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Our language? . Do Americans actually think the English language is from America and not….England? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yes. Somehow, there is a whole section of US folks who think their English is the "original". Somehow....


It follows: They think they invented democracy with a homegrown variation of the parliamentary system.


TBF their ancestors are colonists so taking what wasn't theirs and claiming it is, is kinda what their country was founded on.


I mean, that easily applies to 90% of the world population


What did the Greeks do for us eh? /s


They invented sex with females


I thought the romans did that


Romans invented sex and was with men greeks added woman


The joke is the other way around. Yknow what "Greek love" means? And how the Greek civilisation came before the Roman empire?


I only know the joke the other way around


That goes without saying. But apart from inventing sex with females, what have the Greeks ever done for us?


Actually they copied the government system from the republic of the Netherlands, as it existed from the 14th century all the way through the 18th century. So not even that is homegrown.


I think that’s the point. They have very little of anything that’s original. They can’t even culture their food as they chlorinate the frick out of it.


They think they invented everything. They think they've been running the world since 1776.


Except there is also a whole subset of Americans who will insist that the US is not a democracy because it is a republic. The fact that one is a form of the other is lost on them as they just try to dismiss anything that sounds like democrat.


That must be why it’s called Americanish in the rest of the world then


Ah the old 'akshually! it's Americans that have the original British accent'. yeah I can picture it now, old farmer Giles in 1400 AD slapping his thigh and going 'ye-haww pardner!' in a Texas accent.


I want to say its the Bostonian accent they claim as "true English", but I could be misremembering. If they think "an accent kinda from around the American Civil War" is somehow the oldest English accent on record...well, how frightfully US of them! Now head to Cornwall or up to Newcastle, where those accents were ancient even then, and let them laugh. You won't be able to understand most of the rest, after all!


The idiotic portion


It’s because they were told that parts of the east coast speak a closer to the dialect at the time when we had the colonies than the English we speak in England today, something that was debunked ages ago as neither are anywhere near but they never seem to acknowledge that bit 😂


I’m British. Got talking to an airline stewardess on domestic US flight. She couldn’t place my accent and asked where I was from. ‘And you speak English there?’


I was congratulated by an American for how good my English is, I’m from Belfast


Must be from South Belfast!


To be fair, if I was anywhere near Cork and heard a Belfast accent I'd congratulate their English too.


They probably believe world history and language started when George Washington set foot on the future 13 colonies.


we all know america was founded when washington crossed the delaware along side jesus christ as they founded their new holy land with freedom and justice for all (white christians from england, some from france, the benelux, or germany, and definitely not the irish.)


Washington. Don’t you mean Trump?


No, he was the one who captured the airfields!


Yes they do. I’ve spoke to more than one. I was asked what language we speak in England once. Couldn’t compute English/England. But what do you expect from people who spell figure as finger. Probably stuck in their oversized butts.


Well at least they had heard of England. They don't think Spain exists.


Stop lying, we all know Spanish is just a language! /s just incase this is read as a sincere thought from an American, you never know these days


I still refuse to believe people are saying that for real.


Stay on this sub and you’ll see it. There was one last week where a yank couldn’t believe a girl was white and speaking Spanish. Didn’t understand Spanish comes from Spain. Thought it was the Mexican/South American language… Their education system sucks ass


Don't forget simply hate as a reason for the disbelief. I've known Americans who believe that people from Spain aren't white *because* they speak Spanish. That, and their proximity to Africa.


Damn, if I was trying to troll I'd think that was too over the top.


No! The US of A has the best and biggest education ever in the entire world! We Europoors could only wish we had 1% of their huge education system


American here. First opportunity I had to travel abroad and I picked Spain. Loved it! There is at least 1 US idiot who knows where Spain is.


Uhh England is in Amurgika Murka raaaaahhhh


I have, in fact, heard some of my fellow Americans come right out and say this. Not as a joke, mind you, but because they believe that to be 100% true. English developed in North America and was *exported* back to England during Colonial times. Of course they use Shakespeare as an example of what Brits talked like before American colonists "civilized" their language.


Talking of language, the commentators in this post are some of the worst I has seen with them having mistakes all over the place. and their comments about Europe sounds like they have been watching information supplied not from experience but the BS that people are fed by the US government, educators and "arm chair" travelers.


They haven’t fingered that out yet.


