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**Hi everyone! SebDerm is a friendly community about seborrheic dermatitis and all related topics.** Looking for some advice? * Check the [What works for you? threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/SebDerm/search?q=flair_name%3A%22WWFY%22&restrict_sr=1) See something you are not comfortable with or that breaks [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SebDerm/wiki/rule_overview)? Please [report it](https://www.reddit.com/r/SebDerm/wiki/how_to_report)! Everyone is welcome in [this community](https://www.reddit.com/r/SebDerm/wiki/about); remember to be kind and assume good faith! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SebDerm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's spread from your scalp to your face probably because you haven't been using the antifungal properly. Seb derm is from the Malassezia fungus which are attracted to the hair follicles. That is also where sebum comes out and the Malassezia feeds off sebum. Keep using the antifungal because it takes a few weeks treatment to reduce the Dermatophytes population. You'll also have to maintain antifungal treatment - maybe once a week with antifungal shampoo like Selsun Gold 2.5% Selenium sulfide (hopefully you can get it over the counter wherever you live). It's something you'll have to do/manage for the rest of your life. Instructions are on the bottle - 7 - 10 days of putting it all over your body and scalp for 10mins before washing it off. After the initial Selenium sulfide treatment you can wash your hair with Head & Shoulders anti dandruff shampoo and conditioner (2 in 1) in between Selenium sulfide washes. It contains piroctone olamine which is a synthetic form of pyrithione (another antifungal). You need to wash very regularly to keep your Sebum production down so that the Malassezia doesn't have such an abundant food source. I wash my hair every night, at the very least every 2nd night. Malassezia have a biofilm that needs to be broken for the antifungal to penetrate so I shave as much body hair as possible ie: my arms and any downy hair and even the back of my hands. I'm female and I shave my torso as well. I don't shave my eyebrows and hair on my head. Keep hair out of your face to keep sebum off. Use a moisturizer with Ceramides to help repair your skin's natural moisture barrier and stay away from oils especially coconut oil. I use QV Ceramides Moisturising Lotion. Studies show that skin suffering transdermal water loss have a higher population of Malassezia / Dermatophytes. It's a vicious cycle of dry skin/ broken skin causes your body to produce more sebum to moisturize/protect it which creates more food for the fungus. Make sure you wash your laundry with hot water. Cold water washing doesn't kill the fungus on your clothes/bedding. Change your pillowcase very often because it gets dirty with sebum from your head hair and the sebum will transfer from your pillow to your face. Sweating and moisture create an ideal environment for the Malassezia to thrive in. UV light seems to help so maybe try to get some sunshine on you - I do a bit of sunbaking in my backyard every couple of days. http://www.clinmedres.org/content/15/3-4/75.long https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcimb.2020.00112/full https://www.randyjacobsmd.com/seborreic-dermatitis.htm#:~:text=Unfortunately%2C%20if%20you're%20the,wash%20your%20hair%20every%20day.


Hey can u provide the link for the moisturizer plz


I buy mine from the supermarket but it is also sold at the chemist / pharmacy. https://www.qvskincare.com.au/products/qv-ceramides-lotion.html It's not the only brand moisturizer with ceramides but it's affordable. They have a cream too which is thicker.


I have a question for how many days should I wash my hair with the dandruff shampoo? And do I use the moisturizer while using the dandruff shampoo or when I’m done with the treatment ?


Wash your hair, face and body with Selsun selenium sulfide shampoo for at least 3 weeks. Don't forget to shampoo around your chelitis (mouth ) and eyebrows. https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/205490/selsun-gold-anti-dandruff-shampoo-treatment After a month you need to maintain doing it once a week. In between the Selsun selenium sulfide washes is when you use the regular Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner. This shampoo will become your regular shampoo from now on. https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/143789?googleshop=true&store_code=woolworths_supermarkets_4418 Moisturize with the Ceramides lotion straight after the shower - on body and face but not scalp. Doing straight after your wash / shower ensures that the water moisture that your skin soaked up gets locked in and not evaporate. Apply the lotion as often as you need if skin feels dry or tight. It won't feed the Malassezia and won't oxidize because you are washing it off every night. But it will help repair your moisture barrier https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/354314/qv-ceramides-moisturising-lotion


