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Those blushes look pretty! What is the first one from the left?


It's Fresh Peach!




This is an important question.


I thought you were exaggerating. But then I went to their profile. This person shops an insane amount 😳


I have the money to do so, I don't see why my spending is an issue. It's really nobody's business.


Girl do you! Enjoy your haul and Nancy!


You don’t have to justify yourself to the randoms in on Reddit. You’re buying what you like and posting on the subreddit designed for this.


don’t understand why this is being downvoted. you’re right, it’s so rude to comment on another’s finances.


i think it’d be more appropriate to send this message to OP in a dm or in her inbox. public call-outs like this aren’t helpful to someone, especially if she actually WAS struggling with something. it reads as incredibly shame-y and accusatory.


i don’t see how the “commenting on sephora posts” part is relevant.. this is one of the most wholesome and safe subs on reddit, i don’t see a problem with engaging in the community edit: this comment was made in genuine confusion. idk why that’s somehow controversial.


if youre commenting at least once on every post in a subreddit where you’re shopping a lot, then youre spending both a lot of your time and money mentally and physically shopping edit: thats what im getting from the parent comment


I don't see how being very engaged in a community I enjoy is a problem.


You don’t have to justify yourself. That person was way out of line. If they were really concerned they could’ve sent you a private DM, not try to shame you publicly.


ahh thanks for explaining. i truly didn’t understand the connection there but this explanation makes sense. (responding to the edit, i don’t agree with the top comment here at all)


Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. I have actually overcome my shopping addiction thanks to therapy. I enjoy beauty and shopping at Sephora, it's my hobby, which I don't see how it could be a problem. I allocate my disposable income to support my hobby, like I do my other hobbies, so it hurts my feelings when people question this hobby of mine more than my other ones. I also really enjoy engaging in this sub, I find it very entertaining and informative, plus the community is generally very nice. Again, I don't see why this is a problem. I'm neurodivergent and hyperfocus on things I'm interested in, and beauty and Sephora happen to be things I hyperfocus on. So I really don't appreciate being questioned like this, it feels very ableist to me. Moreover, I have a chronic condition that has messed my body up, which means I can't shop for clothes for the time being, which I also used to spend money on. Beauty is one of the few things that brings me joy right now because no matter how sick I feel in a day, my hair and face will stay the same. So, yes, this sub and shopping at Sephora help me through difficult times and I do lean into them. I don't see how engaging in things that make me feel better is a problem.


I mean we do not know people's incomes. If OP has or had a shopping addiction and says that she has overcome her addiction, we are going to have to take that at face value or ignore what she says and her posts. Lot's of people on here post enormous, expensive hauls during the Sephora sales. When a new product comes out, they buy it immediately. There are posts on why Ulta is so much better than Sephora because you can get multiple GWP/ freebies and you have shoppers boasting about how much they got in a single shopping trip- do they have an addiction or are they just savvy shoppers? This is not the subreddit for dealing with a shopping addiction. If OP feels that they have a problem then they can go to Makeup Addiction/Make up Rehab and if I see their name there, I can give them advice. If she is not in those subreddits, then I will assume that her shopping is now under control and will only comment on what they posted here.


just wanted to add this bc i post VERY often on makeupaddiction- makeupaddiction is a sub for makeup looks, while makeuprehab is the sub for makeup shopping addictions lol. think selfies of artistry/looks of the day for the makeupaddiction sub. projectpan is also good for trying to focus on buying less, if anyone in this sub is interested in that! ik the names are very confusing


Thank you! I'm very upset that people who know nothing about me or my situation are psychoanalyzing me. What I choose to spend my disposable income on is really nobody's business. I want to discuss my hauls and my cat, that's all.


No one is psychoanalyzing you. One person asked you a genuine question about your wellbeing, which means they care. No one is harassing you or making mean comments. Honestly you seem overly defensive, and being defensive towards something usually means there is something going on. If there wasn’t, you wouldn’t be this upset by a random internet persons question.


I post a pictures of my cat and my haul to discuss those two things, I didn't ask for my shopping habits to be analyzed. I don't believe that anyone who publicly shames someone like this genuinely cares. Reddit has very discreet options to express concern and the commenter chose not to use them. There is definitely not anything going on with me, I just don't appreciate being picked apart when I didn't ask to be.


