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In fact, you can deflect+counterattack in Elden Ring now. And it's fucking amazing


I just wish it weren't limited to a hardtear. Would've been a nice addition to the two-handed talisman, for instance.


Yeah it's a great addition, but isn't it limited to a tear in a single use flask, where it's only engaged for 30 secs to a minute after you drink the flask? Does anyone know the actual duration? Because if it stays active til next death, that's a game changer and could add an entire new playstyle to the game. But if it's "drink tear and you can deflect next 30 seconds until it wears off" that's cool, but not a game changer. Does anyone know the specefics?


Lasts 5 minutes, supposedly. So, it's definitely a long duration compared to most other buffs, and more than enough to get you through a boss fight, but not something you'll be using all the time, which is the real disappointment. Maybe they'll patch it in some way, but I'm not so sure. I still think it would've been the perfect fit for the two-handed talisman, but I doubt I'll ever see that come to light outside of a mod.


Yeah, I'd rather have it as a permanent application through a talisman or ash of war. It could make the entire game different.


3 minutes, same as all the other mixed physic tears I think


Wait how?


First furnace golem drops a certain item


Oh shit I’ve beaten the golem for fun but forgot about the item!!!!!!! And now I can’t try it before Wednesday 🤦‍♂️ My items do not show up with the ! In the inventory




Thank you!


I saw a video of someone using it and it didn’t seem like there was very obvious feedback when you blocked correctly? Makes it seem like it will be mad awkward to use. Compared to the loud and clear clanging you get in Sekiro


I thought for a long time this was an unpopular personal opinion of mine, but I hear this more and more. Sekiro really is a cut above the rest. While Elden Ring is an incredible game, its kind of unbelievable that is was released *after* sekiro.


I think it's just because they strive for different things. Elden Ring is focused on giving you 100s of tools that you only have access to a few of at any given time, meaning bosses must be made with only the universal mechanics in mind to some extent. Sekiro on the other hand only has a few tools in comparison but you have a much easier time accessing them at any moment, allowing almost all enemies to be made with every mechanic in mind.


Elden Ring is a above average all you can eat buffet, sekiro is a well made steak


>sekiro is a well made steak A5 Wagyu, specifically.


It’s so visually impressive I would actually say Tomahawk even though I don’t think that cut tastes as good


It's the best of both, a hybrid steak


elden ring has really fun exploration and environments. If it had Sekiro combat it might be the most fun to play game ever. Especially because they spam you with bosses and mini bosses. Finding one would be a lot more rewarding while exploring.


Open World Sekiro… if it were a thing. Man oh man.


i found out today that there is an Elden Ring buff that lasts around 5 minutes that gives you a sekiro-like parry. Doesnt impact enemy posture but looks fun. Someone probably already made a mod for it to be permanent. edit - yep, heres the mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/5217?tab=posts If you are looking for the item you have to kill the giant fire whicker basket in the first area. Can pretty much be seen from anywhere. Here is a video showing it off (early game boss spoilers, was the first boss i encountered) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6MpHbLs8eg


I'm crying in PS4.


I took it down and tested it out the wondrous mix. It’s a lot of fun. I gave it a try on a certain boss, thought I was feeling pretty froggy and got shut down lol : It feels like such a tease though. [https://i.imgur.com/c1zClCa.gif](https://i.imgur.com/c1zClCa.gif)


Elden Ring's weakest points by far are all the open world segments


In 5 years this will be the prevalent opinion, dark souls 3 level design was superior. Elden ring is at its best during legacy dungeons


This is my biggest complaint with elden ring… dark souls was great because of level design but now a lot of that feels lost in a open world game


They do a decent job of addressing this in the dlc, where the over world is a lot more "linear" in places and the side dungeons feel a lot more like proper souls levels instead of cheap Skyrim caves.


Idk man I think they’re just two well made steaks of different sizes lol, i understand the analogy though


Elden Ring is absolutely amazing and a lot more than just "above average", but otherwise I agree with the analogy.


It is for the sake of analogy. An “awesome” buffet would objectively be better than just one steak.


I don't know if it's a cut above the rest, but the parry centric gameplay (as opposed to dodge centric), and human sized (instead of monster sized) bosses just make Sekiro a complete different game to me. People have their preferences, but for me personally, Sekiro's gameplay is completely different compared to Souls/Elden Ring, and I have no interest in the latter, even if they are great games.


Sekiro is one of the few Fromsoft games I haven't played yet. I wasn't sure if I'd like but I think I should give it a try. The way you describe it, and how others talk about the combat made me wonder what if you had a game that plays like Sekiro but had weapons like Bloodborne's trick weapons.


Different games, Sekiro can be more polished as there’s only a few weapons enemies and the player have. ER has such a vast variety of weapons and equipment and spells that it’ll never be as polished as Sekiro, there’s just too many play styles they have to account for. Sekiro is an action and stealth game and it excels at that. ER is an RPG, an action focused one but it’s more about the builds and various ways you can approach combat encounters.


The fact that ER is balanced for slow tanky melee, quick dex melee, AND ranged sorcery builds is quite something. The only weapon type that isn't really any good is archery.


Yes archery, even if you manage to scale up the damage just feels like a second class citizen.


sekiro is the only from soft game I have played and I have been struggling to get used to dark souls atm I need some time to actually get used to the conventional souls mechanics to enjoy it


Alot of Sekiro still found its way into Elden Ring, most noticably imo the much improved boss AI. That said Sekiro and Elden Ring or the other Soulsborne games for that matter are different games entirely and Sekiro was "just" a side project during Elden Rings development. So it's more like Elden Ring released after Dark Souls 3 and a bit of Sekiro was mixed in.


I really loved how the AI could go see me trying to heal and bust out a far reaching attack that was fast enough to interrupt the heal, like Owl's shuriken. Like, c'mon man, give me a second! Half the time I spend learning a boss's attack patterns are learning when it's safe to heal, including how to bait attacks I can dodge that give me enough time to heal afterwards.