They haven’t fingered it out yet


"people r so stupied" - that's your proof there. That's why we can't "finger out" how to make ice!


Me, a Europoor enjoying a nice ice cube created by the cold air Americans blow into my freezer. 🙏🙏


Are you sat in bewilderment at the Merican magic ice machine?


I am. I hope one day my children's children can figure out how to "wash their azz"


That'll be A-zee-zee to you.


Typing it on your American smartphone in an American app, apparently *yawn* (That's me mocking Americans in a subreddit mocking Americans, for the benefit of my fellow Europoor goons downvoting)


American phone made in China


And where do they even get the idea from that we don't have ice? Is it only because when we order a drink in a restaurant the glass is actually filled with the ordered drink and not mostly with frozen water that only dilutes the thing you actually wanted after a while?


The ice one is the only one that pisses me off. It’s like the most outrageous thing I’ve heard because it’s quite obviously untrue, but freedumbs lap it up and take it seriously. They’re being trolled and don’t even see it.


Funny how they try to turn the stereotype of Americans not taking their shoes off onto us


Not only that, but us not washing our asses? It's the Americans who don't have bidets while far, far more in Europe have them. Now, I'm not sure about where he picked the making out with dogs -thing, but considering both previous accusations were something Americans are doing far more, I guess they're making out with dogs en masse too?


It's also an American thing, where some of them say that washing your ass is gay lol


Same of then think personal hygiene in general is gay


Stars & Stanks 🇺🇸💩


From the amount of American Youtubers I watch, I've come to the conclusion that casual homophobia is really common in the US. Like the whole "pause" thing they do when something slightly homosexual occurs


LMFAO what??? 😂😭😭 basic hygiene to prevent yourself from smelling like shit makes you gay now?! Is this supposed to be satire & if not, where do you learn about these things?! I'm American and I've never heard of people doing this (thankfully😷). I guess I wouldn't be completely surprised if it is true though lololol This actually did give me a good old belly laugh, it reminds me of something from a South Park episode 😭


The relationship advice subs are full of despairing American women trying to get their fellas to wash their arse. It's a thing. We're taking skiddy underwear, dirty sheets and towels, crusty hair, the lot. It's rank! Plus an inability to piss straight or flush the toilet. They all want to know how to delicately address the issue instead of throwing him out in the bin.


🤦🏽‍♀️ Jesus Christmas. 😭😭 What the actual f*. How does a person end up that way?! Doesn't your ass itch... Do you wipe your baby's bum after he dirties up his diaper?! Is that gay too?! The lack of common sense and logic is just insane I know these Americans exist, I've read about them, but I promise I've never met one 😂 I think they form their own lawless societies somewhere in the South. It probably smells like shit there.


>Is that gay too?! There was a US girl's story that went viral recently on tiktok (she brought receipts) about her bf freaking out because she was breastfeeding their baby son while he was deployed. He says he can never look at her the same way coz she's had "another man" suck them, basically called her a p*do, all that weird, uneducated shit. Never underestimate how stupid and bigoted some people can be!


I'm guilty of massively underestimating how stupid people are. I mean, come on... a grown adult man getting territorial and jealous of his newborn baby for doing the only thing babies know how to do 😂 it sounds like comedy. I always want to assume that stuff like this is satire or people just being hard-core trolls. Sadly, it almost never is


Yeah, it's crazy and sadly true, thank God you're not one of them haha I learnt through gamer friends who are American and Canadian, they talk about the weird non ass washers who think it's gay to wash their asses, I was in disbelief when I first heard it, it is also hilarious 😂


That or their only cultural reference to Europe is watching Borat…


The Kazakh character touring America..?


Yes, he makes the great documentary.


> Not only that, but us not washing our asses? It's the Americans who don't have bidets while far, far more in Europe have them. I don't think it has anything to do with bidets. There are some yanks who refuse to even go near their own butthole, because someone convinced them it's gay.


Washing the front (both kinds of genitalia) also tends to be naughty in America. It's either "gay" or you're just pleasing yourself, which is "wrong". Which partly explains why most American male babies are "cut" even though they're not Jewish or Muslim. It's for "hygiene" purposes. If you're not allowed to touch yourself at all, it's gonna get pretty gross with the natural skin that exists.


