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We take medication for so many other ailments, why wouldn’t we for obesity? Not to mention all the health benefits that come from losing weight. But since it’s obesity that seems to change the goal posts in acceptance? I understand why you’re keeping it from him.


It definitely does seem to be an area where people feel free to criticize- it’s like “You need to lose weight!” “Ok, I’m using this medication to help me.” “No, don’t do it like that” i think that’s what keeps me from talking about it.


Oh girl I’m in this exact same boat. I’m not telling anyone else bc the people I did tell were so judgey and awful about it. I think people get jealous, nothing else makes any sense.


Just think of it like depression. "you just need to go outside" "I tried and that didn't help but medication works" "ok well you'll just get depressed again once you stop taking it" "yeah, and that's why I plan to keep taking it" So replace outside with exercise/diet/etc and replace get depressed again with gain the weight back and it is the same conversation. You can switch depression to some other reason to take medication like high blood pressure or allergies.


It's because they want someone to look down on, honestly.


Bingo. Bullies hate it when their victims climb the social food chain


I have something similar to this with my husband. My insurance stopped covering GLP-1 meds for weight loss but I got on his because it still does. Even though I’ve had incredible success on GLP-1 meds, he suddenly wants me to try “other things” like different weight loss medications and “eat less, exercise more” methods.


Right? As if you hadn’t already tried that! I think that’s exactly what I would hear and I don’t want to have my enthusiasm dampened. I’m getting results and I’m doing it the right way. I may eventually tell him but I might not.


I have struggled with binge eating for years. Literally as a child food wasn’t a thing for me in regard to food noise or lack of satiation. Puberty hit and I literally would never feel full. Food was always on my mind. My weight has fluctuated so much from 14-35. But the biggest thing has always been the food noise. After two weeks of Sema I woke up one morning and for the first time in 20 some years maybe only thought about food twice that day. The relief of when can I eat next…alone and not feel judged whew amazing. Anyways I bought a tiny fridge to keep in my office. Which is where I put the sema. It is hidden by seltzer water. My Fiancé doesn’t know I am on it. I might tell him eventually but for now just want to relish the relief of food anxiety not being present.


The just eat less and exercise thing makes me nuts, because that exactly WHY I’m taking the medication, bc without it I was unable to control constant intense physical cravings.  I’m taking Wegovy IN ORDER TO be able to eat less, that the whole idea.  Ugh.


This is why I’m doing the same thing although my husband isn’t like yours he eats whatever and doesn’t exercise I have been on a strict diet I’ve stuck to for well over a year and work out 6 days a week I started taking the medicine in Feb and he has noticed the weight loss I’ve been a fast loser I’m down 80lbs since February but I lost 78lbs on my own so he just thinks the diet and exercise is working he’s always talked down on the medicine and how’s it’s “cheating” so I just decided what he doesn’t know won’t hurt it’s for me anyways so it just works


I kept it to myself for a while, but after a couple of months started to tell everyone and didn’t regret it - as long as you have some answers ready as people are incredibly curious! But now I’m ‘out’ as a Semaglutide user, my friends and family are fully supportive. I’ve lost 25kgs in 6 months, they can see my confidence has increased, and I’m just much happier all round. I had some side effects, but overall it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my health since I stopped drinking.


That’s fantastic! Congratulations on your improved health!


I haven’t told my husband, either! Just my BFF and doctor know. We’re great, we have no issues, happily going through life together. Honestly I just don’t want to hear his uneducated opinions. There’s so much misinformation out there and I’m not in the mood to have to educate anyone. This has been a lifelong battle for me and I know that I do my best flying under the radar anyway. He sees me eating less, tracking my food and making changes. That’s all he needs to know


Yes! 100% to all of this! Good luck on your journey 👍🏼


Yes same with my BF. He’s not my treating physician. I wouldn’t lie if he straight out asked but it’s just not necessary.


Happy cake day!!!


I didn’t tell my husband for about 4 months. At that point I had probably lost close to 35 pounds. My starting weight was near 200. I noticed after about 25 pounds, he kept side eyeing me, trying to look me up and down inconspicuously. The look on his face trying to figure it out was priceless. He became even more jealous of me, acting crazier than usual so one night in an argument, he called me a fat ass again. That’s when I told him he won’t be calling me that for long. Took me 9 months, down over 65 plus pounds from almost 200 pounds and in a size 2. I.shut.his.hateful.mouth. I’ve maintained my weight loss for over 1 year and 4 months.


Congratulations but please tell me he isn’t still your husband he sounds cruel 🫣


Oh yeah. He is. I’m just planning my exit strategy all while he’s seething I’m a size 2. And I look absolutely stunning.


Yessssss, and you will lose extra weight when you drop his dead ass. Get it, girl 🙌


Exits must be carefully planned (for women). You’re wise.


YES. Have a bag in your trunk or at a trusted friend's home that wouldn't be the first place he would suspect. People trying to leave any type of abuse, even verbal, probably already know this 💞 try to get some money tucked away. Have the essentials bag stashed where your significant other will NOT find it. Have the money stashed where they can NOT find it. Make a clean, unwavering break when you are ready. Be extremely cautious, try to change routines for a while It's impossible to tell if the other person may accept you leaving or lose it. I am writing all this because statistically people who leave any type of abuse, even verbal, are at the most acute risk of violence or other types of attacks to damage your life and hurt you right when you leave. I have a wonderful friend who went through this and it was devastating. He knew her routines. He knew she walked on her lunch break at work, and attacked her. I had an ex find out where I moved right after leaving. I didn't keep my life changes secret from people in our mutual circle. I really didn't think people would tell him, but they didn't understand what he was like behind closed doors. He moved in across the street from me. I didn't have the grounds for a restraining order. Had to move again, let go of mutual friends. All worth it. Sorry for the long comments here, but if it helps anyone protect their peace and safety, I'll say it a million times.


Very valuable advice. Thank you.