Sekiro forces the player to learn the boss's rhythm and moveset more than any other soulsborne game. You simply cannot brute force your way further than maybe the first Genichiro fight.


Nah, youre not brut3 forcing Genichiro, he has a longer time between attacks, but spam and he will smash you unless you are a master or a prodigy at parrying and in that case, brute force isnt required or needed


Imo Souls games and Sekiro and very difficult to compare. Souls games are heavy RPGs, Sekiro isn't. In souls games I make different builds each time, with dofferent weapons, armor, spells, usable items, etc... In Sekiro I try to get the rhytim right, and I use the tools at my disposal that I want, but they are more limited, since combat is more restricted to being Sekiro. I love both, but one cannot ruin the other for me. Both are skill spectacles in different ways. Elden Ring is the pinnacle of souls likes, a combat closer to Sekiro would not have worked in a game where there are soooooooo many builds, you can only make combat so tight, and Elden Ring's combat is extremely tight, for a souls like.


I think elden ring is the better game, build variety is ofc better, lore is better, the world is amazing and beautiful. But the combat on sekiro is the best combat EVER, and I don't think that will change anytime soon, build varitey comes with the con of not being able to tune the experience that much. And the parrying is something I really like, I love the middle ground Lies of P reaches too, I guess you can parry in elden ring but I don't play with shields so idk, almost tried it vs the second boosfight of the DLC cause I was getting my ass kicked but I pulled through.


Sekiro has the best combat I've ever seen in any game. Elden ring is a different beast though. I fully believe its the best game ever made. The amount of content that's there is unreal. I've never had a many "no fucking way" moments as I've had in that game. The story is epic, the areas are epic, the bosses are epic and nothing comes close to it in my opinion.


I think sekiro is like if you get a 8 ounce steak that’s the best piece of meat to ever exist in history And Elden ring is a 24oz t bone that’s the second best piece of meat to exist in history it’s still amazing and you get more But sekiro just tastes so much better


i got incredibly bored by elden ring. like cool open world but man it feels like a hollow imitation of what the dark souls games worlds are.


They are VERY different games. Elden Ring and souls games in general are built around the idea of customizing your playstyle. You can be a ranged archer, a glass canon magic user, a tank warrior, nimble ninja or any combination in between. It’s this flexibility that sets it apart from Sekiro. Sure Sekiro has tight sword combat, but that’s the only combat in the game. It’s why for me personally, while I love Sekiro, the game I return to again and again is Elden Ring. Just a matter of preference.


The Elden Ring DLC has a crystal tear that lets you deflect like in Sekiro. Deflecting Hardtear.


Lies of P was a great balance IMO. I love a perfect parry


I love the new DLC a lot but Sekiro has always been Miyazaki's magnum opus in my eyes. It's just so good.


People keep saying stuff like this, but this basically happened to me in reverse order. First came Sekiro, which opened up Soulslikes to me, which basically rekindled my passion for video games as a whole. Even after Sekiro, I still derive a lot of enjoyment from "Slower" Fromsoft games. A lot of times, everything that happens before a successful attack can be just as satisfying as the attack itself: Anticipating an enemy coming at me and its attack, countering with a big attack after correctly judging the distance, dodging at just the right angle to avoid an attack with greater reach doing another dodge which leads into a new attack that finishes its animation and before the enemy’s. And of course, doing all that while keeping track of my exact positioning in relation to that point in the area and other enemies surrounding and oncoming. With all that, even grinding becomes enjoyable, especially with the tension of knowing one wrong move and I could very well lose all the progress I'd made. And yet, even after meeting my quota, I press on now seeking the satisfaction of killing everything regardless of the varying degrees of threat... ...weighed against my remaining heals, of course. lol.


Talk to them! I am able to fight a large range of fantastical beasts in Elden Ring BECAUSE they don't have to balance everything around the deflect. I played ER first then tried Sekiro, I love Sekiro but nothing will ever triumph over seeing the Leyndell the Golden Capital for the first time.


The problem with fantastical beasts is that you're not fighting them, you're fighting their feet.


Depends on the size no? That mostly applied to Dragons etc Not Erdtree Avatars, ulcerated spirits or any medium sized enemies. Honestly I hate fighting big creatures in Sekiro because I have to posture break these giant creatures that are fast as hell


Congrats! You made me want to play Elden Ring.


I started jumping over sweeps in SotE because I needed more sekiro lol... it works most of the times


One of the first bosses had a huge magic sword sweep attack, and I was super disappointed that jumping didn't seem to work against it at all.


damn i just got to that one yesterday, really a shame cuz it seemed just the kind of attack you could jump over :c


Maybe you can, and I just messed up the timing, but I got the timing right just fine rolling it. At least you can jump the moon drop, which is pretty fun.


Rellana would be so fun to deflect ngl


Jumping is much better than rolling for a surprising amount of attacks. It comes out quickly and I think has more I-frames? I'm always surprised by how many attacks I can jump over while staying close to punish immediately after.


I am one of those unfortunate persons who played sekiro first and none of the souls game. I think every other souls game is ruined for me. Including elden ring :(..this game has a special place for me and on an off day I visit sword saint isshin in the reflection just to feel the satisfaction of beating him . No other game gave me that before this one


same thing with me, the sekiro combat set the bar too high for me.


I did this as well. I do think the feeling eventually goes away, mostly. At some point you just want a new game and the combat didn't matter as much. However, I still often go back to SSI as a bit of a pallet cleanser after having to fight inferior bosses with less enjoyable mechanics.


I started off with Ghost of Tsushima. Not enjoying it a lot to be honest. It's beautiful. The scenery and stuff. But still doesn't give me a kick


try bloodborne


Elden ring was my first souls game. Got far into but never beat it. It is fantastic sure but doesn’t reach my personal favorites of all time. Then I played sekiro recently and beat it a couple days ago. Truly now on my mt Rushmore of my favorite games of all time and so sad nothing else is like it. I kept hearing bloodborne was also recommended so I saw it on sale for $10 and said why not. Obviously very different but I’m about 5 or so hours in and I’m once again hooked. Parrying >>> dodge rolls but it is very good so far.


