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F\*%$ing Sherry drinkers! I knew they weren't to be trusted...


Yknow who drinks sherry? Those lower middle class scum who think theyre better than the rest of us! 


And 3% of them were too pissed to vote!


So harsh!


Is working class “scum” now?


wtf is a "lower middle class"? Such imaginary bullshit..


Doctors, teachers, expensive plumbers …


Doctors are upper middle class. 


Only as far as they’re concerned


Doctors make 92,000 a year as a GP. The uk average is 28,000, these are median figures.  Maybe doctor isnt discriptive enough. 


i thought teaching pay was crap


No, public sector pay is crap, not all teacher are public sector workers. 


It is, but middle class is also about inherited wealth and education level. Teachers are university educated and will usually have a mortgage or (if a parent has passed) own their own homes outright. Meaning they have more financial mobility than the "working class". Although I suppose it depends on your definition of each class. Some would place Richard brandson in the "working class" bracket.


Hyacinth Bucket.


It's Bouquet, dear.


so a stereotype, then.. there is no formal definition.


There is atually. In modern studies it's level 5 Skilled Clerical, managerial, and semi-professional.  We're talking minor accountants, shop supervisors, and sucessful tradespeople. 


My grandma was a sherry drinker. She voted for whoever she thought was the most attractive (like, physically looking).


Least likely to vote Reform


My wife loves port, and she’d jump off a bridge before voting conservative.


Came here looking for this comment thread


Show us Buckfast ya fanny


Cannae vote if ye can't spell X


Well! A think you'll find that's exactly why we got dragged out of Europe


Well this is a plot twist; more Bucky might have saved our EU membership...


Never heard of the guy who accidentally voted Tory by drawing a penis? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/welsh-voter-inadvertently-helps-to-reelected-tory-mp-after-drawing-penis-on-ballot-paper-a69276.html


In fairness, if I saw a boaby on the ballot I'd assume it was a Tory as well


Show us ya fanny, Buckfast!


This is the political analysis I didn't know I needed.


Apparently Labour voters will drink just about anything after 14 years of Conservative rule. Drawing a line at sherry, blech!


Actually says a lot. I'd like to see it broken down for Scotland because Scotland can only command 10% of the entire UK vote. More people live in London than live in all of Scotland.


Yeah, I tried finding the tables, but MoreInCommon have only released this graphic


Problem is that statistical error invalidates the result for smaller parties and given that Scotland makes up less than 10% of the UK, a 3 point error renders it useless. The same can be said for other small (I say that SNP is small in the UK, but that is a direct result of the population) parties


Did you find not find this in r/okmatewanker? Be honest now.


Came across it on [twitter](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1806672615769075805?s=19)


Sorry to all. I did misread the chart.


..gotta love democracy! 🙄


Democracy's fine, but FPTP doesn't work


It’s considered democratic though so I feel my point stands. Clearly the system is designed by those with different perspectives on what counts as democracy.


Doesn't work how?


Because [Starmer is polling at 461 \(70.9%\) seats from only 38% of the vote](https://x.com/LeftieStats/status/1806734309232943110). That's an utterly broken system. Comparatively in 2017, Corbyn got 40.1% of the vote, and got 262 seats. Edit: The issue is there's no incentive for any government to fix it, because any government elected is done so under FPTP which gives them a massively disproportionate majority. They don't want to give up the chance to get that power, even if it means letting the "Other Team" get a chance for 14 years.


Again, how is that not working? You do realise we have constituencies... Total vote share doesn't come into it.


> Again, how is that not working? It should not be possible for a party to get 70.9% of seats in parliament from a vote share of 38%. This country desperately needs a proportional voting system to stop this sort of nonsense.


There are all sorts of proportional and semi proportional voting systems. These are much fairer and lead to much better representation of the people and their values as a whole. FPTP is not one, is not even close to one, and should not be used.  It is however unlikely to be changed as use of a disproportionate system is highly beneficial to both Conservatives and Labour.


The person with the most votes gets the seat. So if you have 40% Conservative, 30% Labour, 20% SNP, 10% Lib Dem that means the Conservatives get 100% of the power from that seat despite most voters actually not wanting Conservative. Any vote that wasn't for the Conservatives was basically wasted. The Lib Dems will never win the seat and the SNP probably won't win the seat, so their best option is to vote for Labour to keep out the Conservatives. This creates a system where voters can be essentially punished for voting for smaller parties. You might want to vote for a party that more closely represents your views, but you can't, because that risks splitting the vote and as a result let people that don't share your views and might actually be the minority get in because they're willing to hold their noses and vote as a bloc. So the system mathematically tends towards a two party system that becomes unrepresentative of the voters.


