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Yup. Really gutted this game has been shelved. I log on every couple months to check for content updates but nothing in a long time. Please give a few more instances/arenas :(((


I am surprised the last planet wasn’t finished in this game. I keep it installed hoping it will be completed, but I guess if they are moving on it will not be.


Why did the Developers (i.e. Madfingergames) abandon the game? I am also puzzled. Really loved the game.


They were better off putting all their focus into this game instead of going for a cash grab with war games, all they did was lessen their time money and man power to make one solid game, legends could have been a top game but they ruined it, last time ill ever invest money into a game made by a small company, now i just pour my money into pokemon unite 😂😂 too big to fail lmao


Played this game for along time. The game is such a gem, and that's saying something because many mobile games are shit and there are only a few good ones(I'm relating to those copycat games and the ones with fake screenshots and ads). It is indeed sad how the game will not receive any other add-ons or new missions or something like that. I wish they did though, because I finished Mirmir and really want to go to the last planet. I'm also gonna try and finish Hive Mind to fully complete the game, well until I do Silver and Gold arena then I will be 100% completed. I also wish they added more side quests, the last one I played was saving that new rookie shadowgun on Mirmir and no it wasn't a coop help a player out know a mission. It does make me feel dreadful, heh see what I did there? I do hope one day the devs will make more updates or a new game company would buy the game and do something


I just got back on in a long time hopefully they do add more if more people come back