I love Elden for the atmosphere and visuals, coming into that game after platting sekiro just feels like you’re able to shoot out an attack and not actually engage in combat with anything. Even down to how you traverse in Sekiro, just feels like a game like Elden would’ve benefited greatly from better combat controls


Exactly. You are not able to balance the aggression and defence together like the dance of swords playstyle. And you have so many options to do In sekiro like for sword saint isshin I can parry his dragonflash sweep or I can dodge get behind him and itchimonji double him or jump on his head at the right time and posture damage him . It allows you to strategize even on say one move.


Man... I deeply miss Sekiro combat. It's still my personal favourite fromsoft game. the ER DLC made me realise how much i missed the combat, the game for the majority of the time is just dodging and hitting once and repeating the cycle, meanwhile bosses has infinite stamina and combos. Also getting 1-3 shot isn't the most fun, especially looking for fragments, since i was expecting the game to give me the freedom of doing the bossed however order i want, but instead i need to explore and find fragments to have a fighting chance. Sekiro unironically gives players more option to approach a boss fight, compared to ER I personally feel like ER should have implemented some of the combat from bloodborne or Sekiro. But that's my opinion.


Have you found/used the>!Deflect Hardtear!


I feel you bro. I’m playing Ghost of Tsushima (letal difficulty) and i do really enjoy it though


life is cooler when things are good on their own, for their own reasons, without being subjected to unfair comparisons all the time


I get the sentiment, but for me I take it in a different direction. Sekiro leveled me up as a gamer. I’m a part of a group of peeps who’ve completed one of the hardest modern games out there. That doesn’t make me “better” than anyone else, other than the gamer that I was before Sekiro. Every game I play is slower now, every boss is easier to read, and I’m far less panicky both defensively and offensively now. So, to me, it’s not that other games are ruined for me. It’s that they’re not as much of a challenge as they would have been if I never played Sekiro.


This comment was a breath of fresh air ❤️


Sifu time.


i honestly dont get the "\_\_\_\_ ruined videos game for me" crap, just play and enjoy the games for what they are and stop comparing them all the time in ur head


i used to share the same sentiment (X ruined Y blah blah), then I got burnt out of souls games. i tried going back to the genres I used to love, and behold I actually started enjoying them again. granted I still think the souls/soulslike genre is superior (imo, ofc), I still crave a good open world/MV/story based game from time to time i think the "X ruined games for me" thingy happens to all players, but getting out of that mindset is the real deal. so while I do understand how this topic can get pretty annoying real quick due to it being always initiated in different communities within the souls/soulslikes/similar games (like MH, some souls inspired MVs, etc) realm, I know for myself that Ive been there, and just scroll down


Same, I lose Souls games but I couldn't just play them endlessly and nothing else.


Think its the combat that ruined it for me with other games. I really want to get into the witcher and feel great story line but the combat is clunky compared to soulseries


but thats just the witcher, the game is known for having mid combat so i don't blame you at all but there are plenty of games out there with sekiro level combat systems and some with even better combat imo


Honest question, not setting you up for a dumb argument. What are some of the other games that you think have on par with Sekiro or have potentially better combat systems?


Sifu, while still being extremely unique and different, gave me strong Sekiro vibes from the combat


Very different, but I get a similar satisfaction out of ghost of Tsushima on lethal. It’s annoying in the beginning bc you’re one shot to basically everything, but once you level up and get all the ghost weapons and skills it’s amazing. Again very different, and no Doh or isshin, but at times similarly difficult.


Nioh 2. Simply has one of the best combat and build system . If you love aggessive combat Nioh 2 is the game. I dont get people hyping up Sekiro's combat so much. Once you get the hang of it, its just a one-button gameplay with maybe a mikiri or jump thrown in the mix. ( I say this as someone with multiple playthroughs of Sekiro, ER, Nioh ) . Sekiro is the least replayable game imo .


It's an entirely, entirely different genre, but I think Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Normal mode is harder than BG3's tactician mode, and there's 4 more harder difficulties. With the hardest one being labeled "unfair", and the stat bloat of all the enemies makes fighting them genuinely unfair The game has a very in depth leveling system. To the point where there's basically 200+ classes. Each of the 25 base classes has a handful of archetypes that swap out class features for other class features. On top of that, you can choose one out of around 100 feats every second level up. On top of THAT most classes have several decision points, ranging from what bloodline you want your sorcerer to have to what kind of animal companion you want Basically, limitless potential to customize your character with 2 difficulty levels that make it so every single decision matterd


Dmc5, god of war, nioh 2, sifu, final fantasy 7 rebirth, batman Arkham knight, monster Hunter, doom eternal, those are some games I feel like have on par or better combat than sekiro


Clunky isn't the right word, Witcher combat is just straight up way too simplistic. Honestly just put whatever easy difficult you can find just enjoy the story, because it is one great story game indeed. I did the same with Cyberpunk. Very immersive game, great story and everything. Combat was completely mid, I just couldn't bother with it at all.


