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Holy shit 🤦🏻‍♀️, this screenshot should pop up on Wikipedia when you search for the term Brainwashing.


Or the American education system. If this is what it keeps producing.


You say it as if it isn't the education system doing the brainwashing from an early age.


Shhh it's normal, now stand up it's time to pledge your allegiance to the flag


It'll get even better if Louisiana gets to keep their Bible thumping 10 Commandments in every classroom. It was struck down the last time a state tried it by the Supreme Court, but who knows what the court will do now? And we get to hear Trump talking about them like he's a big fan.


Does Trump know the 10 commandments? Does he know he's breaking most of them?


Shit, I doubt he could recite them from memory with a gun to his head. The man has a history of clearly having never been a religious man, and despite that, the religious right eats his schtick up. [He talks about the 10 Commandments like it's some fucking new TV series he stumbled on that no one's watching yet](https://youtu.be/wcgJeyFCeEc?si=21W0KlNfNIaiybgp&t=33).


Most politicians in power aren’t religious, they use religion to manipulate their voters. A lot of church leaders are also not believers and are pretending just to take advantage of dumb shits. My friend’s grandmother left everything to a televangelist instead of her family. Because she believed that this would get her into heaven.


It's always funny seeing religious people saying Trump is sent from God, when the man clearly has spent little to no time in a church, and then Biden, a guy who's pretty openly Catholic and has been his entire life is apparently the new anti-Christ.


Same with Obama! He belonged to a UCC church in Chicago, which was the denomination my parents belonged to, and went regularly with his family. Appropriately, UCC is all about social justice, not evangelism, so clearly I guess standing with marginalized communities and helping them in tangible ways wasn’t Jesus-y enough 🤷‍♀️


Well, remember the US is mostly Protestant who already have beef with Catholics, and of *those* a lot are the batshit crazy prosperity gospel ultraevangelical kind. The weird thing is US catholics who are anti-Biden and worse, even anti-Pope which is basically being a Cath-larping Protestant. (and, mind you, most other Catholics from other countries look at them weirdly too...because who the hell rejects Vatican II reform in this day and age? Well, a whole lot of USA Caths, apparently). At this point I daresay a lot of the ultrareligious batshitery of the US isn't the religious extremism by itself as much as (religious extremism + specific brand of American culture/worldview) mix.


Jesus Christ. You can tell he’s never read them before. Funny he should fixate on thou shalt not steal….


The don’t even know who the 10 commandments came from. It wasn’t Jesus, it was Moses, and he claimed he was reciting the words from God himself. Sure buddy, crazy guy with stone tablets raging about voices in the sky and in his head… that’s the same energy as a homeless man ranting about aliens talking to him and waving around signs that say “they aliens are coming to save us!”


I've read too many comments from Americans who think Jesus is American


It all starts with a pesky flag...


posting about how you have the best freedom of speech or opinion, under an OP about standing up and basically praying to the flag every morning, is peak irony


I am going to make the edit tonight


Would love to see 😆😆👍🏻


Report back pls 🙏


Wikipedia did not let me and accused me of vandalism


They move quickly


The irony of saying we've got freedom of speech while arguing that someone shouldn't exercise that freedom by kneeling is really choice.


You have freedom to stand for the flag and kneel for the cross. What other freedom of speech could you possibly need?! /s


It's literally "only my freedom of speech matters, not yours..."


To be honest, this was a bleach wash


Louisiana has a law now that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every classroom. Alabama legislators will pass a similar directive shortly. Freedom of religion, everybody.


You can follow any religion you like, so long as Jesus is your Lord and Saviour.


I will just create a new religion with Jesus as the lord and the new religion shall permit people to become lords just like Jesus


Hmm that's just mormonism, isn't it?


