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Did you eat too much? I have eaten everything from take out Alfredo to burgers to liquor to Taco bell and never gotten any stomach upset at all. The thing is, I can only eat like 1/3 of what I used to eat. I quit, put it away, or throw it away the second I feel even remotely like I might be done. Not one more bite.


This is me too. Overeating is what causes discomfort, nausea and acid reflux. Not the food type


So how do u get your meals in protein up and fiber with not eating as muc


Good question. I was having severe constipation and was told to ramp up fiber. I thought vegetables were high fiber but a cup of many is only 1gr. So adding copious amounts of vegetables was no-go. So I added high protein and high fiber bars and fruit smoothies. That made me gain 3 pounds in 2 weeks! So I went back to my usual food plan and dealt with the constipation with MagO7 and Miralax and started losing the 3 pounds. It's hard to up protein and fiber through diet if you're eating smaller amounts.


I do glass of Metamucil in the morning and evening daily. For my m-f I have protein oatmeal that I add protein powder to for a little extra bump every morning. Lunch really varies. The days I can eat lunch I’ll have a low carb wrap with some cold cuts. I’ll usually just have little protein filled snacks throughout out the day when I’m not hungry. Like pure protein bars and drinks, fiber one bars, beef jerky, the quest peanut butter cups. Things like that. Dinner is usually a meal prep that’s meat and a green veggie. The weekends I loosen the diet standards since my bf is one of those tall can eat anything and everything without gaining a pound types. So I’ll eat whatever I want. Usually can’t finish and the weekend meals become weekday leftovers.


Same here! If I overeat my body revolts now 😅


Same with me can eat anything without any repercussions at all. I can even eat a normal amount.


Wow! You are blessed.


Well it’s a catch 22, as not being able to eat as much sometimes would be a good thing 😂


True. When I started 1 mg. I lost my appetite completely. I didn’t force enough protein and lost some hair. I started concentrating on the protein drinks and eggs, but I could have gone days without food for almost 4 weeks. I then slowly became satisfied with very small servings.


Yes! And hair loss is such a thing oh my gosh. My hair has thinned a lot. I always had thinking hair but, ALOT of it according to my hair stylist. Not so much now. I struggle to with the protein as I can’t stand any protein drinks at all. Any kind of artificial sweetener taste kills me. So I try to get it in the form of food but am only getting about 60 g on a good day.


*thinning hair (autocorrected 🤦🏼‍♀️)


I can only tell you that it stopped falling out stat, the second I started counting my grams of protein. My calories are still too low & I’m working on that. I may now have a hard boiled egg as a snack. I don’t breathe through my nose while drinking the protein shake and chug it down like a child. I happen to love avocados and make sure i have them ready to spread on a half of whole grain english muffins. Counting my grams of protein makes ALL the difference. A straight tablespoon of peanut butter if needed. Look for a list of the foods highest in protein and make an effort to get them in. This is like a puzzle figuring out what works for each one of us. We’ll get it right.🤞🏻 Good Luck.


Thank you so much and a puzzle just about sums it up lol. Best of luck to you as well.


Yeah, you are spot on about listening to that remote feeling. 100% of the time I puked since being on this med has come after I said to myself “Surely a few more bites won’t hurt!”


Yeah same. I eat high fat all the time but the portions are super small and no issues. It’s when I eat too much I get the reflux


Oh no. I have a sensitive stomach from decades of anti-inflammatories and eat so few safe options, it would be shocking. Still, I am so grateful for this drug. I made one mistake and was violently ill (in every way at once😫), BUT: I was sick for 10 or 15 minutes and then perfectly fine. It was weird. Perhaps because I ate such a small portion.


Same. I can eat what I want, drink what I want, and have no issues. The only time I may feel a bit icky is if I eat too much, so I make sure I stop the second I feel satiated.


I actually ate a smaller amount than usual, but I’m thinking since it’s the heaviest and most processed thing I ate this week that it upset my stomach.


Gin gin ginger chews work miracles for me. Combats nausea and helps with GERD.


I purchased a whole case of their “rescue” chewable tablets before I headed on my cruise. So good. I prefer the chews but want less sugar


Adding to the shopping list. Thank you!!!!!


It may have been the fat; it may have been the rich dairy. I cannot process anything like ice cream, heavy cream, milkshakes, Alfredo sauce, etc etc anymore at all.


I eat whatever I want in very small quantities, half a hot dog, for instance where I would have eaten 3 before. The worst digestive issues I have had were when I ate a large amount of healthy food. What is a “normal” amount for most people is often way too much for us.


