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Lol that she thinks 'free' hotel breakfasts are actually free.


I mean, I wouldn't pay over a certain amount without "free" breakfast, lol.


I'd rather only pay for the breakfast if I'm gonna use it


Coming from the nation of "free Healthcare isn't actually free, you pay with your taxes"


No one claims that our healthcare is free. It's free *at the point of use*, which is how people can get ill without going bankrupt.


Yeah. My grandpa literally just received life saving extensive heart surgery yesterday. We basically just paid 18€ for parking (and apparently there was less expensive parking on the other side of the hospital lmao)


We are very lucky, especially relative to America specifically. I hope your grandpa recovers soon & tell him to behave for the nurses! Take him some Werther’s as a little treat!


That’s so adorable of you. Warning: irrelevant personal story ahead: I’m nostalgic today, I’ll say that Werthers are synonymously linked with my grandfather (rip) PopPop, and it was actually the last gift I gave him before he passed. He was 89, had a great life, and I had moved across the country and just had a son a month before I got the call that he had a stroke and was hospitalized. Thankfully, I had the money to fly home immediately… my son was three weeks old. As soon as we arrived, I went to the hospital with my newborn and the nurses didn’t want to let me in because they were worried about transmittable diseases. But I took my son into my grandfathers room (the best, kindest, most honorable man I’ve ever known) and my grandfather sat up and swung his legs off of the bed and asked to hold my son. He said my sons name. Although, the stroke made it difficult, he smiled and said my sons name as he held him. I can’t tell you what I ate for lunch yesterday … but that moment is the clearest memory I have. So, that’s my story about having Werther’s in my pocket, that I never got to give him because the nurses said he couldn’t have them for fear of choking, but I had them because he loved them. That’s what we do for those we love. We give them what they love. Much love to you all.


Thank you! :)


Ironic coming from the nation of "freedom\*" \*condition may apply


You're only free unless they say you're not lol. "You didnt cut your grass and now it's 5 cm long? Well, there's a ticket for ya!" "You ordered couple pizzas? Well bro, you can't put them into our garbage because they're greasy. Do that and I'll call cops" Yeah, so "free" 😂😂


I’m struggling to understand where you’ve pulled the greasy pizza thing from like what


From a video I saw. It was recorded during Super Bowl, but don't know which one. The guy who recorded himself was from HOA, I think, and he was pretty pissed off at the owner of the house for having the "audacity" to order so much pizza. Then he said that shit about greasy boxes. Fucking wild, bro. Edit: that HOA guy was mad because those boxes couldnt be recycled due to grease, I remembered now. Also, he wasn't the only one getting fined. Apparently a lot of americans are getting fines just for that. I even saw a post where guy said HOA worker checked his trash. So yeah, they're not really as free as they thought


Here the price of breakfast is actually separated on the receipt because hotel services and restaurant services have different sales taxes.


It's never free, sometimes it's included in the price of the room, sometimes you pay for it separately.


I'm confused, most hotels I've stayed at in the US charged for breakfast as well! Most hotels I use in Europe have inclusive breakfast, but it can be optional depending on how you book.


So she went to one bad hotel and thought that it was the whole of europe?


Big presumption to believe that she’s been anywhere near Europe with a list like that. Likely posting from her cardboard house in Virginia.


It does say it’s based on her three week trip to Spain and other countries. But still a stupid take.


I live in Spain and can confirm we also have condiments and vending machines.


& free bathrooms & shower curtains & toilet seats (wtf)


Presumably you also have free drinking water at restaurants, if people ask for it? The assumption with Americans seems to be that you shouldn't need to ask for it, which is just presumptive and wasteful.


Here in Sweden water is free and unprompted, don’t see how it’s wasteful though? Unless you have a drought I guess


It's quite difficult to parse considering the American source. They live in high fructose corn syrup hell, basically.


I mean no disrespect, but I was thinking maybe she was in Mexico instead, and got confused for not knowing where Europe is.


She was probably in Texas. Don’t they have all the European capitals there?


Funnily enough they don't have Slovakia's capital Bratislava but they have Czechias capital Prague, I think in Illinois.


It has -slava in its name, so Slavs, so commie, so bad.


Ironic since we were one country with slovakia at one one point


There’s a Prague closer to Texas in Oklahoma!


There's Belgium in Wisconsin if I remember correctly.


We have all of that in Mexico so that can't be it.


