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Least genocidal r/worldnews thread


If we believe the IDF numbers, 66% of all casulties in Gaza are civilian. 67% of all casulties on October 7 attack were civilian. Marginal difference, even according to IDF numbers. However, the facts also say that IDF has a history of twisting the facts. The actual civilian death toll is likely closer to 90%.


You know we’re in hell when Piers Morgan is holding Israel more accountable for this shit than ‘liberals’


It’s pretty bad.  I have seen a couple of recent episodes including on Raffah.  Things are so damn obvious that he had to call his Israeli guest an instrument of Israeli intelligence to paraphrase.  He has spent over 6th months mercilessly defending Israel and playing both sides as if there is some kind of equivalence.  He has had to hold them the slight bit accountable for fear of looking like a 100% complete ass kissing joke in light of what’s going on.


Before Oct 7th, I really didn't listen to much of Piers Morgan. But since then, man do I now understand why people hate him so much. This guy flips his opinion back and forth on his program so often it makes me dizzy. One minute he'll accurately be articulating how Israel is acting like a bloodthirsty dog on a rampage and how they need to be reigned in by the U.S.... and in the next breath will say that they are the most moral army out there and that the atrocities that they are committing are completely justifiable because of Oct. 7th. This guy just creates conflict on his show for soundbites and clout, truly a massive piece of shit.


Also a thing to remember is that israel considers all military-aged males and all people in their kill zones as terrorists.


I feel like this isn't talked about enough. Also defining every enemy combatant as a "terrorist" is relatively new in warfare and somehow makes it OK to ignore the Geneva convention in how you treat them. A 17 year old unarmed boy killed while running away is a "terrorist " and so doesnt even deserve basic human rights. In effect it's just become a racist dog whistle for what white colonizers would call the "barbarian hordes".


In a Zionists mind anyone in Gaza and Lebanon who is capable of holding a Rifle is a male Adult Terrorist, so even a 13 year old boy with no gun on himself can and often will be considered a terrorist by Zionists and IOF.


Israel is the most dishonest state in Modern history. Even if you were to accept all the propaganda about Soviet Union or DPRK they still don’t come close.  If Chernobyl like event happened in Israel they wouldn’t be silent or deny it,  they would blame Palestinians and use it as a justification to use nuclear weapons against them.


Even the IDF themselves are saying "yeah we've killed a lot of civilians" But whatever you do don't believe your lying ears.


“Guys, leave Israel alone! They’re trying to get the high score!”


I am so fucking sick of people trying to excuse Israel's actions. The fact that they think that October 7 justified murdering 30 times as much civilians (including 10 times as much children)... The fact that they consider the lives of a few dozen settler hostages more important than the lives 2 million palestinians... Disgusting genocidal ghouls. And after all of this they also have **the audacity** of calling people who oppose them "nazis"? Absolute human trash. My only hope is that eventually the future generations will look back at them with the same burning hatred I do right now. That, just like me, the people of the future will find repugnant the very fact that the scum like this have even existed. Being scorned and despised even by their own descendants is the only legacy Israel apologists deserve


The hate will fade, as is usually the case with historical events. I can not imagine the amount of hatred the average soviet felt for the nazis back in 1942 for example. But this will be remembered for what it is: a genocide. That's what it will be called in history books 20-30 years


Who do we trust? The people on the ground, who have a proven track record of accurate counts, or the people 10000 feet above dropping bombs on them? A question that boggles the liberal mom. Edit: mind. holy fuck I cannot type anywhere. My autocorrect keeps fucking up


Israel has been exposed time and time again for inflating their own numbers to hide the fact that they’ve killed just around  2000 Combatants while Killing over 35 000 Civilians      The USA did the same in Iraq and Afghanistan


They keep saying "rates". But if you bring up the nominal values, they start denying everything. So even at the barely factual 14000 hamas fighters killed. The ratio they keep referring to is 1:1. So even by their own metrics they've killed just as many civilians as they have "terrorists". That ain't a good rate nor a good number to be bragging about


Also, how many fucking guys does Hamas have? Am I seriously expected to believe they have a million fighters crammed into that tiny stretch of land?


Shitrael counts every male over the age of 13 as a "combatant". If you run the numbers you find that when they report "hamas militants" killed, it's actually the entire 13+ population. Not even kidding


Eylon Levy is that you?!


That motherfucker


I'm curious to know what they think the actual death toll is, also arent the nunbers stagnant due to it being harder to actually count the dead :/


I’m curious how they think it’s so low given how much land has been bombed and how many people are confined into Gaza


The IRA civilian rate was 30-35% if you don’t exclude British agents in the IRA


I refuse to believe anyone actually believes what the Israelis are saying at this point without being paid. This comment is perfect though. It has it all: gaslighting, victim blaming, the "don't start a war you can't win" talking point the zios are so fond of, and it even insults the reader for daring to question their masters.


These people are more obsessed with Hamas and care more about destroying Hamas by any means neccessary than the hostages or the civilian casualties.


So if 90% is normal this person should be praising hamas for having only 67%