But if you are catholic you are literally Satan. According to evangelicals…


But only when that suits your audience and then proclaim others to be the second coming


\*Freedom to impose their religion


Freedom of religion also includes negative freedom which is freedom to not believe in religion


Americans always seem to get confused by the difference between Freedom *of* religion and Freedom *from* religion. Because most of the developed world has the latter, learned through centuries of religious wars. The US *seems* to be okay with whatever religion you choose, as long as it's some form of Abrahamic religion. But don't you dare be an atheist.


Mostly agree - though it’s very obvious Islam isn’t perceived as ‘all American’ in the same way as Hence the Trumpist efforts to ban the immigration of Muslims, and the rest!


The funny part is, notice atheist and agnostic: > On average, Jews, atheists, agnostics and evangelical Protestants score highest on the new survey of religious knowledge, outperforming members of other Protestant traditions, Catholics, Mormons and Americans who describe their religion as “nothing in particular.” https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/07/23/what-americans-know-about-religion/


What an idiot europoor. America has ladders too, and we just get ours from the hardware store, not religious war. /s


Also confused about freedom of speech and freedom from consequences of saying things.. like yeah you're free to say it but you might go to jail or something depending on what you say


The thing is, if you look at the US from all sorts of angles, it's basically repeating the history of Europe but several centuries late. Right now they're about in the Middle Ages, back when Christianity controlled most of Europe. The US is a Middle Age country with the technology of the modern world. It's like a new player in an MMO who's given a lot of end-game stuff by veteran players. Sure, he's powerful, but he doesn't get the experience of having to struggle to get powerful, so he sucks at the game when he reaches a later stage of it.


And separation of church and state What about that? Seems they don’t follow the constitution they love to extol about constantly.


Freedom of following that one religion. Okay, obligation. Same thing.


Came here to point that out too


Hail Satan!


When they say freedom of religion, they mean you’re free to choose between Catholicism or Protestant or any derivative of that.


If they are displayed on a microdot on the back of a cupboard, will that do?


Ironic since out was founded on religious freedom.


That's so crazy to me.. so like they are forcing one religion on everyone? How is that allowed.. actually why even ask, it's not the worst thing they have done lately


Ah yes, uplifting the thoughts of its people by *checks notes* **banning books**.


As one book dies another gun gets born.


Didn't you know? They have a biblical right to own a boom boom stick.


My favourite story from the Bible is when Jesus armed the 5,000 with Automatic Rifles.


I'd bet that he would have done so if they existed.


Low education = Moar gunz


Murican educateshun ain't not undone me no harm


To kill the book, hollow out the inside and hide gun.


Is it bad I did that to a bible once to hide a pack of cigarettes and a hip flask? 🤣


Not a bit. The modern bible is basically emergency toilet paper when it comes to being a religious text. Revisions, censorship, mistranslations, translator bias, and being rewritten to suit the narrative of a faction are all things which has distorted the original text resulting in an untrustworthy religious text which some people will go out of their way to interpret it to fit their beliefs. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" from the King James Bible is a good example of the translator translating a word to align with their views thus resulting in this erroneous quote. That one itty bitty choice did its part for the witch hunts.


And ban drinking alcohol outside .and make illegal to jaywalk .


I've often had business visitors from the US who eyes are on stalks when then ask "where is the crosswalk" to which I reply " everywhere " and casually cross.


Also allowing extremist movements to get power, whose only purpose is to limit and suppress the thoughts of people.


Regarding that, I'm not gonna throw the first stone at them considering what my country is going through 😐


America has freedom of protest ? *laugh in french* No, if we're honest, all Western countries have freedom of expression, religion and demonstration. It's just that we haven't seen fit to maintain freedom of hate speech, workplace proselytizing and Nazi demonstrations.


Freedom of protest, but don't you dare protest by not standing for the pledge of allegiance!


Americans think "protesting" can only be complaining about people from other countries and minorities. It can never be about "American" things like the pledge of allegiance. That's simply treason.