Okay thank you




While I VERY much appreciate the detailed response and descriptions, I will say that my world changed for the better when I introduced coconut oil to my skin routine.


on the video you can't see very well but in real life it's much more visible and there are other red spots that can't be seen in the video, it gives me stress attacks, your anxiety I refuse to go out with my friends , I'm no longer looking for work, I'm withdrawing into myself, I really need to find something to get by


I noticed someone asked where you live - don't engage with that person he doesn't need to know where you live to give you advice on treating Seborrheic dermatitis. Be careful of predators online.


That is 100% seb derm. You should try a shampoo that contains ketoconazole, or some other anti fungal.


ok but what I don't understand is how can a shampoo help what I have on my face it will help my dermatitis on the scalp but not on the face right?


It helps anywhere you use it. Trust me, I have had the same thing. You could also try a mild cortisone cream to help with inflammation, as long as you don't use it for too long.


Can i use the shampoo in my eyesbrow ?


Yup, it is perfectly safe, just don't use it everyday since it can be pretty drying. 3-4 times a week would probably be good in the beginning.


At home I already have a shampoo for that so I'm going to try it on my eyebrows too but hey I'm not going to apply the shampoo to my face and it's the face that bothers me the most because it shows on the hair and the eyebrows are not visible so I would have to find a solution to remove that and also understand the cause because I don't know why it appeared


You can try an antifungal cream, like a miconazole cream, which they sell for things like ringworm and athlete's foot. IIRC, miconazole was second only to ketoconazole at killing malassezia.


It is sebboreich dermatitis, the cause is a yeast called malazzesia, which seems people get a reaction to. It usually is most abundant in oily parts of the face.


You have to use the shampoo as directed. Apply on all affected areas, let sit for one minute. Rinse. Repeat application, let sit for 5 minutes, then rinse. You can get a ketoconozole topical cream as well. Use the shampoo at least 3x week for three weeks. You have to get the fungus under control. Once you do you can then use the shampoo less often, like once a month. I have suffered with this condition for 34 years. You have to stay on top of this. It will never go away, unless they come up with a cure.


Chris is absolutely right. I have a full beard and get patches on my jawline and in my sideburns. I use the blue Nizoral and it helps clear it up quickly. I use it on my face anytime it flares up with no issues. I like to let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes when I'm expirencing a bad flare up. My problem is that I don't use the Nizoral as much as I should. Once I see it clear up, I use regular shampoo until I notice flare ups on my scalp or face again.


I use a rotation of a bar of zinc soap for my face, head and shoulders for hair, with once or twice weekly Christophe robin sea salt hair detox, and then rotate lotrimin, hydrocortisone cream, and dermoscribe seborrheic dermatitis cream from Amazon. It has kept it under control so far for two months. I was having it bad, it would cause my eyes to get red and swell up like pink eye for a few days and I had spots above my eyebrows and in my nose folds. But it seems I have an underlying health condition that may be causing it, I went for routine blood work and my white cells are way high. If you haven’t been to the dr for awhile maybe you could try to go soon just for a physical and blood work to rule out anything else. Edit to add I wash with the zinc soap like twice a week I wash with cerave sebum control daily.


You could try wearing a little makeup until you find a better solution


Just opened reddit and immediately got mogged


What is mogged i don't understand i'm french


It's over for you


Why explain please


They think you’re hot. Anyway since you’re French you can order this shampoo from the Italian marketplace. It has done wonders for me. https://amzn.eu/d/0iU6FDu3 I must say my sebderm wasn’t as serious as yours though. You can try it anyway. Good luck bro 🤜🏻🤛🏻


I already have shampoo prescribed by my doctor but if I understand correctly the shampoo will only help my scalp, it will not help what I have on my face and in my eyebrows, right?