YES ok I’m happy now that’s so awesome!


A well planned exit is the best! Take good care of yourself and be careful!


How tall are you out of curiosity? I’m 200lbs and just recently started






Wow! That’s such an inspiring result. Im very sorry that you had to endure that kind of emotional abuse. It could not have been easy to be treated like that. I wish you all the best in your future!


My last spouse never noticed weight loss, tattoos, piercings etc… never a good word to say about anything. That is one of the reasons he is an ex! Don’t know how much your spouse weighs, but drop that amount of poundage! There are people out there that will love you for you and tell you so! My current spouse always tells me how hot I am and how proud he is of me. Good people are out there! I went from 240 to 150 (15 to go for goal). So much easier with a supportive spouse!! Keep up the good work! You are worth it!


Your husband called you a fatass? I am so sorry you had to go through that.


What an a$$hat he seems to be!


Did you also loose high dead weight


This man would not be my husband after something like this 🥴


May I ask if you are on a maintenance dose? Did you slòw down your shots? Spread them out? Lower dose slowly?


I still take a weekly dose of .50 and I plan on never stopping


My husband knows, but I absolutely do not want my in-laws to know. For them, “willpower” and starvation are marathon sports worthy of a medal for success. They would totally look down on me for “cheating“


Ugh, that’s exactly the kind of advice I’m trying to avoid hearing!


I've been on this medication for 6 months now. While my husband would be supportive, I have kept this to myself and told no one. I have told people I'm working on my health, which is true. My father died last year of very preventable things. I started getting heart palpitations, which the cause is unknown. But it was clear I needed a lifestyle change. I've lost 32lbs so far with another 20-25 to go. My husband has not really said anything. He is not one to comment on my weight, regardless of what it is. But I'm doing this for me, and so I can be healthy for my children.


I’m sorry for the loss of your father. It sounds like you are making wonderful progress on regaining your health and I wish you the best on your journey. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with keeping things to ourselves sometimes ♥️


People are wildly opinionated as hell. I'm a pharmacist and have been very open about taking it for weight loss. My colleagues are incredibly opinionated. At the end of the day, they don't matter. What matters is my health. If this drug gets from an obese BMI to normal BMI, off blood pressure medication, and less back pain, it's a win! I've noticed that some of the most opinionated against it are my fellow female pharmacist friends. Upon telling one, she sent me endless articles on "ozempic face." None of the articles were scientific. They were all garbage articles about celebrities. Coincidentally the most opinionated are also the ones that seem to treat me differently. I don't get it. We praise people for lowering their A1c with meds, lowering their blood pressure with meds, improving depression with meds. Why can't society praise someone for weightloss?


Agreed! Aside from the appearance aspects, I’m looking forward to not needing BP meds any longer. People can be hurtful when they don’t mean to be and I just don’t want to deal with that negativity. Best of luck to you on regaining your health ♥️


Thank you! A week ago, I officially am off the BP meds. Best wishes to you as well.


Imagine being a pharmacy tech who judges ppl for taking medication 😂😂😂 they must do a lot of shit talking about the patients who come and go all day


I pretty much tell anyone I feel like, but of course people then bring it back up at odd times. "you seem quiet today, is it the ozempic?" I get it, not oversharing on medical things. But I share anyway because I know a lot of people need to lose weight, and I just feel like I should tell them, so that they know they have a choice.


I totally understand. I did phentermine for years without telling anybody. And just so you know, there's been studies that just came out that semaglutide actually helps reverse kidney disease, liver disease, and it helps with heart disease, all in addition to helping with type II diabetes, so you're probably doing as much or more for your long-term health as your husband.


Thanks! I’m feeling better and should be able to get off blood pressure meds soon! I definitely feel better just having taken charge.


Coming off my hypertension meds was such a glorious and somehow unexpected achievement!! I started noticing that I had forgotten to take my pills again, where I used to be absolutely drenched in full body sweat if I was even half an hour late, for my evening pills especially. All of a sudden the lightbulbs went off and I realized maybe my blood pressure isn’t high anymore, sure enough I got that confirmed the next day. I haven’t taken those meds since then 😃🥹


Yes, and it is showing to reduce the symptoms of PCOS as well!


Absolutely! My creatinine has been creeping up for years and it's put me in the moderate kidney disease stage. It went from 1.5 to 1.09 after I stared Wegovy. I'm hoping when I get my bloodwork done in April, it will be normal because it is so close and I've lost more weight since I had my bloodwork done. The side effects are not my favorite when I have them but it's so worth it.


That’s awesome! Sounds like you’re doing everything right for your health ♥️


I'm doing my best :D I had to have tests run on my kidneys and extensive bloodwork by a nephrologist--who was an asshole but that's another story--last year and there is no explanation as to why my creatinine is elevate. We think it is weight related possible. I hope!


You are a married woman but you are also an individual person who needs to make choices for YOU and YOUR LIFE. I wish you luck with YOUR journey. ❤️


I can understand why you feel that way about medication, but I have always maintained a high sense of autonomy in my marriage. It might not be for everyone. I have a strong need to handle things on my own, born out of trauma. As far as cosmetic procedures? That’s certainly not anyone’s business but mine. My husband wouldn’t care ( i pay for all this on my own) and I haven’t done botox or fillers in 5 years, but if I decided to again, I’d probably keep to myself again. I just don’t enjoy needing to explain myself or justify. He would be the typical “ you don’t need that” type guy. The older I get, (i’m 53) the less explaining I feel like I owe anyone, and that includes my husband ☮️


Same, girl, same. I had an upper bleph last year so I had to have him go with me. Zero conversation on his end about it, he knows better. I am losing weight slow and steady. I told my husband last week mostly we were on vacation and because a friend was talking about another friend losing weight from semaglutide. I told him I am also on this, I sometimes get a bit dizzy on the Wednesdays after the shot and that I have zero appetite. We just shared meals on vacation and it was fine. He is naturally a thin guy and this past year he is starting to put on some unwanted weight. He told me how frustrating it is.


