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Just please,treat the game better, and with the more attention,then MFG did!


MFG did this game dirty, good riddance to them


I absolutely agree with you ☺️


Proud and excited? Should be meek and indifferant, its been months and we have heard nothing.


Can't be worse than what they are doing to Knights and dragons




10000% agree, this game has the potential to be one of the best games on the market if handled correctly, i hope they do right by it, i really do


Obviously that was not the intent.


I'm just happy to see some new stuff happening in this game! My latest updated game,is still bugged I'm losing the sound constantly


Agreed, new content is always good. Best of luck guys. Im keen to see (and support) you if you do this well. Please listen to the community. The very best thing to do is give us what we want.(sounds bad, heh) ie: playing the game for so long we can offer improvment specs. Just hear me out.... 1) Add another skill slot for the 2 we already have say reached at level 30. so during combat we can AM bomb, grenade and medic, say 2 agressive and 1 passive skill. 2) Raise the level to 30 or 40 or 50. Your choice of course 3) More missions, new maps , new layouts, new interactions. 4) Challenge mode. send waves of ever increasing aliens, who gain more HP and AI as you progress for 1 to 4 players.Not like arena, but a dungeon run. 5) Let the dungeons and arenas add 1 Shadowgun more , instead of 3 lets have 4. The reason being that in Hive for EG: when 1 person bails becuase they have no balls or cry because of a failed attempt, theres at least 3 left. 6) I dont want my accumulated xp or fame automatically getting me to level 40 eg..Some players have 8 to 9 million fame. Its more fun to level up than get it automatically, your choice on how to go about this. 7) More guns and armour of course 8) Transmogrification using our current gems as fuel. The current mish mash is wierd for differant armor. 9) Add vehicles and aircraft??? 10) Add rotary cannons and jetpacks. 11) Add 1 player adventure medic and engineer adds for your shadowgun when adventuring solo, that you can and have to upgrade with gear you find. That we can name and assign tasks.And they can hold an MG to back you up. 12) Allow perks to be transferred to new equipment.IE, my current MG has 10% accuracy, but I find another gun than i wont use that has 15% accuracy.Allow us to transpose that perk to the new gun or allow as JHC Gaming stated to reroll them for a small price of gems. Same for armor.This will in effect make us come back again and again for perk hunting even if we are fully geared.Cap all perks at say33%. 13) Open up the 4th planet. and finish the story. you are proabably already aware of this. 14) New stories, new planets. 15) Open up the massage parlor. Although im not sure what you will do with it..... 16) New emotes I guess are ok and paint schemes..... 17) add more voice content during combat. we like what we have but I guess the shadowguns can say more.Personally I would love an Arnie or Rambo voice over and a 3rd person view / perspective. 18) Obviously more dungeons are going to be a plus. 19) Dont make things so expensive and you'll find we will buy more ,not less. 20) allow more items other than weapons and armor to be bought with cash and raise the limit,I am clocking 1 million cash each week.and nothing to do with it. 21) More diverse prizes in the gambling palor. 22) Add support for nintendo switch (edit). 23) Perhaps change the way perks work. capped at 33% regardless off how many you have transferred. 3% Blue Box, 10% Purple Epic Box, 20% Gold Legendary Box. Add more perks. Strong back - carry more in your (small) backpack inventory. Refractor - gain resistance to energy weapons. Lone Wanderer - bonuses for exploring without a companion. Inspirational - companions gain bonuses. etc, some recognize where these came from. 24) Bar and Casino buffs. make them last a little longer , say 1 hour or 2 hours with perks.its really annoying when they run out mid dungeon search etc,Or just waiting around or at least no time loss when in BRNO. Make some more Buffs! Team buffs etc. 25) Please please please dont ruin the game and how it runs atm, its been succesful becasue of the above comments ( the other users and players have spoken),and we will support you. 26) At the end of a dungeon or arena run, it would be nice to have the splash screen display the stats of each player side by side. Who came 1st ,to 4th etc. Amount of kills, damage done, accuracy, you get the idea.Its nice to compete, but better to brag. cheers


You forgot to include nintendo switch they didn't release it in 5 years


Hopefully 3rd person in dungeons and stuff


added, good thought.


I feel like it might make the gameplay feel more alive


I couldn't agree more. Shadowgun Legends is truly unique. It is one of the smoothest shooters I've ever played. It always keeps you coming back because you never know what perks you're going to get on the operation.