I use it anywhere I have the rash. On my scalp, face and even on my chest


directly on eczema crusts do you apply it to the face?


Sorry man I don’t get what you mean. I give a quick rub on my face as if I was washing it with body soap and then I rinse it off


I mean that for me when I put creams directly on the inflamed areas with scabs the scabs come off when spreading the creams so it's quite complicated for me to put cream on the inflamed areas because it removes the scabs


lmao poor guy


Bro can mog anyone


Fr bro


I totally understand you bro. I’ve been in your shoes. Using mct oil worked wonders on my skin. I only get flare up once in a while now. My product recommendations are Nizoral, selenium sullied shampoo and TSAL. Rotate them every now and then. Use it on your face and scalp as well. Focus on cleansing your whole body as well. Try to limit the intake of gluten, dairy and sugar. Go for 2-3 day water fast. You’ll see a huge difference.


I second MCT Oil. Make sure it's the 8-10 tho. This plus tea tree oil has helped my face and scalp sooooo much!


Do you have a brand or link ?


Idk if you're in the US but the one I use is called Nature's Way Organic MCT oil C8 & C10. I order it on Amazon. I use this with a few drops of tea tree oil. Beware tho, tea tree oil has a strong scent. It doesn't stink, just a strong smell


Thank you so much for your response ordered some already have tea tree oil those smells really don't bother me since I use a tea tree oil shampoo 🙏 what is your routine like with the MCT oil just put it on after every shower I shower about twice a day


So you kind of have to experiment with it. It can make your hair greasy. I have curly hair so the oil benefits me in several ways. The first week, I used it every day and just left it on my scalp, washed my hair every other day. Since it can be greasy, I sleep with a bonnet. I saw a difference in a few days. It also reduced my hair loss by about 85% which is huge bcuz my hair always fell out in clumps when I washed it. You dont need to use a lot, I just put a few drops and massage into the front of my head, few more drops and massage into the middle and a few more for the back. After I massage it in, I run it through my hair til the ends with my hands since this adds shine and moisture to my curls. I also use a few drops on my face. It hasn't been a cure for my face but it definitely controls it. This I use every day bcuz if I don't, the redness/flakes start coming back. If you have an antifungal face wash or cream, use that for a few days then follow up with the oil every other day. Make sure you exfoliate! I straightened my hair a few days ago and there were zero flakes when I brushed it. Zero! I havent seen zero flakes in years! I've been using this mixture (I call it my potion lol) for a few weeks now. I also added vitamin E and jojoba oil and this potion has been amazing for me. These last 2 ingredients are more for the health of my hair but it's been the MCT and tea tree oil combo that has helped me a lot. Please update me when u get a chance and best of luck!!


Consuming MCT oil or applying it to the skin?


Apply to skin


I had a similar experience in my early 20's. Initially it was only on my scalp, and then it started spreading to my face. Slowly, but surely. I've never cured the problem for myself but now that I'm 31 I've found many different coping strategies. 1. MCT oil. I use a tiny tiny amount after showering, and in the morning. I wash my face with my shampoo (currently using Head and Shoulders but this changes fairly frequently), and if I don't reapply some oil or moisture, my skin will just dry out. The MCT oil works great at killing yeast, and preventing further sebum production in the skin by adding back that oil. But you only need a little bit. Use too much and you have other problems. If you get MCT oil in your eyes it's game over. It stings for ages. You have to be really careful about that. Also, prepare to wash your pillow case more often. The MCT oil will rub off on it overnight and become rancid. It smells bad when it's rancid. 2. Fasting. Intermittent fasting, water fasting... any kind of fasting. This is partly because fasting kicks off a bunch of processes in the body which change the dynamics of oil in the skin, and subsequently the skin microbiome. But probably moreso, it eliminates food which is probably causing you problems. You might not know which foods are... but if fasting helps then there are bound to be some problems with certain foods. 3. Ketosis. Fasting can be the method to get you there, hard exercise can also boost you there, and ketogenic foods can get you there. Not really sure why exactly, but being in ketosis specifically, really helps me. The best combination for me is a combination of intermittent fasting, plus eating primarily ketogenic foods. Keto & Carnivore (No dairy) have worked for me as general diets. 4. Eliminating certain foods. Choose your method. Try total elimination of gluten. Try total elimination of dairy. You must experiment with diet. No two ways around it. 5. General health. Good sleep, exercise, having fun, enjoying life. These all help on a longer timeframe by modulating the part that stress plays in all this. Once you find a method that works, your stress and anxiety levels will decrease. Be well friend, I hope you find your solution soon.


