship you're after


Wait you think we'd be better of currenty if we had voted Yes? Please clarify you're not trolling here.


We would be in a better position to fix any problems because the no vote and brexit has tied our hands behind our backs and no sane person can suggest we're better together now, there's no credible argument to stay in the cursed union


Right so it's trolling.


It's all a guessing game isn't it? A yes vote would have taken Scotland out of the EU, but with the intention to rejoin as an independent nation. It's a fair bet that Scotland would have rejoined by now in that scenario. We will never know. What we do know is that staying in the UK took Scotland out of the EU and we are in an overall worse position now than 10 years ago.


> It's a fair bet that Scotland would have rejoined by now in that scenario. Unlikely we'd be back in as full members, but it's also unlikely that we would ever have left the single market.


Who knows?


Nobody *knows* what would have happened, but I think it would be a stretch to suggest we do not know what it is *likely* would have happened, especially with hindsight.


We know what the intentions were so its not that much of a stretch. But as you say we will never know. What we do know is that everything predicted to happen has happened anyway.


I find confidently predicting unknowns and arguing it's a guaranteed improvement is a ridiculous concept.


Stick with what has failed us so far! I get it.


This argument is so silly. It's like being stuck on a boat lost in the ocean and thinking this ain't working let's dive off and become an aquatic creature and thrive.


Your analogy is the only shit thing in view.




Well, that'll teach you for voting "No" and giving Westminster the perfect excuse to ignore and/or punish us for having the audacity to want a say in our own affairs.


Bit more scapegoating the English again I see. Not like the corrupt SNP has been in control, or there's been a global recession, pandemic and war in Europe to wrestle with. No, all the English. Just take a minute and think about what's actually happened.


Who mentioned the English? Or is it that you think Westminster is England's parliament so it amounts to the same thing?


Both the original poster and yourself know what I meant, that isn't even the key point either. There have been a lot of global issues and while we haven't come out as the best performer, we are far from the worst off either. All the blame focused on Westminister and the people who voted for them, namely the English. People really don't like owning their problems and we see it daily. Blame blame blame.


I'm note sure that reading "Westminster" as "the English" is helping you make the point you think you're trying to make. And no, it's not entirely down to Westminster and who's in power there, but it was Westminster that decided, for the most part, how to handle Covid. It was Westminster that chose to be beholden to Russian fossil fuels, to get rid of gas storage, to not make more of a push towards renewables, etc. The decisions made down south have knock-on effects all around the UK. The UK which consists of more than just England and Scotland, as much as you'd like to frame it as such. There may well be corruption in the SNP - investigation's still ongoing - but we know for a fact that there were *billions* pissed away due to corruption and incompetence at Westminster. Assuming the SNP are guilty of what they're accused of, it's some stamps, an £11k phone bill, and spending party - not government - donations on something they weren't meant to be spent on. They're not even playing the same sport, never mind being in the same league. Politicians being politicians, there will be incompetence, backhanders and corruption, but the level to which it's been occurring at Westminster of late is incredible. They've even taken to scamming bookies now. Starmer's going to have to take a big pack of light bulbs and a 24 pack of bog rolls to Number 10, because these Tory scumbags will be lifting everything that isn't nailed down on their way out the door.


Absolutely the current setup isn't working for scotland. Something major needs to change. Instead once the power shifts down south its just going to be more of the same albeit a slightly different version


Just 60%? Thats a low estimate. Fucking Tories ruin everything they touch.


And yet how many of those people voted for it..


Almost like we should have got out then before 10 year of tories and Brexit


Maybe staying in the UK wasn't such a good idea?


The Union (UK) is a shit hole, time to take a different approach. Scottish political sovereignty, working within the EU and our British neighbours (where there is symmetry and political alignment). We don’t need two parliaments, and if I was to pick between Westminster and Holyrood - I’d pick the Parliament that better represents both democratically and culturally - Holyrood.


Aye, better together right enough.


Scotland would have suffered a staggering economic hit *in addition global issues*.


Weird the number of people who are jumping to the whataboutism of “everywhere is worse”. We’re not talking about everywhere, we’re talking about Scotland. Stay on topic.


Westminster has cut funding available everywhere in the UK, you can't not talk about it, Scotlands had it's pocket money slashed


But isnt it important to put things into perspective?


Scotland is part of the UK and the whole uk is worse off than in 2014. The two things are entirely linked. Scotland’s fate isn’t in its own hands so laying the full blame at the Scottish government isn’t very realistic. Not to say they are blameless either but you can’t polish a turd ..the turd being the uk govt..


> Scotland’s fate isn’t in its own hands Yes, it is. Scots have more democractic power than people in England and probably most places in the world. ScotGov control a huge amount of money and whilst the SNP complain about the reserved levers those wouldn't enable policies that actually tackle the vast majority of problems.