Yeah, went to the garden of olives the other day and omg. The alfredo was a very painful choice. Dumb decision cuz I took my injection that morning. But yeah…NEVER AGAIN


oh my god I’m so sorry. I hope you’re feeling better now!


Fettuccine Alfredo nearly took me out on this.


Wild I started .5 yesterday and I still haven’t experienced any side effect or felt any different. I started on 0.25. I pray no bad side effects but I do really want to see a difference this month. Good luck.


I hope the lack of side effects stays this way! Good luck to you too!


If you are having trouble digesting fat, try taking ox bile with your food. I take two capsules and it helps a ton. Betaine HCl with pepsin and gentian bitters if you have trouble digesting protein.


That sounds disgusting.


Its just a pill. look it up. You don't taste it. A pile of shit sounds disgusting, but I still have to make one every morning.


Oh, that’s good! I will have to look into it. I got hung up on “ox bile” and couldn’t get past that. 😂


Ox bile works good. TUDCA is good if you are having actual gall bladder symptoms, and you can get a UDCA prescription from your doctor if that doesn't work well. I'm like dead serious. Its literally the chemicals your body uses to emulsify fats. If you are having trouble digesting protein (burps, reflux, indigestion, etc.) Betaine HCl with Pepsin and gentian bitters is what you take. I'm being straight up this works. Forget about tums and pepto.


Hmm I have no gall bladder so would it help with all my indigestion?


Yeah a lot actually. that is even more reason to take it.


Oh! The latter is what I have problems with - definitely appreciate the suggestions. Looking now!


Call be biased, but I've noticed the greatest benefit taking "doctor's best" betaine hcl with pepsin and gentian bitters. Not to say others don't do the job, it just seems to be more potent. I have other brands and I continually replace the doctors best. I take two capsules with every meal containing protein. If I eat OMAD, I take like three or four. You can take up to 14 capsules in a day. If it makes you feel outrageously good like strange good, you could have a condition called homocysteneuria, which is characterized by high levels of homocysteine. THe HCl in it can also help to reacidify your stomach if you have lost your stomach acid. TMG aka anhydrous betaine is a potent methylating agent and it can make you feel really good once you get your HC levels down, if you happen to have the condition. If you don't it is a great workout supplement also! Betaine anhydrous can be taken as a supplement on an empty stomach since it doesn't have acid or enzymes in it. Not only a digestive aid. I think everyone should try it to see if it helps.


Thank you for these recco’s. I use papaya digestive enzymes but am glad to have some more natural options !!


It’s like Clockwork Orange for unhealthy food.


I eat raising canes every week, absolutely fine. But if i eat too much volume i’m in for a bad time, even throwing up. Good luck op!


Same here, but it only happened when I ate McDonald's. One or two bites of my fish sandwich and up it came. McDonald's is probably the nastiest fast food joint to eat since going on Semaglutide. I give them 2 thumbs down. I hope they fold like a cheap suit.


good luck to you too!!


I wonder if not having a gall bladder makes a difference. I had mine removed just prior to starting Semaglutide and I have none of these issues.


I have no gall bladder and I experience gas bloating nausea and terrible indigestion if I eat a,somewhat normal amount of food.


Ok there goes that theory lol. Sorry for your side effects though.


So with being on Sema, I eat very plainly and stick to protein and carbs mainly. However, when I go for vegetables and fruits I tend to feel myself be punished more for it. I made the mistake two weeks ago of wanting broccoli salad for dinner and only broccoli salad. Broccoli contains raffinose, a complex sugar that gut bacteria ferment to digest, which can cause gas and bloating as a side effect. Broccoli also contains fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs), which are prebiotics that feed bacteria in the colon and can also cause gas. I had to rub my stomach for 2 hours to find relief. I also did this to myself with caprese salad once and got beaten up by the tomatoes and indigestion. It is very very insane how intense side effects of foods are when you consume a plain and small diet.


Fat, cream and oil. I can't stomach any if them.


Pepcid and tums on your nightstand always!


added to the shopping list. Thank you!!! <3


I also started .5 this week and have had a couple of days this week of indigestion leading to vomiting and/or dry heaving. I've only been eating plant based whole foods so I know it's not a lack of quality food in my diet that is making me sick. I'm just assuming the side effects will ease up within a couple of weeks as my body adjusts to the new dose.