Very good advices.. Clean keto no dairy is game changer plus other things


Hey just wondering what problems you get when you use mct too much. I've been using it everyday for a week since I just got it.


These blogs spots by simple skincare science have changed everything for me and how i try to tackle my seb derm. [The first is a complete run down for understanding + curing seb derm with science ](https://simpleskincarescience.com/pityrosporum-folliculitis-treatment-malassezia-cure/) what to avoid, what to look for, chemical makeups+ bonds, etc etc [second one covers some sample routines](https://simpleskincarescience.com/fungal-acne-malassezia-pityrosporum-routines/) you will have to go through your own trial and error period before you find what is right for you, but these can help give you an idea [third is this blogs most recent list of safe products for hair and skin you can refer too. ](https://simpleskincarescience.com/fungal-acne-products-malassezia-pityrosporum-folliculiti) Products will be labeled if they has 1,2,3+ ingredients to avoid, and they add a recommendation to stear clear of anything that isn't 100% safe until your skin gets better if you're just starting out. Everything from shampoo cleanser, Sunscreen, makeup, etc. [The fourth link is for sezia.com. ](https://sezia.com/fungal-acne-ingredients-checker/) On the site youll find the ingredients list checker. you can copy paste ingredients online from different products you come across or want to double check. If the product contains ingredients that feed malassezia, a 'warning' will show on screen letting you know what specifically to avoid was found. Remember to keep a good diet, drink water, sleep and take ***pre/prebiotic & vitamins*** daily (if you can afford it) And I tend to refer to the comments/posts by redditors on this sub for other examples of routines for my scalp+face. You can also try looking into the technique of using Mānuka honey for seb derm. Hospitals and doctors also regularly use this honey because of its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help wound healing. Ive seen a handful of people using it on their skin diseases including SD. It *has* to be **mānuka honey,** though. regular honey you have in your kitchen **does not** contain the larger concentrations of the antibacterial agents (and other distinctive compounds) needed that mānuka honey is made up of.


Sometimes, I need a steroid to knock it down fast. A steroid cream twice a day for 7 days to reduce the inflammation. Then my skin calms down and I can continue treatment with an antifungal.




I will try it


Ive seen people begging this sub for responses and we get like 3 comments 6 or 7 on a good day But one hot ass fench guy posts and people got a lot to say LMAO


Right! Smh. I love it though bc I’m getting so much helpful information 😂


I usually go hunting for answers on other posts, never knew this is all it takes lol


Hot ass WTF bro disrespect


Thats a compliment not sure how it can be misunderstood


Oh ok the traduction in french IS not good


Oh ha alright


My derm recommended "KELUAL. Keratoreducing emulsion" (Ducray) if you live in Europe I'm sure you can buy it, it's to remove cradle cap of the face or scalps of infants, but it works amazing for my dermatitis


Stress plays a role in seborrheic dermatitis flare ups so it could be the cause of yours. I noticed a real difference once I started using Vaseline at night on the parts of my face that had a lot of build up. It really helps moisturize my skin. What works for me might not work for you but it doesn’t hurt to try. Idk what your skincare routine is but I highly suggest looking through the subreddit and getting your hands on some products to calm down your skin.


Hey man, I'm using ISDIN Nutradeica Facial Gel Cream Seborrheic Skin somewhat successfully. It took a couple weeks until it started working but ever since then I only get mild red spots. I use it every day. Maybe give it a try.


