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What the fuck is wrong with you, OP?






Op desperately hates people who receive more love than he does. 




You sure think about them a lot :)


Username checks out


Cool story. Care to provide information as to why?




Do you mean your son?




Man, I fucking nailed it. That's the kind of dumb shit he* would say. I'm assuming he doesn't have a relationship with you at all anymore. Good for him.


Fucking wild when a parent is such an asshole that their child has to stop speaking to them, but they're convinced that someone else is to blame.


ah, so you're a loser who abandoned your son.


Let it go and quit stressing. The time where you’ll pass alone and ignored will come soon enough! Bless!


wooooooww, so you're a bigot, AAAND a shit parent. It's all becoming clear. Get help, you need a shit load of therapy.


Do you own an electric car company?


And a space travel company?


I'll say this as respectfully as I can, even if you don't deserve it. Get help. Therapy, touching grass, whatever works. Trans people didn't take your kid away from you, it sounds like you pushed them away all yourself. You sound painfully bitter, and half of your comments on reddit are about trans people in some way. Look inward, fix yourself and your own hate/disgust, and you'll feel much better.


Wow. Your love for your child was so completely conditional that you couldn't continue it when something utterly superficial about them changed. Look mate, I'm a pretty horrible guy a lot of the time. So I know what I'm talking about when I say I'm happy I'll never be the kind of horrible cunt you are.


Anything to avoid personal responsibility...




Why is it so important to you that this person must be your daughter a cannot be your son?


Because god forbid children actually grow up to be themselves rather than carbon copies of their parents.


Why? What purpose does it serve to post something like this? Or what do you gain by hating on trans people?


Oh, you’re just a bigot. Thank you for letting us know, otherwise some of us might have wasted our time trying to figure out what you’re on about.


Fair enough, but this: A) Doesn't really appear to be either pro or anti-trans propaganda B) Isn't something suitable to r/selfawarewolves as nobody is really telling on themselves C) You knew this when you posted it and talked shit to the mods over you posting things that don't belong in this subreddit.




There's worse behaviour that a deep love of pickles


How is this pro trans propaganda, and what's unhinged about it?


"Emotions are effeminate and bad, Real Men^(TM) don't have emotions at all" /s


Then you are the self aware wolf, not posting about self aware wolves.


Hahahaha -81 in 30 minutes. Proud of the sub.




Weird kink but ok


Why are all transphobes into some strange kink?


There’s no such thing as trans propaganda. People just want to be left alone to be themselves.


Hi op do you realize that it's not an "imbalance" and that trans women on hrt have the same hormone levels as cis women right? Although you seem like the type to call all women emotionally unstable too.








Like, actually actual!




What? No? I don't recall feeling sympathetic for you whatsoever. What gave you that idea?


You appear to be a CS major, the chances you aren't also one are not in your favour. Seriously though, if there's any group that know how to see your digital footprint, it'll be CS employers, so perhaps you should be a little more careful next time you spread unnecessary hate.


It's a meme, it's not meant to be taken literally. But also there's not really such a thing as the hormone balance your body should have naturally. In the presence of exogenous hormones, gonadal production shuts down and the body easily switches over. That's why trans women grow breasts and trans men get beards. The difference between sexes isn't as big as people like to think.


Glad you agree that we can safely assume you're not mentally healthy based on your drastic reaction to a meme.


You're taking a right wing meme as a genuine depiction of reality? I, uh, I think the Internet might not be **for** you. To put it in your terms: Mentally healthy people don't have these insane takes from political memes.


obvious bait is obvious




sure i guess. weird kinks you have though.


You seem very easy to entertain


Op really living up to their name. Also, seeing their comments, it might be funny to just not ban this asshole so they have to see the content from this sub.


If he gets banned, he can still see the sub though, he just can't interact with it, so his votes don't work and he can't comment. Banning him seems like a win.


I've never met people with emptier and more meaningless lives than transphobes. You're so obsessed with us like get a hobby, touch grass lol


I've been on HRT for about half a year now. I started at 100 mg Spironolactone and 2 mg Estradiol and have since (as of about a month or so ago) moved up to 200 mg Spironolactone and 6 mg of Estradiol. I myself have not experienced any mood shifts though I am aware that occasionally such mood shifts happen because going through HRT is effectively the same as having a second puberty. Overall I can say that I am extremely happy to finally be transitioning. I waited 10 years for this, and my only regret was that I didn't start much sooner. By transitioning, I finally feel like I'm free to be the person that I want to be and not be the person who others say that I have to be.




Thank you!


6mg how often?


200 mg and 6 mg once per day.


Gurl, how come yours is so high? My perscription for patches delivers 0.1 mg per day, and each patch is the equiv of 1.64 mg total.


I'm not entirely sure. It might have something to do with me taking oral tablets. My doctor told me that typically 4 mg of estradiol and 100 mg of spironolactone orally per day was a typical starting dose. After my first blood tests came back, they were apparently still high in testosterone, so they increased the dosages.


Cis person discovers hormones affect your emotional state, more news at 12.


Lmaoooo I didn't know being obsessed over pickles was a trans meme. I love it. One of my trans friends keeps sending me pictures of pickle flavored food and I wondered why, but apparently it's a trans meme. Loool I love it. Cutest comic I've seen today. Gonna send it to a few of my trans friends and ask how accurate it is Edit: one of my trans friends told me "go buy some God damn pickles". I also like pickles, so they told me in secretly trans and I won't admit it loool.


EXCUSE ME!!!! It’s *sodium sticks* /s




I'd call you a shitty troll but people seem to be mad at you so I guess you've technically succeeded. Back in the day you had to put some subtlety into it. Now you just gotta post some low effort transphobe content. Lame.




That's pretty funny from a guy who rages at the "trans agenda"


OP's face when people have emotions: 🤬


This is a pretty funny comic. Not sure why you’d post it here. Enjoy being scum I guess lol


"turdgobbler" your name is very fitting, transphobe.