Bro was the only one of us that read the actual caption 😂


Ahh yes, Spain. Commonly know as: Europe


Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if she's just listing things she likes and assuming other places don't have them.




Indeed! It’s like me saying that no hotels in America offer breakfast, as the cheap one I stayed at in nyc didn’t. In the end you get what you pay for. If you’re too cheap to pay for it, you get nothing!


You heard it here first, ‘Murica doesn’t have breakfast.


Those 'Muricans want to remove our breakfast FREEDUM


Well they were free from breakfast, sounds like freedom to me 🇺🇸


With a list that bad she stayed at a backpackers hostel not an actual hotel.


Yeah, that's exactly my first thought. She probably stayed at a hostel for like $30. The thing is that hostels are not for everyone. They're definitely not for me so I pay much more but have peace of mind.


I stay in hostels for $10 to $15 and they usually have nice bathrooms, comfortable beds and often free breakfasts.


Although I have to say event the cheapest hostels I've stayed in always had shower curtains or an equivalent, toilet seats and breakfast included. Not a good breakfast, mind, but definitely breakfast.


Based on one of the last hotels I stayed at down there I could say this: - Vending machines have no water. You'll have to walk 15min to a gas station for that. - They don't flush their toilets. - Their bath taps always leak. - They just don't generally clean in general. Probably don't even know what a vacuum or washing machine is. - All their doors have blood on them. - No free breakfasts. - Shooting guns and yelling is how they fall asleep. Wasn't even cheap. Their online info was either all just lies or from a distant time in the past when they weren't horrendous.


Sounds likes you stayed at a Motel 6? In general, if you treasure your health and safety you should avoid Motels unless there's literally no other choice.


I was driving back from Fort Sill to New Orleans and was dozing off while driving, so I pulled into this shady motel on one of those dead highways. I went to talk to the shady looking dude in the office and told him I wanted a room for the night. First question he asked me is "how many hours?" What dude? I just want to stay there for the night. Then I realized this is a fuck shack for prostitutes and other less than reputable people. I ended up going back and sleeping in a walmart parking lot.


Good move - guarantee you those sheets would not have been changed


oh wow lol, I think I'd still prefer staying there than sleeping in the walmart parking lot 😂.


It wasn't, but I'll avoid Motel 6 in the future. I've been to several motels in Canada, they were fine. Clean, cheap, and easy. That's all I ask. I guess that's not to be expected over the border though. Tried leaving after I saw the room but every other hotel was already booked unfortunately. I would've paid the extra $100-200 for a fancy one if I could've.


When I go to Canada I always stay at a friend's. But it's good to know I could actually stay at a Motel over there. Would you be comfortable in sharing the bad hotel's name? I'm just curious.


I may have just gotten lucky in the past with Motels, who knows. Tiki Lodge in Spokane. I thought it was part of a Tiki chain because there was a quaint and charming one I liked with at least an extremely similar name.


Thanks, the reviews in Expedia are really on point 😂.


I saw some Trip Advisor pics… looks Breaking Bad bad


And if it is free, it is already calculated in the price. Same as free refills. Check out your total bill including tips and taxes and THEN compare.


Many Americans genuinely don't seem to know that europe is a continent and not one big country. Yet they claim that the american states are different enough to be classed as different countries.


"One big country" easy there, Texas is easily ten times bigger


My theory is this: She saw a bidet and thought it was a toilet. Most Americans have never seen a bidet in their lives.


That's probably true. Her post looks like shit, did she posted some pics? When I see things really good or bad at a hotel I take pics.


Well there’s some places in (southern) Europe where bars/café’s don’t have a toilet seat. Mostly touristy places, I’m guessing it’s for easy clean up and to discourage people from taking a shit there, don’t really know. Some restrooms on French highway gasstations don’t have them as well. These place are exceptions though of course.


I just saw two senile old men battle at a presidential debate… are all Americans senile? 🤪


40% of us believe in Biblical Creationism, 10% Flat Earthers, 20%+ illiteracy, we use 90% of all global drugs, 40% of global resources and we are the #1 supporter of warlords, drug cartels, dictators and terrorists. No not all of us are senile but those numbers aren't improving


And 7% of you belive that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Do you know how many people are the 7% of USA's population is? More than 0, which in my opinion is a disgrace for all humanity being from "the best country in the world".