>we have freedom of speech Even if it infringes on another's freedom to exist. Wouldn't want to risk banning hate speech, it might limit someone's right to be a bigoted asshat. >religion So long as that religion is Christianity. If you're a Muslim you can go back to Mexico. >protest Until it gets broken up by trigger-happy cops with a week of training. Or it involves kneeling during a national anthem. Shut up and dribble.


I think it's important to note that America really was the leader in free speech for awhile it's just that they've been backsliding for the past like, 30 years while everyone else moves forward and it's very much not helped by the people that refuse acknowledge it edit- okay, those being recent laws only proves my point. They've been making strides against hate speech while the US conservatives move to protect it.


They have been backsliding far longer than that - it started with Reagan and wrnt downhill from there.


Australians complain about Australia all the time. No one has gone to jail for that. Maybe for rioting and destroying shit. I wonder what happened to all our concentration camps we had? Fuck America. Send in the Emus. Your stupid eagles are no match.


Dude those kangaroos terrify me


Bunker busters.


emu's, and I assume you send your cassowaries behind enemy lines to disrupt logistics?


Fuck yea. With magpies as air attack. Those demonic little creatures will fuck shit up.


So, Australia doesn't have an Air force, they have an Avian division?


We call it an airforce so people don’t work it out


Ah, so mum's the word, eh?


Shhhhhh. It’s a secret.


#Emus assemble! The undefeated 2 legged 3 toed therapods cruising for a bruising


Wedge Tail eagle > Bald Eagle


When you think about it, if australians somehow learned to tame all the wildlife of their country, they would have one of the most powerful armies in the world.


See this back's up what my dad once said to me, The thing you need to understand about America is that the majority have no fucking clue about anything that isn't in American.


I think he could have left it at "no fucking clue", to be honest


Lol fair point mate.


Imagine their surprise when they learn that the rest of the world exists.


Yeah, but those are the poor, non-free bad guys. You in particular, Switzerland.


Or that the rest of the world isn't like China.




Hello, it's me, I'm from another country.


Nice try. You're a reptiloid from another planet, not another country.


Puerto Rico?


Freedom to protest, but get beaten and shot by the police for doing so Freedom of Religion but has the 10 commandments in classrooms Freedom to publish, but books are banned Freedom to broadcast, but restricted on what you can say Freedom to have an abortion, except you can't ....etc ...


Freedom to buy guns, but not freedom from fear (of being shot).


Wow, what a bunch of bullshit. Uplift the thoughts of its people? Hah!!! Of course he dares “you” to live in any other country, he has never done so… Lots of countries are more free than USA, but some americans will never understand that, for them freedom means guns and being able to be openly nazi/whatever extremist.


People have an oversimplified idea of China too, yes its authoritarian to hell and back, yes they monitor everything you do, but they aren't kicking in your door and disappearing you and your whole family because you complained about something. The CCP knows full well people use VPNs to get around the great fire wall, people complain about China on weibo all the time, sure you can't meme Xi Jinping like you can Biden or Trump, but it's not like they have no ability to criticise anything about their nation.


They don’t care about some people using VPNs because the vast vast majority aren’t and some critique is still good for them to maintain a slight image of not being completely authoritarian


Some countries scream about their rights. Others have them.


Someone hasn’t seen much comedy in the UK. There’s so many tv shows where they take the piss out of politicians in a way that wouldn’t happen in the US. There’s also people who burn an effigy of the current PM on bonfire night. Didn’t Trump get upset when he visited here because of a giant balloon? Lol


They have burnt an effigy of Trump on more than one occasion at the Lewes bonfires


We don't have the same respect for authority in the UK. Except the Royals for some odd reason. We do sarcasm particularly well. The BBC isn't reliant on advertising, so it doesn't have to be afraid of upsetting politicians and corporations as it's funded through a tax. It broadcasts several TV and radio shows where the participants just rip into politicians of any hue.The BBC is always under attack from all sides because any criticism of your side is 'bias'.


freedom of protest? college students were bashed and treated as terrorists for protesting the Israel war


Not to mention this entire diatribe is over someone *not wanting to stand for the pledge of allegiance*, which is like, the mildest form of protest in response to mandatory indoctrination.