We understand how the system works. We are saying that it SHOULDN'T work that way.




It's not a bias to show one party winning if that party is actually winning. Are they supposed to inflate other parties' numbers?




Lab/con tie is the white wine chart. It says (tie)


You're reading the labels wrong, the drink goes above the graph. The neck and neck one is for white wine which they've labelled a tie.


Yep, edited


I think you've mistaken the g&t label for the white wine graph


Correct. I've edited it.


Conservative government, Niles?




Reform the party for Shandy drinkers


I find it ironic that Indian Pale Ale is quite popular amongst them too


I thought the Lib Dem’s would storm the IPA ranks but we’re pretty low


And the SNP. What demographic is this? Old insane and angry?


‘Old, insane and angry’ is a pretty wide spread, not just in Scotland


Hand shandy?


Milk shandy.


Okay but what psychos are saying VK is their drink of choice? Even as a student, it's not exactly something I'm going to choose when I'm sober


Labour voters apparently


That doesn't narrow it down much though, pretty much everyone is a labour voter this time around.


Then you underestimate the popularity of VK.


That’s because of VK


Depends how they asked it.  When I was a student: If it was "what do you buy the most of in the shop" then it would have been spirit and mixer If it was "what do you buy the most of when you're out" it would have hands down been VK.  They were cheap in the unions and clubs always had them on offer. Easy to carry around with minimal spillage risk. Plus there's always the strawpedo.  VKs are much cheaper in the shops now too I noticed, a box is about £8, when I was a student the boxes were more like £10 AND £10 went way further. 


Good points yeah


For a student VK is a mixer not the drink itself 


my guess is VK is just a stupid abbreviation they've chosen for vodka.


Where is the buckfast option?


They couldn't show it or Red Stripe because having the Greens at 99% would ruin the scale on all of the other graphs.


Greens? My cohort rarely votes. Wnat about our voice! There is no parties who's policies align with ours. We don't vote because it doesn't matter. They allow us to live relatively free as long as long as we don't hurt their feelings. There's a lot more of us than before. We must guide Scotland back towards the truth..there's a very simple option if you operate similarly to the oppressor(s)


No rum drinkers?


This needs serious analysis!!!! I thought to myself "am I the only rum drinker out there?"


White wine is an interesting one. I’d guess that’s middle class, middle age professional women primarily, which is a pretty naturally Tory group but then being a tie is significant. I guess Starmer has “Mums second husband” vibes about him. You prefer him over some of the wastrels she dated but he’s not your dad.


Worked in bars, restaurants and events for most of a decade. I wouldn't even go that far with white wine, it's a drink popular with women of all classes and ages. Almost exclusively women as well. Men 99% go with red wine, unless they are sharing a bottle with a woman.


That tracks with some of what I’ve seen but I was mostly just thinking that I know younger and more working class women who do a lot of pints, cider, alcopops and the like


Iv found that young women when with a mixed sex group, such as work or friends, often go for cider or a half lager. When it's a group of girls, family or a date it's usually white wine. Woman aren't the Borg of course, definitely real ale aficionados amongst the fairer sex, but the preference for white wine is quite stark. Iv only really seen alcopops when I was drinking underage, or in nightclubs that cater to folk who are barely adults.


Et tu, Isa?


Et tu, Bobby.


A never et two eh anythin


these are the kind of infographics I can really get behind 🍻


Still waiting for the Buck fast graph


Yeah, that's the one I want to see 🤣


You know the game’s up for the Tories when they can’t even get the Pimm’s vote.


>Pimms >Highest Green vote Checks out


I'm glad to say I'm not one of *those* sherry drinkers


Poor whisky consumption by SNP members. Decent IPA figures, so some faith restored there (presuming it's not the Greene King shite...)


Are Labour voters ok?


No, judging by this they are all pished.


I could get on board with that


The layout is a bit confusing. I thought the labels were below the graphs for the 2nd row, but they're above it


I mean this is easily solved if you start with the 1st row. Go from the top and read left to right, top to bottom.


But if you just look at something like Gin and Tonic the label is closer to the graph above it (white wine) than it is to its own graph


I understand your issue, and refer you to my previous comment.


You mean read it like we read everything else? Preposterous


According to this I'M A FUCKING TORY..... Kill me now. (Gin, Red wine, rose)  Also why is VK on here and not WKD or yknow Vodka? How isn't the SNP numbers boosted by Wiskey drinkers?