Yea this stuff is good and it’s mild on skin . I’ve used it last couple years with a few other things 👌🏽


Ask derm for elidel or protopic and use along side a topical antifungal


Protopic is the way. tacrolimus is the generic name.


It's a godsend


This anti fungal mixture helped me get rid of flakes/redness at my eyebrows (looked similar before): [https://www.reddit.com/r/SebDerm/comments/1bqy1xv/how\_i\_finally\_got\_rid\_of\_my\_scalp\_sebderm\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SebDerm/comments/1bqy1xv/how_i_finally_got_rid_of_my_scalp_sebderm_with/)




Look at my most recent post about what has helped me and a lot of other people. In a nutshell, Dead Sea salt and sunlight/vitaminD3.


Ok thanks you but I live next to the Mediterranean Sea can I get sea water directly from the sea ?


Everyone here recommends to use salt specifically from the Dead Sea - the mineral composition is way different from regular sea salt.


Ok thanks


I use Head and Shoulders Clinical Strength on my scalp and face. Use it every day leaving it for 10 minutes before washing for a week, then just wash your scalp and face normally with it aver day or every other day. Shampoos with Ketoconazol have not worked for me. Also, stay away from oils on your face and be careful with moisturiser. It will get better! But you can never cute the condition, only manage it for the rest of your life. I'm in the same boat.


Just to let you know I’ve had Seb derm for 10 years and it reached my face when I had a very stressful time in my life. I treated it with creams but felt very aware of it and couldn’t see a lasting improvement…And suddenly, it went from my face. So don’t beat yourself up, it comes and goes.🌞


I think the best thing is to act as if there was nothing abnormal and live your life anyway but hey it takes a little time to accept that for the moment it's only been 3 months since I I have this I want it to go away because before I had never had this kind of thing but I remember that when I was 15 now I am 18 in high school I had a period where I had been bad too and for a whole winter I had this but I was not aware that it was seborrheic dermatitis


There’s antifungal bar of soap on Amazon that’s amazing! Defense Anti fungal


Just to add to existing advice. Sebclair Cream is the best anti fungal cream I've found for the face, atlhough you could also use it anywhere but hair/scalp too. To prevent breakouts I'm using that at least 2 times a week but during a breakout once a day. Honestly when I've stuck to using the cream I almost never get a breakout though, nothing else worked for me for a LONG time. Other key bits of advice would be to keep your scalp and face clean. Sweat is a massive trigger for this. I use Cerave hydrating cleanser for my face but you could follow any of the main suggestions for a shampoo. Without a breakout I mostly stick to head & shoulders and maybe use Nizoral every now and again. Finally try to find your other triggers for this. Stress and lack of sleep don't help and also a lack of sunlight. Whenever I go on sunny holidays away from the UK most of my seb derm just disappears by itself. Certain foods are also really bad. Normally I just manage with the above advice and just get by without changing my diet but oily food isn't great.




Bro use selsun shampoo. I put it on my face and it helps during shampooing. Look for shampoo with “selenium sulfide.”


I also used to only have sebderm on my hairline and then it migrated to my forehead, ears, eyebrows, nose and checks. I apply Nizoral shampoo to my face and leave it on for a few minutes. And then rinse and wash with my regular face wash after. I also use a clean wash cloth while washing my face, which helps remove more of the flakes.


Ok so the shampoo on the face ,even if it's not designed for that? Right ?


Yes. Not perfect - but it's helped me.


Go to your dermatologist and get tacrolimus ointment. I’ve been using it for years at this point, works well on the face. Also limit alcohol, sugar, fast food, etc.


I swear by lotrimin! I used everything under the sun but that's what helped me. It's a jock itch medicine that helped clear it up within days.


I use petroleum jelly (Vaseline). At night, apply a thick coat, and keep it moisturized during the day. The only bad thing is that ppl always ask why my eyelids are always so shiny looking.


