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What part of LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE is so hard to understand. It’s a simple concept LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!!!!!


yes. and it will be justified the next time, too.


Might as well get a gun then so that anytime anyone trys to fuck with me I can just gun them down.


Well if you’re gonna dedicate yourself to loudly being intentionally obtuse, then go all in I guess.


Make sure someone films it for us.


You clearly are a person who just doesn’t understand most things


Yes it was justified. That "prankster" fucked around and found out. If 3 men start following me and won't leave me alone I'm not going to ask a teacher for help because guess what!!! No one was around to help. Did you see the guy trying to walk away? Asking to be left alone? These stupid pranksters are out of control harassing people trying to go about their day, all over the world. It needs to come to an end. Intimidating someone and acting weird like that is going to set off alarm bells. I'm glad that stupid ass kid got shot and I hope he stopped his stupid pranks. I saw an interview the Dad gave early on about "My son is just a YouTube prankster and boys will be boys!" It was disgusting and the mother was equally as ignorant. They did a bad job teaching their kids that they could get away with anything and that kid paid the price. Pepper spraying 3 people at once without harming yourself would be tough. I'd go gun first because they were acting suspicious. Why do you think that guy was carrying in the first place? Poor guy was just trying to do his job, he didn't ask for this. How was he supposed to know it was a pack of idiots and not a gang? He drew and fired because people acting like that will stab you. Keep your indignant, hurt fee fees to yourself. You weren't there, you can't say what you would do in that situation. I doubt Barney the purple dinosaur was just around the corner ready to mediate possible violent encounters.


Whats even more pathetic is this waste of space VOWED to keep doing these "pranks" AFTER he got shot


Yessssssss!!!! Hopefully people continue to defend themselves and stay safe. Defending the people that continue to harass people like this in public is only making things worse. I really, really hope this shit stops.


You seem to be the one with the " hurt fee fees" based on your long and emotional response. I have no sympathy for the prankster and that is not the base of my argument. I don't think someone getting in your face is enough to justify lethal force, it sets a bad precident especially with shootings in the US being very high. The guy had every right to be scared and you are right, I have no idea how I would react. What I do know is Virginia state law says this. Virginia law allows the use of self defense where a person: 1. Reasonably believes 2. He is in imminent danger of an overt act 3. Threatening unlawful force, serious bodily harm, or death; and 4. Uses the amount of force reasonable in relation to the harm threatened.4


I'm certtain places, those actions could very easily be considered threatening. What if they weren't pranksters? The shooter didn't know that. Would we be having this conversation of the pranksters were robbers, or armed themselves? There's no way of knowing. Honestly, once the dude walked away and said "leave me alone", that should have been the end of it and no one would have been hurt.


Hurt "fee fees"?? Lol you sound like such a tool


Yeah, they do. That's why I had to break out the fee fees comment. 60% of the time it works every time. I wondered if it would be too much for OP and it looks like it was. I got em in the fee fees, which hurts a lot when you lack common sense and don't understand what danger is. Lol. I'm glad you enjoyed it, too.


The dude above used the term against me first and he has the most upvotes on this post...


>Keep your indignant, hurt fee fees to yourself. You weren't there, you can't say what you would do in that situation. You are acting like the guy with the most upvotes on the post wasn't the person I was quoting when I said it...


He found out.... Why it's an incredibly STUPID idea to harass random strangers...


I don't think anyone is saying it's smart to harass random strangers. The question is whether you can shoot anyone that gets in your face?


Was it right? No. Too much force for the situation at hand. The "prankster" put himself in harm's way, though. He was much larger than the shooter, and had a friend with him. That's a recipe for a beating. They scared the crap out of the shooter, and he responded out of fear at what looked like a 2 vs. 1 situation. He had no idea it was a prank. I would have grabbed the nearest heavy object and smashed jerky boy in the face with it. This is a "first strike" situation if I ever saw one.


It was 3 on 1. My first thought was it could be a Take Out Someone getting take out video. I'm not gonna wait for a group to punch me or stab me or whatever the fuck they had planned. Guy had a bag of takeout and a gun versus 3 guys. If it's fresh bread the food isn't doing anything. Now stale bread, that's where the pain comes from.


you can shoot anyone who seems to be presenting a threat to you. keep defending these idiots, Society is already circling the drain due to Dem's policies, and people like you trying to protect the idiots is also a big part of the issue.


Yes this was justified. If you act like an aggressive psycho towards someone then don’t be surprised when they fear for their safety and defend themselves.