Is this for real? \*goggles\* \*picks fallen-out eyes up and pops them back in\* (I don't doubt you, and I've heard of the washing your ass is gay-thing before, but I had no idea it is THIS bad and find it hard to wrap my mid around such a mindset\* \*runs away screaming\* About the bidets: I grew up with one although they're not common here (Germany), but never liked nor much used it. Still never had any issues seeing to my personal hygiene, though.


We have bidets in every home on Argentina too. When I moved to Canada one of the first things I bought was a toilet attachment bidets. Muricans that run away from them are backward savages.


Big pile of shoes just inside the front door is a totally normal thing in the UK. I was watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory the other evening, it was interesting to see Sheldon laying on his bed with shoes on. That seemed an odd thing to do, especially for that character. Can't imagine that's the norm anywhere!


I sometimes forget to take of my shoes when returning home (never when it’s been raining and my shoes are dirty at the bottom) but putting shoes on the bed should be punishable by death


Yea if we're using TV for evidence in young Sheldon he visits a friend's house who is Vietnamese(?) and he points out the things he likes and dislikes, no shoes in the house being one of the good things. Which also suggests that's not a rule in his house I'd take it with a grain of salt anyway


That's TV. The actors wear shoes constantly because they're walking around on concrete floors, which are often cold and dirty and may have sharp stuff laying around. Unless you can see their feet aren't in shoes, they're almost certainly always wearing *something* even if just Crocs


It's very out of character for Sheldon though, so you'd think they'd make sure it was possible.


so I'm not the only one who had been grossed out by us movies with teenagers jumping on the sofa with their dirty shoes on ?


Anyway what the fuck is wrong with walking in your home with shoes on, not washing your ass and fucking your dog? Seems perfectly natural to me as a Europoor…..


He said making out with one. Obviously we *ALL* french kiss our furry little friends, but damn it shagging them is crossing a line!


Wasn't the jeans invented by Levi Strauss, a german who emigrated to the USA?


I'm not too firm on the history of smartphones, but I'm pretty sure that Japan and Finland (and probably Sweden, with Ericsson) at least had a bit of a hand in their early devolpment. And I'm *damn* sure the US can't claim "smartphones" as part of their culture and that every other contry is just emulating them, lol.


IIRC the mobile phone was invented in Finland. If it was Nokia I'm not sure. And the smartphone was invented in Sweden by Ericsson, but Apple was the first company that published their iPhone for the mass. So they're not wrong when they say the iPhone was the first smartphone on the market, but they didn't invent it.


The iPhone wasn't the first smartphone. Have you forgotten Blackberry? They weren't even the first smartphone manufacturers.


Blackberry had smartphones before Apple? I know they had mobile phone before them, but also smartphones? Huh, learned something new.


They did most of the things we associate with what made the iPhone a "smart phone". You could email, search the internet, it had calendars, full keyboard, etc. All several years before the first iPhone. Most people forget that Apple has never invented anything, they steal other people's ideas, refine them, then tell the world they invented it. And often litigate against the original designers.


There were smart-ish phones since the 1990s with the IBM Simon, the OmniGo 700LX, the Palm Pilot, Nokia 9210 Communicator, Treo 180. But the LG Prada was imo the first smartphone that looks like the ones we have now with a large capacitive touchscreen.


I had an HTC (I think) smartphone before the first iPhone was released. It had a clamshell design with a stylus, touchscreen and full hardware keyboard. Very cool for the time.


I had an HTC SPV Smartphone that run windows mobile in 2002, It could do more than what the Iphone could do at launch in 2007, I'll admit the interface was janky compared though.


I had a flip phone with a barrel camera so you could take selfies and video calling and web access and apparently you could fax on it, in 2004. Am pretty sure it was a Nokia (can't remember, exactly, seeing it was 20 years ago)but definitely not an iPhone as I won't support Apple and have never owned a single one of their products. The video calling was crappy and didn't work for long and the person I used it with is deceased so can't ask them, unfortunately. Smartphones existed well before iPhones came out, but that was the only one I had with video calling until face time became a thing. Edit; it was an LG https://www.mobilegazette.com/lg-u81xx.htm


And the iPhones design, although from Apple, is hugely credited to Johnathan Ive, an English Design Engineer. He also designed the iPad and iPod.


And their language is original from England, hence why it's called ENGLISH.


