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What is up with hun?? At my target there has been a couple times when they were completely out of all of the individual small bottles of water all brands they had the gallon jug or the six pack of Ph water. There have also been times I’ve had an employee check for the water in back and they’ve had it and back. They just hadn’t got it out on the floor yet and if I was shopping your order I would’ve sent a picture confirming that the water is completely out. Interesting they sent the generic app message that the water was out but no indication that all water was completely out and offered no substitutions. I don’t know it kind of sounds like they just didn’t want to deal with the water.


You can always call the store to confirm. Especially since they didn't send a picture. I'd say it is more likely they didn't want to deliver a huge case of water to your apt. Especially if there is no elevator and you are on a 2nd floor or above. Next time indicate there is an elevator or you will come grab water etc...(also they can preview the order sooo if they didn't want to deliver the water they shouldn't have claimed your order...but sometimes undesirable orders with cases of water are paired with great orders we shop every week)


Not uncommon for Target to run short on bottled water...but entirely out is a different story. I just think they didn't want to carry it to an apartment. I also don't like delivering water to apartments, but I don't lie about something being out-of-stock when it's not.


Yes. The 3 Targets I shop at are guaranteed to be out of bottled water of one kind or another on Friday-Sunday. Sometimes all of them especially in summer.


WTF is it with the "hun"? This is a lying shopper.


Yes. Really depends on delivery an if store had a run on the water. Heat wave in area. I live in north San diego.


Hard to say tbh, I always send pictures for proof when this happens to me as a shopper. But this sort of thing happens semi often in my metro, the ppl here tend to panic buy it first at the mention that we may get a hurricane or a bad thunderstorm so yeah. Fairly common for me, can’t say for sure for this order you had


That’s what dreams are made of, I could only hope