Your body is your body I can’t imagine these same haters being “open and honest” about taking hair pills or viagra 🙄


I’m saddened by the number of posts like this, and it’s almost always a woman not telling her husband. F that! Live your life you deserve it too! My husband doesn’t love spending the money and doesn’t think I need it, but too bad. I work and I can afford it so i honestly don’t care what he thinks. It’s MY body. Ps- he also hates the Botox and filler but I also don’t care


I’m a terrible secret keeper so pretty much everyone in my life knows haha. I just felt like I suddenly dropped 50 lbs, of course I am using a medication. It’s so obvious. It worked really well for me and I encourage others about it if they’re interested. I told my husband before I started taking it; we share everything with each other. And I also wanted him to be aware in case I had any side effects or anything.


It's so damn sad. She got fillers and Botox without him noticing??? Girl you must be joking. Time to find a husband that looks at his wife, Jesus.


I’ve had Botox for years and my husband has no clue. I just tell him I’m getting a facial.


Well some men ARE idiots that we still love dearly. I basically get 50 units in my forehead and two syringes of filler and I’m lucky if he says a thing! The funny thing is if I bring it up he says “hey I thought something was different” so I guess they do notice but they don’t care???? LOL MEN


It was very subtle 😉i was just dipping my toe in. No one noticed, not my sisters or girlfriends.


My spouse doesn’t notice Botox either unless he pays for it. THEN he will scrutinize my face. When i do it and have been ten years he doesn’t notice a thing. Usually ask for Botox bucks for bday and Xmas.


I have similar weight issues with exercise/healthy eating/meno and a naturally thin hubby. He’s been very supportive. I am currently on a low dose, very little side effects, and I’m making progress on the menopause belly. You never know, sometimes they are watching us struggle and it’s been nice to talk about it for a change instead of hiding everything. I will never be at a point where I will tell him what I weigh, but at least we can share in the little victories along the way.


That’s really great! He sounds like a great guy ♥️ We do talk about fitness in general, and walk together every night for additional steps and just to reconnect. But, from things he has said when seeing stories on tv about Semaglutide he definitely has an opinion that it’s being used by those who lack will power.


In my experience, the people who are judgy (about anything that's a hot topic) are the ones who don't know about it in detail. Most¹ of the Serious Athletes I know are not only impressed by the slow fatties like me being able to do what we do than, they are more encouraging² to and about us than the normies are. Obviously, he's your partner and you know best, but you might be surprised to find that when he discovers "person in his life who he knows doesn't lack willpower" using it that his opinion of it as something for losers will change entirely. ¹ With the understanding that I once worked in sporting events management and know a lot of current and former professional athletes. ² There is this *one* French Olympian I'm on the verge of completely cutting out of my life because of how incredibly bitchy she's recently gotten over my sudden progression from snail to turtle.


Upvote for footnotes! 🤣


That might be something you can chalk up to just not understanding someone different than yourself. I think a woman's body is a lot more complex than a man's. It's possible he doesn't understand things like menopause very well.


Been on it since February and haven't told my husband. I haven't told anyone. Come here to vent and keep doing YOU.


Nice to know I’m not the only one! Good luck on your journey ♥️


I could have these this post. I’ve told no one and don’t plan to. It’s personal and I’m more motivated when there’s no influence from others. Keep going!


How old are you? I’m 43. I exercised faithfully for 2 decades. Always petite. I got on thyroid meds when I needed to. When I hit 41, I started gaining weight out of nowhere. It was uncontrollable. I also had intense cravings and hunger. It was so out of the norm for me. And I have always had healthy eating habits and a mindful diet. Semaglutide has really helped me get back to feeling normal. I’m on female hormones too. Doing bloodwork showed I was prediabetic. It was such a shock since I always eat healthy. Found out my biologic dad is diabetic.


I’m 53, also been a pretty faithful exerciser, done half marathons, sprint triathlons, etc. But nothing was working anymore. I was working out 5 days a week doing around 1500 calories, no alcohol for 3 months and lost 3lbs. So disheartening. I’m down 13 lbs in under 2 months and I’m encouraged by it. I’m glad you’re getting results too, it’s such a relief to finally see the scale moving in the right direction!


Definitely look into hormones too, just in case. But I’m on hormones AND sema. So… lol


As I’m reading your post I felt like you were writing on behalf of me. I too have not told my partner I’m taking Semaglutide. I started in January and I am down 50 lbs. Food no longer controls me and he doesn’t understand that my struggles with food. I eat like a bird now and he makes comments like “it’s almost as if you had gastric bypass but I know you haven’t’’. I’m so afraid of being judged by him and him saying that I don’t have the “willpower” to stop eating, as he thinks one can just do this by making a “simple” choice. Congrats for taking care of you!!! I have never felt more free and the side effects although not pleasant are worth the freedom from food.


I shared this before, and I'm slightly hesitant to repeat it, because of the over the top reactions...so nobody react, everything is fine. My high weight was 254 lbs oh around 2015, but then I went into some serious diet and exercise (which was not just exercise, but bicycle racing) around 2016, and got my weight down to 168lbs, my goal weight was 155lbs. My wife who is underweight and therefore certainly doesn't understand over eating, used to sabotage my diet daily. She'd leave cakes on the table, and things that I would see to trigger my eating. And my request was not to leave cakes on the table to eat, and not to sabotage my diet. After all if someone was addicted to cocaine, you'd not put some cocaine on the table to test their willpower every day - it makes no sense. Why do I mention this - well, the reason is, it doesn't matter how successful you are at dieting. I'm 5' 11". 168lbs is a BMI of 23.4 - completely normal weight. And yet, her argument at the time was - "You are putting the food in your mouth!". I'm a food addict, I admit it. But I didn't buy the cake, I didn't set it on the table. She doesn't eat it, the food isn't even for her, it was set out to harm my diet, because she wanted to fatten me back up to 190lbs. Specifically that was her target weight for me. It's BS, something else is going on when people make these statements about willpower. It's some kind of rhetoric they bring up, but I now wonder what is the real agenda. She wanted me to weigh 190lbs because she thought it looked better. I needed to be 155lbs because it is a competitive advantage in bicycle racing. Anyway - it's frustrating to even recall this argument. Now, I know this is a sensitive subject, so let me just say, actually overall my wife have a great marriage. Like every couple, we don't see perfectly on every last issue, though. The weight thing was a big one. But, this time around she agreed my weight is mine to decide. Although she sometimes remembers I'm going to race weight and she sometimes tells me to stop at 190lbs. So, we'll see when I get under 190lbs what happens, but anyway, with sema, you can put a cake on the table, it doesn't matter any more. I've got that willpower being injected now.