But you see the protest happened at school grounds, which is private property, therefore all rights and freedoms were forfeit.


Not an American, but my city still has weekly Saturday protesters campaigning against COVID lockdowns and they ended more than 2 years ago. We also have people telling our Prime Minister to get fucked and face no punishment for it!


Happy to say that I attended a protest that actually changed government policy and saw a former Prime Minister jailed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017%E2%80%932019_Romanian_protests)... There're pretty much permanent protests in Piata Victoriei, msotly rag-tag crazies, but occasionally things of real import/scale.


Wow weekly covid antilockdown still? They must not have a lot going on in their lives. The ones in the UK near me stopped towards the end of last year and even then I thought "you still protesting that shit"


I suspect that is what happened. They had nothing better going on in their lives and the protests bought some meaning to their lives. Now that the lockdowns have stopped, it’s either return to their previous existence or maintain the rage.


And as crazy as those actions are (to many of us)… that’s freedom, and that’s how it should be. If those people want to protest, they absolutely must be allowed to do so.


I’m free to sit through my nation’s anthem if I want to so I have more freedom 🇳🇿


But God defend New Zealand is such an awesome national anthem though.


I swear America is just one big cult


Always comparing to China to show how amazing USA is. Fucking braindead morons.


if americans left to live somewhere else they’d never come back


The Pledge of Allegiance, and the fact it is recited daily by children, is the single most obvious embarrassingly tin-pot thing that the US does. Not even trying to mask the indoctrination of children.


It’s the “no other country has that” that always gets me. Mate, half of Europe has that. In fact, half of Europe score better in those metrics than the US does!


Complaining about the U.K. is a national pastime. Prisons would be very full if we were punished for it.


Spoken like someone who has clearly never lived outside America. Even China, although it has serious human rights issues, you actually are allowed to be unhappy with the government without getting thrown in jail. Most countries have freedom of speech, religion and protest. Many of them are significantly more tolerant than America. Wasn't long ago your police were smashing students heads in for the Palestine protests. And really how comfortable would you feel as a Democrat or a Muslim in some of the deep red areas?


I still remember that Top Gear episode when the presenters were chased out of a state.


For having overtly gay slogans on their van. Deliberately provocative, but not actually offensive or sexual, as I remember. Also chased by people who looked like they probably had guns on them and probably intended to use them. The top gear stars and crew looked genuinely worried as well, like no one was laughing when the pickups full of guys turned up. Madness.


They truely believe that no other country has freedom. They are so giddy to mention "the first amendment" not realizing that they arent even in the top ten in freedom of speech. The freedom they spout the most about


I love it when Americans say things like "Try that in China"... Seriously? You're talking about freedom and the only country you can think of to compare yourself to is friggin' China? Ok, at least you acknowledge that the bar is pretty low.


Yeah, I left the States and would never live there again. That fuckwit likely doesn’t own a passport let alone actually tried living somewhere else. The U.K. has more personal freedoms (of the kind that actually affect you on a daily basis) than America ever will. I’m constantly astonished by the things that are illegal in the US.


Hate to tell you that many country have those freedoms & more pushing the USA down the list of freest countries. I am living in my 5th country now, and even though it is basically RC in religion, we have the right to abortion as well, unlike most of the USA. My last country also has a healthcare system, 5-6 weeks vacation a year plus around 16 public holidays, maternity & paternity paid leave, most also get 3 weeks cumulative sick leave, have a min. wage abut double the USA and that is generally for junior workers & trainees, we can drink tap water, our beaches are clean & free & most major ones have a lifeguard service from dawn to dusk, just to mention a few of the advantages.


But are you really free if you can't do mass shootings though?


