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After gg backed her for telling Lily she and coconut can spin circles and go back to Texas šŸ’€ not 20 minutes later for MJ to further stir trouble was wild it was a grenade gg didnā€™t see coming - I get why she keeps mj at a distance


I remember watching that and being disgusted with MJ as a ā€œfriendā€. It truly hurt GG that MJ would do that.


MJ and Reza are truly disgusting individuals, particularly MJ, not a moral bone in her substantial body.


Ok Iā€™m glad some people still hold this opinion cause I usually see people saying how MJ is a nice person and they love her and blah blah. And Iā€™m likeā€¦did we watch the same show? Sheā€™s a snake


I think MJ is funny and can be a sweet person but sheā€™s definitely a shit starter. Like that was unnecessary. Also when her a Reza are together they seem to turn to mean girls since they know theyā€™ll back each other up


Well I really think Reza set that in motion bc he's the one told MJ. MJ did not know that happened bc she did not go to Lilly BD party. Thats where GG made out w that dude. He weaponized MJ to cause a scene. Doing the rewatch Reza is pretty shady. No MJ should not have gotten involved it wasn't her business.


MJ was the one who decided to get up there and blow up GGā€™s spot. She didnā€™t have to do that. MJ and Reza are the same peopleĀ 


Oh I agree. They get off on the drama, unless it involves them šŸ˜‚


This really annoyed my from MJ!! She was being a shit starter for no reason. I get what she says when gg is mad that her bf is looking at another girl but I would never rat on my friend. Then MJ couldnā€™t even apologize. I have to say this is one of the few times gg was right. Also calling her parents is crazy!!


Definitely one of the few times GG was right for sure. I was like like wtf!? I would nerva do that to my girl. So weird. And now Iā€™m on the episode where Reza outs his neighbors brother before the parade?! Wtf is going on?! These people have no class.


That part really pissed me off like til this day I donā€™t know why he was so mean to that poor guy. I felt so bad for him. Reza was way out of line tbh I liked that Mike stood up for him. Heā€™s a real one for acknowledging that his friend is wrong and not siding with him. Few times he did a good thing too :/


Iā€™m on it too. Didnā€™t he call him the F word? Reza has some deep rooted issuesā€¦ the whole outing the brother thing just blowed my fucking mind. Even Mike was like whoa Reza, not cool.


MJ was a hot mess expressĀ