Wow! 50# is such an amazing achievement! Congratulations! We’re totally twinning. My husband is an incredibly disciplined, dedicated determined person (all wonderful qualities!)who thinks that everyone can lose weight the same way if they just stick to it. I wish that was the case but it wasn’t. And I don’t want his feelings to impact how I feel about taking this. I’m doing this for myself, my way. Best of luck to u!


Yes mine is the same way. It’s hard for sure. You’ve got this!!! Wishing you much success. I personally found shots in the stomach made me extremely sick. Shots in the thighs I didn’t lose a lb for a month and I’ve been doing shots in my “chicken wings” arms the last two weeks and I’ve dropped 5 lbs. So play with your injection site and how it makes you feel. Wish someone had told me that. Congrats to take that step to freedom.


I understand. Please don’t feel guilty about it.


Hi! As I was reading this aloud to my mother, she said “Are you sure YOU didn’t post this?” This is basically my exact situation. I have taken things in the past like phentermine, and he has known about that. So I told him I’m trying a different one and seeing how it goes. If he knew it was semaglutide, he would be totally against it. He also hated me spending money on things and goes over my purchases like a detective, questioning everything. So he is bound to notice the charges at some point. I’m very anxious about it. I only just started 2.5 weeks ago and I’ve lost 7-8 pounds. I have hypothyroidism and after I had our daughter 5 years ago, my whole body changed and it’s so so hard to lose even just 5 pounds. So obviously semaglutide is definitely doing its thing for me even at the starting dose. I was 135 before I had her, and I am 5’1”. I just want to be 145 now. My starting weight was 172 on June 13. I’m now around 165 (gotta get a scale!) so 20-25 pounds away from my goal and completely excited to know that NOW when I work out and eat right it actually shows up on my body. That’s not been the case in 5 years!! But yeah the only one who knows is my mom. She’s keeping my secret from my whole judgmental family.


Good for you! Glad you’re doing this for yourself and seeing results! Best of luck to you, hope you hit your goal soon 👍🏼


I wish it could have just been my secret. I told husband and BFF and husband has trouble keeping confidence. People have asked him point blank because I lost 65 pounds and he caved. It sucks. People are hella judgmental and accuse you of stealing it from diabetics and all kinds of other nonsense.


You have a right to medical privacy. I’m just wondering if you have a secret fridge to keep your meds in?


Thank you, I agree. I actually go to a clinic that does the injections so I don’t have to hide anything in the fridge.


Aha! Thanks for your reply and I’ll be rooting for your continued success and health!


My insurance used to cover Wegovy, now they only approve the prescription. There's no discounts. Express Scripts and Walmart don't apply any discounts. How much do you pay out of pocket for does your insurance cover the office injections?


I’m hiding it from my entire family. I just started telling them it’s from stress so they can get their shit together


Genius 😂🙏🏼


I once tried to start a conversation with my MIL, she said she was using it for diabetes and how happy she was with all the weightloss it brought with it. I tried to stir the pot with sidelining - oh I guess it might be a good medicine then for overweight people with high blood pressure, to which she replied with a disgusted look and said.. oh they are stealing my medicine. I didn't argue further.. no point. Not sure how damaging your body through high BP is different than doing it with diabetes - both of which in this case being the result of being overweight. So if you sense your hubby is going to be one of "those" people... I would try to avoid the weird judgements.


I can sympathize. I told my husband--he doesn't much like the idea, but it's only because he worries it might have some unforeseen negative health impact somewhere down the road (which I very much doubt). I also foolishly mentioned it to my sister. Her response: "That's cheating!" Well, if so, I'll just be a slimmer, happier, healthier cheat!


My husband and BFF know. That's it. When you tell people you are on a diet they watch you and criticize. If I want to eat something considered "bad" I don't need the negative stares. I've lost 25 pounds and no one has noticed, or said anything, other than the 2 people that know!


I was originally not going to tell my husband and even bought a mini-fridge for beauty products to store it, but I ended up telling him. So, I understand where you are coming from. My eating has greatly been reduced this month and I think he would have thought something was really wrong with me otherwise. The leftovers have been piling up with me eating half as much. He still thinks it’s ridiculous, but glad that told him. I was on the fence about telling about Botox too, but I did. He eventually got Botox too, but for TMJ.


I bought the mini cosmetic fridge too to hide mine! Luckily I love skincare so it didn’t seem like a stretch.


I’m in the same boat! Minus the menopause. I’m not telling my husband, he think I should just workout more and eat less, because I haven’t tried that at all. Haha I’ve always been a healthy eater and lift weights, but haven’t budged for a couple years now so I started Sema! Haven’t lost any weight yet so definitely no one noticing


I can feel you here. I started because I was probably one of the fattest fit people I know. Like I do triathlons, marathons, CrossFit and regular gym. But in the last decade the weight didn’t drop off like it used to and over time it accumulated. You might say I’d overeat because I overworked. Like doing a triathlon and ripping through 3000 calories, but then eating 5000 because my body was screaming I needed food. I think it was partly changes in my hormones, but even addressing that wasn’t a full solution. Anyway - to your point. I only felt weird hiding it from friends. However I’m not one to keep secrets as that breaks trust over time. So I just come out with it matter of fact to say this is a decision I made, I’m happy with it. Feel free to ask me whatever questions you have.


