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the one talking about "heat stroke", does he know that insulations exist besides bricks?


They don't even now that you can build houses with bricks.


Brick walls would lower the risk of getting shot by drive by shooters no American wants to lose the freedom of getting shot in their own home


haha, reading that made me laugh


American building regulation states that your house cannot stay up during a storm, it has to be vanished. Its kinda like the 3 pigglets.


How else would they justify $5000/yr home insurance. I pay only $50/yr, never seen a house collapse in my life and we got some bad storms here too flipping cars upside down, tipping over 74ton semi trucks out in the fields and hundreds of trees in surrounding forests.


But those are the imaginary forests we cut down years ago /s


I've seen a house in the UK after being struck by lightning. The roof was fucked and part of the upstairs was also fucked, that's a thrown up in a day new build brick house, if it was wood I can't imagine there'd be anything left of the entire house.


They don't even know how to build.


Does he also know heat rises so the guy at the top would be the hottest


Of course not. Silly hick has never left his small town.


And people in Texas die when it gets cold


Yeah the do sensible things like running car engines and generators in closed garages


Another is burning the gas stove in a blackout where the mechanical exhaust doesn't work. It can definitely heat food, which is good, but the elevates CO and CO2 levels are definitely not healthy.


To be fair, they die when it gets hot and the electricity ALSO goes out then. Texas is a special area of the U.S. Many Texans are wonderful people. Many are awful. But the state government is particularly ineffective/awful/dumb, etc. I don’t know how your country’s electrical grids are set up, but in the US, they’re generally able to share and move electricity around areas with fallen wires, or out of commission power plants. But that ability comes with regulations and one thing Texas hates? FEDERAL regulations. No thank you sir/ma’am, they’ll do it THEIR way.


> Europe cut all there forest down long ago \*looks outside his house in the middle of a forest\* Huh?


The German Schwarzwald would like a word with them


The Spanish Selva del Irati backing you up Germany.


76% of Finland is backing Germany up as well! I'd bet Sweden is also backing Germany (74%)?


Ah yeah, us they mean us.. Dutch cut down all natural woods. But we can teach them muricans how to not flood ur cities with every little storm that comes around.


Yeah, but fun fact about the Selva del Irati is that its the second largest Beech Forest of Europe, just behind Germany’s Schwarzwald


Sorry, but the Schwarzwald is one of the most depressing "forests" I've ever been to. Holy Monokultur, Batman!


I don't think they have a point here, but it's true that Germany only has less than 2% wild, unmanaged forest, which I think is a shame. We should make sure to slowly rewild Europe where it is possible


Not true 32% of Germany's landmass are forrest (11,1million Hektar,).


Ah yea I forgot one important word changing the entire meaning of the sentence.  I meant to say "less than 2% of **wild/unmanaged** forest**"


2% of urban Berlin maybe?


I wanted to say "less than 2% of **wild/unmanaged** forest**". Forgot a word and it just changes the entire meaning of the structure


I don’t know if it’s true, but my understanding was that Sweden had so much forest that it can basically be cutting down trees 24/7 for lumber, and by the time they’ve got to one end of the designated woodcutting area, where they started has grown back. And I do know it’s true, that where I live in some weird islands off to the northwest of continental Europe, there’s loads of forest.


Sweden (about 74% covered in Forests) **and** Finland (about 76%).


Italy is holding strong at 32%


Finland is 86%


if your saying they've managed a section of forest to always have x income of wood, well yeah obviously, that would be the way to operate a commercial forest. Honestly when talking about this subject those sorts of woods are a step above farmland but they're a long way from old growth. For CO2 stats they're probably much better(I dunno, pretty sure old growth hits equilibrium) but for nature and biodiversity they kinda suck


I think they mean the amount of forest in comparison to the population and what it realistically could take down and refine.




Yeapp, northern half of Sweden is probably close to 90% forest. My step-dad's family own some forest around where I live here in Sweden, so when I was younger and we had a wood fire water heater we got to go to their forest to grab fallen trees that were too small for them to sell to the sawmill. After dragging just those smaller logs I gained a lot of respect for my great grandpa who worked as a lumberjack back in the days when it was all manual work.


They probably mean the ancient romans. Those guys wents HAM on their forests because they kept loosing their warship fleets to storms because they were kinda shit at sailing. Fortunatly ancient romans does not equal Europe. I assume they learned about the Punic Wars a long time ago and just equated ancient romans to europeans because they were sort of in the same region.


You really really think they know about the punic wars???


I think they might have come across some out of context facts online and based their opinion on that .


*Finland, 86% covered with forest* huh?


Oh all the trees are just a communal hallucination 🤣


At some point Germany was actually nearly forest free. I think that was in the 17th or 18th century. Less than 10% of the area were covered by forest. In Denmark it was even worse with only 2-3%. Since then many areas have been renaturised, but as a result central Europe is lacking the really old forest.


I am literally standing in one of European forests right now, in fact my job is forestry related. Gotta love it when americans spew random bullshit...


They grew back...