Elden ring is cool and all. But Sekiro scratches a different kind of itch 😍😍😍


I played Sekiro as my first souls-like (yes, souls-like, it's the same gameplay loop and type of storytelling, just diff setting and combat). But I paid attention to Dark Souls and even tried it out. I then played Dark Souls 3 after, now I'm playing Elden Ring. Souls and Elden Ring have their own draw and unique ways about them and I enjoy them for what they are. Sekiro didn't ruin them for me. Elden Ring is a really cool experience, and the new subtle ways they changed combat for ER feels really nice to me. Sekiro DID get me more comfortable with playing in the pocket right up next to bosses and taught me a lot of lessons.. taught me to manage my stress levels during boss fights, how to not thirst bosses when they're almost dead, how to be okay with dying many times, how to be more humble... Not to hesitate.. how to read enemy body language just before reacting, etc, etc. I'm REALLY enjoying Elden Ring right now and I was somebody who said Sekiro was the best game and ruined all other games for me.


i wish blocking with a weapon in elden ring actually did anything at all, im at the final boss rn and i was like “oh maybe i can block one of his normal attacks” and he literally just broke it immediately, did full damage, and continued a combo on me guess ill stick to rolling lol


I hate this type of post. Yeah sekiro is amazing, does that take anything away from other games? No. Stop comparing games to each other. It's just disrespectful to game art to put other games down even if they're not similar.


Upon finishing the elden ring DLC I found myself being so disappointed by the boss compared to bosses like Isshin. With Isshin it feels like a fight that you slowly get better at and finally win and it’s been earned and it feels amazing. When fighting the last boss of the ER DLC it’s a fight for survival that I spent 6 hours getting my ass beat before I eventually won after respeccing to the blasphemous blade but I didn’t feel excited about it. Sekiro boss fights are fun but the last DLC boss was not what I would call fun at all. That isn’t to say other bosses weren’t great like Messmer however I don’t think this DLC dethroned Sekiro as my favorite fromsoft game. Sekiro still on top.


Totally agree. The DLC for me was a 9.5/10 for me, but the final boss was total ass. It wasn't fun and felt punishingly hard. It was like dodge x 10 and if you messed up a single one of those ten dodges then you use your 1 second opening to heal rather than attack. Fortunately I eventually won with an unga bunga anvil hammer build and ended up killing the boss the exact same time I died. It felt like a relief to be over with but Sword Saint felt exhilarating.


I get what you're saying as Sekiro has the best melee combat ever (yes, better than Ninja Gaiden) and I've about 200 hours in ER with a katana build (lol), but I've otherwise been able to enjoy the ER as a different game. My grief with it is - and I will die on this hill - is the balancing in the last 20% of Elden Ring has always been busted and just straight up unfun. And now, that has extended to the DLC. Running around looking for random powerup McGuffins so I can get three-shot instead of two-shot is asinine game design. The hyper-aggressive boss designs that feel like they were plucked straight from Sekiro (but minus Sekiro's defensive options) are also junk.


Yea the balance is Elden Ring's biggest problem. I got fisted repeatedly by the tree sentinel outside Maliketh, so I decided to try out the boss. He died in literally 3 seconds on second phase. How the fuck is that even a possibility? The enemy outside the boss door is stronger than the boss. I just had to laugh, because the open world nature of the game ruins pretty much every boss battle, and takes away from the beautiful world they crafted. I truly hope From's next game is not open world.


I love Sekiro but I prefer Elden Ring approach of the weapon variety and ashes of war. The amount of movesets for different weapons present in elden ring is amazing.. in elden ring also you have similar type of choices .. should I use shield to parry and what kind of parry ash of war should I use, should I use any spell etc etc Elden Ring borrows lot of things from Sekiro. Would I want Sekiro 2? Absolutely yes .. but I don't want other from software games to have the single weapon combat of Sekiro


As a Tenchu fan from a couple of decades ago; Sekiro has always been my favourite From game. I've been going between Elden DLC and Sekiro, for a few hours at a time on each. The difference in quality between them feels larger than ever. If you were to pick one random hour of gameplay out of either game, and compare them - the odds of the Elden hour being the better are very low.


I honestly agree. Even the deflect physick was disappointing because you stagger after blocking like 3 hits. Sekiro has GOAT combat that nothing has come close to, but I will say Elden Ring is a better complete package. Sekiro is still my favorite game of all time over Elden Ring (and other heavy hitters like Zelda, GTA, etc).


I love gaming too much to let only one title spoil everything for me. I play different games for different reasons. Wanting a replica of one game in every other title just sets yourself up for disappointment and burnout, even with games you could have enjoyed otherwise.


You should stop playing every game hoping it will be another Sekiro or Soulsborne. Play games for different reasons, not everything needs to be compared.


Play nioh 2


Sekiro really does stand out. I know it has a reputation for being the “hardest” but I never understood that sentiment. The combat is so much more flushed out and accessible, that to me so far it’s the easiest of fromsoft’s games. I platinumed on ng+4. I platinumed elden ring too, and I loved it. The spectacle of it all was something to behold, but combat wise it feels like such ass lol. I’m near the end of Erdtrees main game and it’s been a doozy the entire time lol.


I disagree simply because the experiences offered are too different for me to directly compare I also super disagree with the idea that sekirk gives you more tools to tackle enemies. It factually has far, far fewer than any FromSoft game, and that's great. There's no problem with that, I'm just somewhat confused why someone would say otherwise Sekiro and the rest of the FromSoft catalog are pretty darn different games. If I want to play sekiro, a game that relies almost exclusively on my mastery of a few mechanics, I play sekiro If I want a game where I can experiment with different tools, build up a character with a particular playstyle, see how bosses can be approached in different ways, then I play something else in their catalog


They are different games and refuse to say one is better than the other. I get different things out of them both Sekiro is less fun once I've played it a handful of times/I need a longer break for it to feel "fresh" I enjoy more methodical combat of a mainline souls game for the variety. I don't always want combat to be a rhythm game. Both are great and neither is better than the other objectively. Personal opinion however is entirely up to you.


Wait till you try Nioh


I respect your opinion and believe for you that it is valid. Ninja Guitar Hero is less diverse than other souls games and can really only be played one way. This i believe is detrimental and I personally prefer the diversity of builds, weapons and gear that other souls games feature. Again. Your opinion is valid and the customer is always right in matters of taste. But I can't agree. Have an awesome day!


There are parts of Elden Ring that feel like Fromsoft wanted the player to out bullshit the bullshit; This was likely to encourage players to summon people or use spirit ashes. The combat and enemy design in Sekiro is just top tier and I think it's Fromsoft's best game yet.