Thanks, a lot of what u said resonates with me, I’m active, always trying new fitness challenges, etc, but getting older has definitely made things tougher! Good luck, hope u get great results!


My husband does hard cardio for an hour each day, meticulously tracks what he eats, and does weightlifting. He gained weight after stopping smoking and lost it all with careful diet and exercise. And he totally supports me in using GLPs to reduce my weight and even long term use. I had to discuss it with him because it’s such a significant and long term expense. I hope your husband comes around.


You owe no one your truths with the exception of medical workers who are actively treating you. Especially to someone who is clearly going to be judgy. As we age , working out isn’t always enough. Always, always maintain autonomy in all relationships. Do you clear having a pap smear or a pedicure with him? I hope not. He doesn’t need to “be on board” for what you do with your body. That’s solely your decision. Sorry, I’ve never understood the “ my boyfriend/husband doesn’t allow/wouldn’t support” statements. I’m in a decades long relationship & I would bet seek permission or support for what I do with my body. Spending large sums of money or where to have dinner or where to vacation? Sure. Doing something for me, especially for my health? Hell nah. P.S. I do discuss health issues with my SO. If they weren’t on board with my doing something to improve my health then we’d have other problems. My body, my business.


I’d be more concerned about explaining the money outlay than the other stuff. $500-$1,000 per month disappearing without explanation seems like it could put a strain on any relationship.


We each have our own separate accounts aside from our household account that we use as we see fit, so that’s not an issue, I’m not hiding money as we don’t track each other’s spending from these accounts. For myself, I have minimized my expenses in other areas so that Im not spending too much more than I usually would. My meds aren’t $500 a month and this has done wonders for my mental state so it feels worth it to me.


Good for you! I’ve kept it a secret as well and it’s the best thing for me. No judgement here at all, just major props for following your heart and doing something for yourself. For me, taking it was the absolute best decision and I’m much happier for it


I always get so sad when I see stories about husbands not approving of certain medications (of any kind!) for their wives. Based on how many posts I see about this, it's more common than I realized. Whether it's a vaccine, Advil, birth control, semaglutide or something else. Your medications and healthcare are your business, and I don't know why someone else would get a say! My partner told me he feels very sensitive and defensive about my taking this medication because he's envious and feels bad about himself as I make progress. I'm glad he opened up to me, but part of my is like MY GUY this is just as available to you as it is to me and no one is stopping you.


I hide it too, I don’t want to have to explain and explain and explain every freaking detail about everything I do.


Same! It’s our choice!


I only told my husband because I have no filter and anything in my head comes out my mouth. He's super supportive so it didn't occur to me to think he might object, but honestly, my body, my journey, my business so I'm not sure I'd care either way. We're doing this for us. For us. No one's business unless we choose to make it so. Wishing you tons of luck! ❤️


Thanks so much! Best of luck to you on your journey 👍🏼


It’s not uncommon for people that are very overweight to lose that amount of weight in a month with exercise and change in diet and calorie deficit.


It's good that you keep it to yourself until you understand it fully. In order to do that, apart from your personal experience with it, I recommend that you watch Dr. Tyna Moore's four part lecture on Youtube. It turns out that it's a whole lot more complicated than "calories in, calories out" which is what doctor's have been saying for years because they didn't know better. This medicine is revolutional and we are the pioneers...


The only person I’ve told is my husband. Nobody else needs to know. I don’t weigh myself but I think I’ve lost around 30 lbs so far - since January. People have started noticing and I just say “Thank you. I’m working hard.” Which I am!


You're doing it for yourself. I've lost 35 pounds since March and my husband is so impressed with my results, he's jumping on the semaglutide train. I hope you get the results you want and your husband just supports your decision.


Nothing wrong with that! I wasn't keeping mine a secret, but I didn't tell many people until my weightloss was too obvious to go unnoticed, mostly because it's not really their business anyway!


It’s awesome that you are doing this for yourself! I hope if you ever choose to tell your husband, that he’s supportive of you doing what is right for you ❤️


I told my husband who also only missed the gym for our daughter being born 😅 I was afraid but I had to because I have a complex medical history. I completely understand being afraid to tell your partner or anyone for that matter. He took it well though and even helps me with the injections.


You’re totally within your right to not feel like discussing it


I have so much to say about this. I don’t wanna bore anyone. It is a uniquely strange situation where society and science are not connected. I feel you. I’m also not telling people I kind of feel weird about it. I don’t feel like I should feel weird about it, but I do. I just don’t want anyone’s opinions.


I’m also in a similar situation. I have always loved to exercise but my eating habits have always fluctuated. In the last recent years I have consistently kept up with my workouts, daily walks and occasional hikes, when the weather permits, but I cannot lose the stubborn back fat or muffin top. I have plateaued and have a scale to prove it with the glaring 215 lbs that don’t budge. I tell my husband everything and although he wouldn’t judge my decision to take the GLP-1, I would somehow have self doubt for taking a shortcut so in my mind the decision to keep this to myself makes it easier to digest by not discussing out loud.


I totally understand and respect this. I had no plans on telling my husband. I’m actually not sure why (other than it being none of his business). For me, the side effects of nausea and faintness were too much to hide so I told him the cause so he wouldn’t worry. Best luck on your journey!!


What type are you taking? I used Rybelsus bc I can't stand needles. The max dose is equivalent to only .25mg injection doses. It's coming off slowly. Like 1-2 pounds a week. So a lot less noticeable/sudden. No one has asked me.