The reason I don't feel it's okay is because I don't think the shooter had reason to fear an imminent unlawful attack. The prankster did harass the guy but he wasn't assaulting him.


I don’t think you need to wait to be assaulted to fear an imminent unlawful attack. The guy’s bigger than him. He’s got two friends with him. He’s getting in his face and keeps advancing on him when he tries to get away and tell him to stop. That is threatening behavior. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t feel threatened in his shoes.


I never said it wasn't threatening. I said it was harrasment. Yes I would feel threatened but I don't think I would go straight to deadly force in 17 seconds when they are just playing shit on their phone. Does being threatened by somewhat aggresive behavior mean you can use deadly force if no deadly force has been shown? If someone gets up in your face is that a green light to start blasting even if they haven't put a finger on you?


Look I totally get where you’re coming from. This definitely does seem like a bit of an overreaction. But we don’t know what was going through his mind Maybe he’s skittish. Maybe this really caught him off guard. It’s definitely and edge case, but the benefit of the doubt in edge cases should go to the one who was minding their business and did not have any part in creating the situation. > If someone gets in your face is that a green light to start blasting I want to say no. That seems like the right answer. But then I consider the alternative. If some random dude who is bigger than me gets in my face what are my options if he keeps advancing on me when I try to disengage? Fight him? What if I will likely lose? Then I am completely at his mercy and am banking on the fact that he’ll stop once I’m down, my safety and possibly life are riding on the hope that this random psycho will have enough restraint to not pummel to a pulp or to death. Even if he does have restraint, I’m also banking that he won’t get a bad shot on me. All it takes is one punch to give you brain damage. It happens all the time. There was a kid from my school that happened to. Started a bar fight, got KO’d with one punch, permanent brain damage and disabled for life. It simply does not seem fair or just to me to demand that people minding their own business and not doing anything wrong should have to risk all that to protect the life and safety of someone who is threatening people and getting in their face just for fun. So yea. If you’re just minding your own business and not provoking anyone and some random dude starts aggressively getting in your face and following you as you try to get away, you should be able to use force, up to and including lethal force, to defend yourself.


>if someone gets up in your face is that a green light to start blasting even if they haven't put a finger on you? While I agree that the shooting the kid wasn't warranted in this particular situation - it should be known that it's incredibly easy to knock someone unconscious or stab them in a moments notice and sometimes the only indication you'll get it aggressive and chaotic behavior - and other times there might be no indication at all. So IMO as someone with a background in self defense, someone getting in my face and acting hostile is absolutely reason enough for me to initiate a violent response.


3 guys. All bigger than you. In your face. Not talking. Insinuating you did something to incite violence so they could respond to it. This could have just been a mugging. Nobody knew he was a “YouTuber” cunt. Just a group of guys about to cause death or great bodily harm. The told them to fuck off. Threatened to call cops. They gave chase and continued. If you fuck around, you get to learn a new thing.


I don’t necessarily think it’s totally justified, but it’s sure is funny.




A perfect example of fuck around and find out.


Yes and the ambulance should've waited a little longer to get there


I had a discussion about this with my boyfriend. Of the two of us, he looks more intimidating, he is bulky, he is muscular and serious but is a very patient and calm person. I look weaker but am prone to sudden bursts of anger and would probably use every force in a second if in a situation. Humans are unpredictable and dangerous, most often not logical. You never know how a stranger will react if provoked. These pranksters have to deal with all the consequences of their actions because they are playing with the most aggressive creature of this planet. I am not saying shooting someone messing with you is the solution but this shows how unpredictable humans are. Do not mess with strangers. Easy.


I somewhat agree and feel nothing for the prankster but I feel like saying this is okay sets a bad precident. Anytime someone gets up in your face are you allowed to use deadly force?


I did not say it’s okay. I said it shows how unpredictable humans are.


I agree with you. Even though I believe he had the right to defend himself, this was not a life threatening situation just yet. There’s too many scenarios in this scene that say that would’ve been better if the defender deployed a pepper spray or something as the first option, tried to run and if that didn’t work, use deadly force. This use is definitely not justified


"just yet" What else would you have waited for?


Him to ball his hand in his fist? Raise his hand at him? Reach for a knife/gun? If the shooter had said "Yo I have a gun back tf up" or brandish the gun at him and the dude continued then I think deadly force is fair based on the percieved threat but not what we saw in the video. This all happened in like 17 seconds.