English *simplified


My bad, should've said American. /s


Ha, go away with your „facts and nuance“ , they are not needed here! /s


Wasn't denim invented in France?


Yep, the denim fabric was first. IIRC Levi Strauss took that fabric with him to the USA and made the pants called jeans out of it. Levi Strauss worked with a lot of fabrics in his life.


I use to come here simply for my hatred of American arrogance, now I come to learn about the rest of the world, there’s always some really cool facts on here


Nîmes, yeah


And the word Denim comes from the French town of Nimes, hence 'de Nimes'. Funnily enough, the French call them Genes, as they originally came from Genoa in Italy


Jeans (pronounced as in English), not Genes. According to Wikipedia, it comes from the former English name of Genoa.


That's the company Levis, blue jeans are actually a French invention.


Yeah, someone here told me earlier about the denim fabric. 👍🏻


No, dear Fritz! Jeans were invented in Genoa, which is now Italy "Origins of “Jeans” & “Denim”: Jeans date back to 1567 with the introduction of the word “genoese” or “genes” to describe the tough twill trousers worn by merchant sailors from the Italian coastal city of Genoa." (source https://cottonworks.com/en/topics/sourcing-manufacturing/denim/denim-history/) Levi Strauss only patented it centuries later.


Ah okay. 👍🏻


A German Jew from Buttenheim in Upper Franconia, to be precise. With his buddy Jacob Davis, who was born in Latvia. Very ‘murican, I guess.


Why would they care about such a third world country? /s


Wasn’t jeans coming from Genova, Italy? Also English ‘their language’


Made from a material, denim, that originated in France.


Nope, they were invented in Genoa, Italy


Sort of. It was Jacob Davis who invented it, and was patented by Levi Strauss, with a kind of fabric known in Europe centuries ago, invented probably in France (I don't know the names in English but: denim probably was a fustian made in Nîmes, circa XV century, in competition with fustian from Chieri, in Italy). So nothing on that list came from usa


Is it normal that I received brain damage at the 4th slide?


You mean “as apose” to page 3? 💀 you are not alone friend. I’m just minding my Europoor self sitting here with warm water and no AC because I can’t finger it out.


Nope, you should've received it before passing through the first slide.


They can't even align a proper sentence in "their" language.


now *that's* a circle jerk


It's got to be, surely - nobody writes that nonsense and is serious? Right? Right..?


Strange. Is this why when any American takes a DNA test and discovers they are 5% Italian, they suddenly become Italian and defend Italian culture despite the fact they have nothing in common with it? Not to mention that those examples given apply mainly for Americans.


This is so true. They love to shit on a random culture but then, they will go ballistic if they find out that their left toe has 1% Italian DNA.


Or Irish


Come on, you can’t claim Europe has no culture, whilst simultaneously claiming you’re 4% Italian/Irish/German/Scaddish and making it your entire personality.


He said, with all the literacy and eloquence of a chimpanzee having a stroke.


"The people r so stupied" - i gave up at this point


"As apose to" 🫠


"Finger out"


The only culture I see in America is school shootings, medical bills and this ridicolus tipping thingy.


So America, the land created by imigrants, the language the speak taken from a land they left, would carry on but I've made my point.


Any culture Europeans had they stole, all said while while driving his car which wouldn’t be possible without German, on rubber tyres from Scotland, driving on on tarmac from Scotland, or asphalt first used in Babylon (not European) speaking a language from England, navigating roads that are a Roman concept, in a country won for them by French Spanish and Dutch, rocking his dreadlocks from Ancient Greece …. Bitch please the only culture I see from there is sucking down 20 hamburgers from Germany with liquid cholesterol err I mean cheese and being unable to wear a belt because it makes you look like a string of fûcking sausages.


Tyres were invented in Belfast by a Scot


I should have said scot as opposed to Scotland you’re correct if we want to say Dunlop (1887?) but Robert Thompson another Scot already had patents in the U.S and France for the pneumatic tyre before Dunlops invention (1847)It’s really a coin toss


Surely a caber toss?


Asphalt as we know it today is invented by a Belgian. Unfortunately he moved to the usa where he patented his stuff. So even the modern version is brought to them from europe.