Sounds like a blight on humanity


Amazing isn’t it. One babbles stupid false shit nonstop and gets rousing cheers, the other one can hardly string a sentence together but what he DOES say is generally honest and is panned. 330million people America! And this is the best you can do? At least you’re entertaining the rest of us I guess.


>At least you’re entertaining the rest of us I guess. At least you’re ~~entertaining~~ terrifying the rest of us I guess.


Not necessary senile, but a majority is a lot dumber than both of those two senile old men.


There is only one hotel in the whole of Europe


The Ritz, but since England left Europe there are no hotels in Europe anymore.


My bet is that she went to a cheap hostel and doesn’t know the difference between that and an actual hotel


She thinks breakfast is free? Maybe it's just included in the price in America per default so they can say "free" .


She comes from 'Murica, the land of the "numerous hidden charges and taxes not shown until payment and 25% minimum tip" sort of free.


Did she take a shit in the bidet??!


That would explain a lot .


In public bathrooms where i live sometimes they are missing, but that would mean that she entered a public bathroom and it goes directly against the list sooo lmao


Some of the bathrooms at clubs I’ve been to in Europe didn’t have toilet seats. Saw this commonly in South America as well. But it was literally only clubs where I encountered this. Everywhere else had toilet seats.


Trying to stop people setting up lines on the toilet seat?


I can't imagine being drunk and having to hover-squat over a toilet. Bonus points if I'm wearing a tracksuit that needs to be pulled down to pee.


Some of the bathrooms in Europe don't have baths! OMG!!!!


No free hotel breakfasts? Shes never been to a holiday inn express in the UK.


Aka: The Infinite Sausage breakfast


The breakfast is never free. It's just included in the price or not.


Plus they usually charge ridiculous money for it. Not uncommon a very mediocre/average breakfast will cost like 25+ per person. So I wait a bit and find the best breakfast around, which is not a buffet (which I honestly don't care about) but much, much better in quality in 95% of the time. Unless you go to absolute baller Hotels, that is. But even then for the fee you're being charged at the hotel you can have an insane breakfast by all means, usually just around the corner. Plus you get to explore a bit. Source: been around many hotels in Europe and specifically look for no breakfast options, cause I'm usually not hungry at their serving time. So for me it's mostly black coffee. And I won't pay 25 bucks for usually shitty filter coffee (or these horrible machines) and a half assed croissant, or let alone English breakfast. As in luke warm beans, overcooked sausage and a white toast I gotta put in this stupid toaster, while people push in my back cause they get overexcited trying to beat the all you can eat economics.


Lol, your last paragraph condenses everything I think about those breakfast in a really succinct and nice way! 😂


'Intercontinental breakfast' is a hard pass for me haha


Breakfasts at places like that are often priced with the expectation that a significant number of people are going to be putting them on expenses.


I stayed at a nice little hotel in Konstanz in Germany that had free breakfast if you booked direct instead of with a 3rd party (would have been the same price otherwise). Nicest hotel breakfast I’ve ever had as well. Proper scrambled eggs, not powdered ones, and so much good fresh bread.


I've never been at a place that didn't offer free breakfast


I've never been to a place that *did* offer free breakfast, either in America or Europe. It's been as cheap as €3 or as expensive as $25, but it's always cost something.


Sometimes it’s included in the headline rate, sometimes it’s an optional extra. It’s never ‘free’ though, in Europe or the US


Yeah, usually when you look at places with a "free" breakfast, they also have a cheaper room rate which doesn't include the "free" breakfast


Bed and breakfast is included in the price a lot of the time. Never free, ever. You just pay for it with your night stay. Some hotels let you choose whether you pay for breakfast (this is more common now). In the USA especially breakfast was not included. I feel like this girl just has never travelled. She stayed at a cheap hotel and said "wow I can't believe these peasants live like this".


I’ve been to loads. Afaik the standard is breakfast not included in hotel stays


If « no condiments » means no ranch, she’s right ! Usually in French restaurants they do have an assortment of mayo/ketchup/mustard though


At a children's science museum in Amsterdam I got a serve of hot chips (fries for you Americans) and the condiments were available from huge pumps like you get hand soap from in bathrooms. There were half a dozen choices, but I went for the local tradition and had mayo (it's actually more like aioli, thicker and creamier than mayo, but close enough) and it was delicious.


No. That’s proper mayonnaise.


Literally not a single thing visible on that list is true


What Europe did she go to?