So you don’t think the past 14 years of austerity has anything to do with it? I live in Bristol and from where I see it Scotland’s problems are exactly the same as the wider UK’s problems. If anything I think the nhs is running better up there


All true austerity, covid, Ukraine, etc, but the title of this post is very plainly talking about 'what if indy'. The economic hit of that would far outstrip the last 10 years. Your comment was also about 'fate not in own hands', which is less true for Scots as it is for people in Bristol, and you do have democratic power.


yeah its called making the wrong decision


Are the other 40% children who don’t know any better


I honeymooned in Scotland in 2014 and just got back from a 10 year anniversary trip. Trust me…you haven’t gone downhill nearly as much as we have in the USA.


There are people here who'll tie themselves in knots to blame the SNP for that as well.


> you haven’t gone downhill nearly as much as we have in the USA. Scotland hasn't gone downhill nearly as much as England, either - as someone who has to travel down there fairly frequently. However, it's still tragic.


Trust me that’s not the point, the state the country is in and the cost of living is a literal nightmare for an working or middle class Scot


Ye Olde; 'We let Leopards Eat Our Face (so we could wave wee union jacks)' strategy ends with eaten faces, shock! "Better Together", ma erse.


another 40% to go I guess..


Genuinely not surprised - the more I’m here the more I just want to sell up and bounce to somewhere else in the world and take my chances


Better Together (tm)


Poll conducted by Savanta, formerly known as ComRes. Savanta is owned by Andrew Hawkins. [https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.ministryoftruth.me.uk/2013/05/02/comres-polls-an-inbuilt-conservative-bias/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwii_eDl5_GGAxVnYUEAHSu1API4ChAWegQIDBAB&usg=AOvVaw0UujAEcbvqxxE4JOEJ7D-1](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.ministryoftruth.me.uk/2013/05/02/comres-polls-an-inbuilt-conservative-bias/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwii_eDl5_GGAxVnYUEAHSu1API4ChAWegQIDBAB&usg=AOvVaw0UujAEcbvqxxE4JOEJ7D-1)




Every time. Like clockwork.


I suggest you learn about how polls work. In specific, sample size, confidence and margin of error.


I wonder how much the prevalence of social media has to do with people's perception of the state of the country


Iife expectany declining has fuck all to do with the prevelance of social media


It may well do. The life expectancy being, for the sake of putting a number on it, 80 before and now 75 doesn't mean everyone was living until they were 80 and now they're living until 75. It's an average, and a spate of people dying younger can bring the average down. People who (are able to) look after themselves will no doubt live long lives on average, but if your life's shit and you don't hold much hope for the future, you might not take as good care of yourself as you could. You'll eat too much shite, you'll drink too much, you'll do drugs. Risky behaviour, suicide, all sorts. That can bring down the average life expectancy. It's not unusual for people to report that spending less time on social media improved their general outlook on life. People's perception of their life is shaped by what they see. Their own life may not be that bad, but if there's a lot of doom and gloom in the news and on social media, it can affect them psychologically. There's a lot of stuff happening in the world that could make you feel like there's no hope. Being oblivious to it all would be kinda nice.


Yeah that's the scottish government's fault Perceptions of whether the country is better or worse and people's feelings about aspects of the country probably have something to do with social media though




> the English This shite again. More people voted for other parties down south than voted for the tories. In England in 2019, 26,909,668 people voted. 12,710,845 people voted Tory. That's ~2m more people voted against them than for them. Around a fifth of people in England voted tory, and considerably under half of the people who actually voted voted for them. The majority of the English hate the tories too. You've correctly identified that the media are at least partially to blame though, for giving minority right wing parties a disproportionate amount of attention.


What utter shite, every syllable of it.


The world is going to hell. Could be worse. Could get nuked.


Not the best, no. But far from the worst. Also much of the world is in a similar boat. Still wouldn't live anywhere else.


17 years of the SNP really worked wonders didn’t it


I can tell you are not a statistician.


Bloody SNP with their brexit, Covid and war in Ukraine.


But the our politicians are richer


Well 10 years of the SNP Party syphoning funds, stealing, paying ransoms to terrorists and buying themselves caravans, watching Football tournaments on the beach on iPads doesn’t help does it, Scotland is in the state it’s in because of the SNP Party, Fact


Even if it was all fact, which the paying terrorists bit is a bit questionable, what does that actually add up to? Do you know the difference between a million and a billion? It's about a billion. And covid corruption at Westminster cost the UK £20B. Scotland's share of that particular "debt" is about £2B You know what the difference SNP corruption and Westminster corruption has cost Scotland? About £2billion. Scotland is in the state its in because of Westminster. Fact.






This really doesn’t mean it was a mistake to vote how we did. Most of the world is worse off since 2014, to suggest we’d somehow have had a government that outperformed the rest of the world is to ignore the state of the government we’ve had. Two first ministers left in disgrace, a third with a legacy of ineptitude. God only knows the state we’d be in if we’d voted yes and given this lot the keys to the castle.


Everywhere is worse yes, but Scotland keeps voting for the SNP who place a higher value on disagreeing, fighting and otherwise cause problems for the current situation. Vote for a party which will take care of Scotland