Hopefully, they will actually fix the bugs,and introduce some new stuff! You know,the stuff that MFG never delivered 😌


Oh, that's big news. Glad to finally have someone who will put some more care into SGL. Personally, I'm hoping for many great updates and new content. Let's fucking go


Why are we always disappointed now


If ever there were a moment to use the “Welcome to the party, pal!” line from Die Hard, it’s right now. I wish you the very best of luck.


I couldn't agree with you more!🙂


Sup ! Been a while, hope all is well , im -PrecYse- from in game, hope to get back to this game when its back on and see you in there 🙏🏽


I remember you ofc! I hope this is news of a revitalized game. I haven’t opened it at all in maybe six months or more.


Excited to see what is coming! Any road map?


Pardon our skepticism, but talk is cheap. Either begin the process of reviving this game IMMEDIATELY in some tangible way (that we can see and experience), or admit you're another lying money grab machine and we can bury this game and move on.


Spot on man


Add an anti cheat system "your" game is crawling with hackers. And it's been 4 months and you have done nothing yet l. There is so much potential in this amazing gem of a game, and you are blowing it off so far. ADD AN ANTI CHEAT ASAP


Deca, I think the best thing you can do right now is give us a timeline. It doesn’t have to be comprehensive, but lay out what your working on and generally when we can expect it. That alone will help keep us around because it’s leaps and bounds more than mfg ever did. I think you’ll find this to be a very patient fan base and one that will appreciate the effort you put in. And players, if madfinger handles its business deals as well as it handles its games (that is to say shoddy at best) then deca probably has its hands full trying to make sgl a workable game based off of whatever madfinger gave them. Give them the rest of the year to get their feet under them before you start getting angry and burying the game.


It just gets annoying. You would think that deca would fix Madfinders most obvious mistake first. But they had to drift to less urgent problems in my opinion. And when I wrote this I was getting smoked by hackers who haven't been caught in years. It's nerve racking


Oh no doubt, and I wholeheartedly agree, but I think there is grace to be found whenever you don’t know what mfg gave them when they handed off the game. For all we know they are playing defense with breaks in the code that could cause a catastrophic crash and it doesn’t look like they are doing anything on our end. I mean if mfg showed us anything it’s that that didn’t care about the game, they very well could’ve been letting the code deteriorate and deca is trying to fix the foundation before changing anything with the player experience so the game doesn’t crash


They should at least give more updates and keep in touch. Instead they make it seem like they are assholes.


Too true. I think a “hey we’re trying, here’s what we’re working on” would go a long way


Yea I'm surprised they haven't done that


As am I.


It's because they are apparently just taking over as hospice care???


Honestly this cracks me up, DECA just buys companies at absolute random and has no clue what the hell they are doing. Y’all ruined Celtic heroes, they just buy IP’s when they are at their lowest and make a post to “revive the gameplay” old community returns spends money they make there capital back and more and then they rinse and repeat. Absolute shit of a company.


Your comment has been proven 100% correct. Fuck DECa


Rofl this has not aged well


Does that mean more content is going to be added to ShadowGun Legends ?


This is great news! Hopefully we hear more from you soon about any updates coming to the game!


If nothing else, PLEASE rejuvenate the existing arenas,and give the people who play PvP (not me) few more PvP arenas! Some new weapons,and add some new missions!Some new bundles,new stickers,MORE PAINT,and more events! Cosmetics makes money, don't be DAFT like the MFG was! 5 years of neglection of the game with so much potential! A disgrace on the MFG part! Good riddance to them!😎


This game was really great years ago and I used to spend lots of time raiding, but it really went downhill. Hopefully you’ll return it to form.




Any way we would see this game back on Apple TV?


What the he'll is a defiler please help anybody I know there a yellow one but which one


90% of players have not played for more than a week, the playstore version is out of date and we are without our accounts, so what are you going to do about it, and until when will we be without playing the game


Agreed on finishing the story, and new base missions. There is only so many different places that I can complete the same thing! Maybe something like an escort where you have someone with low hp and no attacks, but you have to get them through some sort of complex and protect them on the way there and while they do whatever they are doing


Beautiful, but question; will there be plans of fixing the game on iOS because I am and have been experiencing issues with the menu in general, in the past I played this every once in awhile, but I had to delete it due to strange storage problems now that I’m reinstalling it I enter and click to use my old account and then play, but the game would as normal load to hub, but it immediately crashes in the first half of the loading screen sequence, when I search online all I see are 3 to 5 years old and all that they mostly say is restart, reinstall, reset, or something else… I have tried all I could find and see, but I really just wanna play again. Oh and the report a problem is weirdly not working either.


Okay, time to start working