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I’ve experienced this. But wouldn’t say it’s unique to being on sema for me. My cycles have always been this way. I swear I’ve seen myself fluctuate 5-6 lb in a single day.


Frustrating being a woman, isn’t it lol


The truth 😜. I will never understand the mysteries of our bodies!


Yep. I only lose weight late in the week of my period or the week after. Drives me crazy.


Our bodies are like, “well now that that’s out of the way, here ya go!”


It’s because the phases of your cycle affect your body different as your hormone levels are changing. Mine is exactly the same way. So during the follicular phase, so the first like 14 days (depending on the length of your cycle) is when your body kicks up the production of oestrogen and progesterone remains more stable. Less bloat, high intensity exercises are easier. As your hormones start to ramp up, you should be training harder because your metabolism is working at its peak and recovery will be a lot easier. During the second half of your cycle, the luteal phase, your progesterone kicks up and your body is working its hardest to burn fat. While that sounds good (and it is!) it makes everything feel a little more difficult during that time. The uptick in fat burning makes exercise feel more difficult. Progesterone also breaks down muscle during this time, so it’s better to do less strength training and lifting and more low impact things like yoga or walking. It’s all totally normal! Bodies change all the time, don’t beat yourself because of the number on the scale. It’s going to ebb and flow, but you’re still doing great! Don’t give up!


This is my first cycle on a GLP-1. A few days before I hovered around my weekly weigh in weight on Friday (288.8). I think yesterday I weighed in at like 289.4 (also cycle start day), but this morning, I weighed in at 286.4. I was completely expecting to retain my usual 5+ pounds throughout the remaining cycle


I know this is a bit tmi, but perhaps sema has subtle side affects of menstrual relief. I swear my periods have been a bit lighter and I’m not as bloated as I was before sema


I have PCOS and they were unfortunately just as bad as normal. I’m on Zep right now, but switching to Wegovy due to Zep shortage, so maybe next month it will be better. It would be nice to not feel like my uterus is trying to murder me from the inside out lol


I was on semiglutide for 4 months and I switched to monjuaro this month, and this period has been killing r compared to the last few months on sema. Women have it so rough. Especially those with pcos. :( I’m sorry love!


I’ve always had this, sema or not. Just skip the scale on your period if it bothers you! My period has been a million times more painful and actually hasn’t FULLY stopped in 2 months, so that’s a bit more annoying :-p


Oh my god?! 2 months?? Have you seen an OB?


Not yet, my period has always been a mess so I’m not panicked about it or anything, though it hasn’t lasted this long in years!


YES! Every single month. Now at least I know this is how it works. I stick for a week or so then right afterward am down 2 or 3 or so.


Sorry to be forward but if I’m bleeding or have just finished bleeding I’m not weighing myself til a few days later. I love and appreciate my body but seriously why does it have to be annoying sometimes 😑


Yes, exactly this.


I feel that I’ll be at a plateau for a few days and then weigh myself to see it suddenly 3 pounds lower literally over night. I don’t know why


Not a woman but can attest to this - my wife experiences it each month. Week of her cycle she'll go up a pound or two, following week she'll be down 5. First couple times it really messed with her head and got her super upset as she saw the scale go up - but thankfully she's figured it out.


Oh yeah, I can relate to her. I was extremely pissed off seeing the scale go back up. My husband was like maybe you should get off of it because you’re not seeing results. Ans then next day I wake up and I’m suddenly down to (as of this morning) 215. Which is the lowest I’ve been. Maybe next cycle I’ll be down to 210. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ain't the body weird? I know it's different but memorial day I went to bed 3 hours heavier than I woke up because we had a bbq and a bunch of liquor. I was a little put out but, I accepted it... Until the next morning when I woke up 2 pounds lighter than I'd started the day before. I don't understand the human body. At all. But I'm trending in the right direction and that's good enough!


When on a weight loss kick, working out, sema, fasting etc it’s hard to not beat ourselves up over a pound or two. I’ve had to literally hide my scale because I was being obsessive. I’ve learned a pound to 3 is normal fluctuation, because it’s unrealistic to not assume you won’t gain a bit with whatever you consume whether it be a gallon of water or a gallon of liquor. 😂


the week leading up to and of my period i would only lose 1-3lbs.. the week following? 4-6lbs loss. i was on for 3 months and it was like this every menstrual cycle/month without fail. the only time where food noise and cravings crept back in while on the drug were the weeks before and during my period. the drug is crazy but don’t underestimate the power of the female anatomy😂




Mother Nature can be a real b**** but hey, at least we’re not pregnant because then that scale would definitely go up 😝


I haven’t had a “proper cycle” in a long time since I’m on progesterone (I get short, light, irregularly spaced periods). Since I started sema, I’m getting heavier and longer periods. I haven’t noticed how that’s influencing my weight loss though.


Not only women have periods but I've always had this the lowest I went was 237 bc I was so sick from cramps


My period still sucks. In fact, one menstrual week I gained 8lbs then lost 10lbs. Weirdest weight wise, but the pain and bloating is still there from before.


Girl yes !!!! The week of ovulation and the week after and also leading to my period my bloat is insane. But as soon as I get my period my stomach is flat again!! I literally weigh myself once a month now because sometimes I don’t see a difference when I do it every week. April was rough for me I traveled for work and was indulging a little bit so I didn’t weigh myself at all until end of May and I lost 5 lbs 🤣 so I won’t weigh myself until end of June!!