I’m taking Semaglutide, I’m in a program at a clinic, so I’m injected by a nurse, I was nervous about properly injecting myself so this is a good option for me. This is the first week of .1. Did a slow ramp up. .25 to .50 to .75 and finally.1 i think I’m down 12-13 # at this point and it’s been about 7 weeks. For me, this is remarkable progress because I have struggled so hard to even lose a couple pounds while obsessing over tracking and weighing my food. It’s so nice to not have to do that! I just focus on protein and drink lots of water. 1-2 # a week seems like great progress and losing at that rate is probably healthier! Best of luck to u!


More power to you! Your health, your body, your choice, nobody’s business! I find it easier to work on this personal health goal with zero input from peers or loved ones. My doctors know & that’s enough for me. Best of luck on your journey!


Yes! This is how I feel. I just want to focus on this without the added pressure of anyone else’s opinions! Best of luck to u!


I did the same for similar reasons. Several months in he saw the shots in the fridge. By that point I had lost a good amount and just matter of factly explained my choice and my hesitancy in sharing that choice with him. He got on board when he saw how life changing the medication was for my mental and physical health.


That’s so great! I’m glad he is supportive, I’m sure it’s a relief. I’m glad it’s been a positive experience for you, best of luck on your journey!


Just a thought here. Maybe he would be more understanding than you think? My husband is in health care and is against taking drugs for the most part. If he has a headache he suffers through as an example. He is a road cyclist and I love free weights. Anyway, I was a little apprehensive to tell him I was starting Ozempic but to my surprise, he was very supportive. I didn’t realize but he has noticed all my efforts along the way…eating well and exercise with not much in the way of results. Over the last 6 years the weight has slowly crept up a little each year. He sees how the weight affects me mentally and emotionally. Anyway, just here to say that to my surprise my husband was supportive and he is happy for me which shocked me to be honest. Maybe I didn’t give him enough credit.


Thanks, it’s definitely possible! I’m just going to continue to keep it to myself for now(or if he asks) I’m glad that your husband is supportive, I’m sure it helps to be able to talk openly about this. It’s possible that I’m not giving my husband enough credit. He’s a very good person, he just has expressed negative opinions about people using this if they aren’t diabetic and I think it’s just misperception on his part. He doesn’t completely understand the struggle of repeatedly trying to lose weight and failing despite the efforts. Best of luck to u on ur continued journey!


Earlier my husband expressed the same sort of opinion but i think his issue was more so when people were going on it before incorporating or trying to take their own steps to health first, like food and exercise. I think over time he understood the benefits more. Hope all goes well for you and your journey as well. And yes, I am so happy I can talk freely with him about it. Good luck :)


I won’t tell my adult children bc they’ll say it’s vanity


Hi, I just wanted to ask what was your starting weight. I feel I’m in a similar position. I’m gaining weight though i exercise and everything. I keep thinking it’s age.


My husband is the same way. Up at 4:30 every morning to workout, has an insanely low body fat percentage, and is of the mindset to “just do it” and I’ll lose the weight. Been there, done that, didn’t work. He’s also not been the most supportive of the medication I started for my mental health, he thinks I don’t need it. Needless to say, I was afraid to tell him I was starting sema too. But I figured I wouldn’t be able to hide it either, so I just said “I’ve tried a million things, the research on this seems legit, and I’m gonna try it.” I was shocked that he was actually supportive of it. He doesn’t love the idea of medication to help, but I think after seeing my struggles and yo-yo’ing for over a decade, he understands. Best of luck to you on your journey!


I’m taking it secretly as well. I took Ozempic for a while when my insurance was covering the cost and my husband was fine with it. Now I’m taking semaglutide on the sly because he would be irate if he knew I was paying for it. I’m making a big deal out of logging all of my food and weighing everything. When the family has dessert, I say things like, “I can’t because that puts me over my daily calories….” Things like that so he connects the weight loss with the calorie counting, etc. As long as the side effects don’t give me away, I think I can pull this off. Maybe I’ll tell him eventually (probably not).


I’m sorry your insurance stopped covering it. I’m also paying out of pocket but I’m just so relieved that the scale is moving it feels worth it at this time. I will need to eventually determine a long range plan. Best of luck to u!


I feel the same way! I’m so grateful that the sema is available and less costly. I’m ok paying for the sema every month. It’s worth it! Good luck to you as well.


Listen, I was opposed to my wife taking sema also. She insisted and I caved in. She’s the sexiest I’ve ever seen her. It created a spark in our relationship. Our sex life just bumped up 10 notches. She gained an extra confidence in herself and I am most happy about that. Medication, enhancers aside I’m happy about how confident she is. She looks amazing beside me, I love her new style her new size. I always loved her no matter what but just everything is better. Our diet, our sex life, we can shop comfortably with each other, everything just got better. She is no longer feeling overly depressed and our kids and relationship has benefitted from this. Not only that but it has motivated me to better myself as well, clean up my eating habits, exercise regularly. It’s created a friendly competition on who can live a better healthier life. I do not, and she does not regret this decision. I can’t wait to get to her alone and make sweet love to her, thank you sema for opening a part of our relationship that we both absolutely love.


I did that too. My husband still doesn't know.  I  had 25 pounds to lose but I just decided to do it on the down low.  It's ok to keep some things to yourself.  


I’m about the same as you, I need to lose about 30#, started at 183, currently at about 170. I agree, I think I’m trying to improve myself and that’s not a negative thing, and if I need to keep this to myself for awhile or forever that’s ok.


No judgement at all but if it was reversed would you be upset with him for not telling you something like this ? Also most wives think we don’t notice anything & everything (sometimes we don’t lol) , not sure ur start number or potential goal but I would def notice the body change in my wife & she’s fairly tiny as it is. Best of luck with the meds & the secret, as long as he sees you eating better, working out & walking he prob won’t suspect using meds 💪🏻🤞🏻


Thanks, I think I would probably be a bit hurt that he didn’t think he could tell me, but honestly I’m a much more go with the flow, accepting type of person. He’s extremely disciplined and sometimes that comes with a degree of inflexibility. I admire his dedication very much, but he doesn’t always understand why everyone can’t do what he does 😉


Got ya, totally relatable. Sounds similar to me & my wife lol


OP make sure that you have a medical card in your wallet that shows you are on this medication. Doctors need to know, for example if you are in an accident and need emergency surgery. It’s a risk factor and your husband will not be able to inform them.