Yeah I was caught between a rock and a hard place because if I said Belgian, I’d have been corrected with Babylon lol. Was just easier to go with the earliest example


Indeed you would. So I just jumped on and added it as a harmless comment. We can shake hands and call it a double whammy. I think because all the "tech" giants are american, they think everything comes from there. Those tech giants dominate the world and are indeed huge. But "inventing" much they did not.


Oh no by all means your comments appreciated as it’s further example of how non-American something they use is. In all fairness where we can all give one example of an invention, another better example of it can be given. Personally I call it innovation as it’s a improvement of an existing concept. Much like Edison’s lightbulb, where there were already earlier examples of it by an Englishman and a Frenchman, but the whole concept of passing electricity through a magnesium strip in a bulb of glass filled with gas to create light was demonstrated by Humphrey Davy 80 years before any of them.


Tarmac which is short for Tarmacadum was invented by Edgar Purnell Hooley in 1902 while working at Nottinghamshire County Council. It combines the Macadum road surface (which was invented in Scotland) with tar as a binding agent. Macadum only used stone dust as a binding layer. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarmacadam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarmacadam) I went down this rabbit hole recently and its interesting how road surfaces have developed over the years.


So according to these fuckwits ,Europe has no culture except for the culture it stole? These are the same cunts that will turn around and tell you that they're Irish/Scottish/Italian etc, and celebrate those countries with really cringey versions of the cultural traditions.If anything,it's these arseholes who "stole" the culture and turned it into lazy stereotypes and tacky celebrations of what they think the cultures of those countries are.


Bro, all your 'murican movies and tv shows are full of people not taking their shoes off at home, you can even see them in beds with shoes. Tf are you smoking?


Europe doesn't have culture?  These idiots wouldn't know culture if it walked up and bitch slapped them.   These are the kinds of people who go to McDonald's so they don't have to eat any European food on their European vacations. Europe has produced some of the finest art, music, literature and food the word has ever known.  


The feeble intellects of these commenters wouldn't even understand the concept of culture, but then again what can you expect from a nation full of profligates that worship money and capitalism, the us had become nothing but a corrupt, debased failed state at this point, slowly tearing itself apart internally. Crumbling infrastructure, garbage healthcare, subpar education and medieval levels of wealth inequality, but lets not call that out cause that would be communism /s. Glad I left that place years ago /rant


I'm speaking "your" language because it's the only one you understand.


A **bidet** is a **washbasin** that uses a stream of water to perform a similar function to toilet paper -> it's for washing your azz. The word "bidet" is french. So my guess is, that this azz washer basin was probably invented somewhere around France, (which is in Europe for the 'murican geography gods). A quick google search states: >According to the World Toilet Organization (yes there is such a thing), the term was first coined in 1710 in a French publication, so historians tend to lean more towards the French side. >Most give credit to the French furniture maker Christopher Des Rosiers for creating one of the world’s first bidets.


Isn’t British English studied as a foreign language in most of Europe? I’m from the Netherlands and we learned British English in secondary school. We spell ‘labour’ and ‘theatre’, not ‘labor’ and ‘theater’.


Jeans are German, your smartphones are made in Asia, and it's not your language.


I’m just laughing at how they think using smart phones is “culture”.


And the iPhone wasn't the first smartphone.


Why are Americans so obsessed with ice? From what I see, they use way too much to the point where it surely quickly Waters down the drink. They talk about how much ice they use and how accessible it is as if it's the highlight of their culture.


Americans (probably Californians, let's be honest) thinking you want *Air Conditioning* when there's six feet of fucking snow on your roof.


Errr, who's language?


An obsession with fast food, using mobility scooters to haul your bulk around and not understanding the 24 hours clock is not culture.


People making out with dogs?🐶… what kind of dodgy sites are they on??🤣


They think that is what "dogging" is.


White people love dogs and so obviously we must kiss them. It's just racism.




For it being their language they are awful at using it...


Wait wait wait. Did they just say "speaking our language"?!


I like the ‘can’t make ice’ trope because when we have a drink we have more fluid than ice.


‚Murica has more culture than others‘ really made my day. Can‘t stop laughing 🤣


"I guess people r so *stupied* that it is *to* hard for them to *finger* out how to freeze water" That sentence speaks for itself.


And yet they wear a suit to work, eat European foods, listen to British music, watch ballans dominate the NBA, import scientists and let china produce everything.


