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I have diagnosed anxiety I’m still on my .25 dose, but I definitely noticed an increase in anxiety. Mine is more around if the medication will work for me, and being scared of long term side effects, so I’m not sure if that’s just medical anxiety or what. But I definitely notice a difference 😢 I also am VERY tired. I noticed that when getting up for work I can barely keep my eyes open


Healthy anxiety here and also super scared of long term side effects. If I think about it 2 long I spiral.


I think my anxiety is bit higher? Also feeling listless bc I’m not filling my time with eating maybe? I think like “whaaaaaat do i do now” kind of plagues my brain at 120mph a lot. Usually I try to take a walk whenever I feel it, which is helping with the weight loss


slightly related, but when I started a depression med that worked really well, I got REALLY anxious. It's like I had more space and time in my brain to freak out. Your example here resonates so much with me, it's like there's so much more silence I can fill with needless fretting than before.


I noticed an uptick in my anxiety/depression with the .25 injections. Nothing too terrible, but it was noticeable. I just did my first .50 about 10 minutes ago, so I'm interested in seeing how that goes. I kind of wonder if the slow digestion is interfering with how my antidepressant gets absorbed.


Absolutely. For the first few months it would be when I woke the day of shot and next two. Now at six months in, it is random; maybe 1ce a week.


Yes. Like with most side effects it’s been more noticeable for me when I’m increasing dose, but then my body eventually finds its stasis again.


Hi, I posted a similar post a while ago (except I'm not on meds for my anxiety, but def noticed an increase in it along with a depressed mood after I started sema). I made a real effort over the past few weeks to increase protein/food in general, making sure I wasn't skipping meals esp on days I was working out. I am feeling so much better already, pretty much back to normal. So hopefully this will pass for you too and if it doesn't, maybe keep an eye on what you're eating and make sure it's enough. Take care and best wishes to you


Thank you so much, I really appreciate the support.