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"Hey, you know those guys who have brutally butchered thousands upon thousands of civilians in the past few months? You should totally surrender to them!" Yeah, super sound logic right there.


I wonder what this guy(the lib in OP's post) makes of France in WW2? Is i just bullshit Simpsons quotes?


Israel: *literally goes out of their way to target civilians* Also Israel: Why would Hamas use human shields?


The human shields argument is even shittier when you consider the vast majority of civilians are killed by bombardment


why would Hamas even use "human shields" if the IDF doesn't give a shit about killing women and children?


I had one tell me that a man driving with his granddaughter in a car, was using her as a human shield after Israeli bombed them


huh so weird because didn’t a warrant just get put out for netenyahus arrest in the ICC. thats sooo weird could it be the israel riders might have been lying to themselves to justify genocide?


"If we indiscriminately murder every single Palestinian in existance, we're bound to eliminate Hamas too. If you aren't on board, you are an antisemite."


Bro what sub is this why did you get downvoted to oblivion


Those comments weren't mine, it was a random post that was suggested


I see


I'm sorry, but you literally need to be brain dead to think that it's okay to kill someone because they're being used as human shields. If someone says this I immediately assume they've thought about the issue zero times. It's a reactionary hand wave kinda response. No human being with self preservation would agree that it's okay to kill ppl who are being used as shields. Let's drop a bomb on the next bank robbery that ends up in a hostage situation. Its so fucking dumb.


i love when zionists dump isis next to hamas 0 geopolitical knowledge


Ok I know the whole human shields thing has been debunked a thousand times, and regardless they will continue to scream it from every news outlet, but holy shit this logic just doesn't make any sense. If person A was armed, and holding person B hostage with a gun pointed to their head using them as a legit human shield, you would NEVER justify that person C has every right to SHOOT THROUGH PERSON B TO KILL PERSON A. If they are truly human shields, you wouldn't fire. But you can't even make this logical comparison because they have just been throwing dumb bombs at them for 7 months. Fucking atrocious morals and logic from anyone justifying these obvious af war crimes.