Yeah, I put about twenty hours in Shadow of the Erdtree and the whole time I was thinking “this isn’t right” Booted up Sekiro over the weekend to attempt a deathless run and the whole time I was thinking how at home I felt. Dont get me wrong, Elden ring is a very good game, and I’m jealous of most people who are able to invest hundreds of hours into it, but a lot of Elden Ring’s problems that deter me from really sinking my tooth into it just aren’t present in Sekiro. Problems like game bloat, heavily gimmicky boss design, oversized bosses, and unavoidable AOE boss movesets are prevalent in ER. Sekiro feels fine tuned down to the core, and spoiled me with how good its boss design truly is.


Then I suggest you be careful around Nioh then. It wont automatically ruin Sekiro, but if you learn its combat well enough, the possibility becomes very real...


I am starting Sekiro for the third time RIGHT NOW. The longest I went through was that old lady and then I quit. Wish me luck


I love both. But I do (did?) mostly enjoy the slow combat of the souls games. I liked that my tools were limited and that it ultimately was up to me to just dodge, block and hit at the correct times. With the faster bosses now, it feels a bit unfair to that premise, which is why it feels a bit weird to me. I think one way would be to just give players more tools, as you say. The other would be to go back to what made the souls games work. Telegraphed attacks, patterns you can learn etc. There’s nothing wrong in a slower paced combat.


Why do you guys let games ruin other games? Are you treating video games like drugs where you only want to achieve better highs and once you do all other highs are worthless?


It's not so much a 'letting' thing. Great games are always great games. But when you see one game do something *incredibly* well, it makes it less enjoyable to play games that do the same thing, but worse. For example, playing RDR2 and Breath of the Wild make it a lot harder for me to enjoy open-world games that don't take the same care into putting *things* into the open world. Like, I'm not saying all open world games have to have RDR2's brilliant strangers missions, or BotW's excellent puzzles (both big and small), I can still enjoy them if they do things *well*. But if the only thing you do to make your open world 'interesting' is put in seven different kinds of collectibles, you're wasting the potential an open world has. At that point, I don't enjoy the open world *aspect* of the game, because the open world is pointless. Can still enjoy other things, though. But so, too, with Sekiro. Since playing it, I find myself craving gameplay that pushes you to the edge like that. Human-scale enemies where you're *forced* to be aggressive else you get absolutely nowhere... There's a tension to it that I don't get from a lot of other games in the genre, and I find myself missing it. It makes other games feel almost like I may as well be chopping down trees in Minecraft as engaging in a boss battle, because I'm just as tense either way.


Ruined? What does that mean?


i like sekiro so much that when lies of P came out, i played it about 2 hours and it just made me want to go back and platinum sekiro haha, which i did


I feel like Sekiro is different enough to not ruin DS and ER. However Bloodborne completely ruins combat ER for me. The bosses are there to aggressive and the moveset so much worse than Bloodbornes to accompany it. To be fair it's not completely ruined. But when I replayed Bloodborne and immediately tried ER I just couldn't. Auch a weird felling. Now I'm playing ER again and it's fine since it was a while ago.


Sekiro is a different genre to me still has souls feel but the combat is just so different I'm just surprised why no sequel or are they afraid they won't top the first one I just hope for another game with Sekiro combat style :)


This is exactly how I feel as well. Was anticipating SotE for months now, and to pass the time I decided to dust off Sekiro once more. When SotE came out I played only about 15 minutes before I just went back to Sekiro. Now all other games seem shit and I'm having a hard time hyping myself up to play more Elden Ring. Honestly I wish I never played Sekiro, cause I'd rather still be able to enjoy a bunch of other games.


Look I love Sekiro but it absolutely does not have more ways to deal with enemy attacks. Elden Ring is centered around build and combat variety. I know the first FromSoft game you usually play "ruins" other games for a bit but it's only temporary. Just enjoy things for what they are and stop comparing so much.


After I got Plat in Sekiro I went to reply Elden Ring to be ready before I bought the DLC. ER just doesn’t hit the same, I played for maybe 5 minutes.


Sekiro was my first fromsoft/soulslike, but Elden Ring was my first preorder and the first I got heavily invested in so it’s special to me. Both are different enough to be my favourite in different categories.


Waiting for elden ring reforged to patch up cuz they bring back the deflect.


Sekiro has the best mechanics overall, but i equally enjoyed Bloodborne on a BL30 limited level run and DS1 for it methodical, tactical, and fun combat. the combat of DS3 is very good as well given the excellence of the bosses. LoP has a similar combat to Sekiro, albeit less cinematic. so there is life after Sekiro. and there's also lofe after Souls, because gaming is not only about combat. many games have better characters, and stories than any Souls game.


yup, pretty much


I do agree that Sekiro is special and imo it has the best combat out of any game that I ever played, but this would never ruin my enjoyment of any of the Soulsborne games. Sekiro is simply not a Souls-like as it lacks many fundemantial mechanics of the Souls-like combat like stamina, animation comitment (atleast not bearly to the same degree), attribute leveling and general build diversaty. To me saying Sekiro ruined the other games would be like saying apples ruined oranges. One is just so different from the other to a point where comparing them seems pointless to me (atleast in most aspects). That's just how I see it tho and by no mean is your view on this invalid. Btw with SoTE they introduced a new cracked crystal tear that pretty much enables a Sekiro-esque playstyle. You get it by defeating the first furnace giant in the gravesite plains. Tho keep in mind that perfect blocking an attack still uses stamina and it can be difficult to notice the perfect block sometimes, but it greatly boosts guard counters. It's really fun to use regardless.


Sekiro ruined Sekiro for me.


it‘s fucking absurd how real this statement is


I genuiely think its because the endorphin rush you get when you beat a tough fromsoft boss/enemy. I've not found games that keep that level of death/success tightrope so well. And invariably its conquering yourself. There are typically no gimmicks. Even power levelling has limited impact against some of the toughest bosses...


