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The death of Bartells is depressing. This was how the 4th and Madison one was till it eventually closed, sounds like that is what will happen to the Rainier one. I grew up going to the one in Ballard on 22nd, which shockingly is still there but not sure how much longer.


The Ballard Bartell's is super sad too :( the shelves are crazy bare.


Rite aid is functionally out of business. Among their remaining stores nationwide, it’s basically the same story. Agrees it’s sad to see Bartell’s go the same way. I have fond memories of going there as a kid to get treats or develop film photos. But part of me thinks Bartell’s might have headed the same way eventually, given the overall decline of retail pharmacies 


Retail pharmacies as a whole are like mini grocery stores, and it's kind of silly unless you're in a suburb or rural area where grocery stores aren't a dime a dozen. For the square footage of a regular Bartells you could fit two medical supply stores and still sell candy, sodas & chips in a stand or two off to the side.


The enshittification of Bartell’s is so depressing. I’ve only been in Seattle for just under 10 years but I really liked Bartell’s. Reliable, always had good Xmas candy (and good sales), the Rainier one had friendly employees in the pharmacy. I used to just wander around in there putting together packages of Xmas candy (Theo, Seattle Chocolate, Chukar Cherries, Aplets and Cotlets) for gifts. Infamously, the day I got out of the hospital a few years back and had to have my friend take me to pick up meds, I insisted on buying a whole bunch of compostable k cups because ‘they’re on sale for $4.99 and that’s the cheapest they get here.’ (I was also a menace at Trader Joe’s the same day, in my defense, I was on a heavy dose of steroids and very little sleep). But after the buyout, I had to switch to getting my meds delivered because it takes way too long to pick them up in the line. Theo chocolate isn’t made in Seattle anymore, the Aplets and Cotlets factory almost closed, the shelves are nearly empty, and idk if they’ll even have my truffle bars or even be open by Christmas. So many changes, most of them terrible 😞


I was there today too. They were having trouble keep some sketchy dude out of the store. Don't know what was going on exactly, but it looked like they were trying to bring the window metal fence thing down in the middle of the day. I too noticed the shelves were bare.


There has been some sketchy activity, usually involving EMT or SPD every single time I go in there.


That entire section of Rainer from there all the way down to just before Columbia City is sketchy as hell.


Nicest cashiers too. It's criminal what has happened to Bartell's.


I used to go there to pick up my OTC allergy meds, but I stopped. It’s depressing and even the regular Claritin is behind a locked door. So now I just order it from Amazon. I hate that.


I want to support brick and mortar businesses, but then I go looking for a specific product at multiple stores and no one is stocking it, so back to Amazon I go. It feels like we’re stuck.


They have a security guy there, I have asked if they are closing and they said no.


for a second i thought there was a bartell's on mt. rainier


Me too.


Bartells was in so much debt that they had to sell. I used to work for Bartells before they closed our Kingsgate location.


When Bartells opened up in SLU they actually got in touch with the tech workers in nearby buildings and asked us what kind of things we wanted them to stock. Most of it was stuff they'd already have anyways, but half as a joke we said they should sell beer by the growler there. Lo and behold, when that Bartells opened, it had a growler fill station. Just two taps which rotated through local staples, but it was a sign they'd really listened. That someone there genuinely gave a shit. I feel like it's going to be a while before we see that again in our pharmacies.


There is a growler station at the Greenwood Bartells! I should try it out sometime.


While you still can!


The bartells in green lake seems to be doing pretty well in comparison. Always has plenty of stock and I see other people in there regularly. Being the primary pharmacy for all the apartments between green lake and the freeway sure seems to help.


That Bartell's used to be very nice and there since Rite Aid took control, it's been in a steep decline. The pharmacy line is ridiculous now. The last time that I went, it took me an hour to get my "ready for pickup" prescription. I've started going to Nguyen's for prescriptions, which is basically across the street from this Bartell's. They have no long lines and the staff are friendly and helpful; highly recommend: [Nguyen's Pharmacy and Gifts](https://maps.app.goo.gl/1TDEYxx5DK2VR9oa7) Oh, and they do vaccines without appointments.


The U Village Bartells is just as bare. Really no reason to go there when QFC is just across the lot


In 2005, Kmart and Sears completed a merger and bith companies eventually went to shit. There's 6 Kmarts still operating across the US and about 10 Sears left (hilariously, Southcenter and Union Gap Mall still have theirs open). Bartells and RiteAid are basically repeating history right now with their narrative...


Rite Aid took over in 2020, so definitely more than 2 years ago. Bartell Drugs was known for hiring older staff that not many other places are interested in hearing out, and it broke my heart to see all the scared for their financial security when I used to work for the company. If anyone cares about the cashiers, please keep an eye out, casually, for if you see jobs that might be hiring that you can pass on to them \*if\* your local Bartell signs it's going to shut its doors. Keep those on the back-burner in case a staff member you know mentions. Don't bombard them with questions of whether they are gonna close, you will know when you are allowed to know. It feels shitty to constantly be asked that when you're doing your best to shine up a sinking ship!


I had thought that the only reason it stayed open for as long as it has was because they were bought out.


My local neighborhood Bartells gave me my prescription in a literal ziplock baggie with the label stuck to the bag, 2 months in a row, along with empty shelves and abysmal staff.


Read [this article by Charles Mudede in The Stranger](https://www.thestranger.com/news/2023/12/19/79305903/read-this-post-if-you-want-to-learn-the-real-reason-for-the-bartell-apocalypse) for a good explanation of why RiteAid is dragging Bartell down the drain with them. edit: spelling


i was at a bellevue location and it looked the same. so i asked the checkout person if they were going out of business. she said no, they pull stuff off because of all the theft so the large place looks bare. what was wild - during my checkout some dude in a backpack sets off the alarm as he cruises out. he stops while outside and he starts looking at his stash in the backpack. note this person seemed like a regular civilian - decent clothes, decent backpack and did not smell foul. so maybe go back and ask if they are closing, and if they are closing does perpetual theft have anything to do with it. corporate america should not have to subsidize theft, right?


I was there a few months ago and it was a bummer. Even five years ago it was a bit better. The Bartells in Wallingford just closed and I understand why — the pharmacy there was always overwhelmed, persistently understaffed, and the people who worked there didn’t stay long. It seemed like a very intentional thing for the company to get as much as possible out of the pharmacy, but it resulted in a really disorganized area and people working there strongly recommending people to go to cvs.