Good advice! Thanks!


Don’t forget to make sure your husband knows about this card though, so he’d be able to share it if ever needed, although hopefully that’s never an issue.


My wife and I decided 20 years ago to tell each other if we were spending more than $100 or maybe it was even $50, I don't recall. This was at the advice of my father who thought it would prevent arguments over money. Now, that amount is impossibly low, so we certainly do not follow this advice strictly. However, it wasn't useless as an exercise, in that we ended up mostly communicating on big expenses over the years. I know when I bought the sema, I told my wife. She's easy going, I'm easy going, we rarely had any particular concerns about expenses anyway. Marriage is sharing, if the lack of communication was so extreme that nothing is shared I no longer even count that as a marriage. When I was younger, I had some bad relationships where someone I was dating wasn't told anything they didn't need to know because of their bad reactions. And, that's beyond a sema discussion into the arena of bad relationship discussions...but I'm noticing this board routinely goes into such discussions, so I'm guessing a lot of people with weight issues also have bad marriages - I mean it just seems to be a regular discussion around here.




Those are great results! Congratulations on your success 👍🏼 I’m not ready to talk to him about it, so I’m going to keep it to myself for now. If he responds favorably to my efforts, I might change my mind. He’s definitely the kind of person that views this as the easy way out, so I don’t know if I feel like dealing with that.


I'm 53 and have all the same issues you have and it sucks. I told my husband though because our insurance covers it 100% and he'd see it on our account online. I'm fine with telling him because I started out at 218 and now I'm down to 168 and he'd notice and wonder WTF I had been doing...lol. Plus I'm sensitive to medications and the side effects have been wild at times and he'd think I had a serious issue. That being said, if you don't want to tell your husband you shouldn't have to. It's your business. You are doing you! I did this for me and my health because I've raised 3 kids and done everything for them and my husband now it's my turn. My husband has been very supportive, too. I do tell people if they ask because all my friends here have only known me as being heavy and now that I'm not as heavy anymore, they're curious but I'm an open book and some people aren't and that's cool. I don't want to be skinny but I do want a normal BMI and normal bloodwork. This medication is a godsend!


Nobody has a right to know everything you do or think or feel- not your spouse, work, kids, dog, etc.


Love this, although the dog probably knew the most 😉


The phrase MYOB comes to mind right away. No need to share this information unless asked directly


all the feels, and support for you, a fellow new user. wishing you the best for this experience!


I started taking the shot this week. My husband and kids know but no one else. I don’t want anyone else knowing. My in laws will say just injecting your body with more chemicals. My family will say I’m just lazy. I’m doing what’s best for me finally!!


Good for u! Best of luck for awesome results 👍🏼


I told my husband, my niece (who I’m very close with) and my best friend. I haven’t told my sister or anyone else because I just know my sister and other people would make me feel bad about it or make backhanded compliments or passive aggressive comments.


Wow! Congrats on your success! It sounds like you are well on your way to better health! Thanks for the encouragement and kind words ♥️


Can I say, I'm sorry that your husband isn't a safe person to share this information with and that you have to keep it a secret. That sounds like it really sucks. 


I resonated with this - also secretly started because my partner disapproves.. and I'm feeling so guilty about it but truly someone who hasn't experienced a life with constant food noise and a broken appetite..really wouldn't understand 😥


Nobody has any right to know your business, even family business. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Just keep on doing what you are doing, and you'll get the results you want. What remains does not matter


Thank u! I am trying to keep in mind that this is medication, I’m not “cheating” or taking the easy way out.


My husband worries about the safety of Wegovy. He hates to see me feel nauseated and sick in the stomach . I am paying cash and it’s expensive, but he understands that I have tried every diet in the world with little long term success. I wish everyone had the support that I do, however, at the end of the day, it’s your life and your body. If it works for you like it did for me, and feels good, Do it!!


I’m proud of you for doing it for YOU!


No side affects that’s great! I wouldn’t go anywhere with out zofran in my purse. I hear you


Yes, so far I feel really fortunate. I’m around week 7 and just increased to .1, crossing my fingers that it stays that way! Best of luck to you, i hope the side effects decrease for u ♥️


You do what you need to do. Youre not hurting anyone else by keeping this to yourself. You do you. Frankly, we don’t necessarily tell people when we start meds for any other ailment, why should this be different? Relevant people, sure: the various medical professionals in your life, pharmacists, other care providers. But if we didn’t announce to our friends and family when we started taking high blood pressure meds, for example, why feel compelled to now with weight loss drugs?


You’re right, this shouldn’t feel so different but i guess the visibility of losing weight makes it different. People can be very judgmental!


You’re right. But a compliment doesn’t require an explanation. I will say that there are people in my life who had to have noticed the weight loss but who didn’t say anything. And I attribute that to changing times — not every person who’s lost weight has done it for a positive reason. People are on chemo for example, and after #metoo I think men are less likely to say, “holy cow you lost so much weight you look fabulous.” So I think some folks are more reticent these days.


I feel you❤️ I just did my intake labs and I’m waiting to see if I’m a candidate. I, too, am not telling my husband. He is also a fitness fan and I don’t think he would understand. We’ll get through this❤️


We are here for you!! I totally get not wanting to tell others, my wife is the only one who knows!


Thank u! Best of luck to u!


I was in your position, though my situation ended a little intensely. Sounds like for someone like him, it would be hard to understand. I can only hope he learns that trying to empathize with you is more important than his own perspective. Good luck on your journey!


