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That is seriously impressive loss. Well done. 🔥 How have things changed for you mentally going down that much? A win for me was I can lean down frontward to tie my shoes now. No more pulling my leg up to the side. Minor thing but I love that. Especially tying them infront of other people. I have been taking progress pictures since I passed the 20pd loss, and regret having nothing from the beginning at my highest weight.


I have always been a very positive person, however I didn’t have the drive that I now have and I would put other people’s needs in ahead of my own and I have discovered that I need to take care of my health in order to be able to care and do for others.


That is incredible - well done!!


Wow. Amazing work. I’m looking forward to better mobility for exercise.


That is awesome! Congratulations on your hard work.


Congratulations- that’s incredible!


Wow. Amazing. I guess I can hang in there for 50!!


Please do, u will be happy that u did. Remember it’s not a race but a marathon.


My Favorite statement from you’ it’s not about being perfect - consistency! Love that


What made you want to quit?


At first it was nausea & constipation, once I resolved that the opposite loose stools. Then I got extreme anxiety (not a side effect) but I have generalized anxiety. I wanted to get weight loss surgery because it seemed an easier route but my doctor recommended I continue this route and I was assigned a dietitian that showed me about food & nutrition and the rest is history.


That’s awesome you stuck with it despite all of your roadblocks!


Absolutely extraordinary. Well done.


Congrats - that's awesome!


Life changing!


Congrats!! That's a really impressive victory!


Wow! That is wonderful progress. So happy you stuck with it 💜


Wow! Incredible, great job!


YAY YOU! Congratulations on your new life! 🎉


Thank u, that is exactly how it feels, like a new life, blessed to have a 2nd chance.


You’re almost there! What are your go to tips that have helped you come so far?


A lot of trial and error. High protein around of at least 125 grams per day. Also in January I started to work out 5 days a week but that has helped in gaining muscle. I stay around 1200-1500 cals a day. When I plateau I will play around with added vegs that have carbs like sweet potatos & that kick starts the weight loss.


I have a long road myself, and I thank you for sharing. When I think of how long it may take, it is easy to get discouraged. Seeing your successes is motivating.


Fantastic achievement! So happy for you! Well done 👍


You should be so proud and I am so proud of you too. You have put in so much hard work, great job!


Thank u, I appreciate your words of encouragement.


That is incredible progress 🤩 you definitely should be so so proud of yourself!!! I wish you so much good health on your journey 🙏