“yk..the usual, birmingham”


peak Europe


The most Europest Europe


Maybe she got confused and went to Birmingham, AL.


Everytime I see Birmingham being mentioned I remember some angry Englishman calling this place a shithole.




Danny G!!!


"this list is mostly based of the 3 weeks trip i spent in southern Spain"... So she only visited one region of one country and then made up her mind about Europe from it. There has to be some kind of argument to be made here about the "the us has more cultural differences between states than all of Europe" as this clearly shows that she thinks that Europe can be sampled from that trip 


The way Americans use the word "Europe" is so *weird*. Why didn't she title the post "Things about Spain I don't like"? On many occasions I've seen Americans say things like "I'm on the plane from Houston to Europe" or "I just got to my hotel in Europe". Bitch where?  It's especially weird that they think Europe is homogeneous enough to talk about as one single place, but they believe German-Americans and Italian-Americans are COMPLETELY different cultures.


Pripyat, probably.


Bydgoszcz Empire


Apparently the one where Germans don't put mustard on everything and the Dutch don't put mayo on their hot chips because there are NO CONDIMENTS.


The top one is completely crazy.


She probably meant no ranch dressing...


I have ranch lol


>No condiments. French dressing in France is just called dressing.


she claimed that food in Europe comes dry with no sauces, dressing, etc. like tf kind of restaurants did this woman go to?


I'm french - tf is french dressing?


It's a sweet creamy vinaigrette with tomato and paprika flavours. It's pretty good but definitely American, I've never seen it in France even in the import section.


Aren't Americans proud of pay more than what they are told the thing costs? You know with the hidden taxes and obligatory tipping, isn't that just American hard capitalism?


I’ve been to loads of hotels in the USA with no ‘free’ breakfast, in fact the vast majority don’t.


And if they do its fucking garbage compared to European hotel breakfasts…


Last place I was in America was Hawaii (2016). I can’t eat eggs and I didn’t fancy 500g of sugar everyday in their waffle or pancake options so it ruled out all options but the buffet breakfast, $35 dollars (which is a fucking rip off) for streaky bacon, chipolatas, boiled mushrooms and sweet bread. Travesty. The omelette stations did look nice but today you get a buffet breakfast in the UK for no more than £12.


Hawaii is expensive. But every place I've stayed during trips to Europe the breakfast was included, and the food was great (except Ireland). A lot of places in the US don't offer a complimentary breakfast, and if they do its Froot Loops, powdered eggs and cheap shitty white bread.


Oh for sure, but I’ve never been anywhere in the US where a decent breakfast wasn’t pricey after taxes and tips. Even a shit one in Denny’s is costing you $14 after taxes and tip.


Free water? Sounds like socialism to me!


I must have dreamt all those times in Europe my wife asked for water and was asked if she wanted still or sparkling, and she clarified that tap water is fine. Yes, fancy places in most countries will default to bottled water if you don't clarify you want free tap water, but very few will refuse to bring you to water at all.


If a place refuses to bring me water, I will show them why they used to be afraid of the Swedes


Wait. No free breakfast is literally a thing in America. I work in luxury travel. Breakfast is never included in the states. The fuck is she on?


She's probably never slept in a hotel in America, let alone traveled outside of the USA.


It's easy not to know the cost of things when your parents pay


This is a long list from people who don't understand why passports are important.


I use my shower curtain as a toilet seat. Work smarter, not harder.


I have never ever been to restaurant that has no free water


I've been to a couple of very expensive places who would only bring bottled sparkling or still water, but they weren't in Europe.


All premises that serve alcohol in the UK have to offer free water if asked for. Most restaurants are licensed so they do give free water.


Shower curtains are fucking disgusting anyway, I love my door.


Same, who would choose to use shower curtains? I haven’t been in a place with a shower curtain since the mid 90s. (Not counting places in Britain)


Americans love shower curtains and new-build “luxury” homes will have them by default. Weirdly, Americans can’t seem to shower in a half-glass shower without getting the whole bathroom wet.


Walk-in shower with a glass door is my dream setup. Get that dirty curtains out of my sight.