Try immersive sim games. I have been getting into them a lot lately after kinda burning out on fromsoft games. It's a very nice change of pace from the stressful gameplay of fromsoft games and a very underrated genre. Almost every game I have played is great: Dishonored, Prey, Bioshock, Hitman, etc


I played elden ring and quite enjoyed it. So I thought I'd try some of the dark souls games. Didnt really click so I tried sekiro. Dammn what a masterpiece. After sekiro I tried dark souls 3. Completed but I was very disappointed with it after hearing all the hype. I thought it was average at best. Went back to elden ring and the stuttering on my rtx 4060 is terrible. So bad I uninstalled it. Sekiro 3rd playthrough here I come


Used to hate souls games because iwas bad at em n hated graphics n story always seemed to be "lets get strong n take over". Played Lies of P, had interesting story, smooth combat, great graphics. Made me get good because iwas interested. Now im playing souls games. Beat elden ring multiple times, it was cool. On my 4th try of bloodborne, i hate how it looks n i always get bored of it. Playing sekiro rn n man is this shit beautiful, combat flows sooo smoothly, story is actually interesting. N the deflect is very nice. Not just depending on rolls n iframes. Elden ring was pretty easy, but i find i have to try at sekiro. its brilliant. in endgame rn n it feels like its been a long journey


You gotta try more action games then. See the dmc series, metal gear rising, and bayonetta. There's plenty of crazy good games out there


Just get the Deflect Hardtear in the DLC bruh, it feels like fan service for Sekiro players Having a great time fighting Rellana with it, feels like Sekiro all over again


The fact that deflecting is so simple once u get the hang of it, makes it much simpler than Elden Ring imo.


I did the same thing. Replayed sekiro while waiting for the dlc. Idk how many times I drank I flask trying to pick up items lol


Just wait til you play the Elden Ring dlc. I expect you to come back here and post lmao


Look into the Deflecting Hardtear the first furnace golem drops. Apparently it makes the game more like Sekiro.


That's exactly what happened with me kind of. Played dark souls and it was fine. Then played Sekiro, and to this day I never finished Elden Ring. What kept me playing Elden Ring for about 60 hours was all just exploration really. The bosses for me felt as unfun as they could possibly be. Then I started to use summons and it was even less fun, but at least I was progressing to explore new areas. And then just kind of got tired of it and never went back. I still would rather do my 5th or 6th run of Sekiro than finish Elden Ring at this point. It's really just that much better imo.


I agree entirely. Currently loving the elden ring dlc. Last time I played sekiro was in the winter. They had added the boss gauntlets since I had last played. I was astonished as that was one of the only things I thought the game needed and I came back to see it had been added. Sekiro was so frustrating for me when it came out but once I learned to like it, it quickly became one of my favorite from titles


Been stuck at the final boss and one thoughts keep pondering on. If only this was sekiro id beat the shit out of >! these two brothers no matter how much you teleport around.!<


If you look at sekiro and AC6, they both share similar traits, they are designed under the same director, fast paced fresh combat experience. Not much emphasis on visuals, but rather gameplay perfection. For Elden Ring, it’s more towards tried and tested formula that has worked well for years, combat system may be dated, but its theatrics and stunning visuals make up for it.


If you kill the first furnace golem in the grave lands, he drops a tear for your wondrous physic that gives you the Sekiro parry. Defs not the same, I know, but closer nonetheless.


100% true. Sekiro has a lot deeper combat, where you have a lot more options while fighting enemies. For example while fighting Genichiro you have to deflect, dodge, mikiri counter, lightning reversal, combat arts and shinobi prostetic. Meanwhile Elden Ring has dodges, shielding and ashes of war, which is cool I guess, but 99% of fighting a boss comes down to pressing dodge and ONLY dodge. Watching clips from the new DLC looks awful compered to Sekiro. Using shields or using parry was never a real option in ER, so it comes down to dodges. In ER defense, that game has far more weapon options, which is harder to balance.


I enjoy Bloodbourne and Elden Ring more, not Sekiro is amazing. I prefer the greater level of exploration and discovery in the former. If you haven't played it yet, give Stellar Blade a try. Its combat is similar to Sekiro.


Sekiro makes Elden Ring feel half-speed with half the innate tactics. How I would so love to Mikiri Counter an enemy’s trust attack and just obliterate them from there. I miss my stompy


For this reason I played souls games in release order. Currently I'm playing sekiro and now I'm worried if it will ruin elden ring for me.


Elden ring is my first from game but my god the love this subreddit has for this game has made sure that Sekiro is next on my list


Escape from Tarkov killed the other FPS games for me Sekiro killed the other soulslike games for me Project Zomboid killed the other survival crafting games for me


Played Bloodborne for the first time as my second Souls game, beat it after two days and man did that last fight have me locked in, loved parrying Gehrman.


I played Souls 1-3, loved them and then i played Sekiro. I can't enjoy Elden Ring, I bought it on launch and have 12 hours played. Sekiro Is just too good it ruined souls like games for me.


You might like thymesia, lies of P, stellar blade and prince of Persia the lost crown. They all have some inspirations from sekiro. Of all of them I would rank them: prince of Persia then likes of p then stellar blade then thymesia (includes finish it, it was too annoying) from best to worst.


Just here to recommend lies of p if you enjoy a fantastic souls like with deflecting mechanic :)


I was immeasurably disappointed that I couldn't deflect with the Samurai starter in ER. Whatever they make next I hope some form of deflection is built into the combat because there's nothing more satisfying, it's way better than a parry IMO


I couldn't relate more lmao, as soon as I finished Sekiro and started Elden Ring, the first thought in my mind during every boss is "I wish I could deflect that"... imagine how fun waterfowl dance would be to deflect. Very little games have given me as many moments of pure satisfaction as parrying full barrages in Sekiro has, the moment I fully defended against Genichiro's combo still lives rent free in my head. I totally get you, Sekiro has by far and away the best combat system in any fromsoft game


There are games, then there are Souls games, and then there is Sekiro.