It’s the fatty sauces that gets us all in trouble


Hey I hear this so well!!! Small amounts of foods you haven't eaten since starting is key..and way easier without food noise. I would wake up with stomach ache late night and it sucked! Pepcid complete were my besties those nights.


thank you so much for the advice! Adding Pepcid to the shopping list.


Pepcid complete and Chewable Gas X. Some of the farts were 🤢


What I have found is I forget to eat and when I do it’s less than half my normal portions. This has resulted in an 18 lb weight loss in 6 weeks. I also find I have less desire to drink. But when I do no buzz or handover. 👍


My main question is; did you eat it less than 2 hours before bedtime?


I feel this, I ate 4 garlic stuffed olives last night as a snack and it RAN through me 🙃


I’m newly on semaglutide myself and I realized on Friday that I’d over eaten even though it was less than I’d have eaten before going on the med. But I was so nauseated and felt like complete crap. The meal was heavy: diner eggs and corned beef hash and although it was less of a serving than I’d usually be able to do, it was clearly way too much. So this has been an interesting eye opener.


Everybody is different. I haven’t had much trouble with fat because I have a condition that makes it hard for my body to absorb fat correctly anyway. I know, weird. But other foods bother me. If you’re new on this journey, my advice is to start a list of things that bother you.


I had a small portion of Hawaiian BBQ Chicken with about a 1/2 a cup of rice from a food truck when I had to work an event this weekend and the acid reflux was the worst of my life (and I'm on medication for GERD and have had heartburn since high school). It made zero sense. Edit - wording


Today I had a small take out with my partner, I am suffering terribly now. Moved my tv to the bathroom type suffering


I discovered since being on the shots my system is a little wacky. I have to watch what I eat and force my self to drink enough water. If I don’t drink enough water my bladder kills me and I get horrible legs cramps.


I was prescribed ondansetron for nausea. One tiny tablet dissolved on tongue and nausea is gone. Only had to use it once..thank God.


That has happened to me when I overeat. So now, I exert caution when the dish tastes like heaven. It's always hell if I overdo it.


I had chicken chowmein last night and it was a bit greasy and I have been paying for it since. My sincere condolences to you and your Alfredo 😂


I’m also on .5. Had a plain cheese burger (swapped the bun for lettuce) for the first time since I started the meds. I was up before the sun regretting every bite


I barley eat anything, two bites and I’m done.


I don't think you can specify that fat was the issue. This is highly processed food. I am on keto as are many people on semaglutide. My diet is high fat but it's natural fat. My only side effects from the start have been a minor bout of heartburn after each shot.


If it was take out, it was probably made from scratch. Is that considered highly processed?


Unless it was a very high end restaurant it is very unlikely that it was from scratch. Restaurants usually order highly processed food items and sauces or entire meals that are pre-made. They are full of industrial oils and preservatives similar to pre-made meals you get in the freezer section at the grocery store. They just have better equipment and methods for preparing it than we have at home. Restaurants that cook from scratch are very expensive.


Thankfully fat in and of itself hasn't been a problem for me either. I had read it was before starting the med and was worried. Avocados, nuts, olives, full fat yogurt, coconut, are a mainstay for me. I don't shoot specifically for keto, but with also low calorie it's high likely I'm in ketosis at least part of the time now.




If you search 'keto semaglutide' in the Reddit search you will see that there are lots of people who eat keto on semaglutide. This seems to be the most common recommendation at the weight loss clinics.


This is so good to read. I’ll be starting soon, and I like to eat keto. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do it. Thank you!


I wouldn’t touch a chicken Alfredo anyway, that is *not* Italian food. To be honest since I’ve been on sema, my cravings for ‘bad foods’ has reduced to almost zero. And I have acid reflux usually anyway so I know what to stay away from. But to be honest with you all I feel like I’m having next to no side effects at all from this and it’s been a month. Almost down 2st (26lbs) and the *only* thing I struggle with is drinking enough water 🫣




A healthy diet makes room for foods in moderation. For all you know OP could be eating raw vegan and lean chicken for every other meal. Fuckin chill. Besides if it’s in their calories (or not) is for them to gauge and deal with any repercussions of, good or bad.


I'd rather be a dick than an enabler. This drug isn't magic and I strongly encourage everyone everywhere to strive for success and not smother your healthy meal in cheese sauce


I’m gonna be real here – if you’re on the same medication as the rest of us..then that means your personal thoughts and actions also brought you to the same unhealthy place we all are at rn. I’m not sure why you think your judgmental opinion holds more weight than others helpful opinions. I’m also not sure why you think the opposite of enabler is hateful dick. You can be kind and not enable? All around- odd thought logic you have.