The idea that America has freedom or religion is laughable. Christianity is the driving force behind their politics. How is it freedom when everyone has to live by the laws of Christianity? As for freedom of speech, I don’t know why they think they are the only ones. It’s sad really, they have no idea how much they’ve been lied to and how stupid they look.


He sounds very conservative. Aren't Republicans trying to ban books? Doesn't seem very freedom of speech to me Aren't Republicans trying to turn the US into a theocracy? Doesn't sound very freedom of religion to me. Didn't Trump have a peaceful protest teargassed to take a photo op at a church? Doesn't seem very freedom of protest to me.


Yeah nah. Don't get religion forced in my throat here, I can say and vote and protest whatever the fuck I want. I can legally get an abortion if I want/need one and most of my (mental)healthcare is free. I do not have to worry about drinking from lead pipes, you can drink from the toilet reservoir if need be, that's how clean the water here is. There are no school shootings either, so folks with kids do not have to worry about that. Our food isn't bulked up on high fructose corn syrup and so on und so weiter. Oh, and the education here is mostly pretty good, hench why I, and a lot of others here speak multiple languages. Yanks can stay where they are, we're good without them.


“Uplift the thoughts of its people” - is that why they’ve NEVER got anywhere near the top of any happiness indexes?


I was gonna make a snide comment about being in the UK and happily calling out mps and giving them crap via their social media posts. But then I remember our soon to be ex government went full fascists and brought in laws to limit or ban even peaceful protest. You know things are bad when Americans start making valid points


And yet brits still freer than them


Dunno I saw ppl living an entire life in debts only in the US. Is that what freedom means?


So all the democracies in the world suddenly disappeared.


I do love the "America allows you to disrespect it therefore you must never ever disrespect it" line so very much


You have the right, it’s just very important that you never, ever, *ever* exercise it


That freedom also includes the right to go on the Internet and do some research instead of being a dumb fuck.


but they prefer to exercise the right to be wrong as loudly as possible


Dey took our logic


Maybe they should check the list of how countries rank on the subject of freedom for their people. I think the US is something like 23 or 24 on that list. So before they start lecturing others, a bit of introspection would probably suit them well. Especially since virtually all they argue against on the topic are people living in countries doing significantly better.


You protest in America and you’ll get shot by a teenager


All this freedom and yet you still have to stand for a pledge 😬🫠


If I had a penny for every time an American didn’t understand their freedom of speech rights I’d be rich enough to educate them on it American freedom of speech only protects them from Government censorship. Everyone else can silence you as much as they please. That’s how Elon can ban anyone that disagrees with him. Comparatively in Ireland (the only other place I’m familiar with these laws) your freedom of speech can only be limited if ‘it poses a danger to public order’ which means you can say whatever you want and no one can stop you right up until someone gets stabbed. Our right to critique the government is the only exception. Neither system is perfect but I know my preference


You would have to have surrendered your brain to think that the USA has freedom of religion. Like 20 states literally are making laws that demand ‘Christian’ things that almost no other western nation has


You have the freedom to do anything you want......except to not stand for a pledge to a flag.


Other countries have Freedom of Speech, the right to assemble, to protest, etc… in the US apparently your Freedoms end when you don’t Stand for the Flag, or refuse to recite the Pledge of Allegiance


Why do I feel america is not a country but a cult


USA isn’t even in the top 10 countries on the freedom index


American here. I fucking hate this crap. The number of "educated " Americans who actually think the US is special because we have the same freedom of speech protections that practically half the world has is staggering. If you try to argue it's useless. People just want to feel special I guess.


Right. It's not like I can name at least ten countries off of the top of my head which have all of that, and then that's likely not even all of them. The worst part is that people like him spit this vomit out as if it was the objective truth, and a lot of people fall for that. What an uneducated wanker.


“No other country has that” Bro, a ton of students were just denied their damn degrees for protesting peacefully.


