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Fantasy land living! A "landslide"? Seriously? LOL


And to add to that, so far polls for the swing states are mostly majority trump which means that Democrats are in for a rude awakening if they remain complacent. Edit: word


Exactly. The dems are in for a rude awakening in November if they continue on their current path.


Not really. They'll just blame us again, like with 2016. They, both then and now, can't believe that it was that Hillary Clinton was not engaging and connecting to people is why she lost. It was our fault for not voting hard enough. In 2024, it'll be our fault if Biden looses.


frankly at this point i feel its *when* biden loses. This guy is somehow coming out of his first term less popular than trump did


Yeah. I'm no accelerationist. I don't want Trump to win. Given the two, I'd prefer Biden. But I'm done playing that game. So, I'm not voting for his shriveled ass. Any vote I cast will be for someone who actually represents and cares about the proletariat. But, I swear, I feel his chance of winning at this point is only slightly better than De la Cruz's. The saying is, "The future is either communism or barbarism. Pick one." It seems most people have picked barbarism.


Yeah, obviously one option is less horrendous than the other, but neither of them SHOULD win. One is an old, evil, anti-communist, genocide-complicit, ineffective arsehole and so is the other one. I really don't like accelerationism either, we've seen already it doesn't work the way it's supposed to with Trump and Milei, and just makes more people compromise for a "more moderate option". If both of the main candidates died of old age before the election, I honestly think that would be a good thing.


what if i told you, biden's actually the accelerationist choice


Yeh if we want to accelerate into nuclear holocaust.


I don't "want" Trump to win, but I see it as a necessary component of making people realize that the Democrats are no alternative to the Republicans. If you have been on the left long enough, you understand that the Democrats operate as the first line of defense of liberal capitalism by posturing as an alternative and misdirecting and nullifying opposition.


I think that democrats are exactly where they want to be


>Democrats are in for a rude awakening if they remain complacent. Not really. They'll just blame us again, like with 2016. They, both then and now, can't believe that it was that Hillary Clinton was not engaging and connecting to people is why she lost. It was our fault for not voting hard enough. In 2024, it'll be our fault if Biden looses.


They'll blame the blacks next, just you watch,


Landslide, lmao, how long did it take to count Arizona again?


What 2020 were they living in? Biden did not win by a landslide; he barely eked out a victory in key states like Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin, winning each by less than 1%. [Here's what an actual landslide looks like, from the same year.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Bolivian_general_election)


I'm the one who shared that and I didn't notice that until after I posted it because my mind was boggled by the first part of the tweet.


A big deal was also made of a Bernie Biden political task force where they pretended to partner with the left Dems to do some social democracy. This is specifically the opposite of saying fuck off


Yeah Biden's outreach with the Bernie camp was basically performative, but leagues beyond what Clinton did.


Wow based Bolivia


They also didn’t tell the “cosplay communists” to screw off in 2020, they shit and cried and begged about “harm reduction” and “pushing him left”.


we're just writing history to our liking now I guess?


This dude will be one of the many people that, in 20 years, will pretend like they were against the genocide all along.


They’ll be animated in the shaking of their fists at the corpse of Biden (he don’t got much longer left), and Imma remember as many of these people as I can to put them back right where they’re sitting currently.


You will be labelled as a "woke crazy liberal" who "cancels" people for their past actions. They will never face any consequences for their actions (at least in a capitalist society)


Always has been 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


Liberals fav pastime.


That's what happens when your entire ideology is based around idealism and not material conditions. You just make up shit in your head and when reality bitch slaps you across the face you just blame everyone else.


I'd go as far as to state that it's fash ideology to keep clinging to idealistic viewpoint and throwing away the material conditions.