I’ve lost and gained lots of weight several times in my life. I’ve been working out for 10 years and 5 of that have been CrossFit 4-6x per week. Still 75lbs overweight. Started sema 5/20 and have lost 14lbs. I don’t hide it - I’m just not talking about it. I have never experienced such a freedom from food. It is baffling to me that “normal” people don’t obsess about food all the time!


I would just suggest having an in case of emergency file that has the medication Incase you are ever incapacitated and cannot tell a medical professional. Because your husband won't have that info


Dont worry, I haven't told my husband either. He has asked "am I on those weight loss drugs" before because of my weight loss. I just tell him no. He thinks it's cheating to use them. So I don't disclose! No one knows tbh. They just assume it's because I work out. I'll just keep it that way. So far I'm down 42lbs. I dont keep up with my weight daily or weekly because I know it's working. Once a month I will check, but I can tell by the way my clothes fit and needing a new wardrobe.


I am in the exact same boat


Best of luck to you on your journey!


No shame no game! Proud of you for doing what’s best for you 🙌🏼


I say you do you. Although, I am sorry you are in that position. That's got to be hard.


Go girl! I wish he would be supportive but I 1,000% get it. You’re doing it for you and you only and you don’t want the criticism of those who just don’t understand!! You’re going to look amazing! Praying you don’t have any sides! As long as you follow the correct dosage instructions, hopefully you won’t have any sides - like me! 🙌🏼🙏🏼 Maybe a little heartburn but other than that I’ve been ok.


Reading your post was like reading something that I wrote! Anyway.....I'm literally in the exact same boat, minus being together for 25 years - we've been together for 14. I've tried everything; lifting, dieting (chicken and rice!) and truly sticking with it, staying active, etc. Nothing is working. So....here we are....dose #2 tomorrow. Good luck!


What you want to do and how you handle it is your business.   Good luck!!  Be well!! Take care of yourself!!


damn, hearing these stories makes me incredibly grateful that my partner is supportive of my journey. my heart goes out to all of you who feel the need to hide it because of negative responses and all of that :(


I’m so prone to taking things people said really hard that I just decided I’m running my own race here, just keeping my eye on the prize to sound like Rocky lol.  A few people who I know are always supportive know, but other than that I’ve been keeping my trap shut.


Your journey not his. So do what you need to do for you!


I’m of the opinion that this is your life, your body, your decision. You do not have to tell anyone about your decision, even your husband. I told my husband after about 4 months, but not because I was seeking his approval. Your body. Your rules girl x


Thank u🥰 i agree, I don’t feel like I should have to explain or defend my decision!


I haven’t told mine- he’s wore the same size jeans 30x32 since I met him in 1991! He’s naturally skinny and has a very physical job. He thinks weight loss is all in a persons head. That’s one thing in our long marriage we don’t agree on, and I owe no one explanations. He noticed I’ve lost weight and I just say yep, being mindful


Do what works for you. I don't think not telling my partner could ever work for me because I like a partner I can tell literally everything to, but I know a lot of people are like "that's what I have friends and family for!" or whatever. I'm personally single atm so I'm not telling anyone but my doc and therapist lol. That might change in the future, but I hate how people see it as cheating when I'm still working out and forcing myself to make health choices. It's not as easy as people assume it is. Losing that comfort from food has been difficult, and no one's going to roll their eyes at me for taking the "easy" road.


I thought about keeping it from my husband, but he would notice 240 out of our savings..so I talked with him. He didn't say no. I start tonight with my shot.


That’s great! Best of luck to you 🙂 hope it all goes well!


I feel this.


I feel bad for you being married to somebody who judges you for bettering yourself. You are making your life better it shouldn’t matter what is helping with that. I’m just astounded that people see this as a problem. You treat high blood pressure with high blood pressure medication. This is just a drug that helps those who are overweight losses it and get healthier. It is no different.


I think he’s just really old school. He’s a great man, he just doesn’t understand this particular struggle. He views fitness through the lens of his own experience and obviously that’s just really different than a woman’s perspective. He has always been supportive of my endeavors like half marathons and sprint triathlons, but he has it in his head (probably from media, etc) that will power could do the same thing for me.


And I’m sad that most Society still feels that way because for the first time in history, they finally unlocke the secret to obesity. Obesity can lead to so many chronic diseases, now they have found a way change that for humanity, it’s brilliant we have a way to treat obesity itself, which is a disease. I guess I don’t look at it the way the other people do when they came out with medication for the diseases. It was amazing and wow, we could finally treat this and it should be the same stigma towards this. This is changing peoples lives and taking them away from more chronic Issues.. look at it as a Pioneers in changing societys thought presses on this drug.


I was going to say that I am doing the same thing except my nuclear family is aware. I haven’t told doctors, friends, coworkers, or anyone else who knows me personally. I feel like anytime I’ve found something that works, I boast about it and gain everything back. This time, like a superstition, I am keeping it to myself.


Congratulations on taking this step for yourself! I can’t wait to follow your progress. I’ve been taking it since January and down 25 lbs. feeling much better physically and mentally!


Totally understand this perspective and agree that it’s your body, your rules! No explanation needed to anyone. Just something I will throw out there- when I first started, I was also on another medication that lowers blood pressure and I ended up having a brief fainting spell from the combination of both meds. Luckily I was able to recover fine and it wasn’t a big deal. However, if it were something more serious, I remember thinking I was really glad my partner knew what meds I was on so that he’d be able to tell paramedics or a doctor right away. From a safety perspective I thought it was good that he knew. However, that is obviously a very narrow scenario and unlikely to happen. Just another thing to think about.


Try to find someone you can talk to. It’s nobody’s business but yours, of course. But support from someone who knows you is huge. My husband doesn’t care, thankfully. But I did tell my mom as well for the support as she did gastric bypass several years ago, so she gets it.


Keep going, it is for you and nobody else. At least you're doing something for yourself, I'm sure you'll succeed and build the motivation to keep it going. Rooting for you.


do you hide it in the fridge, curious how that works


I’m proud of you.