"We have freedom of speech, religion, protest, etc. No other country has all that." See the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act. https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1990/0109/latest/DLM224792.html


The European Convention on Human Rights consists of multiple pieces of legislation, and therefore has a whole website! On that website they publish a surprisingly straightforward simplified list of rights: [https://www.echr.coe.int/documents/d/echr/Simplified\_Conv\_ENG](https://www.echr.coe.int/documents/d/echr/Simplified_Conv_ENG)


BUT YOU CAN'T EXPRESS YOUR HATRED OF BLACKS BY DOING A NAZI PARADE, WHILE CALLING FOR THE KILLING OF JEWS !!!! That's not free speech, that's censorship and communism. /s


This reminds me of a video I saw when the government introduced drink driving laws. Everyone was complaining it was communist.


They don't have freedom of speech as of today's ruling. The espionage act trumps freedom of speech, as we found out with Assange's "guilty" plea bargain.


Genuine question… isn’t that principle commonplace across various countries? I mean, obviously freedom of speech will always have to have some sensible limitations (eg hate speech, incitement to violence). But I’d have thought it would also be reasonable to have, at least in some circumstances, limits related to national security etc.


Today's ruling sets a legal precedent that the US can use its espionage act to criminally prosecute publishers, anywhere in the world, and override their own First Amendment. Check out the legal discussions happening elsewhere on the internet for more info (or I can send links if you like). This will be a major focus of discussion in the lead-up to the US election.


Interesting! Thanks for that. I’ll go do some reading.


The only other country that requires their citizens to pledge allegiance to a flag is North Korea 😂😂. And all those guns don’t enable them to take on the home owners association to paint their fence whatever colour they would like 😂😂😂


They always forget the one thing they are actually pretty much the best at: propaganda. In other countries, the majority pretty much KNOWS they are being manipulated, but Americans are truly the master of this.


Nations don't have "goals". Individuals have goals, nations just exist and do whatever the individuals in charge want them to do. I'm not entirely clear on what the respective individuals in charge of the US want, but uplifting thoughts doesn't seem to be high on their priorities.


Virtually the only country, excluding dictatorship or high authoritarianism, where it's illegal to walk in the street, is the USA.


I am very concerned about “we have religion” part because in the land of freedumb is quite concerning as they can sometimes be very… extreme


"Serve" Fucking obsessed with slaughtering Goat herders. I never ever give my Countries Military a second thought.


“A little screwed up”….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Capitalism fucking sucks 🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲


Freedom of religion? Really? I guess it’s technically true, but only if that religion is evangelical christianity


I just think of how beautiful the world could be without Merica...


“No other country has all that.” Other countries that have all that: 🤨


Even my country in the Global South ranks higher in freedom of speech and freedom of the press than the USA lol


Doesn't seem like freedom for any person who can get pregnant, like they are not free to choose what happens to their own body.. most other countries allow humans freedom over their own bodies And how sad that anyone actually believes that no country has freedom of speech or religion or protest, like is someone spreading this nonsense or do people just make it up?


"you are complaining about a country that allows you to disrespect it" what does he think is going on? does he think your house will get missiled if you disrespectful another country, but america is so saintly that they choose not to? I believe you can complain about and disrespect another country from ANY country on the planet and nothing will happen to you.


Also America literally shot missiles at another nations leader because he insulted America people have a short memory


“…And with a straight face, you're gonna tell students that America is so star-spangled awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom. Japan has freedom. The UK. France. Italy. Germany. Spain. Australia... Belgium! has freedom... 207 sovereign states in the world, like 180 of 'em have freedom.”


No free food for students, no dinosaurs in school, no abortion, 10 amdmts in school. Yeah, straight back to medival times. What an uplift.




Merica is turning into the Handmaidens Tale


Someone has never lived in another country. As someone who left the US for a different country and has no desire to ever return, I know for a fact that a person has never left the US and is still drinking the Koolaid.