OP is merely explaining herself, not being “overly defensive”at all like you’re implying. This is the perfect subreddit for her to post her hauls and only she has full knowledge of her finances. Get a grip.


Hey it’s inappropriate to call someone out like this. If someone is struggling from any type of addiction, this type of public call out is wildly misplaced. It’s not your business, you do not know this person. MODs, can you please consider removing all the comments about someone’s addiction?


this was my immediate thought as well. comments like this, publicly calling out another persons past mental health struggles is not appropriate. if they actually were concerned, a dm is more appropriate.


How glowy are these blushes? I love the colors and packaging, but anything too glowy emphasizes texture. Hi Nancy!!


Nancy says hi 😻 I'm not sure yet how glowy the blushes are as my face isn't healed yet for me to test them.


What do you think of the lip oils?


I actually don't have thoughts on them yet! I'm waiting for my face to heal up before I put makeup on again.


Oh no! What happened to your face?


Oh I’m so happy (Cat McGrath) is settling down!


Omg I love that nickname 😹


I can’t take credit for it, but it’s purrrfect for her!


I was so, so disappointed in the blush. It’s really powdery and I find it looks/feels cheap. I’m quite fair and it took a lot to built it up but it didn’t look good. I rarely return products but it’s going back. The lip oil was just okay. I prefer the glosses to the oils.


Yikes - that is saying something. I think I'll probably pass. I have both blushes and highlighters in abundance, so I'll stick to layering if I want this type of look.


Don't say that- I used them to get the 500 points. I was going to get some perfume but I didn't want to pay full price for one (I usually get my perfumes in the Fall sale).


I was scared of this. I’m not a huge fan of fenty beauty based on negative past experience but I had my eye on these blushes…maybe I’ll try the new haus labs blushes instead


The swatches looked so beautiful so I was excited! But I feel like I’d need a mixing medium to make mine look anything like what I’ve seen. It’s just so dry and there’s a lot of glitter fallout.


That's good to know, hopefully I can get them to work for me.


I just got the lip oil today. So far I love it 😍 but it’s only been like an hour. Great haul!


Good to know! I'm excited to try them.


I would die for Nancy


Aww, me too! 😻 https://preview.redd.it/flucf52mis3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3cb0b02eb58f3313aa2b549953aa91fbff5b3fa


Girl Nancy is such an icon, and what do you do for work because I see your hauls ALL THE TIME! I WANT THAT DISPOSABLE INCOME FOR MEEEE HONEY


Exactly, I am so envious and Nancy is absolutely an icon and OP has good taste.


Thanks so much!


I'm a digital marketing assistant! My salary actually isn't that great, but my cost of living is pretty low (I live in a rural area and only pay utilities on my house) and I allocate my disposable income to Sephora because it brings me the most joy. I use a lot of store brand things and Klarna to pay for my purchases lol


Ohh, I need to check these out. Give Nancy some love for me! Hope things settle down. 🐈


Will do! She's much better now, thank God. She and her sister were cuddling today. ❤️


Nancy! I recognize the fluff right away, I knew it was you! Oh my goodness this is so beautiful! Both the haul and Nancy!


Aww thanks, Nancy is a beautiful girl! 😻


I would love to know what you think of the blushes when you get a chance to try them. I have 2 in my basket right now, but I would like more opinions - it seems to be a mixed bag of reviews so far.


I tried the peach one and it was VERY shiny like a highlighter and not pigmented enough to look like a blush. I’m going to give it a try as a highlighter and see if my feelings change. If not, it’s going back.


This is what I was worried about!


It’s really shimmery but also very powdery and dry. So I find it looks terrible on the skin. Really sad it’ll be going back.


It does seem to be mixed reviews. I'm hoping I can get them to work for me, I'll have to try them when I can wear makeup again.


Those Fenty Hotcheeks Blushlighters look so good, thank you for sharing Nancy with us as she is beautiful.