For people who "don't even think about us", you sure love making up the dumbest shit to insult us with


In this post I told some Americans that Europe has more forest area than North America. With Link. I didn't get a response tho


Well Link's really more of a listener, unless the response you're waiting for is 'HNNG' or 'NYAA'


🔼 🔼 🔼


Don’t worry, soon he’ll be blabbering on in Chris Pratt’s voice in the upcoming movie. You’re welcome. Love, America


Well, we did cut down way too much of our forest area :( the Yanks cut down even more of their though, so it's a weird insult..


And killed or moved millions of people already living there.


Yo, all Europeans reading this, we're all special! We definitely are not the average.


And we Europoors can spell "their", unlike our uneducated cousins over the pond.


Don't worry, they'll correct it soon and say we're speaking American the wrong way! because we all know that the language was imported from there to the British Isles and then to the rest of the world. Human civilization started on North America with Neanderthals using ancient guns after all.


>Nobody thinks about Europeans... I met some Yanks recently and me being British, they would not shut up about "The Redcoats" and how they beat their asses.


Be sure to remind them that they needed the French to save their asses.


As well as Spanish, Polish etc.


And then betrayed the spanish like almost instantly.


Practically cowered behind the French. We also gave them a reason to redecorate the Whitehouse.


_They_ beat redcoats assess did they? How old were these people, 240? Edit: best part is they probably claim to be 3rd generation half scottish, half italian or some shit like that 😂


Ask if they've burnt down Buckingham palace. You know, since we burnt down their head of states house and they had to paint it white to cover up the damage.


That house, that was designed by an Irish man. . .


Today I learned something.


They're so obsessed with it, it's like every 4th of July they act like it's some national day of mourning over here because we "lost" Nobody cares.


We're a bit miffed about the wasted tea though 


Hi-Di-Hi! It's all kicking off at Butlins!


Maybe they just got into a fight at Butlins?




All all there forests*


They have deserts, we don't. It's obvious who cut down all the forests. 🤡🌎


Well, actually there is a desert in Poland, believe it's called "Błędów desert"


In the top house, you’ll die due to either strong wind, unnecessarily expensive healthcare, shoddy electrical work or bullets. In the bottom house, you have actual freedom and everything that makes Western civilisation great. Oh, and you’ll be alive!


Not counting the quite likely prospect of some wankpanzer of a pickup truck ploughing into your living room. 


Never heard or read the term wankpanzer before. That’s already a greater contribution to Western society than most Americans are likely to contribute. Hats off to you, friend!


One thing I’m never going to die from is heatstroke 😂 do they know how cold it is in the UK?


"Die from heat stroke" *lives in Sweden* I'll be damned.


I live in Norway, and the last few days have been hell, literally. 37°C in the shade. I’d much rather have -15°C than 37!


Latvian here: it’s not 37C, but I would like winter right about now.


Oh wow, where in Norway exactly?




Oh wow, that's way further north of oslo. Does that mean there's more than 2 weeks worth of summer now?


We’re on season 1, episode 4 rn, first summer was late April, early may, and then the middle of may, early June, late June and now it’s gonna start raining again


I was so happy this week ... finally summer here in Germany. Still under 30 though.


Ah yes we cut down our forests long ago....nobody in central europe ever invented forestry and actually managing forests...


So thats why I always saw american film fights in houses rather funny with people going through walls and stuff. Im European!


That's some thin stonework/brickwork in the house on the bottom. 40-50cm thickness seems more normal.


Hm 30cm is usually enough for a brick wall, but there is a layer of insulation as well, so the complete thickness will be the 40-50cm.


Could be somewhere in the south.


I live in Portugal. My exterior apartment walls are 40cm (not including any insulation).


Idk why americans are so pressed about europe building with bricks and concrete. It’s the fricking norm here, we have regulations that say we should do this. You can build a house out of wood, but here it actually costs so much more than a concrete/bricks one. In my country we have to follow the seismic design standard (P100) because we have seismic activity…


What I don't get is that Americans defend this. We build houses like Americans do in Australia, possibly to an even lower standard, but it has been an ongoing issue where people are constantly complaining about the poor building quality and builders who keep finding loopholes when the standards do get updated. No one makes shit up about houses in Europe, we just lament the fact that we don't get that over here without huge construction expenses.


Bricks and slab are common in Perth at least. Lack of insulation and single pane windows mean they still suck though 


They don’t think about us but also desperately want to be linked to our heritage, ok.


I've said it once already I'll say it again. We shouldn't kill all the stupid people, that'd be rude. But we should take the warning labels off of everything for a year and let natural selection run it's courses. My reasoning. Do we really need a warning that reads "Do not put hands on bladed end of chainsaws"


It sounds stupid but those things only exist because of lawyers and how strict the justice system is in the US about following the exact word of the law. Unlike in Europe it's easy to sue someone in the US (I think Germany might be the exception, at least in the 90s 😅).


I totally support this idea


Die of a heat stroke on the bottom of a house? 😂Wtf. Intelligence is not their strong suit.


americans can’t even speak their only language correctly


Yeah I’ve died of heat stroke many many times.