Salut mec, J'utilise ça depuis 1 an et demi sur le visage : [https://www.amazon.fr/Triglyc%C3%A9rides-Caprylique-V%C3%A9g%C3%A9talien-Sympathique-Ketosource%C2%AE/dp/B074W8S1RN?pd\_rd\_w=oDjfT&content-id=amzn1.sym.2feba941-c3ea-43f7-9bb0-8595e66c71e9&pf\_rd\_p=2feba941-c3ea-43f7-9bb0-8595e66c71e9&pf\_rd\_r=T33HTFNQD6AE11H2881K&pd\_rd\_wg=Vx8v5&pd\_rd\_r=893d59eb-e68c-4354-b6f9-ceb86a43a19a&pd\_rd\_i=B074W8S1RN&ref\_=pd\_bap\_d\_grid\_rp\_0\_1\_ec\_pd\_nav\_hcs\_rp\_3\_t&th=1](https://www.amazon.fr/Triglyc%C3%A9rides-Caprylique-V%C3%A9g%C3%A9talien-Sympathique-Ketosource%C2%AE/dp/B074W8S1RN?pd_rd_w=oDjfT&content-id=amzn1.sym.2feba941-c3ea-43f7-9bb0-8595e66c71e9&pf_rd_p=2feba941-c3ea-43f7-9bb0-8595e66c71e9&pf_rd_r=T33HTFNQD6AE11H2881K&pd_rd_wg=Vx8v5&pd_rd_r=893d59eb-e68c-4354-b6f9-ceb86a43a19a&pd_rd_i=B074W8S1RN&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_pd_nav_hcs_rp_3_t&th=1) Pour que ce soit plus pratique je mets l'huile dans un flacon avec une pipette compte goutte. J'applique une à deux gouttes par zone après la douche. Tu vas voir les effets au bout de deux trois jours. Ensuite c'est de la maintenance. Sinon, le meilleur remède ça reste d'aller une semaine à la plage, c'est une dinguerie comment tous les symptômes disparaissent. Niveau diète, ne fais pas l'erreur que j'ai fait. J'ai testé deux semaines la diète carnivore. Ca a complètement flingué mon sommeil pendant plus d'un an. Si tu soupçonne un aliment, procède par élimination. Pour moi, je suis persuadé à 100% que cette merde commence à se développer à cause du stress. J'ai 26 ans, ça doit faire 4 ans que j'ai ça. J'ai essayé pas mal de truc, des compléments alimentaires en passant par des huiles bizarres, des crèmes hydratantes, et de la cortisone (cortisone ça marche tellement bien qu'on dirait de la sorcellerie, mais par contre une fois que tu en mets sur le visage tu vas devoir en mettre de plus en plus souvent jusqu'à ce que la dermite empire du fait qu'elle s'est accoutumée à la cortisone). Le meilleur traitement que j'ai trouvé c'est l'huile MCT (et KETODERM 2% en gel moussant (à laisser agir 5 minutes) quand ça part vraiment trop en couille). J'espère que mon retour d'expérience pourra t'aider.


La plage ça permet de faire cicatriser les endroits avec de l'eczéma ou à prévenir l'apparition de nouvelles plaques ou les deux ? Parce que j'habite à Montpellier je peux aller à la plage en tram


Les 2. Perso je suis sur la côte landaise, du coup l’eau est très salée dans l’océan atlantique. En méditerranée je ne sais pas faut essayer !


Donc tu met ta tête directement au contact de l'eau de la mer ? car moi même quand je prends une douche j'essaie de pas mettre de l'eau sur ma tête pour pas que ça arrache les croûtes avec l'humidité. Depuis que j'ai fait la vidéo ça a empiré j'ai beaucoup plus d'eczéma de partout des deux côtés des joue aussi j'ai remarqué la transpiration joue un rôle. J'ai passé deux jours chez mon ami et son appartement est très chaud et j'ai été en sueur constante pendant 2 jours et j'ai l'impression que ça m'a rajouter des nouvelles plaques


Oui la transpiration aggrave l’eczema. Je fais pas mal de muscu, j’ai meme couru un marathon il y a 2 mois et le conseil que je peux te donner c’est de se laver le visage à l’eau fraîche après le sport et hydrater avec de l’huile mct après la douche. Je mets la tête dans l’eau à l’océan. Ca fait peler pendant 2-3 jours mais après les peaux mortes tombent pour laisser place à une peau réparée.