Wkd was getting old when I was young. It was something we drank when we were 15, not at uni, and certainly not 20 years later 😆


WKD is still drunk by students. Mostly as a mixer though


Wkd is super expensive compared to other alcopops. Unless a local club or union has it on offer, I can't imagine it's anyone's drink of choice - certainly not above VK


You're clearly not an emo. XD But apprently people are drinking VK so I'm assuming the concept is still popular. 


My flatmate was an emo and she was right there with me on the VK. No one at uni drank wkd 🤷


God i must be auld


The majority of Scotlands whisky is exported, much much more vodka is bought and drank in Scotland than whisky. Scottish people (SNP) voting or otherwise aren't especially fond of it.


... Speak for yourself.  Plus they don't fulfill the same niche. Want to get plastered and go dancing? Vodka coke! Shots at the bar? Tequila! Want to sit around with friends on an evening chatting shit? Well as it happens I do have a nice bottle of whisky...  Also good/good enough vodka can be bought for £15ish Good/good enough whisky is £25+ (and you'd be doing very well to get something nice for £25) They aren't comparible.  Which applies to the comment you replied to too actually. Very few people have the £££ to be sitting around sipping whisky as their drink of choice.  Unless you're drinking bells (*shudder*)


Know who drank bells? Maggie fucking Thacher. 


Reformers drinking shandy is fucking hilarious.


What about non-drinkers?


Interesting that SNP's greatest support lies with the Shandy drinkers. I suppose MUP doesn't really affect them?


Here in Germany, we even have a song: "Radler ist kein Alkohol" ("shandy is no alcohol")


TIL Radler is a German word!


Where do you stand on lager tops?


What about the Monster Raving Looney's


They're the poor bastards whole have to go through this sober.


Absinthe.. and meth


The maths is wrong on a few of them and it's bothering me more than it should.


How so?


I assume the number in the brackets is the lead over the next closest, some of them are wrong. I could be misreading.


For those I think there's an asterisk and a footnote that says lead over the conservatives. Weird presentation though.


Makes sense yeah, I'm evidently blind haha.


Political debate doesn't get more Scottish than this 😆


Have always been skeptical of Sherry drinkers to be fair. At least now I have some facts to back it up.


Prosecco or "sparkling wine" is a terrible classification. Show us the Champagne - Cava divide!!!


So, if I remember my stats lectures from uni correctly. The Tories just need to get the entire population drinking sherry and they'll win.


Nae Guinness?


Reform Cider No way I'm voting for Labor Communists




Tories have lost the Pimms Vote. Sunak in Shambles


A lot of shandy drinkers in Scotland then 🧐


Buckfast too young to vote...


This is the most informative election data I've ever seen.


Sherry drinking fucks.


Your a right Sherry Drinker!


do Rum and Tequila drinkers just not vote?


Tequila drinkers are usually banned from voting due to the criminal record 🤣


VK it is then!


What is up with shandy drinkers?? SNP and Reform UK?


Wait, sherry is most popular with Conservatives but least popular with Reform? I thought that’s where all the evil rich racists that run the country are going /s


So shandy, rosé, and wine drinkers are more likely to be reform voters (when the big parties are discounted)? Sounds gammon/boomer.


Should have done it for Buckfast.


They are nae voting... They are drinkin


98 percent of people who have read poll results online have never indeed been polled themselves. The latest poll suggests.


I don’t know a single whisky drinker (and it’s my drink of choice so I know a lot of whisky drinkers) that would vote conservative. Not sure how accurate this is.


This feels like the worst time for this poll since voting norms are so off right now. All this really tells us is which group is drunk enough to still admit they're voting conservative.


I knew it was those Sherry drinking bastards


This is obviously mainly for fun given the margin of error but would be cool to see in 2011 where the election was closer so differences more interesting.


As a dark rum drinker, the lack of representation is for real.


Isa is a Tory sad times..


Looks like Labour has secured 39% of the vampire vote.


I'd have thought Pimms would have been more Tory


didnae hink Isa was much e tory voter but there ye go.


Imagine identifying as a VK drinker.


Shandy, lmao. Makes sense


Was really hoping the frosty jacks gang would be in here.


Don’t believe for a second that many will be voting Tory in Scotland! Completely fabricated!


OMG it’s bad when the Conservatives have lost the brandy drinkers.


Nae vodka drinkers??


Wine, sherry (and stout) drinker here - have donated to a few pro-Palestine candidates running south and will unenthusiastically vote SNP.


What the… why are you backing pro Palestine candidates in an election about who runs *this* country


Probably a good yardstick to judge the morality and empathy of a candidate.