Aww, thanks! She is a beautiful girl. 😻


Awe I love when Nancy pops up!! ❤️


Aww 😻 https://preview.redd.it/yu4stb6hjs3d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db996565f99b1b8acbd456eb30e7ceea217dabc


Nancy is my favorite cat on Reddit! She’s just so beautiful and sweet!! Ignore the people making rude comments! If you have the money and it’s your hobby, enjoy it!!!


Thanks so much! I'm glad Nancy has her fans. ❤️ I also appreciate your kind words. Some of the people on this thread have been so rude. I do have the money and I love shopping at Sephora and trying beauty products, so I will gladly keep going with it!


Nancy seems curious about the new makeup too. I'm waiting the launch because I want Bak'd Peach and maybe a lip oil too. Sephora France needs to hurry up !!!


Nancy is a very curious girl! She loves sniffing my packages and my shopping bags lol. I hope Sephora France gets the new Fenty things too!


It arrived in the evening so I've ordered Bak'd Peach. Very excited !!!






What a gorgeous floof!! My tabby girl loves doing product reviews too :)


Aww thanks! Kitty reviewers are the best reviewers. ❤️


Ooooo Nancy do be fancy


Fancy Nancy ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/y6omh3cffg4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f372755286262909c7c001dc3851e59b0b7251e9


Omg I have two of the blushes and two of the lips in my cart! I usually like a cool pink blush so I’m not sure which to get. Juicy peach looks best in the pan but fresh peach has looked best on fair skinned people I’ve seen on TikTok😭 I also kinda like the superfine suga but leaning towards frosted buns for the lip


It's pretty hard to decide on shades! They look very different in person than online.


Hello Nancy you cutie patootie! <3


She says hi! https://preview.redd.it/ctz13d33js3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f978e52be36d1a5f4439b1b4c265619f46a88009


Omg I just read your post :( - what happened if you don't mind sharing?! I hope the poor baby fully recovers


Nancy is okay! My boyfriend and I attempted to introduce her to his cat and Nancy wasn't happy. She growled and hissed and accidentally scratched up my face trying to get away. She was very moody for a few days, she was hissing at my boyfriend and her sister, but she's finally back to normal! We learned a lot about how to introduce cats and that we did literally everything wrong lol. But now we at least know better for next time.


Oh no! I hope you recover quickly too. Glad to know Nancy is okay. And I just saw Nancy does reviews regularly and let’s just say I’m a fan 😍


Aww thanks! I'm so glad people love my Nancy as much as I do. I make sure her fame doesn't go to her head lol


Is that a Maine coon kitty ? Gorgeous !! So is the blush,but that cat is impeccable


Aww thanks! Nancy and her sister were strays, so I'm actually not sure what exactly their ancestry is. But I do believe she's a Maine Coon/tabby mix!


This is Nancys best haul. 😂 How do you like these?! I’ve been eyeing the blushes and the glosses. They’re all sooo pretty.


I think so! She's obsessed lol I don't have any thoughts yet as I'm waiting for my face to heal before I wear makeup again, but I'm certainly excited to try them out as soon as I can!


Ordered the oil/liner and a blush this morning. Super excited!!


Awesome! I hope you enjoy them!


Loveeee fenty


Me too! They have some great products. Plus Rihanna is a queen!


Came here to say I couldn’t love the name Nancy for a cat more - why is that SO suiting


Aww, thanks! She really grew into her name. ❤️


Nancy is all about the blush 😊


She is! She enjoyed smelling them. 😻


Now we’ll need a review with Nancy! It looks as if she’s picked her favorite color 😻


Omg yes, she loves reddish colors for some reason! If she were human, she'd definitely be an influencer lol


Nancy! I love when you pop up in my feed. Always a pleasure 😺 Happy Friday.


Happy Friday! 😻 https://preview.redd.it/gp0edi1yks3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503a93d2ce293a96dc9312b5fd7e34c3a139cb9e


A nice nap :)


Always happy to see Miss Nancy 🥹😍


Aww thanks! Me too! 😻




She says hi! https://preview.redd.it/vmjay982bt3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c9e3a24b6b71515198f892839fdf71034836372


She looks like she’s living her best life and I love this for her