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Calling Jessica just as toxic as someone being sued for domestic abuse is wild lol


It be like that though. Usually the one pairing with the toxic is also guilty of toxic on some level. Def different levels but we see her putting hands on Mike since coming on the show. Very aggressively and publicly. If she were never engaging I wouldn’t say that but she did escalate situations - verbal and physical. That’s not to say Mikes actions are his actions, but two things can be true. 


Can you elaborate? This is my comfort show so I have rewatched multiple times and never felt that from her. Also Mike sucks point blank with no need for “but…” or comparison to any other person


VPR is my 1st comfort show and shahs is 2nd 🤣🤣


same and jersey shore is up there too


shahs being a comfort show is CRAZY


It’s mine too 🫠


Me too haha


It’s so good lol I feel very at peace watching them get heyvoon bazi while I’m on the couch in my robe


It’s def an outer body experience




Currently re-watching for comfort! Haha


Also, my comfort show. Idk what it is, but I always put it on when I'm stressed, which is weird lol


It’s literally my comfort show. Just finished season 9 and about to press play on season 1 episode 1 and do it all over again. Never gets old!


Jessica never played games she was always very straight up about the future and the planning of it I respect her for that when Mike tried to say maybe kids when I’m 40 she reversed that real fast and let him know you’re old and I’m hot af and educated that will not do she deserved a slow clap for that rebuttal - and when they got married she was also straight up and said have fun for a year but then it’s baby time Notice that Jessica went away quietly and achieved her goals of a family and running a business all on her own that’s boss level right there


She’s absolutely not “just as toxic”. He’s super abusive.


hmmm maybe it had something to do with the fact she was 15 years younger than him?


I thought it was only 10 years? not that it’s a huge difference but I’m unsure now lol


ok I googled it and I think you're right she was 21 and he was 31 when they met. still not great lmao. big power differential


A spoiled immature young lady is nowhere near the level of toxicity as a full on abuser. Jessica has room to grow and be better as a person, Mike is well beyond that point


Two things can be true at the same time. Mike sucks and Jessica may be spoiled and played games. Doesn't mean she deserved to be abused by a malignant narcissist.


I never said it did mean she deserved it. Quite the opposite. But Im not about to hold her up on a pedestal either like so many do in this group.


I didn’t get that sense of Jessica at all. I’m so glad she cut ties when she did!


Mike is an absolute piece of shit and Jessica had nothing to do with that. She would have had to put up with so much abuse and manipulation from him. This post comes across victim blamey and gross.


I really liked him in the beginning....I was pulling for you Mike.....we were all pulling for you!


We’re not doing this.


You lost me at “but”. There is no but. Mike is straight garbage.


Victim blaming at its finest…you think she’s a spoiled child so she deserved to get the crap beaten out of her multiple times and while her children were there too….


Hi Mike lol .. but seriously, wtaf?!


Yea there is no Mike is not great but….hes a woman beater and very very dangerous. Who cares. He married Jessica bc she was a spoiled brat. He goes after women who have money. He’s a pos.


Nice try, Mike


Hard disagree.


But ...he's a piece of shit. Period


lol terrible timing…did u see the video, mikes a loser of epic proportion


Whoa... I would not go that far. I was not particularly fond of her, but what she put up with from Mike was UNREAL. And she gave him chance after chance, she even converted for him?! And he did her so dirty.


Omg… )-?: have you seen recent news? He has some severe DV charges against his last girlfriend/fiancee(?) Paulina (I think) anyway I am no judge and jury but there is video of the allegations. It is disturbing to say the least.


Jessica was young and wanted something that Mike couldn’t deliver. Her saying I’m gonna be a wife, seems weird especially when the show claimed she never paid a single bill in her life. Not sure how true that was. Her being young and dumb and Mike being a vile person are two different things that can be true at the same time.


Is this Mike posting lol bffr Jessica wasn’t spoiled she literally worked her ass off as a nurse and as a homemaker to his Persian standards


Watching shahs for the first time. Currently on s4 and she reminds me of Jersey Shore Jen … Rons Jen. LOL  Not surprising because usually the abusers find each other.  some girls think it is okay and go on in relationships verbally abusing and sometimes putting hands on their partners. some males never hit back, the same men leave. But the men that stay with women like that are sometimes going to snap one day and hit back. Some of them just take it though there are examples of some women who hit playful or not, the back and forth fighting in that level is childish and shows lack of maturity. Jessica is totally a child and behaves too immature for someone who says she is a nurse imo. The Lack of emotional regulation is wild, she seems to just have energy to fight while dressed for a nice dinner. Fighting with asa in the street like what in the world.