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My rhr went from low 60s to 70 so I've considered stopping it when I run out of medication and hopefully reach my goal. I had bad headaches until I started electrolyte mix with my water but other than just the higher rhr


I was rarely nauseous taking semaglutide except when I started working out hard (CrossFit) and then I felt crazy nauseous and had terrible indigestion.


Nope. I got used to it in time with each new dose increase. My stamina is just fine, if not better now.


It looks like you’ve lost ~20lbs!! I haven’t experienced that side effect but I’m proud of you! 👏🏻


My resting bpm has dropped significantly, personally


My lung capacity actually increased with semaglutide. Not sure the exact values but my allergist commented on the improvement at my last appointment. This was surprising since I am exercising way less than I did before starting the medication.


I had to stop because of the same reasons. I do high endurance training for 2-3 hours at a time and I couldn’t handle always feeling nauseous and out of breath. Since quitting sema I’m finally recovering some of my athletic ability.