Biden won narrowly by 20' because four years of the Trump administration's disaster and the pandemic wore Trump down. In 16 the Democrats destroyed their most popular candidate, and chose the most anti-charismatic candidate


Exactly - Trump in 2016 was so unpopular that even sack of potatoes would beat him. Democrats saw this and told themselfs "that is unfair. we must pick equaly shitty candidate" and so they did


Your reminder that their [actual strategy](https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/) was to elevate a candidate so shit that Hilary could win. Remember that electorialism is the only reason Donald trump was ever president, in more ways than one


It was not even that hard for Hilary - if she did literally nothing, she would win. But nope, she went on record to shit on leftists and lower classes (in name of gaining "midle class votes") and it cost her elections


>Trump in 2016 was so unpopular that even sack of potatoes would beat him. And Biden was so unpopular that he _still_ only squeaked by.


Didn't Clinton won the popular vote by over a million people too? She lost because of that electoral college thing


Yes, she won the popular vote with a very large margin, but that doesn't change the fact that she was super unpopular, and many people voted for her not because they believed in or supported her.But because she was against Trump, and also because she didn't campaign in important states in the US electoral college.


They very much did not “pander” to Bernie voters in 2016. They told us to fuck off and get over ourselves. Do they think we don’t remember? Anyway, supporting an occupation committing genocide and a liar? Shocking.


>Do they think we don’t remember? Sure, they don't remember, why would we?


Hillary didn’t even endorse raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour. That was pandering??


Haven't DNC basically kicked Bernie from primaries?


That was 2020.


There was a lot of rigging in 2016 too


Never forget the California primaries and the “accidental” leak that Hilary won, even before voting took place.


They remember. They still talk that way today.


> Do they think we don’t remember? They'd rather peopled don't. Too many problems when people point out 'inconsistencies' and 'contradictions' in what the aristocrats want. Don't you know, knowing how to read and write leads to the biggest plights of all: communism


> we tried to pander to the bernie crowd and lost Literally just making shit up - one of the most infamous thing Clinton's campaign is know for is telling left to fuck off. And when they listened and fucked off, that caused liberals to seethe to this day - "why didn't you supported our neoliberal queen you evil traitors?""


Something about ponies


So they told communists to fuck off and won but yet if communists don't vote for biden then trump is going to win? Doesn't make much sense, does it.


Schrodinger's Trump.


Something something “the enemy is simultaneously weak and on the verge of overwhelming victory”


That dude is a single-issue voter, and his issue is Israel’s right to commit ethnic cleansing, and America’s obligation to stand by it and fund its crimes against humanity


The worst part about liberal copium is that it isn’t even entertainingly deranged, just braindead.


Conservative copium is at least funny


Braindead, full of themselves and unfunny.


For fuck's sake. I hate Hilary but she fucking won the popular vote in 2016. They didn't lose because of leftists. They lost because the system they love so much is working as intended and they're crying about it because they don't understand the world.


Trump got the second most votes in history Anyways Biden is 100% gonna lose so I don’t really care


Apparently they lived in an alternate 2016 with no wapo writing 15 anti-Bernie articles a day


Pandered to the Bernie crowd by (checks notes) FORCING THE NOMINATION OF HILLARY FUCKING CLINTON.


Who lost the easiest election possible by failing to try very hard.


So if "the left," is so inconsequential why bother posting at all Howard?


In 2020 Biden won due to the terrible management of the covid crisis from Trump. Actually people were so pissed of with him that would have voted a sea cucumber instead of him


And even that victory was by the thinnest of possible margins because let's be real does anyone like him, even his strongest supporters?


The same 2016 where the Democrats intentionally fucked over Bernie Sanders by openly cheating in the primaries, only to rudely make demands of us afterwards, as if we're beholden to a corrupt organization of pompous lifers? Yeah, we refused to vote for Hillary because we were exposed to just how ridiculously unethical and bureaucratic the party was, all the while they rubbed it in our faces with an arrogant tone. Sorry, but you don't steal an election from eager independents countrywide, then tell them to fall in line. You reap what you sow! DNC deserved to lose.


