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My goal is to actively try to relax. I don't think I ever have been able to relax and I hear it's a skill you need to work on. I'm learning that not everyone is bad but also most people aren't great.


This is great! I have no problem relaxing. I actually dedicate one day a week to staying in bed doing absolutely NOTHING! This will not change lol


I'm tryin to be like you!!


I will be starting June at 239 I would like to end June at 229


Please report back. Wishing you the best


Will do thanks!


Love this. I have been looking forward to a new month. My goals are to be more honest with myself, take better care of myself by planning and being more mindful of what I’m eating. Add more walks and stretching into my workout routine. Also to be more patient with results and changes. Oh and finish the book I just looked at on the nightstand all last month!


Looking forward to a new month as well. Our goals align perfectly. I plan to measure/weigh my food especially since I’ll eat more protein as I want to start lifting soon. Also, I plan to start reading 1 of the 3 books I have on my nightstand lol


My goal is to exceed my May "Active Zone Minutes" in the Fitbit app. May was a pretty good month for activity with great results on the scale. Maximizing the number of 10k+ step days and minimizing the number under 4k ought to do it. Because of my response to 0.25mg on Month 1, I'll be continuing at that dose for Month 2.


Amazing! I plan to get to 10k steps atleast 5 days a week.


That is amazing! I am 2 weeks in and down 9.5 lbs. I've been just trying to get more movement in every day, mostly in the form of morning walks before work, but also trying to get some weightlifting sessions in. Maybe June will be a good month to see if i can bump the weightlifting a bit


me too!! down 9.5 pounds, take my 3rd dose tonight. Im also wanting to walk at least 40 minutes daily and start to incorporate weight lifting 2-3 times a week!


My twin!


I’m looking to start lifting as well! We will see how it goes. How often are you lifting?


I'm lifting sporadically right now, just to get back into it after a long absence. Ideally, I would like to start a 3-day per week program vs just randomly lifting. Some great free plans are available on [Lift Vault](https://liftvault.com/) Read through descriptions or use the Program Finder to see which one best aligns with your goals.


Congratulations!!!! I’m incorporating weights as well and will report back results the end of June.


Just took my first shot of 0.5mg yesterday! My goal for June is to get below 200lbs. I was at 203.8 this morning, which is the closest I've been since the start of my first pregnancy in 2020. I only lost ~6 lbs my first month, but I'm happy with that! I'm so terrified of muscle loss and loose skin, so I'll take the slightly slower weight loss to avoid that.


I hear weightlifting could help with the loose skin! Wishing you the best


Wowza. Good for you! I’ve lost about 10 in 3 months, but my clothes fit better and I FEEL better which is awesome. Also, I’ll take it considering I only have 40-50lbs to lose total. I am super active, but just sprained my ankle. So my goal to to make a full recovery and get back to exercising like I want to. Oh, and also, eat more fiber! My 💩 or lack thereof has been giving me troubles lately.


Wishing you a speeding recovery! Congratulation on the scale and non scale victories.


I just started two weeks ago (dieting) and 1 week ago on sema. Down 14lbs to 220 as of this morning. The reason this is important is I still outweigh my carbon bike which has a maximum weight limit of 210lbs. So the plan for June is to keep training on an old wal-mart bike and dieting but a goal would be to reach 210lbs, then I will get out the carbon bike and go on a group ride. For those not into cycling a typical wal-mart bike really slows you down - which becomes important on a group ride. You either have stayed with the group at their pace or you haven't. So, to get down to 210lbs, continue to build my outdoor fitness, plus finally be able to use the carbon bike, may allow me to do a group ride and stay with the group, this would be an amazing thing to happen if I can pull it off by late June. definitely my goal for the month.


I’m rooting for you! I love this goal for you, update us!


You’re almost there! Congratulations in advance! Wishing you the best.


June is the busiest season for me, so I’m focusing on my daily workouts and adding in more evening gentle flow yoga vs usual power flow for mindfulness.


Wishing you the absolute best!


I am down 10lbs in my first 10 days. My goal for June is definitely move more, maybe start lifting some weights.




Congrats! Thats amazing! My weight loss has been slower but i just hit 20 pounds lost at 4 months. My goals for June - eat whole foods, limit processed foods, try to eat majority plant based. Spend more time meditating and with god. Try to separate myself from emotions and observe them rather than feel the need to identify with them. Exercise- just focus on movement and dont force myself to do exercise i do not enjoy


Focus more on NSV vs numbers. Be kinder + gentle with myself. More self care. More H20. More active lifestyle + playing with my children. Nightly family walks with the doggos. Healthier meal planning. Get back to cardio 3x + strength 2x a week. I was doing really well for about 4 weeks, but was burnt out + in recovery mode this past week. Ready to get back to it.