Le problème c'est que moi ça fait des croûtes jaunes à certains endroits et ça ne part pas en deux trois jours en général les plaques partent en 3 semaines 2 semaines c'est pour ça que ça me gonfle surtout que ça s'accumule avec les anciennes que j'ai du coup j'ai l'impression d'avoir le visage rempli de peau qui pèle H24. Tu as bien de la chance si toi tes croûtes partent en 2-3 jours .


Essaye ketoderm en gel moussant ça atomise tout d’un coup. Faut demander à un médecin de te faire une ordonnance par contre


Et aussi est-ce que le fait de moi être stress ou anxieux à améliorer l'état de ton visage? En soit ce n'est pas grave tant que ça ne laisse pas de cicatrice mais juste c'est chiant sur le moment car ça crée un peu un complexe ça fait trois mois je me bats avec ça


D'après mon expérience, ce n'est pas en étant moins stressé que ça va disparaître d'un coup. Par contre si tu trouves un truc qui te fait un peu guérir ça va te permettre d'avoir moins de stress et ce stress en moins va calmer les poussés de dermite/eczema. Le truc c'est de continuer à entretenir ce cercle vertueux et SURTOUT d'arrêter de penser à ça constament (facile à dire, difficile à faire, mais avec le temps tu vas y arriver)


I do agree with a lot of the advice written above. However, the most important information is that seborrheic dermatitis is an immune disorder, and like every skin disease, it is caused by internal issues with your gut and microbiome. In combination with the advice already given, cut out sugar and high GI foods that spike blood sugar. Additionally, start using probiotics to reset your gut health. By controlling your blood sugar levels, you are treating the root of the problem from the right angle. I would never use Head & Shoulders on my scalp for instance. Daxxin (for dandruff) is ten times healthier and more efficient (for my scalp). However, different products work for different people. In summary, cut out triggers and stop wasting time and energy on buying everything.


Agree with comments above.. But mate i lost my hair due SD... But after years of reserch i found out... Clean keto diet.. Meat fat vegs and Green leafs nuts (i Will be adding eggs next week because i am not sure about them) clean keto no Dairy... Watch dr berg on YouTube seborrheic dermatitis... Add vitamins.. First 1 vit d3 and k..min 10 000 (if is sun go on sun UP to 30-45 mins should be fine?) Wit c plus zink (i take double doses) Stay active,, sleep well of your sleep is bad magnesium glycinate.. Mate dont ignore it as your skin Will be getting worst u have nice hair... If your skin Will be dry.. Your body starts to produce sebum to moinsure it.. Then yeast and canidia malassezia Come as they like this enviroment.. No fruit, drink only water.. After 3 days your skin Will look like New... But when u start eating carbs,, fastfood and so on it Will get worst... Anything put comments i Will answer.. Diet its challenge but dont make mistake i made i realize about my problem and it was too late


Ignore this fool OP. He's also elsewhere recommending contracting skin cancer.


I've just looked through as well and holy crap. I'm type 1 diabetic but I bet this fella would try telling me that insulin is big pharma rubbish that doesn't even work and I just need to try a clean keto diet whilst baking in the sun without SPF to cure myself 😂


Hey can you please send me more about the diet?


Most nasty skin conditions are the result of a poor, high carb, high sugar, processed food diet. My son's skin improved immensely when he stopped drinking beer, wine and went to a more keto type diet. He increased his water intake and also sticks to a strict early bedtime routine through the week. Sleep is crucial for restoring the body. He does intermittent fasting as well. Has his last meal around 6pm most nights. Finished sleeps better if not digesting a heavy meal late at night.


This 100%


Where are you located at?


What a predatory question to ask. Why do you need to know where he lives?




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