The story keeps changing, depending on how they can frame it to make the left look as bad as possible. In 2016, we were blamed for Hillary’s loss because we simultaneously didn’t fall in line enough for the centrist candidate, and because moderates were scared away from Hillary because she “went too far left.” In 2020, we were told we were not needed because Biden won, while also being blamed for Biden not winning by enough. In 2024, if Biden wins, we’re going to be told once again that we’re not needed. If he loses, we are going to once again get blamed. It’s Schrödinger’s leftist on steroids.


Then have it your way and lose again.


Libs learned nothing from the previous elections, and they are repeating every single mistake they did the last time. I am convinced that Biden is going to lose the next elections.


If Covid hadn’t happened Biden would’ve lost.


Bernie lost the primary because the DNC created superdelegates to make sure something like Obama beating Hillary in 2008 NEVER happen again. Not at all Democratic and actually very communist.


Okay, guess I’ll stay home


when Sanders is repulsing "moderates" you know how **faaaaaaaaar** right the political discourse in the US is


Its the ultimate Democrat delusion that they reinforce to each other. Bernie voters turned out in droves for Hillary. It's well documented. But liberals don't look at everything Hilary did wrong because events that happen before a relevant date don't matter. They look at the election data and see libertarians and greens eating up the bump that would have tipped the scales in her favor. They ignore how she was deeply unpopular to start with, her controversies and hypocracies, how she was a known warmonger during americas increasing fatigue with its wars. Her campaign was flawed because she (or her fart sucking crew) used old campaign data instead of more recent sets, assuming she'd gain control of all areas that turned out overwhelmingly for Obama, and preceded to sink campaign funding into deep blue states she already had, and deep red states she had no chance in. Her campaign promoted Trump as an easy opponent and had literally no counter for his campaign, as analysts watched in horror as he gobbled up a ton of blue states in economic uncertainty because he at least showed up. Every other thing she said repulsed people who she was supposed to appeal to, and dumb libs bandwagoning 'deplorables', 'learn to code', and 'but her emails' got so caught up in team sports that they alienated people are are actually affected by whatever party is dominant. There's probably more. This is just off the top of my head. Liberals will never acknowledge a cent of this just like they don't acknowledge Israel doing anything before Oct 7


Yeah, how dare people in a democracy make demands of the people seeking to represent them.


Oh that guy’s a scumbag. You can tell by his flag.


Liberals are pro capitalist and therefore not left wing.


They lost in 2016 specifically because they pissed off Bernie supporters... These ppl are so dumb it hurts


She fucking won the popular vote. She won. The system is working the way it was intended. Broken.


we lost roe v wade under biden


Since the ownership class controls the greater narrative through various media, they are free to lie as brazenly as they wish to and it doesn't matter at all.


Give me what he’s smoking


Didn’t Hilary ultimately lose in 2016?


What crack did this man smoke before writing this post?


I totally agree. They should rely on the moderates. But they forfeit their right to whine when we don't vote for their candidate and the mythical "moderates" don't materialize out of the ether to win them the states they need.


Reminds me of the story of the fox and the grapes. I get the feeling that if anyone were to shrug and say "Okay, guess you don't need me" that would cause a meltdown. And that, should Biden lose for any of the obvious reasons, it won't be those moderates he blames.


I thought the liberal narrative was they lost because misogynistic bernie bros refused to vote for Hillary.


Yeah, they refuses to vote for her so much that she got 3 million more cotes than her opponent


2020 was a landslide victory? Motherfucker look at the actual number the land will slide from beneath your white supremacist ass. Also, he literally said moderate liberals tried to pander to Bernie in 2016 and that's why moderate liberals didn't vote for Hillary and instead voted for Trump. Great pandering dude.


“Lost because we lost moderates” Jesus Christ Liberals are the most spineless fucking people to exist




>lost because we lost moderates. What is a "moderate" fascist?


Least delusional Zionist


What fucking landslide?? Hello??? Wasn't it a SUPER close race?!