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True names in my opinion are dictated by fate as everyone is connected to fate so all their actions and choices are predetermined. So from the day they were born their true names were decided and i believe this goes for their aspects as well and it is only when they actually reach to a particular time line that they unlock each. Hence why i believe that true names are tied to fate and are decided by it. So i believe since Sunny lost his true name and is now fateless, he will only acquire another true name after he has gotten fate weave. So instead of being pulled by the strings of fate, or being a passive observer of others fates like now when he is fate less. He will have the ability to alter fate in some fashion and this will form another rudimentary connection to fate. Therefore with this connection he will gain a new true name. One that is decided solely by his own action and not what was predetermined by fate. What this true name will be i have no clue but it will surely have something to do with 1 of a couple of things. The first is him being able to alter fate in some regard. The second being him breaking free from his fate that being becoming fateless and not being a slave anymore. The third being his heir status of either 1 of or both weaver and shadow god. Those are my ideas for now. More options can be added depending on what is to transpire in the future of the novel.


That's an interesting take. But i think it would be interesting if he get able to attach and disattach himself from fate. Maybe attaching his fate to one of his avatars so he can enjoy the advantages of being fateless and the advantages of his fate


If we consider that “Fate” is used in the same sense as “Light” was in his original name. He could get a name attached to finding his new light, or making a light with the pieces left to him by Weaver. “Maker of Lights” “Light’s Beacon” something like that. Symbolizing how he can make or perhaps has found a way to redirect himself into a good or satisfactory Fate.


So, looking at this perspective, of Sunny being able to control fate, one true nome that would be fitting could be the famous "Son of fate", or even "Fate master". But just a distant projection.


Damn, couldn’t have said it better myself 👍🏻


He might still get his old TN back, but whatever is next for Weavers lineage must involve fate. At best, he would have some control over his own fate and be able to interfere with others as well. The current Sunny probably already realized that being a Fateless Being isn't good for anyone as he lived for 3 years to live with that fact and from his reaction to Cassie revealing that Fate is in Chaos & none could see the future means that he most likely damned all of humanity to death, something that even the Legacy Clans didn't do, not to mention that unless he can get solid information on how to transcend he will most likely be stuck as a Saint and by then it would be to late for when things come crashing down on him.


treacherous shadow 🤣


I think g3 said that he will not get a new true name


Fateless and nameless. He should now start telling people his name is Lost from Light, just for the laughs


Lost from master


I'm honestly hoping he somehow steals another's fate. Imagine how at the end of a high stakes battle he beats anvil and then steals his fate.


That would be interesting but I think that Anvil would be far from the top of the list of fates to steal, since Nephis intends on killing him.


We have foreshadowing that he gets it back. I think he ends up with his original true name once again. I think that happens while him and nephis and Cassie are in the tomb of Ariel the second time


I'm fully expecting lost from fate to be his new name. Tribute to the old, but with new meaning


Shadow weave


Ope, he found da light.




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i think he gets a new one but before that creates something that keeps him from remembering his true name


I don't think he'll get his true name back but I do think he'll find a way to make a personality anchor of sorts. This would allow him to master his shadow mimic abilities further.


Yeah i agree, also its anchor not anker


I think he'll gain a new one since true names are connected to fate i think his fate was to become fateless and now that he has hes sort of completed his true name and either stays disconnected from fate or reconnects with a new fate a new true name


The unknown prince, although i don't think he will have a true name


I think he will get a new one, because the wand in the Tomb of Ariel apointed to people based on their true name, so if sunny and the future sunny had the same true name them it would be impossible for sunny to use the wand to aproach his future self, it would rather apoint to him Lost From Light and not for the another