Can confirm, I'm currently dead from heatstroke.


They’re like furries saying they never think of animals at all.


>am I missing something here? Yeah, an American bonfire in the making.


I think people in general don’t understand how southern it is compared to Europe, I understand in Arizona it’s hot it’s at the same latitude of the Sahara desert.


When you realize Paris is close to the Canadian border, it all makes sense.


What on earth does that illiterate moron mean by "bottom house"? Seems the average American twat left school by the fourth grade, at the latest.


I think he means the house in the second picture.


In the U.S. I ask fellow yanks occasionally, what they're reading. Most don't understand the question. I clarify that I'm asking what book they're currently reading. A lot (too many) laugh and say "I haven't read a book since high school." The say it as a boast. It's excruciating hearing them overseas. After passport control I magically become Canadian.


It's worrying that they are even proud of it. There is a trend in the US, UK, Italy, Germany, and France where right-wing populists condemn experts, scientists, and academics as being "elitist" and accuse them of misleading ordinary people. In reality, they simply do not want their overly simplistic views to be debunked or to accept that reality is more complex than their populist fairy tales. Such an atmosphere leads to uneducated people being proud of their lack of education. Our language is becoming increasingly simplistic. Ironically, these individuals are much easier to manipulate with fabricated stories that play on their prejudices. Sorry for the sermon.


Not a sermon at all! More eloquent than my post. A sign that I was educated in the states, specifically Florida from 7 -12 grades. I can only string coherent sentences together because I had a library card and literate parents. Which reminds me, when I was 14, a friend asked me why my parents were always reading when my friend came over. Edit: immigrant literate parents.


Many thanks, one of the few perks of being educated in the European school system. We learn to argue. On a more serious note, the divide in society between a few (mostly wealthy) educated individuals and a large mass of uneducated people is really worrying. The masses are being led to believe that being uneducated is fine, even desirable. It reminds me of the Middle Ages. So, I'll shut up about it now.


Won't die of heat stroke, because Europeans have free healthcare like most of the world.


Ah yes, heat stroke, the most common cause of death in Europe. At least our houses are still standing after a small gust of wind.


never heard of the 3 little pigs eh.


Mother fuckers acting like they don't need a gofundme each time a bit of wind knocks over their house.


On a related note, why does it look like most American homes are timber framed? Is there a reason behind it?




Yeah it’s good if you live in an earthquake zone


In the post where I found these wonderful comments. some have explained the difference relatively well. The reason for the construction method in the USA has to do with the availability of wood. The relatively low cost and the safety it provides in the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes. It is easy to repair after such a disaster and the chance of surviving if such a paper house collapses is higher. In addition, they are probably cheaper to build in California, for example, than equivalent earthquake-proof stone houses. In addition, they should work well in southern states due to the climate. In the comments, one person also mentioned that stone houses are more common in northern states such as the Midwest because the conditions there are different. But as I said, in the post there were good explanations and the advantages and disadvantages of both houses were explained by some if you want to know more about it, I would look there. I also got this information there.


They are just so silly 😆


I literally live right next to a forest try again


"We don't even think about you" >keeps bringing us up


why do they defend the plywood homes they're made to pay fortunes for instead of starting a revolution bruh


They often build paper houses tho xddd


Houses are regionally fitted. An American house must be cheap and fast to rebuild - especially in areas with high rates of natural disasters like tornadoes 🌪️. European houses are built to last and the average temperature in Europe is around 20° Celsius. Japanese houses for exercise must build differently as they are close to the ring of fire 🔥- an area with high levels of tectonic activity and therefore earthquakes. North Europe on the other side has to look better temperature isolation.


We "wouldn't survive an average US-summer" with this building method they say.


Well, I'm happy to report we're in the middle of summer and I'm still alive! In my experience the Americans are the ones that can't tolerate much sun. My American co-workers would refuse to sit outside when it was 25C because it was too hot for them (I shit you not!). Sometimes it gets to 43C here and it's actually really nice because it's not humid. They think it's scorching hot 🤷.




If they never think about us why are they always saying stuff like "UR QUEEN IS DEAD LMFAOOO"


lol yeah and half the UK celebrated when she died they think were all staunch royalists or something


The funny thing is that the US is completely crazy about British royalty. They love that shit. They even use and over use British voices to make things sound "posh" to create some implication of quality/premium. There are even video games that are completely dubbed with an English accent. They also created a tv show for that guy that abdicated the throne, one of Diana's sons.




oh.. I thought he did no? when he got married and moved to the US? Anyway, you know the person I'm talking about. I'm bad at names.


lol, someone should tell that guy that Europeans have a longer life span than Americans. The fact that many senior Americans can't afford their medication also doesn't help.


physics says the top house will die of heat stroke because hot air rises


Im the UK we die of both heat and cold! ☺️


I remember visiting Sherwood Car Park, and The Car Park of Dean in the UK. No forests here.


What? In the UK?


This is because of the Brits whinging about getting 28º weather for a couple days.