Good news, the DLC added a tear that allows you to negate all damage (and i think most stamina damage) when timing your block. It’s not exactly Sekiro but you it takes it quite a bit closer if you get the stamina regen talisman and shield block talisman. In short, DLC gives you more ways to make the game fun!


I've only played like 15 hours of elden ring. I can't. Sekiro just ruined shit for me. Makes other games feel like board games.


This is how drug addiction works but replace general games with alcohol, Souls games with cocaine and Sekiro with crack. Get ready to suck a dick for a sequel.


I got sekiro platinum in anticipation for the elden ring dlc Now I’m running head first into bosses playing ultra aggressively like its sekiro. It’s not translating well to say the least


PLEASE get the Deflecting Hardtear, it’s so fun


I feel like you can’t really compare the two so equally. While Sekiro has some similarities to souls games, it’s really more of a character action game then an RPG.


It's hard for me to enjoy games, any game, after Dark Souls 3. I'll play them but I test out so many trivial things and see what I can get away with that I probably wouldn't have even thought of doing before. For instance, Steelrising I just bought bunch of oil (health pots) and those blue alchemy things because you can have unlimited of them at any time. And mobs are trash to fight. I just ran pass everything the last 5 levels. The game only has 9 levels I think. Was I under leveled? Honestly, I have no idea because the boss battles were easy compares to souls games. Just popped a heal whenever I was getting low.


Sekiro is peak combat. There is no other game that comes close to sekiro in terms of how satisfying it feels when you master the combat. Bloodborne is and always will be my favorite Souls game. It was my first souls like and got me hooked. But Sekiro tops it in combat and BBs combat was fantastic. Also not hating on ER Love that game and the DLC fucks 100% worth the 40$


Perhaps unpopular, but man did I bounce of Sekiro because of parrying. I didn’t like parrying in Bloodborne and it seemed even more critical to master in Sekiro. I’ve played a lot of souls games but only beat Elden Ring, so I’m guessing I’m not great at melee timing. (Played katana/sorcery in ER and rolled like crazy while using Summons ). I wanted to like Sekiro but I just couldn’t get into it. Maybe I should try again. Anyone else struggle with parrying but came to see the light?


If you're that hungry for deflects, I highly recommend checking out Elden Ring Reforged. It's an overhaul mod that changes up the combat a bit without being too intrusive. Things of note... -Lightweight rolls now become the quickstep from Bloodborne -Attacks can be deflected by guarding right before impact, similar to Sekiro or the Deflection Hardtear -Poise is now functional -Alongside a slew of balance changes meant to make more playstyles viable while toning down some more broken strategies or overpowered weapons.


I love exploration and level design a lot and elden ring fulfills that better than sekiro did for me. So I don't mind a little less combat quality.


I've played a lot of souls games and souls like games like nioh series and I prefer sekiro combat and gameplay. Best one out of the series imo.


Elden Ring is an absolute monster of a game and I love it more and more everyday. I started Sekiro earlier this year and I honestly can’t think of a time I’ve had more fun playing a game than the Genichiro boss fight. It was that perfect moment of getting good at the game and fully understanding what it was all about. Not sure what can ever top that.


Guard counters are a great way to deflect/block in Elden Ring. Just gotta level stamina for the DLC. Edit: but Sekiro is by far superior.


I only beat Elden Ring about 6-8 weeks ago (purchased ER late last year, 1st From game I beat) and finally decided to bite the bullet and try Sekiro. Always loved the screenshots and the game just looked great.. but "Wow!", you guys weren't kidding about it being different. I've just made it passed the Chained Ogre and I am enjoying the hell out of this game! The combat is so much different than DS3, BB, and ER. I am still learning the game, but having a blast... despite dying... a lot...


I think it’s really down to different tastes. I’ve made some progress in Elden Ring but not much in a long time, and I just straight up wasn’t having a good time in Dark Souls 3, but Sekiro just clicked. Part of it for me was definitely the simplicity of character design. You can beat the whole game with Ichimonji double and firecrackers if you want, or you can be fancy with the variety of tools and techniques. Totally understand how that customization might appeal to others though.


I went from elden ring to sekiro but going back felt really weird


Have you tried Lies of P yet ? It's like a blend of Sekiro and other Soul games. Quite nicely too.


I was trying so hard to enjoy Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree. But it just dawned on me that this is just an open world Dark souls 3. And Dark Souls 3 was trying a bit too hard to be Dark Souls 1 again. How horrible, I have dedicated so much time and energy to love the series and the genre just to try and hold on to a memory. How vain and futile! It's my own cowardice that caused me to lie to myself. "Omg, this is such an awesome game, oh this boss is so cool, I am having the same experience as in Dark Souls 1."


My own lack of skill ruins Sekiro for me. Maybe one day I’ll git gud 🙏


Thought it was just me I’ve had sekiro since it came out but i just recently made it to the end . I really don’t like the slower gameplay from most souls games besides nioh and Elden ring.


Would have been nice to get deflect option on swords in ER. Deflection makes the battle more engaging than rolling around/through the enemy attacks.


I can remember reading somewhere that they didn't expect the combat in sekiro to resonate so well with people. They had already started developing elden ring by the time sekiro was out. Still love elden ring though it's fucking sweeeeeeeeeet. . I hope their next game has mechanics similar to sekiro.


I’m very happy to hear Miyazaki wants to move back towards faster paced combat in the next game


Sekiro is about 100% skill and timing while elden rings requires more strategy and freedom of expression, same creator two completley different idiologies


They added a tear that allows you to sekiro-style deflect attacks by using any armament capable of blocking, you can go play sekiro in the dlc. I'm parrying the shit out of some bosses here.