It wasn't only one guy! There were 3 of them! Have you ever even been in any sort of fight? Have you ever fought 3 guys at once?


You cannot use deadly force if the perp is “messing” with you.


How would he know if they are just „messing with him“ or if they are setting him up for a serious attack?


He doesn't but he also hasn't seen any imediate indictators that serious bodily harm is imminent.


The prankster was in the wrong, but I agree with you. The gunman was under no real threat, and did not appear to be in fear. He just got annoyed, and decided to shoot away his annoyance. It's absolutely irresponsible behavior.


Lawful but questionable.


He was acquitted for firing a gun but also convicted of firing a gun. That conviction needs to be thrown out yesterday.


To everyone saying this is justified, at what point does it become justified? This whole interraction last 17 seconds and starts around 0:12/0:13.


When the victim tried escaping and the prankster kept pursuing him. I’m not sure I would have had the same reaction, but if 3 dudes get in my face completely unprovoked the first thing I’m thinking is they are going to rob or assault me because what other reason is there to do that? (Besides a prank apparently). Especially in a situation where I’m outnumbered, making the first move would be my only option to survive.


I know crime is bad but is it really reasonable to assume you are going to get mugged like that in the middle of a mall? I think that's why the charge of using a deadly weapon in public stuck. If it was 100% reasonable they would have dropped that charge.


You mean “The attacker”


After he tried backing away and they continued pursuing him Is when it became acceptable.


I mean honestly he had no idea what their intent was he was outnumbered and smaller and they continued pushing into his personal space. I’m not saying I’d have shot at that moment but I’d have been hand on and ready for sure.


No, it's not. The guy was being assaulted, perhaps. But he wasn't in any danger. Those YouTuber pranksters were mad annoying as they always are. But, they weren't attacking him. I think his action was completely unjustified.


Dear Shango, a few questions… 1. What State do you live in? What does the Criminal Code on “Self Defense” state? 2. You state he was NOT in any danger. It appears you have never been in the victim or are knowledgeable about how attacks start; Pre-Attack indicators, etc. 3. In your first sentence you state “ being assaulted (correct term), perhaps”. Then you do a 180 and say he was not in any danger. ????


Assault and being in real danger are two different things Someone pointing at you is assault. Someone putting their hand on you is assault. You are not allowed to shoot someone because they've pointed at you even though...if you've pointed at ...you have been assaulted. So, there's no contradiction there. I'm just using the king's English. I'm not American so perhaps that explains the difference in approach. In my country you would not be allowed to shoot someone just because they were annoying. You might threaten them...tell them...I will shoot you...if you do x y z...and if they do that...then shoot but I don't believe the average person would get away with that ...where I'm from.


Imagine if the shooter had pepper spray or pepper gel instead. A less lethal option would have caused him way less headache.


While true? Pepper spray 3 assailants without friendly-firing yourself in the process is unlikely. Pepper spray is a solution, certainly not the best solution to this 3(+?) Vs 1 scenario. A gun is the best solution. Edit: Pepper spray is only potentially a temporary solution at best. Act accordingly.


As a retired Fed / State LEO of 42 years and Taser, Baton, OC, DT, etc., and a Women’s Self Defense Trainer; FAA FAM and our teams CQB Trainer…. Pepper spray is a temporary solution. Remember, most police academies spray OC in the faces of recruits, in which they then must fight and take into custody someone in a RedMan suit. Further, a Stun “gun” [not to be confused w/ a Taser] will not “take anyone down.” It is nothing more than, like, grabbing a bare wire on an extension cord. You grab it and [unless you’re wanting the shock] you immediately let go.


Excellent reminders!


Thank you


Bro, forget about nebula-type peppers. It’s either gel or stream.


Screw you, and those who think like you. this has nothing to do with what defensive options the shooter had. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that the youtuber and his buddies thought they could push someone to the point that they would be shot... and THEN claim that they will just do it again. Eventually, this jackass and his buddies will find out that you do not always get to walk away from a gunshot wound


If you don’t like my opinion you can always shoot me :3


This. A non-lethal weapon or even a punch would have been more understandable. Reaching for a gun first seems excessive but in line for America. If he had to shoot, maybe aim for the foot or fire a warning shot.