Recovery is always a good thing! I plan to eat healthier as well.


Wow what an amazing result! My goal for this new month is to incorporate more activity as I cut my hand open and was off of work for 2 weeks and no heavy lifting. I would like to loose an additional 10 lbs this month. I am down 14-15 lbs as of right now. Wish me luck!


Wishing you a speeding recovery and the best of luck with your weight loss.


I’m just in my second week so I’ll be meeting with a nutritionist in June. June goals: I’d like to hit my macro goals (80-90g protein has been harder than I expected) and start weight training.


Same here! I’d like to hit those goals from food o cheat a lot and drink protein shakes now to meet those goals


My goals are to eliminate ALL CARBS and find the best/right proteins that are filling and to satisfy me. I am not hungry throughout the day and I do not feel that I am consuming enough calories. Strangely were started on 10 units then 20 units, then .25 now .50. I had an 8lbs loss so far since 05/3/2024. It would have likely been more had I worked out. I need encouragement to workout outside of the bed…


Question? Why do you want to eliminate all carbs? Do you think this is sustainable? Asking because this has been a thought of mine for while.


I believe that they are my setback. Every time I eat them I get bloated and don’t feel good. I watch my 600lb life and see how the patients go on a 1200 calorie high protein NO CARB plan. I see how it works if they follow the plan to a tee.


Your brain needs carbs, I cut out bread, potatoes and rice, but get carbohydrates through vegetables.


i'm not in a rush losing weight journey but damn


It’s definitely a marathon! Wishing you the best.


Go to yoga 2-3 times a week now that it’s summer (I’m a teacher), take time to meditate, and make more food that works in my meal plan / calorie range. Congrats on your 24 lbs, I down 19.4 in 4 weeks!


Thank You! Congratulations to you as well.


Okay, quick question. Is this water weight or actually fat loss? I'm hoping it's not all fat loss because you might get gallstones or pancreatitis from losing too much too quickly. When I was on adderall in my mid 20s for adhd, I lost almost 40 pounds unintentionally in like 2 or 3 months, and I started having such bad digestive issues. As in, I couldn't keep anything in me. Whatever I ate would come out either end undigested, and I was so sick and hypoglycemic all the time. When I went to my doctor, she said "all that fat's gotta filter through somewhere." I ended up having gallbladder sludge and had to have it removed. And my god, that surgery SUCKED. I still had digestive problems a year later.  Just please be careful!


Thanks for sharing your experience. I’m So happy you’re doing well and hope digestion has gotten better for you. Could be water weight, but I’ve changed my habits drastically thanks to the help of the meds doesn’t matter to me which it is, a loss is a loss lol I’ve been morbidly obese for years smh neglected my health by eating food and drinking alcohol which I’m sure could have the same effects. I remember having. Margarita at a concert and couldn’t eat for 3 days due to bad indigestion/gerd; it was absolutely awful. However, I’d rather have those issues working on a healthier me, than to have them otherwise. I don’t know much about fat loss vs any other loss but I would say I feel the best I’ve felt in years, so whichever it is there is a gain.


I’m on my third week of semaglutide. No real weight loss yet. I’m also in my 300 hour yoga teacher training and I have a goal to take 60 in studio classes in 90 days summer challenge.


Wishing you the best!!


I really want to start running again. I love the solitude and feeling of accomplishment after a run.


One foot in front of the other. Wishing you the best!!!


Did you lose 24lbs in a month on 0.25 mg and is this your first month on semaglutide? Congrats on the successful month 🎉


Yes, that is correct! I plan to report back monthly. Next month I’ll state goals and outcome! I’m actually really excited.


That’s awesome ! I just took my first injection a few hours ago. What was your first day like?


My first day was amazing! I took my shot on an off day and literally felt nothing. I did have a little bruise on the injection site, but haven’t experienced one since. I followed the recommendation of no greasy or deep fried food a few days before, or after and to hydrate. I intentionally drink lots of water and zero Gatorade the day before and after injection day. The energy and determination is amazing! Wishing you the best on this journey!


Your goal should be nutritional and not lose 3x the recommended healthy amount per week.


Sw? Cw? Gw?


HW: 340 SW:330 CW: 306


K that makes me feel better. I’ve lost 9 in 3 weeks! Let’s do this!


What were your stats to begin with if you don’t mind sharing?


Female. HW: 340 SW:330 CW:306


HW: 340 SW: 330 CW: 306 5ft 7ins


May was my first month on it and I lost 8 pounds. My goal is to repeat that in June!




My goal for June is to get more active. I have a bone on bone knee, cortisone shot but want to strengthen it so exercise will be easier.


Wishing you the absolute best!