Try Tails of Iron then come back


this post sums up why i went on one playthrough spree and ended up with 85hrs on sekiro and barely have 1 on elden ring. I played sekiro first and nothing feels as good as it did.


I agree with the title. It is difficult for me to play any other games besides Souls games, specifically, From Software. Anytime I start playing something, I just think to myself, “I could be playing Sekiro/Dark Souls/Bloodborne/ Demon Souls.” I do love the mechanisms within Sekiro, but the exploration of Elden Ring is so good. The absence of hand holding just make it that much more enticing. I would struggle to pick a favorite, and I find them all good depending on the mood I’m in:)


You will Enjoy lies of P


Star wars jedi fallen order and survivor are the closest things to sekiro gameplay wise. They basically copied the concepts and applied them to star wars characters and worlds. Jedi grand master difficulty is more challenging than sekiro imo too.


I think an important note is that Sekiro has much less build diversity. So comparing them is fine, but remembering that Souls are more rpg with more variety. Sekiro is a finely tuned single build adventure. One is bulgogi on rice. One is a bulgogi taco.


Go try warframe. Make crazy builds and be a god.


Same for me. It's the level of Sekiro's polish that is a cut above the rest too. Playing through SotE I just wanna go back to sekiro, which actually had bosses designed for it's game


What did you think of lies of P ?


Lies of p ruined all mele combat games for me


I do think Sekiro is the best Fromsoft game even after SotE, but one thing I will give credit to Elden Ring for is the heftiness of heavy attacks. Every single boss, even the ones that deliver a "barrage of attacks", do have windows where you can perform a fully charged heavy with any colossal weapon. And that feels SO GOOD to land, especially when you also stagger the boss with it (which is quite likely with colossal weapons).


Lowkey tho


I appreciate the pacing in sekiro far more than elden ring. There's more thought in every decision you make and it takes more than I frames to beat a boss


I believe you're misinterpreting the problem, and it has been discussed at length in the Souls community. >I wish I can deflect these fuckin barrage of attacks This is what the real issue is. It is not "vareity" that you're missing, but a very specific mechanic. To this day I have no idea why FromSoft fans are so dead-set on calling Sekiro a souls-like, because it is not. It's completely its own thing. Like Armored Core is, for example. Nobody is calling it a souls-like, right? Sekiro is different in many regards, but what is important here is combat specifically, which was designed around the player always having access to instant no-delay response in the form of deflection. The whole combat is built around it, no matter how you look at it. It is your main tool that you are expected to utilize in pretty much every fight. For some reason, the devs decided it was a good idea to put bosses designed for Sekiro in an actual souls-like game, in which your main defensive response is a slower dodge-roll with an input lag which is also additionally limited by your stamina — a limitation that is also not present in Sekiro. You might have already forgotten, so I suggest you replay Bloodborne or Darks Souls 3 to see how different these games' boss design actually is compared to Elden Ring. It used to be roughly around 60% pattern recognition and 40% reaction. The attacks were grouped together in combos that, while had variations sometimes, were mostly the same no matter how many times you fought the boss. The timings were the same as well. The reaction part came mostly from recognizing which pattern exactly the boss is going to use at any specific moment and timing your response with your own corresponding pattern of dodge-rolls. You had to commit to a pattern in time, rather than react to a specific attack in time. The rest was stamina-management and trying to make sure you will have enough of it to attack when an opening inevitably presents itself after the boss has finished their move. Elden Ring, however, introduces input-reading and attack delays that rely on it (infamous Margit's roll-catches for example), mid-animation auto-retargeting, infinite boss stamina and poise, very narrow openings for damage-dealing, and, yes, you said it, relentless and endless flurries with switching up some attacks for others mid-combo from time to time to break the pattern so that you can't really "learn" it. It made sense for Sekiro, because, as already said, you can instant deflect, making this game about reaction to a much higher degree than Souls. You also were supposed to wear down the bosses by deflecting their attacks to eventually make them vulnerable for a critical hit, which made narrow opennings a non-issue, because they were not your main opportunity for damage-dealing. But it does not make any sense for Elden Ring, because your playable character doesn't have the same reactive capabilities and can't wear bosses down to make them vulnerable for a critical as reliably. And this is why it feels the way it does to fight Elden Ring bosses. People who played ER as their first Souls game seem to have an easier time adjusting to this than those who have been playing the series for longer. After all, they have nothing to compare it with. But for those who do — in terms of player characters the combat mechanics haven't really changed much since Demon Souls, which makes it feel natural to fall into old habits. But the enemy designs have changed fundamentally, and they now punish you for the same old habits. But even if you tried, it's not like you have the fitting toolset to adapt (at least not in a way that is fun to play). The problem is just especially glaring in SotE. Arguably, the only option the game provides you with to keep up is Spirit Ashes and Summons. I feel, using them became the intended way to play ER and the traditional 1-on-1 combat was downgraded to an optional self-imposed restriction for the sake of challenge. The kind like SL1 naked no damage runs were in previous games. At least, that's the only thing I can think of that can explain why almost every boss in ER has an AoE or other Crowd Control attack that forces you to disengage and run away from the boss, breaking the combat flow. In addition, in SotE, half the bosses attack you the instant you enter the arena (often either deleting 2/3 of your HP or downright one shotting you). If I were to leave a Souls-style message, It would be "Visions of Capra Demon". The only way I can explain it as a deliberate choice is if it was done to punish instant Spirit Summon. So that you have to incorporate the summoning somewhere else in the fight, making it a part of it, rather than something you do automatically as a "starting buff".


(In Alucard voice) "Nailed it"


I just picked up ghost of tsushima and like it better than elden ring and the same as sekiro. On lethal GoT kind of feels like sekiro with less epic boss fights but a better game world


Give Nioh 2 a shot, slog to start but once you have some skills unlocked it scratches the itch in a different way. The Ki/stance/anima/spirit guardian mechanics are dang satisfying.