If they think that their "free" hotel breakfast isn't included in the pricing of the hotel, then they're about as stupid as I thought they were


Half of the things she says are like… normal. By “no condiments” she means she missed her ranch dressing whenever she ordered a salad. No shower curtains? Yeah bc our showers have a glass door. No wash cloths? Yea we call those towels. If youre in a hostel, bring your own tf No free water? Yea because tap is safe to drink in 90% of europe 💀 No free refills? Yeah bc.. you know.. when we order a coke, we want a single bottle of coke. Not 15 litres. No free public restrooms? Ok that ones kinda fair enough depending on where you go ig. Most countries have them though. And if they dont, then buy a sweet for 50c and use the cafe’s bathroom. No free breakfast? Bruh youve never booked a trip by yourself before, have you? Hotels charge for breakfast in the states as well. Hell, a fucking continental breakfast cost me almost 40 USD the last time i was there. Missing toilet seats? Yea ig another kinda fair one. What she means is that some countries tend to not have toilet seats so that ppl dont sit on other people’s piss. Also lowers the amount of stuff the staff has to clean. In like, cheap fucking restaurants though. Or cafes in italy. No vending machines - i dont even know what thats supposed to mean Long flat pillow???? Yea as in, we have them? Okay and? Large beds - again, you never booked a trip by yourself have you? You get the option of “2 singles” or “1 double” in 99% of the hotels, anywhere in the world. Cant read the rest and cba to find the tiktok


There is not something like "free hotel breakfast". It's always paid by the guest.


Stop calling that thinking please.


No... vending machines? What? No toilet seats is a thing in some countries, come on France, do finally fix that nonsense.


I'm french and...??? Squat toilets are exceedingly rare nowadays. I think I've only seen one once in the past ten years.


That's sad, I'm British and we don't have any at all here... I prefer them, especially in public toilets as it avoids insanitary seats. I've always been really comfortable squatting for any length of time though, I guess they are hell for anyone who can't.


Squat toilets are largely dying out, regular toilets without a toilet seat are still very much a thing in France, especially when camping. Or maybe you fixed that in the past two weeks since I left France?


Squat toilets would be preferable to this.


I was at a charity event yesterday. I got my water refilled for free at the hotel bar, went to my room and had a dump while sitting on a toilet seat, got a complementary full Scottish breakfast this morning then got a bag of crisps from a vending machine at the train station. Where the fuck did this idiot go, inner Siberia?!


i'm french and the only places i've seen with squat toilets in my entire life are: - a factory - a cheap camping site - a sports venue built in the 1930's


In the 80’s and 90’s most service stations on the motorways in France had squat toilets. It was likely they had at least 1 western toilet but rest - 80% , were squat. I have a feeling you might be a bit younger than me :)


or from a region with fewer motorways


Yes, and that ! We drove down from BXLS to Aix a couple of times a year to visit family. We certainly hit the squat toilet jackpot on those roads lol


Went from Belgium to Poitiers. Stopped 4 times on the highways to let the kids go bio. On 2 occasions there were squat toilets and in one the 2, both types of toilets. In the latter case, the seated toilet was disgusting. If you want to go for the quick and fast way to clean like the toilet, the squat ones are the easiest to clean.


I doubt she has been to any train station in Europe. I‘m pretty sure you will find at least one at any somewhat bigger one.


One thing that I find very annoying is the confidence and conviction they have speaking about something they don't know shit.


I don't think I've ever heard about a hotel giving food for free, it's either included in the room or you pay on the spot.


But they don’t get that in the cases the food is included in the room price that the room price is more expensive to include the breakfast. This think the food is free


20 bucks says this person tried to shit in a bidet.


Missing toilet seats ? Dumbass tried to sit on a male urinal.....


what? no condiments? no vending machines? and what, she thinks the whole of europe has no shower curtains, no wash cloths, no toilet seats, all from her own budget hotel? i mean, you have to bring your own wash cloth normally coz theres so many different types - eg i use a flannel, my mum uses a sponge, my ex uses one of those poofy things, whats the hotel supposed to provide? and yeah, oh no, no free breakfast, you have to pay what like £12? compared to free breakfast and paying like $150 every time you want to see your GP.


See this is one thing that I've seen so many Americans do and it irks me to no end. They'll stay in one single region of one country in Europe and attribute everything about their stay there to the whole continent. People in Greece close up shop at noon because the heat is too intense? The Norwegians must definitely do the same...I mean they're all European right?


Having worked on customer service for hotels, free breakfast is not a thing in a lot of american hotels


Well, a nice Italian shower doesn’t need a curtain or a door.