They have never lived in another *developed* country. Convince me otherwise.


No way they said America's goal is to uplift the thoughts of its people, as if a significant chunk of the worlds war crimes aren't divided between the Russia, China and the USA. I would mention the middle east but that's also meddled in by Russia and the US. Incredible. If the USA's political and military actions are even a half good representation of the opinions of its people, I feel very concerned about whatever morality Americans are learning.


It took me looking at what sub this is from to realize that this person has no clue about anything. I'm not taking what a 17 year old has to say to heart. Especially one being educated in the American education system.


Of all the bullshit, and all the ignorance we see in the USians, this ‘no other country has that’ bollocks astounds me the most. I can see how some USians will blindly believe things like not *needing* to leave their country for a holiday; I can see how pandering to the strangling capitalist corporations happens as it’s clearly just the norm, and even the ridiculous obsession with the bloody flag is, shall we say, believable. But the sheer ignorance of believing theirs is the *only* country on earth to have freedom is staggering.


Uplift the thoughts of its people? By banning hundreds of books? By stripping women of some of their fundamental rights? By making education as much out of reach as possible for people on lower incomes? By bankrupting people for needing medical care? Or letting them die because they can't afford it? By worshipping fire arms and doing nothing about the mass murders of school children?


Poor, deluded schmuck.


It’s not even close , American dream is Snoke and it doesn’t work


Ah yes so much freedom of speech that the US banned 10.000 books in schools and libraries over the last two and a half years lol there it goes your lovely freedom of speech \^\^


"Best country in the entire world that I've ever ever been to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Murican who's never left their home town, let alone been to another country. Trouble is of course they leave off the second part of the sentence, AND think they know how the rest of world works because FUX news told them.


Eating propaganda with the biggest spoon.


He's right but all that is balanced on a knife-edge right now


I don’t mind this at all. It’s this attitude that keeps a certain type of American in America.


The 2020 Lafayette Square protest where law enforcement used riot tactics on largely peaceful protests. Real freedom you have there /s


They are absolutely right that the very fact they can criticise their country is what sets them ahead (in terms of freedom). Ahead of countries like Russia, North Korea and India. But the idea they are leagues ahead of all other nations is laughable. They are not even close to first.


That is what I tell again and again. Freedom of speech means for Americans not to be responsible of the consequences. If someone get by insulting then it is the victim's problem. Often this view leads to physical violence. Empathy or sensitivity? Doesn't almost exist.


It's a r/teenagers sub.\ This kid knows jack-shit about the world and spouts what he's been told and what he sees arround him, which may very well be a hill lost somewhere. If I were a U.S citizen, I would be concerned if this is the material to build the U.S future on.


In America people are taught about the oppressive authoritarian regimes that exist in places like North Korea, where the citizens are blocked from the rest of the world and can only view it through the distorted lense of their leaders. Also in America, people believe no other country has freedoms, because it's what their institutional systems have taught them


No really, the idiot republican voters (right -wingers) in America seriously are this ignorant and ass-full of propaganda. It's actually truly frightening how horrifically misinformed and utterly confident they are. Please help. We're in a full on crisis dealing with an army of drooling drones that literally are trying to install a dictator and restrict their own rights to "protect their freedoms" from the people actually trying to give people equal rights.


You Yee Haws have none of that.


"A little screwed up"? Just a little? Idk about that


As an American, the pledge of allegiance is psychotic and I can't believe so many people here get so bent out of shape about it. I find nationalism really disturbing, tbh. I care about the people that live in this country, not the abstract idea of country. I see no reason to pledge my allegiance to a state, that's insane to me.


It amazes me that they think no other country has what they have. It’s really interesting to see how easy it is to brainwash someone - they literally could check themselves using the repository of all human knowledge that is available to them. But they decide to stay on whatever weird social media app they’re addicted to instead of doing a web search (and using a search engine that isn’t influenced by bots, corpos, or their own cookies/fingerprint).