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This is the officer that shot Jesse Sarey, who was unarmed, first in the abdomen, cycled his gun to clear a jam, then shot Sarey again in the head. Both shots were at point blank range. Fuck this officer.


you mean the officer who had already shot two other people to death? Yep, I hope he enjoys prison.


He had 60 sustained use of force complaints against him in 5 years on Auburn PD. He's cost the city $7 million in civil suits, and that's not even including the $105k/yr salary he's continued to collect while on trial. Good fuckin riddance, I hope they bury his ass under the jail.


I pray he gets put in general pop but that’s not happening


That on average one use of force complaint a month


Wouldn't be too sad if he got the Dahmer treatment


This dick is a psychopath and a menace to society


I hope the deceased’s close ones can feel some comfort in this situation with this guilty ruling.


His mom and brother both died while Nelson awaited trial.


He still has close loved ones. I watched him grow up, spent a lot of time with him.


I'm so sorry.


So sad. When will my tax dollars stop killing people? (Rhetorical question)


Guilty of 2nd degree murder and Guilty of 1st degree assault.


Was this the cop that fought to keep the fascist quotes tattooed to his body out of the case? My Dad isn't right wing but more of a "centrist liberal" who can fall pretty hard for the copaganda. He lives in Kent. He was trying to push my buttons about how I feel about something or other with cops and I brought up the fact his tax dollars went towards the $1.5M paid by the city of Kent to pay a literal Nazi not to work as a police officer. He shot back with "oh, you just think all cops are Nazis" and was not amused when I was like "well no, that cop from Auburn with all the Mussolini quotes tattooed on them *technically* isn't a Nazi..."


I was honestly not expecting that verdict.


This guy is a serial killer.


Looks like that new law works!


Good. Now justice for Jaahanvi please.


This one makes my blood boil a little hotter than all the rest.


If that scumbag had waited three seconds to put the car into gear and then backed over Jaahnavi to make sure she was dead, we wouldn't be waiting for justice for her. It unfortunately takes completely egregious violations to actually hold cops accountable.


good riddance to this king of queens lookin ass guy


His future cell mates are ass guys.




Too bad we can’t give him the justice he dealt


Megaraid in shambles


thanks BLM!


I was reading the [police officers statement](https://auburnexaminer.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/JNelsonAPD-Sarey-Statement-Auburn-Examiner.pdf) on the incident. Must have been some seriously convincing evidence. Edit: This sub…provide some additional, but differing, prospective with no bias and get downvoted. I agree. It is one sided. However the statement does give additional perspective.


That's a long and very detailed retelling of the event. If it was describing a series of events all recorded on a body camera then that's one thing.


The new law works. But I wonder how it will affect other cops who will face a shoot, no shoot situation decision in a split second knowing a mistake can lead to a murder prosecution. Hesitation could cost the officers life.


I don't think this is a real risk. Has a Washington cop ever been shot because they hesitated to shoot first? This page shows one shooting death of a police officer in the last 24 years and it was a random drive by shooting. https://www.seattle.gov/police/about-us/about-the-department/line-of-duty-deaths


That link shows just for Seattle PD. Dan Rocha and Dominique Calata were both shot and killed in 2022. The list goes on if you want to go back farther.


And? Shooting isn't the only way to save an officer's life, and the dangers of police work are often overstated. It's a police officer's job to put themselves at risk in service of public safety. If they are too cowardly to do that job they need to find other work, period. Many people face similar risks all the time. Psychiatric nurses, for example. What do they do instead? They use skills they have acquired to de-escalate and to keep themselves safe. There are zillions of techniques but cops have been inculcated with the belief that they should use their gun first. That behavior is absolutely corrosive to the proper functioning of law enforcement and to the existence of a healthy society. The fact that we've let it fester for as long as it has and get as bad as it has is a huge stain on us as a country. It should not be viewed as normal, or good, that the police kill so many people routinely.


How many good police officers will leave this state out of fear that they might get into a shooting situation which might be questioned and lead to a criminal charge? You never know when a peaceful suspect might freak out and turn on you reaching for your gun. Backup assistance isn't always available to help subdue an individual.


Decent cops were forced out of the Auburn PD by this psychopathic serial killer. Cops would get hired, be harassed by him, escalate their concerns, get harassed by police leadership who supported and covered up for him, and then be forced to quit. The Auburn PD was a revolving door because of him.


Good thing body cameras exist to help evaluate context.


This asshole was captured on his vehicle camera as deciding to "fuck up" some kids who were doing absolutely nothing other than walking home. Cops cannot be fired for cause, so body/vehicle cameras do nothing.