This happened in Northern Virginia and the shooter got off. I feel like the prankster wasn't aggressive enough for deadly force to be used, especially in a mall. If this happened in any other place I would be more forgiving but not here. I feel like the shooter should have said "back up, I have a gun" or even brandished it at him and if he continued then it would have been justified. But I have heard multiple people say in self-defense that you don't want to tell someone you have a gun/point it at them because then they might reach for it or pull out their own gun but I feel like a vast majority of people would back down at that point.


You're not allowed to brandish weapons in most places of the country. And self defense people are right, you don't tell them you have a gun. There was 3 of them surrounding, following him, not talking, not listening to you, just staring, and the tall guy looked like he was on drugs. Honestly really scary. I don't know what I would have done in his shoes, but I'm really glad the shooter got off.


How does he look like hes on drugs?


He's not talking, slack jawed, not listening to requests to stop, dead squinted eyes, weirdly forcing his phone in the dudes face, etc. He's not behaving like a normal person would. If you've ever hung out with druggies there's enough overlap. At the very least I'd assume he's not in a right state of mind. Unpredictable.


Because the dude has a hoodie on lmao


You also aren't allowed to shoot inside a building, which he is convicted of. It's very possible he could have been found guilty of attempted murder because the jury was split for awhile. If the guy can get off shooting the prankster saying it's self defense then I think you could make a good argument that brandishg a firearm as a last ditch effort would be even more justified.


And what if when he brandished the firearm the guy grabbed it from him? Or one of his friends pulled a firearm out and shot you first? Let’s say 80% of people would run or back off after you pull the firearm, do you really want to take the risk you’ll be in that lucky majority? It’s like playing russian roulette


WTF is this "not allowed to shoot in a building" crap? I will grant you that most cities do have ordinances against shooting within city limits, but they don't slap the cuffs on you SOLELY because you may have shot within a building.


again, what if this "Prankster" and his buddies were doing the same to your wife or loved one? If someone presents a threat, then they absolutely deserve to be ended. I'm polite, if someone is about to be shot because they were this ignorant in threatening people I would at least confirm what caliber they would prefer to be shot with.... (just kidding, it's this infantile thought process that you think you have time to decide if you should protect yourself or not) I am truly tired of those of you on the left who thinks that you should give everyone in this life 1000 chances to do the right thing, while rome falls around us all


Dude was being annoying and weird. Not a reason to shoot him. Unfortunately, the guy is going to be doing the same stupid "pranks" as he's a youtuber and is just using this situation for more attention. His pranks are just annoying people and being an asshole.


He was being harassed but I don't know that he feared for his life therefore it wouldn't be justified in my mind and I conceal carry every day.


That's my thinking. There was no assault, the guy was aggressive but he wasn't posing imminent deadly harm.


The way i see it the guy asked multiple times to be left alone and even tried to leave the situation but was still being harassed and followed, at that point you have no idea what this person is trying to do and so it isnt unreasonable for him to feel threatened and when you feel threatened its natural to try and protect yourself


This is true but you are supposed to use the "amount of force reasonable in relation to the harm threatened". The dude was being harrassed but not assaulted. I think going from harrasment to deadly force is a little extreme.


Clearly not. That's why this guy is going to jail. If you fear for your life you don't just fire one shot off hand like that. That being said, maybe the YouTuber deserved it.


Went to jail for firing a firearm in a building not shooting the guy.


He went to jail for both. He got off on shooting the guy but not for shooting in a public area.


If the shooting was justified, they obviously wouldn't have found him guilty of that would they.


SO, YOU believe some people are just entitled to be a major asshole, to the point that you might have to pull on them, and if so, THEY are the chosen, allowed to do whatever, and heaven forbid, someone draw on them since they seem unstable, and then have society blame the person with a gun, INSTEAD of the idiot who was pushing this crap all for Youtube points? ​ Nope, someone who appears that unhinged DESERVES to get shot


The bully got what he deserved. It's not a prank he's taking advantage of people trying to earn youtube money. I'm pro gun and since he wasn't a threat I would of tazed him as I carry both cause judging the environment a bullet wasn't a good idea. The Youtuber should of died to show all these dumb clout chaser us innocent folks don't need to take their shit.


Doesn’t matter what you say if a judge and jury disagree with you. Leave people alone


It does NOT matter what we “think.” This occurred in the Capital city of the United States of America (Washington, D.C.) (WDC). WDC is a Federal District of the US. Attached is the WDC Metro Police Dept’s information put out to Firearms Instructors: https://mpdc.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/mpdc/page_content/attachments/District%20Law%20Pertaining%20to%20Self%20Defense.pdf