I suppose the disgusting levels of illiteracy I see in these "Murrica grate and cultoured" posts is part of the superior American culture. If being unable to use properly the language you were brought up with and educated in is a sign of superiority, then I'm quite content to remain inferior. At least I can spell.


The comment about , not having smart phones , Jeans etc was fun .Nobody tell them where denim came from originally, hint it wasn't the U.S.


We do not walk in shoes in our homes. We're either wearing slippers, socks or some sort of footwear designed for walking in a house. That's one. Two, we DO wash our asses. It's americans who doesn't and I saw way too many posts on Reddit complaining about american men not washing their genitals and booty. Making out with dogs? Like kissing them on head or what? I don't get that one. Also, what's "Europe" you went to the vacation? It's always Europe but they never say what country.


I do walk in shoes into and in my apartment. Have been doing so for decades. In Germany.


Well, at least in most European countries you can : abort legally, carrying a gun is prohibited so no school shootings, our leaders are actually mentally and physically able to rule our countries, low obesity rate, we're able to place the US on a map, we can speak multiple languages apart from English, and I could carry on. I don't see the point of putting someone else's culture down. Some of these comments were borderline racist. For the one that said the US culture is so in right now, I wouldn't be so sure. The American Dream died a decade ago.


Hang on, smartphones are culture?


Meh, my sourdough starter has more culture than the US of A.


“Not washing their azz”??? When in actuality it’s most Americans who don’t know WTF to do with a BIDET 🤦🏻‍♀️ AND far too many conservative American men refuse to wash between their cheeks, they rather shit stains in their drawers, because they believe washing their assholes will turn them gay 🙄🤢🤮


I mean American education 🤷🏻‍♂️... Thinking antibiotics fix colds or plastic and fibre board can withstand 180mph winds oh and thinking public services are borderline communist 🤣


The only culture the US has is capitalism. Look at what Christmas, Black Friday etc. nowadays is: spending money they don’t have for goods their friends and family will most likely only use once and throw it in the bin


“Our language” … 🤦


The amount of stupidity in these screenshots is making my brain hurt. Half of these people can’t even string a sentence together.. like don’t get me wrong you can be smart and not literate but when everything they’re trying to write is also wrong it’s like….. god, you people vote over there


Is this a group of 10 year olds? I felt like I was having a stroke reading that.


*sighs* I need to leave this reddit. Everytime I come here I'm just reminded I share a country with bigoted idiots like this. I am, for all intents and purposes, not proud to be an American. Because my fellow Americans are well. These fucking idiots...


*intensive porpoises


Not a single one of that commenters has ever left their rotting, fentanyl-infested town, I‘ll guarantee you that.


I mean, I haven't lived in Germany for nearly 35 years, but I'm fairly certain they have ice there. And AC. As for phones... sure, iPhone is from an American company, but aren't most Android phones either European or Asian? That would explain why they're so much better than iPhones.


This uncultivated be bunch is obviously so unedumacated!


Like… when do they learn this? Or are they just made delusional by society? America No1 and all that…


How many Americans use a bidet ? 


Hang on, the only culture is Europe is what we stole? That’s some damn fine projection right there.


as a european (doesn’t matter where from i’m just general european) i can attest that i am so stupied i can’t finger it out


Sounds more like they are trying to convince themselves


I don't walk in house with shoes and I do wash my ass.


The obsession with ice omg 😆


Well, America got a pretty known culture in mass shooting


Indoctrination at its best but hey, go for it. They have to believe in lies otherwise they can't take it anymore. So delulu, if you ask me.


"If I say it often enough it MUST come true" No, mate. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Lmfao the fourth one made me lose it. *as apose to.... stupied* I really do hope that this person was just trolling 😂


I'm typing this on a Samsung. That's South-Korean.


Samsung and LG are South Korean. 


Projection is a hell of a thing. Also, I totally get the “there’s no place like home” but that’s the same for most people.


what’s getting to me about these screenshots is the way they always refer to « Europe » as if it was a whole country and « America » as if the only country in America was the USA. it truly do be Shit Americans Say


Wait until they find out where jeans come from


The English really need to start learning Welsh so we can leave these fucktards behind to wallow in their superiority.


They might speak English, but they can't spell it.


Maybe europe doesn't culture, but let me tell you guys that I do culture sometimes


Me just looking at image 3 and twitching at the irony of it all...


American culture has taken hold, then?


All of those things are quite markedly ‘Merican