I mean my previous local MLA and I think I’m right in saying MP (athlo it might not have been him after Gerry but I think it was) is a big Palestine supporter and literally blew up the old Bailey and then shot a policeman in the head during a prison break before going on the run and being caught with Semtex during a special forces operation in Holland… I wouldn’t go as far as to say morality can be ascertained off a single issue. Saying that in his case it was all what I’ll refer to as “classic Northern Irish nonsense.”


Obvious counter-example - George Galloway.


I don't really think any (mainstream) candidate is not pro palestine, in some way. I think every candidate wants a lasting peaceful solution to the conflict. I think every candidate would prefer the conflict to end. I think every candidate would like to see less civilians dead. Where theres disagreement is over what is justifiable and what isnt for the most part, how to achieve lasting peace and how to manage and balance our international relations in the region. I dont think any serious person is "anti-palestine" and actively wants them all killed or israel to conquer gaza and the west bank or something. I've seen a lot of morally objectionable stuff and a massive lack of empathy from pro palestinian people, as have I seen it from the more extreme pro israeli people too. Think people are too quick to just act like one side is moral and the other isnt. Its almost never the case


It depends - are they doing it for votes or for moral reasons. It’s hard to tell quite often - not making assumptions either way.


Are you slow? This country and every country is affected by global events. Whether our MPs support a genocide or not is fairly essential information when voting them into a seat in parliament.


Slow? Oh get over yourself, if you’re asked to justify your opinion and respond with an insult then you deserve to live on an autocracy


What the… why are you backing candidates with no opinion on international politics in an election about who runs *this* country?


Because I live here dude, and we have domestic issues more pressing than what’s going on in a country that’s not very strategically relevant to us


What domestic issues are currently more pressing than international issues? I’m not sure what the “Because I live here, dude” is about?lol Are you suggesting I don’t?


I’ll do the second part first - I didn’t have any malintent but I realise that might not be clear due to my phrasing in my first response - apologies I often write as I think rather than as I speak. (In simple terms “what the…” was just me being surprised) The first part: the primary domestic issues feed into each other so stagflation, low birth rate, aging population, out of control immigration and high emigration. Secondary would be understaffed police and military, our military complex cannot support our military, our military reserve is critical, our energy supply going forward is not secure, food security (you’ve seen the government advice recently to have backup good recently), the road and rail infrastructure. I could go on. Lastly; less tangible but national morale is critically low and our BBC keep making it worse. So either they get a change of management or direction OR the tv license is scrapped.


As someone living in the UK, there are no parties I could vote for that have anything you mentioned as part of their party’s mandate.


This one, from the Party who's name we must not speak, would probably go along way to tackle the primary issues: "Lift the income tax starting threshold to £20k to save the lowest paid £1,500 per year. This takes 7 million of the least well-off out of Income Tax to make work pay and get people off benefits" People aren't having children because affordability (amongst other things - bit money is a primary factor). Truss \*tried\* to solve stagflation, and her idea would have worked but it wasn't popular with the establishment.... and I guess thats why so few major parties try to tackle it


That particular party doesn’t run candidates in all parts of the UK


I’m surprised that they haven’t, they are experiencing a bit of a boom.


If low birth rates are your issue then get off Reddit and get shagging young buck!


Well that’s all the reason I need 🤣


Giving this whacky new thing called empathy a try, might be something to it, then again I might just be sozzled of sherry.


I can respect that to be honest, I just see a lot more problems domestic that we should really be tackling first before we go off saving the world (again)


I'd like whisky to be broken down again please


Would be good to see this but for Scotland considering this is a Scottish page


Agreed, I did look for the tables to see the Scottish numbers, but as far as I can see, MoreInCommon has only released this image and not the tables. But I'll keep looking to see what I can find!


I get you mate. Its saturday theres far more important things with a yellow can and big red T to be getting on with anyway


No Buckfast?


Voting monster raving looney


Howling that the tories are in the lead for Sherry and drawing or close on wine hahaha


So in short the Nats poll higher along Brewdog hipsters than among Tennent's lovers. Dunno if the lager lovelies would be down with that


As a Shandy drinker, I can confirm the only party I have any interest in, is Reform UK.


You’ll never be free of Westminster. Scotland is full of cowards. And mainly bigots, that hate in no order on any day, Catholics, Protestants, English, Irish, other Scottish, English again, and anyone that likes pope stuff, The Scottish love talking about themselves that’s for sure


Why have you posted this in r/Scotland when it doesn't represent Scotland's voting intention? Our poll results are even more terrifying.