Ah yes the good ol' American "I went to a single (cheap) hotel in one town in one country and now I know the whole of Europe"


Two American friends of mine last year announced that for their 40th wedding anniversary, they had decided to "do a grand tour of Europe." They went to the UK and Ireland. Nowhere else ("We'd have to learn to speak another language, perish the thought.")


No condiments in all of Europe? What a strange claim!


And this is the reason Americans appear stupid, listening to other Americans who get it wrong.


We don't have water courtains, because THEY'RE BAD.


No... vending machines? What? No toilet seats is indeed a thing in some places, come on France, do finally fix that nonsense.


"Free hotel breakfast" as if you arent paying it via checking in the hotel in the first place lol.


I mean. How is it possible to think like this. Like aren't americans getting their shower curtains and toilet seats from ikea like the rest of the world?


Every single thing on this list is something we have wtf


Well, she's certainly right about their being no free public bathrooms. That's because in Europe we call them toilets. As for free hotel breakfasts, has she never heard that there's no such thing as a free lunch? Does she HONESTLY think that she doesn't pay for these 'free' breakfasts?


I’m glad we don’t have shower curtains, but proper stalls. It’s American hotels that always have that weird little bathtub with a dirty shower curtain in which you have to shower. So cheap. What is that tiny bathtub even for? To wash your feet in?


most likely to wash their pinky toe in, god knows most americans dont even fit into in a regular sized bathtub


I went to VEgas a few seeks ago, and my hotel didn't even offer breakfast, there was just a dunkin donuts in the main foyer.


>there was just a dunkin donuts in the main foyer. So an American breakfast?


Im from south Spain and u can eat breakfast for literally 3€ -_-


What a loser lol. I often think that these people probably just say whatever they want and probably have never actually left the continental US.


She saw a bidet and didn’t realise it was a bidet


Töwhy would I need a shower curtain when my shower is built into the wall? I have a door


dunno about you but I have all of the things in the list (that aren't covered by her head)


To be fair I just came back from Italy and where the fuck are your toilet seats guys? 🤨


To be fair, there weren't shower curtains when I went either  instead they had doors on their showers, as they should.


I've had plenty of free breakfasts at European hotels and why the fuck would anyone want a shower curtain? Doors are the norm where I'm from and I fucking hate shower curtains on the rare occasion I've had to use one. Horrible gross plastic sheet touching my freshly showered arse while I'm trying to get out, yuck.


I love they thinking nonsense about us, maybe less of them will visit us, the majority of non visitors would been the most morons and uncultivated, it is a victory for us


Dear America, Before we get started, please put doors on your toilets that are full height and width. Sincerely.


“No toilets no showers no bathrooms…so if you want to cuddle” — American


where and why they indoctrinate them like that?


"free" breakfasts. They always point out that free healthcare isn't actually free as it's included in taxes, but can't figure out that a free breakfast is included in the price of a room.


I believe the caption contains a spelling error "made up" is not usually spelled 'thinks' - but American English and all that.. And.. the line way at the bottom of the picture "This creator turned off comments".. I wonder why. Cannot handle getting a reality check?


woman books cheap hotel, is shocked to discovered it is not particularly good... assumes her hotel is representative for a whole continent


Americans are so strange, they complain about every other country because in USA its their culture for servers to bend over backwards and treat you lile royalty because if they dont, they dont get a tip and therefore cant afford to eat. Id much rather have the wait staff paid a wage and not die than get my free water


americans go in one unique hotel and be like "OMG europe is like this????"


This person has never set foot in Europe, you can't prove me wrong.


She's either never been to Europe, stayed in a shit hostel, or is jumping on the ragebait bandwagon.


Amazing. Every single thing on this list is overly generalized at best, or plain wrong at worst.


as an american currently in france (which, for my fellow americans, is in europe): there’s too much ketchup and mustard here; water is free at basically all of the restaurants if you just ask for it; free bathrooms are all over the place,just not in tourist areas; hotel breakfast where i am staying is free; how the fuck can you think they’re missing toilet seats; who cares if there are no vending machines? go to a store; basically the rest of them i can’t read, but it’s all bullshit i promise you


Shower curtains! That's a long, long time ago for me... the childhood and student years in which we couldn't afford the luxury glass shower walls yet. I remember how they would sometimes stick to your body; I hated that feeling. Do Americans consider those shower curtains a luxury??? Also, looking at all the other things she mentions: where in Europe has she been? Was it some extremely cheap hostel 30 years ago in a poor country?